change total amount in tree view odoo invoice - odoo

I want to change decimal precision of total in tree view Invoice
For Example:
FROM 252.301.25 ==> TO This 253.301.250
In footer of tree view Invoice

Settings -> Database Structure -> Decimal Accuracy to change decimal precision in odoo. Refer this link for more details.
You can also use digits in field declaration for this.
` total = fields.float('Total ', digits=(16,4))`
you can give the value according to your need,if you need 1.000 change it to (16,3) if needed 1.00 then change it to (16,2).


Invoice API response with only 2 decimal places for field UnitAmount (Unit Price)

Today i noticed, that Xero Accounting API, endpoint Invoices, Get Invoice returns array with LineItems.
The problem is, that API returns 2 decimal places for field UnitAmount,
enter image description here
but on UI we can see 3 decimal places (Unit Price)
enter image description here
Quantity is with 4 decimal places :)
How can i get UnitAmount with 3 decimal places?
Can you try adding the unitdp=4 parameter in your GET call, this should override the default 2dp response

How do the field res_currency.rounding works in odoo

I need to hide all decimal values from the sub_total and total_amount of the sale_orders.
For that opened the currency settings from _ Accounting->Multicurrencies -> Currencies _ and then set Rounding Factor from 0.010000 to 0.000000 (got this clue from somewhere on the internet).
However, this produces a divide by zero error on Confirm Sale, when the total_amount is zero (due to 100% discounts)- specifically at
File "/opt/bahmni-erp/odoo/addons/account/models/", line 63, in _compute_matched_percentage
move.matched_percentage = total_reconciled / total_amount
The code block at that location is
if float_is_zero(total_amount, precision_rounding=precision_currency.rounding):
move.matched_percentage = 1.0
move.matched_percentage = total_reconciled / total_amount
That float_is_zero is calling some other set of functions and finally executes the else part and the division error.
When I set the rounding to 1.000000 - I think the issue is getting resolved and there's no such error now.
I couldn't find much documentation about the behavior of this field and how it's getting used under Odoo.
Could you please confirm whether the above solution is okay and won't make any more side effects?
To work around this,
change digits from (12,6) to (12,10).
Find file vim /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/openerp/addons/base/res/ and search for the next strings:
1- First Change:
rate= fields.function(_get_current_rate, string='Current Rate', digits=(12,10),
2- Second Change:
class res_currency_rate(osv.osv):
_name = "res.currency.rate"
_description = "Currency Rate"
rate= fields.float('Rate', digits=(12, 10), help='The rate of the currency to the currency of rate 1'),
Hope It helped.

Odoo force a field higher than x

In sales order, there is a field discount %. Is it possible to ensure the users only input value lower than x and it will not accept any value higher than x.
You can achieve this with creating a function using #api.onchange('discount') decorator on python code to ensure discount value is not higher than x, if higher then set x to discount field and also possible to show warning popup from that function.
But if python code change is not prefered, you can also achieve this with Automated action where you create a new rule on sale.order.line, set trigger On form modification, action Execute python code and add the following code
if > 10: = 10
Where 10 is the value of x. This will ensure discount is always less than x.
Op1: If you want to ensure that behaviour you can add an sql constraint to the database, this will work fine if your X value never change, something like this:
_sql_constraints = [
('discount_less_than_X', 'CHECK(discount < X)', 'The discount value should be less than X'),
This constraint will trigger in all cases(create, write, import, SQL insert).
Replace X with the value desired.
Op2: Use decorator api.constrains, get X value from somewherelse and apply the restriccion, something like this:
def _check_discount(self):
# Create a key:value parameter in `ir.config_parameter` table before.
disscount_max_value = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('disscount_max_value')
for rec in self:
if rec.disscount > int(disscount_max_value):
raise ValidationError('The discount value should be less than {}'.format(disscount_max_value))
I hope this answer can be helful for you.

Global / Line Discount for Sale/Purchase/Account

[Odoo 14 Community Edition]
I need to customize Global and Line Discounts (amount & percentage) into Sale / Purchase / Account.
I have done the Sale and Purchase parts. It is just adding fields and a few logics here and there and send the data to Account (account.move) by prepare_invoice methods.
Now here's the issue I am facing -- The Account. I am having a tremendous confusion of where I should modify. After I tried to understand and tracked the flow of the standard invoicing/billing, I am at lost. There are too many functions/variables for me, who do not understand accounting, to try to get the whole idea out of it.
I did add the discount fields that I need. However, the standard calculation of price / taxes / credit / debit are messed up when I try to inherit some methods that I think I should modify. I ended up having incorrect taxes, unbalanced credit/debit, and incorrect total amount.
I tried editing here and there (by inheriting of course. I can still rollback everything I did).
The point is that I need precise suggestions and/or directions of what functions/methods I should inherit just enough to make discount possible. I have 2 Line Discount fields (amount and percent) and 2 Global Discount (also amount and percent). The calculation between them is not the point of interest here. The only problem at this point is to integrate these fields (from SO, PO, and manually created) into the calculation of everything in Invoicing/Billing.
Here are the fields:
global_discount_amount = fields.Float(string='Global Discount Amount', compute=compute_global_discount_amount, store=True)
global_discount_percent = fields.Float(string='Global Discount Percent', compute=compute_global_discount_percent, store=True)
discount_line_amount = fields.Float(string='Disc. Line Amount', compute=compute_discount_line_amount, store=True)
discount_line_percent = fields.Float(string='Disc. Line %', compute=compute_discount_line_percent, store=True)
Right now, I am messing with some methods such as: (a few examples)
Most of the modifications are written by copying the whole method from standard into my new model (inherit that standard model) and edit some codes here -- Override the standard code from my understanding.
Function computation/execution either depends on other fields value change or compute every time form/listview load.
Check in your case what is depends on the function compute_global_discount_amount and compute_global_discount_percentage
For better developing/troubleshooting, remove any #depends() fields declaration on the functions. Additionally, remove the store=True attribute temporarily. It will help you to narrow down the issue. And make sure you get the correct numbers.
Once you get it, add back fields depending.
Here is a sample example of a method (Odoo 14 CE) override which will be executed during compute amount.
def _compute_amount(self):
for record in self:
def compute_global_discount_amount(self):
for record in self:
# Execute your logic for compute global_discount_amount
record.global_discount_amount = $$$$
have a look at apply_discount function in an inherited class of sale.order
def apply_discount(self, cr, uid, ids, discount_rate):
cur_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency')
res = {}
line_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order.line')
for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=None):
for line in order.order_line:
line_obj.write(cr, uid, [], {'discount': discount_rate}, context=None)
return res
A new column was added to the new inherited subclass of sale order
'discount_rate' : fields.float('Discount rate'),
Then in the sale order view (an inherited one) placed the new field discount on the sale.order.view and fired an event on the on_change of the value passing the self value of the field to the on_change event
In this way you can apply discount sequentially to the rows of the order without altering the normal process.
Firstful, please pardon my English. Then let's get into the core, I guess that this is exactly the task that I was assigned. Luckily that I was not alone, I was guided by my so-called senior which showed me the way in order to achieve the Global Discount for Invoice and Bill.
By looking at your methods listing, you were already on the right path!
So now, let me help you much as I can
As in my case, I didn't put any new field regarding the Global Discount in Account Move Line model, even though in Sale Order Line and Purchase Order Line Global Discount fields do exist.
All and all, here are the methods that need to be customized:
I heavily modified the 3rd and 4th methods. However, I think that I still have some bugs, don't hesitate to tell me.

How can I set the pricelist discount to a product when I create a sale order line? In Odoo 9

I have a function who retrieves sale orders from an external server.
Then, I insert each sale order with order lines in the odoo database.
Everything is inserted fine, except the discount.
I have the pricelist in the sale order, with a discount (for example, a discount of 10% in every product), but in all the sale order lines the discount is 0%.
If I add a sale order line manually, the discount appears correctly (10%).
This is my code:
vals = {}
vals['order_id'] = downloaded_sale_order_id
vals['product_id'] = downloaded_product_id
vals['product_uom'] = downloaded_product_uom
new_line_id = self.env['sale.order.line'].create(vals)
I have entered in debug mode and realized that if I call some of these functions after the creation, the discount is applied
Option 1:
Option 2:
But... why they are not called when I launch the create order?
Am I missing something in the code?
You have following options for set discount inside the sale order line while creating it from external server source.
1) Just set discount as like other parameter like uom, product, price etc from the source data of external server if you got discount value from their.
2) You have to call product or uom onchange method to set the discount based on the onchange calling and this is the default and safe method to set most of the data according to the onchange. It will not miss any special fields which are inside any customization with onchange method. I specially recommend this method to use if any discount data is not coming from external server source.
3) You can manage manually calculation of discount based on the external server source like price and qty etc. And set it inside sale order line.
I hope this is very helpful to you. Do not hesitate to ask any thing if not clear.