Is there a exporter for rabbitmq:v3.5.6 - rabbitmq

I want monitor the rabbitmq:v3.5.6 by prometheus, so,the firstly I need a exporter to scrape the rabbitmq's Metrics. I checked the official website and
don't find there is any exporter can corresponde to rabbitmq3.5.6 version. someone can advise me ?


How to deploy Tensorflow TFX pipeline with Git/Jenkins Orchestrating in Apache beam

I’ve searched google and stack for this solution in pieces and can’t seem to get a foot hold. My main cloud of unknowing is if Apache beam has the ability to ingest a TFX pipeline config file via git/Jenkins and can kickoff via api or cli the pipeline. For some reason I can’t find clear documentation on it. If anyone has documentation that would be great! I’ll continue my search as well. I’m hoping someone has done this before as I am stuck with Jenkins for deployment.
If your Jenkins has permission to build/run a Java or Python (or Go) program, it can launch a Beam pipeline.

Openstack Octavia - How to Load balance Web Applications

I am trying to fire up Octavia Load balancer to balance user requests over 5 servers running a web application. I have been searching for a tutorial on this as the OpenStack API does not give a detailed guideline.
A brief background to my current OpenStack setup. We have OpenStack installed using juju and Octavia was installed also using juju, this link and this is the overlay bundle used After this installation, to bring Octavia up is my problem. I followed this tutorial, but it seems to be doing what the juju commands did, so I am at a loss to how I am supposed to start up an Octavia instance.
Can someone point me to a resource that explains this?
Thank you.
glad to have you trying out Octavia.
The document you are looking for is the load balancing cookbook:
It is included in our end-user section of the Octavia documentation here:

What is the SOLR plugin for Liferay meant for?

I am using Liferay 6.1 and I am trying to learn how to incorporate search functionality into Liferay Portal. I was able to run Apache SOLR inside Liferay's tomcat container but I don't understand what the solr plugin for liferay is meant for.
Here is the link
Can someone please explain what are the benefits for using the plugin (for liferay) and what it accomplishes on top of using SOLR?
Per this link it is to externalize the search function from the portal.
Using Solr instead of Lucene gives you the additional capabilities of Solr such as Replication, Sharding, Result clustering through Carrot2, Use of custom Analyzers/Stemmers etc.
It also can offload search server processing to a separate cluster.
Opens up the possibilities of search driven UI (facetted classification etc) separate from your portal UI.

How To implement LuceneNet using Amazon S3

I'm trying to implement Lucene in my app using Amazon S3 to storage the indexes that I generate, but I can find any code examples or a clear article. So anyone that have some kind of experience with this please give a guide or something that can help me start
There's a similar question here.
Here's an interesting article of how the biggest Solr service provider Lucid Imagination proposes to deploy their Solr implementation on EC2.
And here's their Search-as-a-Service solution.
If you're not bound to S3, you can use dedicated Solr cloud service called WebSolr.
Also, if you need complete ALM/CI solution for your development project, there's a WebSolr module included in CloudBees.

Amazon S3 for Software Delivery

I hope someone can help me answer this dilimma I'm having.
I am getting ready to release my new software and its associated content files. Since the File size for the Full version is Huge, I cant use normal software delivery methods. The main download is 450MB and then add-on packs at around 250MB for each add-on product.
So I plan to use Amazon S3 Servers to Host and Deliver Software.
Does anyone have any real-life
situations on the pro's and cons of
this method for the way I want to
use the system?
Does Amazon S3 offer Resumable downloads?
Is there a open source tool that I can use and modify that I can give to my end users to use as a downloader tool, which I can program so that they can download only what they have ordered and also give Expirable download links?
Is there a commercial tool thats available for the above task?
I need some advise on how I would automate all this for each user. Once a customer finalizes an order, I am ok with manually processing som stuff for delivery, but automated is the best.
thanks everyone.