I have a sporadic problem with Bootstrap Vue Modal.
I’m not that experienced with Vue and I’m not able to show the entire code because of my agreement with the project owner, also, it would be too much code to show anyway, so I’ll explain the issue. I’m hoping to get some hints to see what the issue can be because I’m out of ideas. So, here is the project info and issue I’m having:
I have created an event calendar.
The calendar shows month format and events are listed inside each day.
I stored year, month and day variable in the Vue instance data section.
I created a method that sets the calendar (setCalendar: function (year, month)).
I used “created” to setup the year, month and day as the current date when the page is loaded and vue is initialized and setCalendar.
I created Previous and Next buttons and next and previous functions which when clicked, the functions deducts (month--) or adds (month++) accordingly and sets the year, month and sets the calendar, (setCalendar).
I created <b-link v-b-modal="event.today_date + '-' + (index)"> and related modals <b-modal :id="event.today_date + '-' + (index)" :title="event.event_title"> for each <b-link>
When the page is initially loaded, the links to modals work perfectly, but for example, if I click on Previous button and load June calendar and events, and click on Next button to go back to July calendar and events, there will be one or two July <b-link> that links to June modals and the rest of <b-link> for July works fine. So, when I load June calendar and events and go back to July calendar and events, about 10% of July b-links, link to the June modals and of course when I click on those b-links, it does not load the modals because the modals do not exists in July calendar.
I can see this using Vue dev tools. When I click on a none working <b-link>, it links to a modal from the previous or next month. This is only affecting 10% of b-links and it only happens when I load the previous or next month calendar.
I appreciate if anyone can give me a clue as to what is causing this.
#Bert had the correct answer and solved the puzzle.
I used unique keys for all b-links and b-modals, and everything started working as it should.
We are running GA4 measurements with GTM embedded in our Shopify store.
It is generally working fine, but the purchase event is occasionally firing in duplicate.
I checked the search report and found several pages with 2 purchase events and 1 display count. (Not all, but only some of them.)
We created a test environment and ran the operation several times, but the same phenomenon did not occur.
I think that GTM is probably sending the purchase event twice, but I have no idea why this is happening.
I have written the js to send the event as window.dataLayer.push and send it only once on the page.
I would appreciate any information you can give me if you are having similar problems or if you have solved the problem.
Thank you in advance.
Having similar issue in Shopify Plus store. Not only purchase, but events view_item , add_to_cart are triggered twice. This view_item marked 34 on screenshot event is gtag event pushed to datalayer automatically , at the same time event view_item marked 36 is my datalayer push
Tried to investigate why is it pushed automatically and found this push in Console .Seems these duplicating events are connected with Google Shopping App conversion events because when I compared conversion labels of them in my Google Ads account , they were the same as in Tag Assistant extension and in Google Ads account (last picture contains begin_checkout event label, view_item conversion was deleted)
This app is called Feed for Google Shopping if you search in your Shopify admin or also its site is https://gsf.simprosysapps.com/.
Also tried to Deactivate in this Google shopping app Google ads conversion tracking tag but it does not help. Now I am trying to find a way how to turn off these conversion events and get rid of these pushes. Maybe if there will be possibility just to rename them, they will not double in GA4 property.
I want to have a custom button that shows next/before month/year in PrimeVue. It has a calendar component but could not find the available method to implement the function.
Does anyone know how?
i've implemented a v-calendar base on the vuetify docs , but i'm not able to disable the click event for the past days so the user can't create events in the past days , thanks
You need to check a event and if event start date < today, do return
But also you can do it before push to events
I have the case that I push some parameters to the nuxt router (https://router.vuejs.org/guide/essentials/navigation.html) whenever somebody visits a page without any parameters.
somebody visits: /program it will end up in /program/first-event?year=2018&month=6
(First the view filters the program for current events (therefore the parameters for this year and this month) and then from the filtered events it will set the first event as active post (also by pushing it to the router).
This is all wanted and good. BUT now I detected the following problem:
Somebody is visiting /aboutus and then navigates to /program, the router will automatically change to /program/url-of-event-post?year=2018&month=6.
Assuming the user wants to go back to /aboutus he clicks on the browser back button. This will bring him back to: /program which automatically adds the post and the parameters again (effectively moving one step forward again).
Means the user is caught in clicking endlessly on the back button.
My approach would be to try to register if a user clicks on the back button and if so, I would not add the parameters. But I don't know how to do this.
I thought the router would provide some 'from' property, but so far I did not find anything.
I would be very happy to hear some thoughts on this. Thank you heaps in advance.
You need use router.replace.
I'm moving a shop over to Shopify. This shop has monthly shows where one time items are offered for sale, and every show is archived on a "Past Shows" page.
Naturally, every show is a collection - such as "January 1 - January 31 2014", "February 1 - February 28 2014" and so on. This dates back about 7 years, right now there are 111 and that number increases every month.
Displaying them on their own specific page is where the question comes in. From my research it seems the best way to do something like this is using a link list, however in my testing a link list becomes unwieldy with this many links. The dashboard page for editing the link list constantly hangs; every time I add a new show it appears at the bottom of the list and then I need to drag it all the way back to the top of the page.
It works, but there must be a better way right? Is there no way to tag a collection?
You can't tag collections, but you can tag products within collections.
If I understand your situation correctly, perhaps you could tag the products in your past show collections (or at least one product in each collection) with "past-show". Then loop through the global collections variable and check for each collection if collection.all_tags contains "past-show". That would give you all the past show collections without needing to add them to a link list, and then you can display them however you want (dropdown / links / etc.).