I have a table as follows
name1 | name2
ishi | python
ishi | scala
ishi | java
sangee | java
sangee | c#
I need a output as
ishi : python
ishi : scala
ishi : java
sangee : java
sangee : c#
How to join two column as one concatenated with colon : ?
You can use concat_ws() for that:
select concat_ws(' : ', name1, name2) as name
from the_table;
concat_ws() will properly deal with NULL values and empty strings (unlike e.g. name1||' : '||name2)
With follow up of your previous question's answer, using CONCAT() function will give the expected result:
select CONCAT(st.name1, ' : ', dm.name2) AS name
from mainpk ms
join student st on st.id1 = ms.id1
join domain dm on dm.id2 = ms.id2
or using the string concatenation operator ||
select st.name1 || ' : ' || dm.name2 AS name
I have the following query which provides me with all the data I need exported but I would like text '' removed from my final query. How would I achieve this?
| where type == "microsoft.security/assessments"
| project id = tostring(id),
Vulnerabilities = properties.metadata.description,
Severity = properties.metadata.severity,
Remediations = properties.metadata.remediationDescription
| parse kind=regex id with '/virtualMachines/' Name '/providers/'
| where isnotempty(Name)
| project Name, Severity, Vulnerabilities, Remediations ```
You could use replace_string() (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/replace-string-function) to replace any substring with an empty string
In Vertica DB we have an attribute column that is either comma-separated or enclosed within inverted commas (double and single applicable). When we do an s3 export query on Vertica DB we get the CSV file but when we validate it through an online CSV validator or s3 select query formatted we get an error.
SELECT S3EXPORT(* USING PARAMETERS url='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.csv', delimiter=',', enclosed_by='\"', prepend_hash=false, header=true, chunksize='10485760'....
and suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
PS: Reading manually every row and checking columns is not the choice
example attributes:-
select uid, cid, att1 from table_name where uid in (16, 17, 15);
uid | cid | att1
16 | 78940 | yel,k
17 | 78940 | master#$;#
15 | 78940 | "hello , how are you"
S3EXPORT() is deprecated as from Version 11. We are at Version 12 currently.
Now, you would export like so:
, filename='indata'
, addHeader='true'
, delimiter=','
, enclosedBy='"'
SELECT * FROM indata;
With your three lines, this would generate the below:
dbadmin#gessnerm-HP-ZBook-15-G3:~$ cat /tmp/export/indata.csv
15,78940,"\"hello \, how are you\""
Do you need a different format?
Then, try this : ...
, filename='indata'
, addHeader='true'
, delimiter=','
, enclosedBy=''
, cid
, QUOTE_IDENT(att1) AS att1
FROM indata;
... to get this:
dbadmin#gessnerm-HP-ZBook-15-G3:~$ cat /tmp/csv/indata.csv
15,78940,"""hello \, how are you"""
I have this string (character varying) as a row value in Postgresql :
{'img_0': 'https://random.com/xxxxxx.jpg', 'img_1': 'https://random.com/yyyyyy.jpg', 'img_2': 'https://random.com/zzzzzz.jpg'}
I am trying to json_eact_text() it but can't figure out how to.
I have tried to_jsonb() on it (working) and then jsonb_each(), but I have this error :
ERROR: cannot call jsonb_each on a non-object
My query :
test AS (
SELECT to_jsonb(value) as value FROM attribute_value WHERE id = 43918
SELECT jsonb_each(value) FROM test
Your text value is not valid JSON. JSON requires doublequotes (") to delimit strings.
This will work by doctoring your text provided that your data is consistently wrong:
with t (sometext) as (
values ($${'img_0': 'https://random.com/xxxxxx.jpg', 'img_1': 'https://random.com/yyyyyy.jpg', 'img_2': 'https://random.com/zzzzzz.jpg'}$$)
select jsonb_each_text(replace(sometext, '''', '"')::jsonb)
from t;
(3 rows)
To break this out into columns:
with t (sometext) as (
values ($${'img_0': 'https://random.com/xxxxxx.jpg', 'img_1': 'https://random.com/yyyyyy.jpg', 'img_2': 'https://random.com/zzzzzz.jpg'}$$)
select j.*
from t
cross join lateral jsonb_each_text(replace(sometext, '''', '"')::jsonb) as j;
key | value
img_0 | https://random.com/xxxxxx.jpg
img_1 | https://random.com/yyyyyy.jpg
img_2 | https://random.com/zzzzzz.jpg
(3 rows)
Folks, I'm trying to extract value of 'status' from below string(column name: people) in hive. The problem is, the column is neither a complete JSON nor stored as an Array.
I tried to make it look like a JSON by replacing '=' with ':', which didnt help.
[{name=abc, org=true, self=true, status=accepted, email=abc#gmail.com}, {name=cab abc, org=false, self=false, status=needsAction, email=cab#google.com}]
Below is the query I used:
FROM table
LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE (TRANSLATE(people,'=',':')) exploded as str;
but I'm getting below error:
FAILED: UDFArgumentException explode() takes an array or a map as a parameter
Need output something like this:
name | org | status
-------- ------- ------------
abc | true | accepted
cab abc | false | needsAction
Note: There is a table already, the datatype is string, and I
can't change the table schema.
Solution for Hive. It possibly can be optimized. Read comments in the code:
with your_table as ( --your data example, you select from your table instead
select "[{name=abc, org=true, self=true, status=accepted, email=abc#gmail.com}, {name=cab abc, org=false, self=false, status=needsAction, email=cab#google.com}]" str
select --get map values
m['org'] as org ,
m['name'] as name ,
m['self'] as self ,
m['status'] as status ,
m['email'] as email
(--remove spaces after commas, convert to map
select str_to_map(regexp_replace(a.s,', +',','),',','=') m --map
from your_table t --replace w your table
lateral view explode(split(regexp_replace(str,'\\[|\\{|]',''),'}, *')) a as s --remove extra characters: '[' or '{' or ']', split and explode
true abc true accepted abc#gmail.com
false cab abc false needsAction cab#google.com
Time taken: 1.001 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)
I want to migrate data from one column (varchar) to another column (jsonb)
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('merchants_id_seq'::regclass)
name | character varying | not null
nameb | jsonb | not null default '{}'::jsonb
So that nameb will became {"en": "$name"} where $name is a value in name field.
For example:
SELECT name, nameb
name | nameb
hello | {}
world | {}
name | nameb
hello | {"en": "hello"}
world | {"en": "world"}
With regualar types I can do UPDATE SET whatever = (SELECT ...), but How to do this with jsonb?
UPDATE merchants SET nameb = (SELECT '{"en": "fillme!"}'::jsonb); works, but how to set "fillme!" value from another field?
This can be done with jsonb_build_object function which allows you to build json objects from simple data types.
So to do what you want:
update merchants set nameb = nameb || jsonb_build_object('en', name)
With json_build_object we are making {"en": "hello"}, {"en": "world"} ..dynamically based on value from "name" column.
After that we can simply concat to jsonb values with || operator.
This will not work if nameb is NULL because NULL will "eat" everything and result will be NULL again.
In that case I'd suggest to use COALESCE:
update merchants set nameb = COALESCE(nameb, '{}') || jsonb_build_object('en', name)
The other way to achieve the same is to use jsonb_set function. For this particluar case it's overkill, however it may be handy if you need to set some keys somewhere deeply in json:
update merchants set nameb = jsonb_set(nameb, '{en}', ('"' || name || '"')::jsonb)
This looks weird because we have to construct string surrounded of quotes , i.e: '"hello"' to set it as value for 'en' key. In case if you need to set some json, jsonb_build_object is more handy.
I found solution:
UPDATE merchants AS m1
SET nameb = (
SELECT row_to_json(t) FROM (
SELECT name as en FROM merchants AS m2 WHERE m1.id = m2.id
) t
Not sure if it's right, but it works
Yes, jsonb_build_object is best choice.
UPDATE merchants
SET nameb = jsonb_build_object('en', "name",
'cs', '')
name | nameb
hello | {"en": "hello", "cs": ""}
world | {"en": "world", , "cs": ""}