Programmatically Draw With Measurement Widget - arcgis

I'm using an ArcGIS scene with an AreaMeasurement3D widget to allow users to draw a region to provides some parameters for a db query. I would also like them to be able to type in coordinates and have the widget produce a measurement for them. I see there's a newMeasurement method available but it doesn't seem to support this. Is there some other way to programmatically draw a region with this widget?

It's not clear to me whether you want to reuse the AreaMeasurement3D widget to retrieve the actual measurements or use it to visualize the area. At this point the measurement tools do not support this.
I would suggest to use geometryEngine.geodesicArea() or geometryEngine.planarArea() to calculate a measurement from given coordinates.
Using a GraphicsLayer you could then visualize the area as shown in the Add Graphics sample.


Is there any way to draw a line diagram using array of x, y co-ordinates in appcelerator?

If I select one of these co-ordinates, I want to highlight that point on the diagram (by a circle or whatever shape possible). Also I would like to save it later on.
I'm not sure if Appcelerator is flexible enough to do all these things (My search didn't yield much apart from here, this only supports Android), If not I'll have to generate this diagram in my webservice and pull it back on UI once there is an update in the co-ordinate array.
I've used Chartist inside a webview and it worked great. It produces a SVG graph instead of a canvas object which performs better.
If you want to use hyperloop you can use Ti.AndroidCharts

Implementing a 3D Minimap for VR in Unreal Engine

I am working on a VR tower defense game. I want to place my towers on a small map of the field and at the same time show the field/units/towers on the small map, in 3D. Like this:
The map would be something like a small clone of the field. Is there a way to do so with camera etc. So that my minimap is just a re-render/clone of the field.
Sorry if this is the wrong place, but the Unreal Engine Forum is not working at the moment.
I dont know of a simple camera projection to 3D (since the camera map would be about scene capture onto 2D textures)
You can do a fake/tricky camera implementation tho. You just show a normal camera projection and put it into the world. Now you let the actual camera position depend on where the users location is in relation to the map.
You can cover this up with particle effects so it doesnt look like some TV that is following you....
depending on the complexity of your game and how u like the solution obove it might be better to implement a calculated model.
Like you have miniature models of everything u want to show on the map and then let a map class project every "object that is shown on map" the miniature version onto the map object.
Ofc this requires tons of work compared to just setting up a camera but you have alot of better control of how the map looks and what it can do (u could add functionallity, control options and special views etc....)

Simulating a map with DataVsualization.Chart

VB2010 I am using the DataVisualization.Charting.Chart control and am using it as a very crude map of several geographic points. I have that working and it looks good but am trying to see about adding an image to the chart so that it would simulate the land masses. The problem I see is that I zoom around the chart programmatically, so not sure how i can anchor the image to certain x,y coordinates. I don't want to go the whole GIS component as those types of controls are just too much for this fairly simple app.
Update: Well I sort of resolved it. I generated a full world map based on the WGS84 (some would call geographic) projection. This splits the world into perfect 20d x 20d squares. I added this graphic to the BackImage property of my main Chart. I add my points but force the extents of the graph to x: -180 to 180 and y: -90 to 90. Its crude but its actually spot on for my purposes. The only thing that i cant do is zoom in to my points of interest as the background image is static. I wish there was a way to zoom the background image to anchor parts of the image to coordinates on the graph.

Drawing maps without base images

I would like to draw a series of maps in an iOS application. Preferably, without using any image files as a base.
For example, I want to draw a map of the United States with states and counties outlined. Does anyone know of a way to do this?
By draw, I mean draw the map in code. Maybe using Apple's Map kit API?
You might want to look in here
to get the data. Then you can use the 2d graphics libraries to draw it.

Is it possible to animate markers in ArcMap?

I'm completely new to ArcGIS and ArcMap, but someone suggested this program to me for a project I'm working on.
I would like to animate individual entities on a map, and was wondering if it is possible to do so in ArcMap. I asked this earlier here and a member directed me to a tutorial on animating in ArcGIS. The animation in the guide was over a map spread (ie. each pixel on the map displays, say, a different color to indicate population data in the area). However I realized that if I zoom in a lot, eventually the image will degenerate into pixels, which is why I need an actual object to mark a certain point. I checked some online tutorials and it seems like we can place markers on the map. Can someone tell me if it is possible to animate these markers (for example via a for-loop)? And if so, could you point me in a direction where to start?
Thanks in advance!
You can animate layers in ArcMap is the short answer. Its not as simple as using the timeline feature in Google Earth for example though. But then ArcMap is much more than just a visualization tool.
This help page on the ESRI web help looks like a good place to start.
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by the image degenerates into pixels. Are you saying that the markers were single points in the layer. Unlike Google Earth you are not confined to simply plotting points on the map. You can draw completely arbitrary shapes in ArcMap, which can be defined to cover actual areas of the map, so when you zoom-in the shape gets larger.
The way you need to load data into ArcMap to produce an animation isn't too simple. There might be other ways to do this, but the way I know of is to generate a NetCDF file. This file contains a 3D matrix of layer data, where each layer is separated through time. Because you generate a matrix, you are effectively placing a raster image over the map. Thus if you want to cover a large area, each matrix becomes large, and you multiply that by the number of time slices you wish to animate over.
Once you have a NetCDF file with your data in however, getting ArcMap to animate it and produce say a .avi file is pretty simple.
You could try just loading some of the example NetCDF datasets into ArcMap to see how/if they will work to get you started.
Hope that helps.
The upcoming v10 will have better time-aware capabilities, which will allow for animation.