Why is scrapy suddenly giving me an *unpredictable* AttributeError, stating no attribute 'css' - scrapy

For my job, I built a scrapy spider to quickly check in on ~200-500 website landing pages for clues that the pages are not functioning, outside of just 400-style errors. (e.g. check for the presence of "out of stock" on page.) This check happens across approx. 30 different websites under my purview, all of them using the same page structure.
This has worked fine, every day, for 4 months.
Then, suddenly, and without change to the code, I started getting unpredictable errors, about 4 weeks ago:
url_title = response.css("title::text").extract_first()
AttributeError: 'Response' object has no attribute 'css'
If I run this spider, this error will occur with, say... 3 out of 400 pages.
Then, if immediately run the spider again, those same 3 pages are scraped just fine without error, and 4 totally different pages will return the same error.
Furthermore, if I run the EXACT same spider as below, but replace mapping with just these 7 erroneous landing pages, they are scraped perfectly fine.
Is there something in my code that's not quite right??
I'm going to attach the whole code - sorry in advance!! - I just fear that something I might deem as superfluous may in fact be the cause. So this is the whole thing, but with sensitive data replaced with ####.
I've checked all of the affected pages, and of course the css is valid, and the title is always present.
I've done sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get dist-upgrade on the server running scrapy, in hopes that this would help. No luck.
import scrapy
from scrapy import signals
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from scrapy.http.request import Request
from w3lib.url import safe_download_url
from sqlalchemy import and_, or_, not_
import smtplib
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
engine = create_engine('mysql://######:#######localhost/LandingPages', pool_recycle=3600, echo=False)
#conn = engine.connect()
from LandingPageVerifier.models import LandingPagesFacebook, LandingPagesGoogle, LandingPagesSimplifi, LandingPagesScrapeLog, LandingPagesScrapeResults
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
# today = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# thisyear = datetime.now().strftime("%Y")
# thismonth = datetime.now().strftime("%m")
# thisday = datetime.now().strftime("%d")
# start = date(year=2019,month=04,day=09)
todays_datetime = datetime(datetime.today().year, datetime.today().month, datetime.today().day)
print todays_datetime
landingpages_today_fb = session.query(LandingPagesFacebook).filter(LandingPagesFacebook.created_on >= todays_datetime).all()
landingpages_today_google = session.query(LandingPagesGoogle).filter(LandingPagesGoogle.created_on >= todays_datetime).all()
landingpages_today_simplifi = session.query(LandingPagesSimplifi).filter(LandingPagesSimplifi.created_on >= todays_datetime).all()
#Mix 'em together!
landingpages_today = landingpages_today_fb + landingpages_today_google + landingpages_today_simplifi
#landingpages_today = landingpages_today_fb
#Do some iterating and formatting work
landingpages_today = [(u.ad_url_full, u.client_id) for u in landingpages_today]
#print landingpages_today
landingpages_today = list(set(landingpages_today))
#print 'Unique pages: '
#print landingpages_today
# unique_landingpages = [(u[0]) for u in landingpages_today]
# unique_landingpage_client = [(u[1]) for u in landingpages_today]
# print 'Pages----->', len(unique_landingpages)
class LandingPage004Spider(scrapy.Spider):
def from_crawler(cls, crawler, *args, **kwargs):
spider = super(LandingPage004Spider, cls).from_crawler(crawler, *args, **kwargs)
#crawler.signals.connect(spider.spider_opened, signals.spider_opened)
crawler.signals.connect(spider.spider_closed, signals.spider_closed)
return spider
def spider_closed(self, spider):
#stats = spider.crawler.stats.get_stats()
stats = spider.crawler.stats.get_value('item_scraped_count'),
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
logitem = LandingPagesScrapeLog(scrape_count = spider.crawler.stats.get_value('item_scraped_count'),
is200 = spider.crawler.stats.get_value('downloader/response_status_count/200'),
is400 = spider.crawler.stats.get_value('downloader/response_status_count/400'),
is403 = spider.crawler.stats.get_value('downloader/response_status_count/403'),
is404 = spider.crawler.stats.get_value('downloader/response_status_count/404'),
is500 = spider.crawler.stats.get_value('downloader/response_status_count/500'),
scrapy_errors = spider.crawler.stats.get_value('log_count/ERROR'),
scrapy_criticals = spider.crawler.stats.get_value('log_count/CRITICAL'),
#mapping = landingpages_today
handle_httpstatus_list = [200, 302, 404, 400, 500]
start_urls = []
def start_requests(self):
for url, client_id in self.mapping:
yield Request(url, callback=self.parse, meta={'client_id': client_id})
def parse(self, response):
##DEBUG - return all scraped data
#wholepage = response.body.lower()
url = response.url
if 'redirect_urls' in response.request.meta:
redirecturl = response.request.meta['redirect_urls'][0]
if 'utm.pag.ca' in redirecturl:
url_shortener = response.request.meta['redirect_urls'][0]
url_shortener = 'None'
url_shortener = 'None'
client_id = response.meta['client_id']
url_title = response.css("title::text").extract_first()
# pagesize = len(response.xpath('//*[not(descendant-or-self::script)]'))
pagesize = len(response.body)
HTTP_code = response.status
####ERROR CHECK: Small page size
if 'instapage' in response.body.lower():
if pagesize <= 20000:
err_small = 1
err_small = 0
if pagesize <= 35000:
err_small = 1
err_small = 0
####ERROR CHECK: Page contains the phrase 'not found'
if 'not found' in response.xpath('//*[not(descendant-or-self::script)]').extract_first().lower():
#their sites are full of HTML errors, making scrapy unable to notice what is and is not inside a script element
if 'dealerinspire' in response.body.lower():
err_has_not_found = 0
err_has_not_found = 1
err_has_not_found = 0
####ERROR CHECK: Page cotains the phrase 'can't be found'
if "can't be found" in response.xpath('//*[not(self::script)]').extract_first().lower():
err_has_cantbefound = 1
err_has_cantbefound = 0
####ERROR CHECK: Page contains the phrase 'unable to locate'
if 'unable to locate' in response.body.lower():
err_has_unabletolocate = 1
err_has_unabletolocate = 0
####ERROR CHECK: Page contains phrase 'no longer available'
if 'no longer available' in response.body.lower():
err_has_nolongeravailable = 1
err_has_nolongeravailable = 0
####ERROR CHECK: Page contains phrase 'no service specials'
if 'no service specials' in response.body.lower():
err_has_noservicespecials = 1
err_has_noservicespecials = 0
####ERROR CHECK: Page contains phrase 'Sorry, no' to match zero inventory for a search, which normally says "Sorry, no items matching your request were found."
if 'sorry, no ' in response.body.lower():
err_has_sorryno = 1
err_has_sorryno = 0
yield {'client_id': client_id, 'url': url, 'url_shortener': url_shortener, 'url_title': url_title, "pagesize": pagesize, "HTTP_code": HTTP_code, "err_small": err_small, 'err_has_not_found': err_has_not_found, 'err_has_cantbefound': err_has_cantbefound, 'err_has_unabletolocate': err_has_unabletolocate, 'err_has_nolongeravailable': err_has_nolongeravailable, 'err_has_noservicespecials': err_has_noservicespecials, 'err_has_sorryno': err_has_sorryno}
#E-mail settings
def sendmail(recipients,subject,body):
fromaddr = "#######"
toaddr = recipients
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['From'] = fromaddr
msg['Subject'] = subject
body = body
msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'html'))
server = smtplib.SMTP('########)
server.login(fromaddr, "##########")
text = msg.as_string()
server.sendmail(fromaddr, recipients, text)
Expected results is a perfect scrape, with no errors.
Actual results are unpredicatable AttributeErrors, claiming that attribute 'css' can't be found on some pages. But if I scrape those pages individually, using the same script, they scrape just fine.

Sometimes Scrapy can't parse HTML because of markup errors, that's why you can't call response.css(). You can catch these events in your code and analyze broken HTML:
def parse(self, response):
your code
with open("Error.htm", "w") as f:
UPDATE You can try to check for empty response:
def parse(self, response):
if not response.body:
yield scrapy.Request(url=response.url, callback=self.parse, meta={'client_id': response.meta["client_id"]})
# your original code


Webcrawler - Scrapy Python

I need help with my webcrawler.
I got an invalid syntax here:
and also when I command "scrapy crawl FirstSpider > wordlist.csv" a csv file shows up but either is empty or not as structured as I want it to be.
I want to crawl 300 websites and need the data as structured as possible.
How can I get a csv file with the urls structured and then the count of the certain keywords next to it,
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
from scrapy.item import Item
import requests
def find_all_substrings(string, sub):
import re
starts = [match.start() for match in re.finditer(re.escape(sub), string)]
return starts
class FirstSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = "FirstSpider"
allowed_domains = ["www.example.com"]
start_urls = ["https://www.example.com/"]
rules = [Rule(LinkExtractor(), follow=True, callback="check_buzzwords")]
crawl_count = 0
words_found = 0
def check_buzzwords(self, response):
self.__class__.crawl_count += 1
wordlist = [
url = response.url
data = response.body.decode('utf-8')
count = 0
for word in wordlist:
substrings = find_all_substrings(data, word)
count = 0
word_counts = {}
links = []
"f = open('wordlist.csv', 'w')"
for pos in substrings:
ok = False
if not ok:
count += 1
word_counts[word] = {url: count}
for link in links:
page = requests.get(link)
data = page.text
for word in wordlist:
substrings = find_all_substrings(data, word)
count = 0
for word in wordlist:
substrings = find_all_substrings(data, word)
for pos in substrings:
ok = False
if not ok:
self.__class__.words_found += 1
print(word + ";" + url + ";" + str(count) + ";")
with open('wordlist.csv', 'w') as f:
for word, data in word_counts.items():
for url, count in data.items():
f.write("{},{},{}\n".format(word, url, count))
return Item()
def _requests_to_follow(self, response):
if getattr(response, "encoding", None) != None:
return CrawlSpider._requests_to_follow(self, response)
return []
I want to crawl websites for certain keywords (wordlist). My output should be a csv file with the following information: url, count of keyword found on the website.
I got an invalid syntax for the following ``` "f.write("{},{},{}\n".format(word,url,count))"
And the output csv file is often empty or does not crawl all the urls.
You have unnecessary quotation marks around lines 41 and 61
line 41 ---> "f = open('wordlist.csv', 'w')"
line 61 ---> "f.write("{},{},{}\n".format(word,url,count))"
Also usually you don't need to manually save data to a file because Scrapy has a built-in mechanism - Feed export
By using FEED_EXPORT_FIELDS setting you can specify which fields of the item should be exported and their order.
Here is the command to run the spider and save data to a file:
scrapy crawl FirstSpider -O url.csv
-O (capital 'O') means "rewrite a file"
-o (lowercase 'o') means "append to an existent file".

Can't yield paralel requests conducted by items pipeline

In my scrapy code I'm trying to yield the following figures from parliament's website where all the members of parliament (MPs) are listed. Opening the links for each MP, I'm making parallel requests to get the figures I'm trying to count. I didn't use metas here because my code doesn't just make consecutive requests but it makes parallel requests for the figures after the individual page of the MP is requested. Thus I thought item containers would fit my purpose better.
Here are the figures I'm trying to scrape
How many bill proposals that each MP has their signature on
How many question proposals that each MP has their signature on
How many times that each MP spoke on the parliament
In order to count and yield out how many bills has each member of parliament has their signature on, I'm trying to write a scraper on the members of parliament which works with 3 layers:
Starting with the link where all MPs are listed
From (1) accessing the individual page of each MP where the three information defined above is displayed
3a) Requesting the page with bill proposals and counting the number of them by len function
3b) Requesting the page with question proposals and counting the number of them by len function
3c) Requesting the page with speeches and counting the number of them by len function
What I want: I want to yield the inquiries of 3a,3b,3c with the name and the party of the MP
Problem: My code above just doesn't yield anything but empty dictionaries for each request
Note: Because my parse functions doesn't work like parse => parse2 => parse3 but rather I have 3 parallel parse functions after parse2, I failed to use the meta because I'm not yielding all the values at parse three. Therefore I preferred using the pipelines which apparently doesn't work.
Main code:
from scrapy import Spider
from scrapy.http import Request
from ..items import MeclisItem
import logging
class MvSpider(Spider):
name = 'mv'
allowed_domains = ['tbmm.gov.tr']
start_urls = ['https://www.tbmm.gov.tr/Milletvekilleri/liste']
def parse(self, response):
items = MeclisItem()
mv_list = mv_list = response.xpath("//ul[#class='list-group list-group-flush']") #taking all MPs listed
for mv in mv_list:
items['name'] = mv.xpath("./li/div/div/a/text()").get() # MP's name taken
items['party'] = mv.xpath("./li/div/div[#class='col-md-4 text-right']/text()").get().strip() #MP's party name taken
partial_link = mv.xpath('.//div[#class="col-md-8"]/a/#href').get()
full_link = response.urljoin(partial_link)
yield Request(full_link, callback = self.mv_analysis)
def mv_analysis(self, response):
items = MeclisItem()
billprop_link_path = response.xpath(".//a[contains(text(),'İmzası Bulunan Kanun Teklifleri')]/#href").get()
billprop_link = response.urljoin(billprop_link_path)
questionprop_link_path = response.xpath(".//a[contains(text(),'Sahibi Olduğu Yazılı Soru Önergeleri')]/#href").get()
questionprop_link = response.urljoin(questionprop_link_path)
speech_link_path = response.xpath(".//a[contains(text(),'Genel Kurul Konuşmaları')]/#href").get()
speech_link = response.urljoin(speech_link_path)
yield Request(billprop_link, callback = self.bill_prop_counter) #number of bill proposals to be requested
yield Request(questionprop_link, callback = self.quest_prop_counter) #number of question propoesals to be requested
yield Request(speech_link, callback = self.speech_counter) #number of speeches to be requested
yield items
def bill_prop_counter(self,response):
items = MeclisItem()
billproposals = response.xpath("//tr[#valign='TOP']")
items['bill_prop_count'] = len(billproposals)
def quest_prop_counter(self, response):
items = MeclisItem()
questionproposals = response.xpath("//tr[#valign='TOP']")
items['res_prop_count'] = len(questionproposals)
def speech_counter(self, response):
items = MeclisItem()
speeches = response.xpath("//tr[#valign='TOP']")
items['speech_count'] = len(speeches)
items.py code:
import scrapy
class MeclisItem(scrapy.Item):
name = scrapy.Field()
party = scrapy.Field()
bill_prop_count = scrapy.Field()
res_prop_count = scrapy.Field()
speech_count = scrapy.Field()
What's displayed at scrapy:
I checked many questions on stackoverflow but still couldn't figure a way out. Thanks in advance.
ps: Spent ten minutes seperately to colour the code above and couldn't make it either :(
Note: Because my parse functions doesn't work like parse => parse2 => parse3 but rather I have 3 parallel parse functions after parse2, I failed to use the meta because I'm not yielding all the values at parse three.
You can do it like this:
import scrapy
from scrapy import Spider
from scrapy.http import Request
# from ..items import MeclisItem
import logging
class MeclisItem(scrapy.Item):
name = scrapy.Field()
party = scrapy.Field()
bill_prop_count = scrapy.Field()
res_prop_count = scrapy.Field()
speech_count = scrapy.Field()
class MvSpider(Spider):
name = 'mv'
allowed_domains = ['tbmm.gov.tr']
start_urls = ['https://www.tbmm.gov.tr/Milletvekilleri/liste']
def parse(self, response):
mv_list = mv_list = response.xpath("//ul[#class='list-group list-group-flush']") #taking all MPs listed
for mv in mv_list:
item = MeclisItem()
item['name'] = mv.xpath("./li/div/div/a/text()").get() # MP's name taken
item['party'] = mv.xpath("./li/div/div[#class='col-md-4 text-right']/text()").get().strip() #MP's party name taken
partial_link = mv.xpath('.//div[#class="col-md-8"]/a/#href').get()
full_link = response.urljoin(partial_link)
yield Request(full_link, callback=self.mv_analysis, cb_kwargs={'item': item})
def mv_analysis(self, response, item):
billprop_link_path = response.xpath(".//a[contains(text(),'İmzası Bulunan Kanun Teklifleri')]/#href").get()
billprop_link = response.urljoin(billprop_link_path)
questionprop_link_path = response.xpath(".//a[contains(text(),'Sahibi Olduğu Yazılı Soru Önergeleri')]/#href").get()
questionprop_link = response.urljoin(questionprop_link_path)
speech_link_path = response.xpath(".//a[contains(text(),'Genel Kurul Konuşmaları')]/#href").get()
speech_link = response.urljoin(speech_link_path)
yield Request(billprop_link,
cb_kwargs={'item': item, 'questionprop_link': questionprop_link, 'speech_link': speech_link}) #number of bill proposals to be requested
def bill_prop_counter(self, response, item, questionprop_link, speech_link):
billproposals = response.xpath("//tr[#valign='TOP']")
item['bill_prop_count'] = len(billproposals)
yield Request(questionprop_link,
cb_kwargs={'item': item, 'speech_link': speech_link}) #number of question propoesals to be requested
def quest_prop_counter(self, response, item, speech_link):
questionproposals = response.xpath("//tr[#valign='TOP']")
item['res_prop_count'] = len(questionproposals)
yield Request(speech_link,
cb_kwargs={'item': item}) #number of speeches to be requested
def speech_counter(self, response, item):
speeches = response.xpath("//tr[#valign='TOP']")
item['speech_count'] = len(speeches)
yield item

automatic crawling web site

I got help from here to crawl on law.go.kr with the code below.
I'm trying to crawl other websites like http://lawbot.org, http://law.go.kr, https://casenote.kr.
But problem is that I have no understanding of html...
I understood all the code and how to get html address for the code below but it's different on other websites...
I want to know how to use the code below to crawl other web pages.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Using request get 50 items from first page. pg=1 is page number, outmax=50 items
per page
response = requests.post(
# Parse html using BeautifulSoup
page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
# Go through all pages and collect posts numbers in items
items = []
for i in range(1, 2):
# Get all links
links = page.select("#viewHeightDiv .s_tit a")
# Loop all links and collect post numbers
for link in links:
# Parse post number from "onclick" attribute
items.append(''.join([n for n in link.attrs["onclick"] if n.isdigit()]))
# Open all posts and collect in posts dictionary with keys: number, url and text
posts = []
for item in items:
url = "http://law.go.kr/precInfoR.do?precSeq=%s&vSct=*" % item
response = requests.get(url)
parsed = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
text = parsed.find('div', attrs={'id': 'contentBody'}).text #전문 저장
'id': 'contentBody', 제목제외 저장 'class': 'pgroup'
title = parsed.select_one("h2").text
posts.append({'number': item, 'url': url, 'text': text, 'title': title})
with open("D://\LAWGO_DATA/" + item + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
One more example for lawbot.org:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
base_url = 'http://lawbot.org'
search_url = base_url + '/?q=유죄'
response = requests.get(search_url)
page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
lastPageNumber = int(page.select_one("li.page-item:not(.next):nth-last-child(2)").text)
casesList = []
for i in range(1, lastPageNumber + 1):
if i > 1:
response = requests.get(search_url + "&page=" + str(i))
page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
cases = page.select("div.panre_center > ul.media-list li.panre_lists")
for case in cases:
title = case.findChild("h6").text
caseDocNumber = case.findChild(attrs={"class": "caseDocNumber"}).text
caseCourt = case.findChild(attrs={"class": "caseCourt"}).text
case_url = base_url + case.findChild("a")['href']
casesList.append({"title": title, "caseDocNumber": caseDocNumber, "caseCourt": caseCourt, "case_url": case_url})
# print("title:{}, caseDocNumber:{}, caseCourt:{}, caseUrl:{}".format(title, caseDocNumber, caseCourt, case_url))
for case in casesList:
response = requests.get(case["case_url"])
page = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
body = page.find(attrs={"class": "panre_body"}).text

Getting repeated requests from same url with different values

I am trying to crawl some data as my side project but I am having a problem gathering it. I have been trying for two day without much luck.
First problem:
When I crawl the post form the main page I get a wrong token.
Second problem:
I have read and I have tried to implement scrapy docs request to get the phone number but in vain,
or this answer
Third problem:
How would I go to implement the next page (comment out code inside gumtree.py).
Fourth problem:
I am now able to get the phone numbers but I am getting repeated requests to the same url with different values, [see results]
I would really appreciate if anyone could give me a direction.
My main goal is to crawl post that have phone numbers
I have tried to search stackoverflow but I couldn't find the proper post.
Many Thanks
BOT_NAME = 'crawler'
SPIDER_MODULES = ['crawler.spiders']
NEWSPIDER_MODULE = 'crawler.spiders'enter code here
USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.93 Safari/537.36"
gumtree.py [UPDATED]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import json
import scrapy
from scrapy import Request, Item, Field, Selector
def complete_link(string):
return string
class MyItem(Item):
token = Field()
post_id = Field()
post_url = Field()
phone_num = Field()
phone_url = Field()
class GumtreeSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "gumtree"
allowed_domains = ["gumtree.com"]
start_urls = [
def parse(self, response):
item = MyItem()
for href in response.css('a.listing-link::attr(href)').extract():
domain = 'https://www.gumtree.com' + href
request = Request(domain, callback=self.parse_post, meta={'domain':domain,'item':item})
yield request
# next_page = response.css('li.pagination-next a::attr("href")').extract_first()
# if next_page is not None:
# next_page = response.urljoin(next_page)
# yield Request(next_page, callback=self.parse)
def parse_post(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
item['post_url'] = response.meta['domain']
post_id = re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', item['post_url'])
if post_id:
item['post_id'] = post_id.group(1)
token = response.xpath('//script[contains(., "revealSellerTelephoneNumberToken")]').extract()
arr_token = re.findall(r'"([^"]*)"', str(token))
if len(arr_token) == 15:
item['token'] = arr_token[-2]
request = Request('https://www.gumtree.com/ajax/account/seller/reveal/number/' + item['post_id'], headers={'X-GUMTREE-TOKEN':item['token']}, callback=self.parse_phone, meta={'item':item})
yield request
def parse_phone(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
phone = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode())
item['phone_num'] = phone['data']
return item
results: [scrapy crawl gumtree -o ..\result.json]
{"post_url": "https://www.gumtree.com/p/ford/ford-galaxy-2.0-tdci-auto-titanium-7-seater-full-service-history-alloys/1214586540", "post_id": "1214586540", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE0ODYyMjgwMTUsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93d3cuZ3VtdHJlZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0ODYyNDk2MTQsImlhdCI6MTQ4NjIyODAxNCwiYWR2ZXJ0X2lkIjoxMjE0NTg2NTQwfQ.Lv0aCIKHo_2DbTcIw7RvE535PFAD5OX16_SFMDz--Cs", "phone_num": "004407488470949"},
{"post_url": "https://www.gumtree.com/p/ford/ford-galaxy-2.0-tdci-auto-titanium-7-seater-full-service-history-alloys/1214586540", "post_id": "1214586540", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE0ODYyMjgwMTUsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93d3cuZ3VtdHJlZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0ODYyNDk2MTQsImlhdCI6MTQ4NjIyODAxNCwiYWR2ZXJ0X2lkIjoxMjE0NTg2NTQwfQ.Lv0aCIKHo_2DbTcIw7RvE535PFAD5OX16_SFMDz--Cs", "phone_num": "004407488470949"},
{"post_url": "https://www.gumtree.com/p/ford/ford-galaxy-2.0-tdci-auto-titanium-7-seater-full-service-history-alloys/1214586540", "post_id": "1214586540", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE0ODYyMjgwMTUsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93d3cuZ3VtdHJlZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0ODYyNDk2MTQsImlhdCI6MTQ4NjIyODAxNCwiYWR2ZXJ0X2lkIjoxMjE0NTg2NTQwfQ.Lv0aCIKHo_2DbTcIw7RvE535PFAD5OX16_SFMDz--Cs", "phone_num": "01527853397"},
Have you checked that meta['item'] actually being passed to parse_token()?
I'd do the following:
meta = { 'item': item }
request = Request(response.urljoin(href), meta=meta, callback=self.parse_token)
yield request
I have found the solution.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re, json, scrapy
from crawler.items import CrawlerItem
from scrapy import Request, Item, Field, Selector
gumtree = 'https://www.gumtree.com'
getphone = 'https://www.gumtree.com/ajax/account/seller/reveal/number/'
class GumtreeSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "gumtree"
allowed_domains = ["gumtree.com"]
start_urls = [
def parse(self, response):
item = CrawlerItem()
pid = []
arr_url = []
for href in response.css('a.listing-link::attr(href)').extract():
if len(href) > 0:
post_id = u''.join(href).encode('utf-8').strip()
post_id = re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', post_id)
if post_id:
domain = gumtree + href
i = 0
while i < len(arr_url):
url = u''.join(arr_url[i]).encode('utf-8').strip()
request = Request(url, callback=self.parse_post, meta={'url':url,'item':item,'pid':pid[i]}, headers={'Referer':gumtree})
i += 1
yield request
next_page = response.css('li.pagination-next a::attr("href")').extract_first()
if next_page is not None:
next_page = response.urljoin(next_page)
yield Request(next_page, callback=self.parse)
def parse_post(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
item['post_id'] = response.meta['pid']
item['post_url'] = response.meta['url']
token = response.xpath('//script[contains(., "revealSellerTelephoneNumberToken")]').extract()
arr_token = re.findall(r'"([^"]*)"', str(token))
if len(arr_token) == 15:
item['token'] = arr_token[-2]
ref = item['post_url']
req = Request(getphone + item['post_id'], callback=self.parse_phone, headers={'X-GUMTREE-TOKEN':item['token'], 'Referer':ref}, meta={'url':response.meta['url'],'item':item})
return req
def parse_phone(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
item['post_url'] = response.meta['url']
phone = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode())
item['phone_num'] = u''.join(phone['data']).encode('utf-8').strip()
return item

requests + bs4 no results from pages

Here the code that can get info from https://www.gabar.org/membersearchresults.cfm
but cannot from https://www.gabar.org/membersearchresults.cfm?start=1&id=70FFBD1B-9C8E-9913-79DBB8B989DED6C1
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import traceback
links_to_visit = []
navigation_links = [] # for testing next button
base_url = 'https://www.gabar.org'
def make_soup(link):
r = requests.get(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
return soup
def all_results(url):
global links_to_visit
global navigation_links
soup = make_soup(url)
div = soup.find('div', {'class': 'cs_control'})
links = div.find_all('a')
for link in links:
if link.text == 'Next': # prev, next, new search
print('got it')
elif not '/MemberSearchDetail.cfm?ID=' in link.get('href'):
pass # I dont need that link
def start():
flag = 1
page = 1
while page < 60716:
flag = 0
if navigation_links[-1].text == 'Next':
flag = 1
next_link = navigation_links[-1]
page += 25
print(base_url + next_link.get('href'))
all_results(base_url + next_link.get('href'))
print('page is:', page)
if __name__ == '__main__':
What I need to understand or do if I want to get full result?
What you need to understand is that there is more than a URL to an HTTP-request. In this case, a search result is only available to the session that executed the search and can therefore only be paged through if you are the "owner" of that session. Most websites identify a session using session-cookies that you need to send along with your HTTP-request.
This can be a huge hassle, but luckily pythons requests takes care of all of that for you with requests.session. Instead of using requests.get(url) you initialize the session session=requests.session() and then use that session in subsequent requests session.get(url). This will automagically preserve cookies for you and in many ways behave like an actual browser would.
You can read more about how requests.session works here.
And last but not least, your fixed code =)
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import traceback
links_to_visit = []
navigation_links = [] # for testing next button
# we initialize the session here
session = requests.session()
base_url = 'https://www.gabar.org'
def make_soup(link):
# r = requests.get(link)
# we use the session here in order to preserve cookies across requests
r = session.get(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
return soup
def all_results(url):
# globals are almost never needed or recommended and certainly not here.
# you can just leave this out
# global links_to_visit
# global navigation_links
soup = make_soup(url)
div = soup.find('div', {'class': 'cs_control'})
links = div.find_all('a')
for link in links:
if link.text == 'Next': # prev, next, new search
print('got it')
elif not '/MemberSearchDetail.cfm?ID=' in link.get('href'):
pass # I dont need that link
def start():
flag = 1
page = 1
while page < 60716:
flag = 0
if navigation_links[-1].text == 'Next':
flag = 1
next_link = navigation_links[-1]
page += 25
print(base_url + next_link.get('href'))
all_results(base_url + next_link.get('href'))
print('page is:', page)
if __name__ == '__main__':