What happens with target_link_libraries(libstatic libfoo libbar)? - cmake

I am bit confused about linking libraries when our target is a static library.
For instance, for an executable it will help linker resolve undefined symbols. But, incase of a static libraries, why would it link at this stage?
Won't linking be done when I will link some executable against libstatic?

In CMake,
target_link_libraries(targetName PUBLIC lib1 lib2)
affects to the linker's argument in two scenarios:
PRIVATE: when the linker is called for the for the executable/library, corresponded to the target targetName.
INTERFACE: when the linker is called for the other executable/library otherTargetName, which is linked with targetName via
target_link_libraries(otherTargetName PUBLIC targetName)
This is known as transitive property of the linking libraries.
You are right that the linker is not called for the static libraries, so in that case the first scenario is eliminated.
But the second scenario remains: When you create the executable (or other shared library) and call
target_link_libraries(otherTargetName PUBLIC libStatic)
then CMake automatically links that executable(or shared library) with everything, to which libStatic is "linked" with target_link_libraries.
Such automation helps in structuring the project:
By calling
target_link_libraries(libStatic PUBLIC lib1 lib2)
you state, that libStatic uses functions defined in lib1 and lib2
By calling
target_link_libraries(otherTargetName PUBLIC libStatic)
you state, that executable/library otherTargetName uses functions from libStatic.
At this stage you don't care about internals of libStatic, whether it is self-contained or depends from some other libraries: CMake will care about this for you.
Note on using PUBLIC keyword in target_link_libraries: while in some cases this is equivalent to omitting the keyword, a modern CMake way is to specify keywords explicitly. See also policy CMP0023.
Other possible keywords are PRIVATE and INTERFACE, each of them selects only a single scenario described above.
Note that transitive linking property is a pure CMake feature and works only when linking to a target. The library file (.a or .lib) itself doesn't contain information about dependent libraries, so linking with a file doesn't trigger transitive linking.


Creating a executable out of a library in CMake, and linking the library in another library

I am trying to link foo-lib library into another target bar-lib however doing the following results in an error.
Cannot find source file: foo-lib
How can I create an executable out of a library and the same library can be linked into another target?
add_library(foo-lib STATIC src/foo.cpp)
add_executable(foo-ut foo-lib)
target_include_directories(foo-ut PRIVATE include)
target_link_libraries(foo-ut PUBLIC lib1 lib2)
# second library that links foo-lib
add_library(bar-lib STATIC src/bar.cpp)
add_executable(bar-ut bar-lib)
target_include_directories(bar-ut PRIVATE include)
target_link_libraries(bar-ut PUBLIC foo-lib)
This worked the way I wanted but I am not sure if I should be adding foo.cpp for the bar-ut target
add_executable(bar-ut src/foo.cpp src/bar.cpp)
I'm not going to question the design choices and what you need it for and if it is a good idea in any way. I will just provide you with a "scalable" way of doing this.
As the others pointed out add_executable() requires source files.
Now assuming that the source files that you use to create a static library contain a main() function. Then you can create (out of the same source files) an executable, by passing to the add_executable the same source files as you would to add_library.
As the program grows these would get lengthy, so what you should do is something that is no longer recommended by "CMake best practices" and that is to introduce a SOURCES variable. I.e.:
set(PROJECT_SOURCES source1.cpp source2.cpp source3.cpp)
set(PROJECT_HEADERS header1.h header2.h header3.h)
add_executable(foo-ut ${PROJECT_SOURCES} ${PROJECT_HEADERS}
As your program grows you would just add the respective files into the designated variables. Now as to possible improvements:
fabian mentioned a very good thing which is OBJECT libraries, since you are rebuilding the same files for both the executable and library you could just create an object library and link it. This would make it twice as fast (you only need to compile once).
Since these SOURCES are already once passed to some target, you could just get them from the target's properties via get_target_properties(MY_SOURCES foo-lib SOURCES) this would give you a variable MY_SOURCES that contains sources which are used by the target library.

semantics of target_link_libraries PRIVATE for a library target

In the CMake documentation for target_link_libraries, it says:
The PUBLIC, PRIVATE and INTERFACE keywords can be used to specify both the link dependencies and the link interface in one command.
Libraries and targets following PUBLIC are linked to, and are made
part of the link interface. Libraries and targets following PRIVATE
are linked to, but are not made part of the link interface. Libraries
following INTERFACE are appended to the link interface and are not
used for linking .
I don't quite understand how this applies to library targets.
Suppose my language is C or C++; that targets lib1 and lib2 are libraries, and that target e1 is an executable. Now, if I write:
target_link_libraries(lib1 PRIVATE lib2)
target_link_libraries(e1 PRIVATE lib1)
Will e1 necessarily be linked against lib2 when I build e1?
Note: If the answer differs depending on whether lib1/lib2 are static or dynamic libraries, please say so.
Will e1 necessarily be linked against lib2 when I build e1?
But e1 will not have INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES nor COMPILE_DEFINITIONS that are PUBLIC from lib2.

Is all of a static library included in a final product after linking?

Suppose I create an iOS application. I include a static library. I create an object of a class that is defined and implemented in static library. This object doesn't use other classes defined in the library. Will all of the static library be present in the application I build? The idea is that much of the static library contains unused code and wouldn't need to be present.
I believe there a flags that help determine the behavior -- if someone can spell out how this works, I sure would appreciate it.
A static library is an archive of object files. If you link against a static library libfoo.a then
the linker by default will link into your final executable all and only those object files in libfoo.a
that are required to provide definitions for the public symbols that are referenced by the program.
More specifically, if the linker finds the library requested (via the option -lfoo) at a given
point in the commandline sequence of object files and libraries to be linked, then it will
extract from the archive and link into the executable each object file in the archive that provides
a definition for any symbol that remains undefined up to that point in the linkage.
In so doing, definitions of unused public symbols may be redundantly linked into
your program, but only if they are found in an object file (whether free-standing or a member of
a library) that is not completely redundant.
If you do not want to tolerate even those potential redundancies, then a combination of
compiler and linker options can eliminate them: see this answer

Getting CMake to give an error/warning about unreferenced symbols

I'm wondering how I would go about making CMake produce an error, or at least a warning, when the linker cannot find symbols that are referenced in a source file?
For example, let's say I have foo.c:
#include "bar.h" //bar.h provides bar()
void foo(void)
In the case that I am building a static library, if i am not smart about how i have used my add_library() directive, the default behavior seems to be to not even give a warning that bar is an unreferenced symbols in foo's object archive file (.a)
The CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGSĀ compiler flags for building shared libraries should get the compiler to do what you want.
set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--no-undefined")
On Unix systems, this will make the linker report any unresolved symbols from object files (which is quite typical when you compile many targets in CMake projects, but do not bother with linking target dependencies in proper order).
Source: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Useful_Variables
There's the -z now for the GCC linker these days, but yeah, this isn't CMake's problem.
The most fool-proof way I've found only works on shared libraries, but what you do is basically write a test for each shared library and it then just does dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW) (and similar for Windows) and then use its return value as the test return value. To get a list of all shared objects, I have a wrapper function around add_library which adds all shared libraries to a global property which then is used to generate the tests dynamically. I remember there being some way to tell if a target was shared or static, but I'm not finding it the docs right now.

ObjC: How to compile static library that includes optional classes that depend on a third party library

I'm trying to find the best way to package a static library(lets call it Lib1) that includes an optional class(say, ClassA), which itself requires a second static library(Lib2). In other words, Lib2 is only needed if ClassA is referenced in the project's code. Things seem to work fine, unless Lib1 is used in a project that doesn't use ClassA(and hence does not include Lib2), but requires the -ObjC linker flag(because of other project dependencies, not mine).
I'm trying to come up with a an easy solution for the following three scenarios:
1) project includes my static lib, does NOT use the optional class, does not specify the -ObjC flag
2) project includes my static lib, does NOT use the optional class, but requires -ObjC flag
3) project includes my static lib + second static library, and DOES use the optional class (we don't care about the -ObjC flag at this point)
Is there a linker flag out there to strip my optional class out of the final project app so that it doesn't require the second static lib? I guess my other alternatives are to release multiple versions of my static lib, one that includes the option class(the standard choice), one that does not(the alternate, for projects with -ObjC requirements), or maybe supply a stub file, that supplies empty implementations of all the classes needed from the second static library? This seems like it could be a common problem in the static library world... is there a best practice for this scenario?
1) Suggest to my -ObjC users that they use -force_load instead. (thanks Rob!)
2) For users that can't do 1, I'll have a alternate build that does not include ClassA
The best practice is always to have the final binary link all the static libs required. You should never bundle one static library into another. You should absolutely never bundle a well-known (i.e. open-source) static library into a static library you ship. This can create incredible headaches for the final consumer because they can wind up with multiple versions of the same code. Tracking down the bugs that can come from this is insanely difficult. If they're lucky, they'll just get confusing compiler errors. If they're unlucky, their code will behave in unpredictable ways and randomly crash.
Ship all the static libraries separately. Tell your clients which ones they need to link for various configurations. Trying to avoid this just makes their lives difficult.
Some other discussions that may be useful:
Duplicate Symbol Error: SBJsonParser.o? (Example of a customer who ran into a vendor doing this to him)
Linking static libraries, that share another static library
Why don't iOS framework dependencies need to be explicitly linked to a static library project or framework project when they do for an app project?
The -ObjC flag should be preventing the automatic stripping of ClassA entirely, whether its used or not (see TN1490 for more details).
If ClassA is never used except in certain circumstances and you want to save space, you should probably move ClassA into its own static library. Or use #ifdef to conditionally compile it.
Alternately, you can remove the -ObjC flag and use -force_load to individually load any category-only compile units (which is the problem -ObjC is used to address).