Add Text To Email Thread - vba

I search my Sent Mail in Outlook and open the last email to a specified email address (this part is done).
I want to add text to the email chain, while keeping the previous messages intact.
The code below creates a "blank-slate" so that all of the previous email correspondence is lost.
What do I need to do to add text to the Body of the email?
FunctionComposeResponse(searchEmail As String, emailBody As String)
Dim currDateTime As Date: currDateTime = Now()
Dim tenDayPrior As Date: tenDayPrior = DateValue(CStr(Now())) - 10 & " 07:00:00 AM"
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olNS As NameSpace
Dim Fldr As Folder
Dim olReply As Outlook.MailItem
Dim msg As Object
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Fldr = olNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail)
For Each msg In Fldr.Items
If TypeName(msg) = "MailItem" Then
For Each recipient in msg.recipients
If recip.Address = searchEmail Then
If msg.SentOn >= tenDayPrior And msg.SentOn <= currDateTime Then
Set olReply = msg.ReplyAll
With olReply
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.HTMLBody = emailBody
.Close olSave
End With
End If
End If
Next recip
End If
Next msg
End Function

By setting
.HTMLBody = emailBody
you overwrite everything that was there before.
You need to insert your text into the existing .HTMLBody.
For new mailitems, where I want to preserve the default HTML signature, I use the following - inspect your existing .HTMLBody to find out if this will also work for Reply (if not: adapt).
' emailBody is plain text -> encode as HTML
emailBody = HtmlEncode(emailBody)
' Outlook-HTML: mail text begins with this line:
' <p class=MsoNormal><o:p> </o:p></p>
' Insert my text instead of the first
oItem.HtmlBody = Replace(oItem.HtmlBody, " ", emailBody, Count:=1)


Outlook Appointment isn't showing Attendees that have been added

I'm having some problems with some pieces of code that I've Frankenstein'd from the web. I have a Word document that uses a command button to run a piece of code, the end result being an Outlook Appointment being generated with a template added, as well as recipients. I've used 2 different methods, and they each present their own problem.
Method 1: Generates the Appointment, includes and displays the attendees, but does not allow for HTML formatting of the body
Dim xOutlookObj As Object
Dim OMail As Object
Dim xMeeting As Object
Dim xDoc As Object
Dim myRequiredAttendee As Outlook.Recipient
Dim myOptionalAttendee As Outlook.Recipient
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xOutlookObj = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set xEmail = xOutlookObj.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set xDoc = ActiveDocument
opCancel = False
Set xOutlookObj = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set xMeeting = xOutlookObj.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
Set myRequiredAttendee = xMeeting.Recipients.Add(EMAIL ADDRESSES)
myRequiredAttendee.Type = olRequired
Set xDoc = ActiveDocument
With xMeeting
.MeetingStatus = olMeeting
.Duration = 60
End With
Set xDoc = Nothing
Set xMeeting = Nothing
Set xOutlookObj = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Method 2: Generates the Appointment, allows for HTML formatting of the body, loads the attendees but does not display them. When I click the 'Invite Attendee' button in the invite, they all appear (so they're obviously being loaded).
Dim olapp As Outlook.Application, appt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim m As Outlook.MailItem
Dim rtf() As Byte
Set olapp = New Outlook.Application
Set m = olapp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set appt = olapp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
appt.Subject = "MEETING SUBJECT"
appt.Duration = 60
appt.RequiredAttendees = "EMAIL ADDRESSES"
m.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
"<font style=""color: black;""><p>REST OF TEXT BODY</P>
m.Close False 'don't save...
What I'm looking for is code that creates the Appointment, loads and displays the attendees, and allows HTML formatting of the body. Also, I can't use the .send command because the body of the invite still needs to be edited before it's sent - which is why I'd like the attendees to be displayed to avoid confusion.
#1 is fine, but AppointmentItem object does not directly support HTML - you get either plain text Body property or RTF formatted (array of byte) RtfBody property. You needed to either generate the appropriate RTF, or use AppointmentItem.GetInspector().WordEditor (returns Word's Document object) to produce the suitably formatted body.
The following code generates the appointment, loads the recipients and displays them, as well as formats the message body in HTML.
Dim xOutlookObj As Object
Dim OMail As Object
Dim xMeeting As Object
Dim xDoc As Object
Dim myRequiredAttendee As Outlook.Recipient
Dim myOptionalAttendee As Outlook.Recipient
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xOutlookObj = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set xEmail = xOutlookObj.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set xDoc = ActiveDocument
Set xOutlookObj = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set xMeeting = xOutlookObj.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
Set myRequiredAttendee = xMeeting.Recipients.Add(EMAIL LIST)
myRequiredAttendee.Type = olRequired
Set xDoc = ActiveDocument
With xMeeting
.MeetingStatus = olMeeting
.Duration = 60
xEmail.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
"<font style=""color: black;""><p>THE REST OF APPT MESSAGE</p>"
End With
Set xDoc = Nothing
Set xMeeting = Nothing
Set xOutlookObj = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
The ** part is what I changed to make this work.

Add greeting when recipients entered on a new mail

I want to automatically create a greeting with the recipient's first name, on new messages.
For example, it should check the "To" field and if there is an email address, take the First Name from the contact and fill in the body of the message (ex. Dear [First Name],).
I don't know which method or event to use if I press New Message and which method or event to use to see if a recipient is added. (The macro should run every time a recepient is added.) If there are more then two recipients should be "Hello everyone,"
For a reply I am using the "Reply" event that occurs when the user selects the reply action.
Private Sub GMailItem_Reply(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
AutoAddGreetingToReply Response
End Sub
This finds the recipient name and adds a greeting to the reply message.
I also tried with a Word document that contains merge fields to mail merge but it doesn't work. Here is the code that I am using for email merge.
Option Explicit
Public Sub MailMergeAttachments()
Dim Session As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim currentExplorer As Explorer
Dim Selection As Selection
Dim oContact As ContactItem
Dim oMail As MailItem
Dim attach As Attachment
Dim obj As Object
Dim oWord As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Dim tmp As String
' Uses current user's profile
Dim enviro As String
enviro = CStr(Environ("USERPROFILE"))
' Get Word
Set oWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents(1)
tmp = oDoc.FullName
oWord.Visible = True
Set currentExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer
Set Selection = currentExplorer.Selection
If Not TypeOf Selection.Item(1) Is Outlook.ContactItem Then
MsgBox "You need to select Contacts first!"
Exit Sub
End If
For Each obj In Selection
'Test for ContactGroups
If TypeName(obj) = "ContactItem" Then
Set oContact = obj
Dim mText As String
Dim f As Word.Field
For Each f In oDoc.Fields
If f.Type = wdFieldMergeField Then
' match Word mergefields with Outlook fields
Select Case f.Code
Case " MERGEFIELD First "
mText = oContact.FirstName
Case " MERGEFIELD Last "
mText = oContact.LastName
Case " MERGEFIELD Company "
mText = oContact.CompanyName
End Select
f.Result.Text = mText
End If
Set oMail = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With oMail
.To = oContact.Email1Address
.Subject = Left(oDoc.Name, Len(oDoc.Name) - 5)
'The content of the document is used as the body for the email
.Body = oDoc.Content
.Attachments.Add enviro & "\Documents\instructions.pdf"
.Display ' .send
End With
End If
Set oWord = Nothing
Set Session = Nothing
Set currentExplorer = Nothing
Set obj = Nothing
Set Selection = Nothing
End Sub
How do I run a macro when I select new message and how do I run it repeatedly when I enter new recipient/s and add personalised greeting in the body of the message?

Convert incoming mail to plain text

I want to convert incoming HTML mail in Outlook to "plain text" and forward the e-mail.
I tried several examples of code.
Sub ConvertToPlain(MyMail As MailItem)
Dim strID As String
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
strID = MyMail.EntryID
Set objMail = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(strID)
objMail.BodyFormat = olFormatPlain
Set objMail = Nothing
End Sub
You can just create a new mail-item, and set the .body property. Reading the .body of a mail-item only gets the text, without any formatting (as opposed to reading the .HTMLBody, which gets the full HTML).
Here's an example of a sub that'll send the unformatted text of an email to whatever addresses you specify
Sub sendPlainText(MyMail As MailItem, sendTo As String)
Dim newMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set newMail = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem) 'Create a new email
With newMail
.To = sendTo 'Whoever you want to send the new mail item to
.subject = MyMail.subject 'Copy subject of original email
.Body = MyMail.Body 'Copy plain text of body to new mail item
.send 'Send the new email
End With
End Sub

Activating specific email in Outlook with VBA & deleting signature from the copied text

I'm looking to use the get function in vba in order to activate a specific email in Outlook and then copy the body into a new email and send. I can use the getlast function to get the latest email in the inbox, however I would like to refine the code some more by selecting the latest email from a specific email address.
Also, I'd love how to know how to delete the signature from the text pasted into the new email.
Sub Negotiations()
Dim objMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim BodyText As Object
Dim myinspector As Outlook.Inspector
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim NewMail As MailItem, oInspector As Inspector
Set myItem = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items.GetLast
'copy body of current item
Set activeMailMessage = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
' Create the message.
Set objMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'paste body into new email
Set BodyText = objMsg.GetInspector.WordEditor.Range
'set up and send notification email
With objMsg
.To = ""
.Subject = "Negotiations"
.HTMLBody = activeMailMessage.HTMLBody
End With
End Sub
any help would be appreciated, thank you guys!
Open the Inbox folder using Namespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox), retrieve the Items collection from MAPIFolder.Items. Sort the items (Items.Sort) on the ReceivedTime property, retrieve the latest email using Items.Find on the SenderEmailAddress property.
Dependant on what your property of .SenderEmailAddress returns, you can adapt what the while statement evaluates for. This should work for you, by first looking at the last e-mail, and then checking each previous e-mail for the correct sender address.
Sub display_mail()
Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, objFolder As Object
Dim myItems As Object, myItem As Object
Dim strSenderName As String
Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objOutlook = outApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objFolder = objOutlook.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set myItems = objFolder.Items
strSenderName = UCase(InputBox("Enter the e-mail Alias."))
Set myItem = myItems.GetLast
While Right(myItem.SenderEmailAddress, Len(strSenderName)) <> strSenderName
Set myItem = myItems.GetPrevious
End Sub
First of all, I'd recommend breaking the chain of calls. Declare each property or method call on a separate line of code, so you will be able to debug the code at any time and see what happens under the hood.
The GetLast method returns the last object in the collectio. But it doesn't mean that the item is recieved last. You need to sort the collection using the Sort method as Dmitry suggested passing the ReceivedTime property as a parameter to sort on. Only in that case you will get the last recieved item from the collection.
The Outlook object model doesn't provide any special method or property for identifying signatures. You need to parse the message body and find it programmatically.
Sub Nego()
Dim objMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim BodyText As Object
Dim Inspector As Outlook.MailItem
Dim olNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olfolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim msgStr As String
Dim endStr As String
Dim endStrStart As Long
Dim endStrLen As Long
Dim myItems As Outlook.Items
'Access folder Nego
Const olFolderInbox = 6
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objInbox = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
strFolderName = objInbox.Parent
Set objMailbox = objNamespace.Folders(strFolderName)
Set objFolder = objMailbox.Folders("Nego")
'Mark as read
For Each objMessage In objFolder.Items
objMessage.UnRead = False
Set myItems = objFolder.Items
For Each myItem In myItems
myItems.Sort "Received", False
Next myItem
'copy body of current item
Set activeMailMessage = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
' Create the message.
Set objMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'paste body into new email
Set BodyText = objMsg.GetInspector.WordEditor.Range
'Search Body
Set activeMailMessage = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
endStr = "first line of signature"
endStrLen = Len(endStr)
msgStr = activeMailMessage.HTMLBody
endStrStart = InStr(msgStr, endStr)
activeMailMessage.HTMLBody = Left(msgStr, endStrStart + endStrLen)
'set up and send email
With objMsg
.To = "#email"
.Subject = "Nego"
.HTMLBody = activeMailMessage.HTMLBody
.HTMLBody = Replace(.HTMLBody, "First line of signature", " ")
End With
End Sub

How to forward emails in a folder and change the reply to address to the original sender?

I have a user who wants to redirect any email to other people in their department so that when that person replies to the email it will go back to the person who originally sent it.
I am trying to make VBA code to forward all emails in a specified folder and change the reply to address so that they don't have to manually put it in every time.
Sub SendFolder()
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim MyFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim ObjMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set olApp = Outlook.Application
Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set MyFolder = Application.Session.Folders("").Folders("test")
For i = MyFolder.Items.Count To 0 Step -1
Set ObjMail.Subject = MyFolder.Itmes(i).Subject
Set ObjMail.ReplyRecipients = MyFolder.Itmes(i).ReplyRecipients
Set ObjMail.Body = MyFolder.Itmes(i).Body
Set ObjMail.Attachments = MyFolder.Itmes(i).Attachments
Set ObjMail.BodyFormat = MyFolder.Itmes(i).BodyFormat
Set ObjMail.To = ""
End Sub
You are missing
Set ObjMail = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Then your code would become
With ObjMail
.Subject = MyFolder.Itmes(i).Subject
.ReplyRecipients = MyFolder.Items(i).ReplyRecipients
.Body = MyFolder.Items(i).Body
.Attachments = MyFolder.Items(i).Attachments
.BodyFormat = MyFolder.Items(i).BodyFormat
.To = ""
End with
It it runs now, the ReplyTo does not change.
You will want to set the ObjMail's ReplyRecipients property
Something like .ReplyRecipients.Add MyFolder.Items(i).SenderEmailAddress
To simplify the issue, .Forward the mail as is, and set only the ReplyRecipients property.
Check out this alternative. The mail is sent as an attachment. The receiver automatically replies to the original sender.
Sub SendFolderItemsAsAttachments()
' Run this VBA code while in Outlook
Dim MyFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim notMyItems as Items
Dim notReplyingToMe as mailitem
Dim i as long
Set MyFolder = Application.Session.Folders("").Folders("test")
Set notMyItems = MyFolder.Items
For i = notMyItems.Count To 1 Step -1
If TypeOf notMyItems(i) Is MailItem Then
Set notReplyingToMe = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With notReplyingToMe
.Subject = notMyItems(i).Subject & " - " & _
.HTMLBody = "Redirecting for your action."
.Attachments.Add notMyItems(i), olEmbeddeditem
.To = ""
End With
End If
Set MyFolder = = Nothing
Set notMyItems = Nothing
Set notReplyingToMe = Nothing
End Sub