TestCafe Click Spawned Pop Up to Save CSV File - testing

I can't find any way to click "Save" on a pop up that spawns during a test. TestCafe needs to click the "Save" button so I can obtain the CSV file.
I've tried searching for a way to do this in the docs but the closest thing I found so far is .pressKey('enter'). However, this fails to click 'Save' and I don't know what other options I have.
Screenshot of exactly what I'm trying to click:
enter image description here
I provided the end of my code (you'll have to assume all the prior parts of a TestCafe test are preceeding this:
I expect to somehow be able to have the mouse detect this 'Save' button and it clicks it to save this CSV file.

TestCafe cannot test native browser dialogs. They should be prevented. If you encountered this behavior during the test, please create a bug report with a simple example page or link to a tested site.


How to get rid of google pop-ups while testing and navigation google url?

Every time I navigate to google through Selenium, I encounter this popup. I can't click on the search bar. Is there a way to close permanently this popup without using any JS alert method etc.?
I tried some extensions but it didn't work
Click the Lock button (🔒) on the top-left of the search box
Click on 'Cookies'
Make sure you're on 'allowed' and find anything on the lines of google.com
Click Block, Done and refresh the page
Additionally, you may want to try it first without the web-driver 'Chrome is being controlled by automated test software' mode, so open Google Chrome you way you usually would.

How to handle Micro Popup in Webdriver.io browser

When starting a website, I find it difficult to click Block button on Microphone popup because I can't query this popup (and also with block btn)
How can I handle this problem with Webdriver.io in browser?
enter image description here
One option is to use chrome command line switches. You can find the list here.
The one you are looking for is use-fake-device-for-media-stream. You can set this in your config file so that every time the chrome is launched, it won't show this popup since it is already set to a fake device.

Uploading a file with webdriverio and open modal

I'm having this problem:
At the website I'm trying to test with webdriverio, it has this functionality:
You click a button to upload a file (a window opens to choose your local file)
You select your file and click Accept.
When you click Accept, a modal opens and gives you a progress bar and also some mandatory inputs to continue the process and the test.
In other cases, uploading the file with this:
it works fine!
But in this case, I need to open the modal after you click Accept at the window (anyway I'm not really clicking on Accept button at the locals file window, so probably this should be solve before, but I don't know how to do it)… and its not happening.
Thanks for the help!

Selenium Upload a file using button type and button tag instead of file

I have a webpage where I click on a button and an open dialog it's opened and I should select the file to upload. After that, a pop up is displayed saying OK or KO.
I'm able to upload files when the there are files types. But in this case, the element where I click it's:
button type="button" read-file="_.partial(submitLang, selectedLang)" id="import-lang" class="btn btn-default"><
For the rest of the application, I use this and it works:
WebElement element = getPage().findElementById(id);
But for button types and button tag it doesn't work.
How can I do it? The tests are running on a Linux machine
Thanks a lot!
More info!!
Hi all,
The whole process is: (see image at http://imageshack.com/a/img540/6237/JoTQng.png)
Click on Import button
A dialog is opened and I select a .json file and click Open
An alert is displayed saying "Text properties have been updated".
We are using angular for the frontend and all are REST calls.
We don't have any "file=type". All three are buttons. You can found more code at
For a file upload with selenium, you need to find an input tag with the type "file".
Have a look at your HTML and search for it.
When you found it, the rest is pretty straightforward:
Let's say this input-element has id="import"
If you run into problems, please post more of your HTML, then I can have a look at it.
In my case, clicking on the button made an element appear in the HTML code, I assume due to javascript.
I clicked on the element (which both opens a file upload window and adds the to the HTML), and immediately after send the keys to the input element.
This creates the problem of having to close the newly opened file upload window, however this is not a problem when using --headless mode on google chrome.
I do not have a solution to close this window if you are not in headless mode for your chosen browser.

Selenium cannot click tab in magento module detail page

I'm trying to validate data using selenium version 1.0.9 in magento grid and its detail page.
First, I walked through Selenium IDE from login page to module detail page and click the tabs available there. Eventually, IDE generates PHP codes so I put the code into proper location.
Note: Here, I have clicked the two tabs so that the events get recorded into selenium IDE.
Then, I run the code from command prompt using following command:
phpunit --configuration /var/www/tests/phpunit_test.xml
I got the error (something like):
ERROR: Element //a[#id='test_tabs_form_section']/span not found.
I modified the code and tried to open the detail page before executing click to above link i.e. "test_tabs_form_section", I am getting same error.
Another strange this is if I verify any text of detail page and remove the code that calls click to module detail tabs, it is works, not sure why?
But I really want to open detail page and click to tab, get forms element values using xpath and validate the data.
Can somebody help me, please?
Any help or suggestion is highly appreciable!
Looking forward to hear from stackoverflow geeks!
In case this helps anybody:
I found out more things work if firebug is active. This actually makes sense cause firebug will show the final DOM tree in all it's debugging screens, so it's possible selenium is now able to reconstruct the element path because firebug altered the internal DOM.
If something doesn't work with the default element selection created by Selenium IDE, try switching it over to xpath:id-relative. You're already using that in your question, so maybe you there's an even better selector or you will need to resort to using clickAt instead of click.