Item.Restrict Function doesn't work when using like instead of = - vba

I'm creating a macro that pulls e-mail attachments into a folder to be opened and copied, which works 100% perfect when the subject name is predefined, i.e. never changes.
' this works
Set oOlInbFiltered = oOlInb.Items.Restrict("[Subject] = " & SubjectName)
However, when I try to instead restrict for a preset beginning, say every email begins with 'aaaaa', it causes an automation error with the code below:
' this doesnt
Set oOlInbFiltered = oOlInb.Items.Restrict("[Subject] like '" & PrefixName & "%'")
Any help?
Expected results: No error message, files in folder. Instead I receive
Run-time error '-2147352567 (800200009)': Automation error Exception Occurred.

Try to use the following code instead:
criteria = "#SQL=" & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" & Chr(34) & " like '" & PrefixName & "%'"
Set oOlInbFiltered = oOlInb.Items.Restrict(criteria)


Microsoft Access VBA code with Select SQL String and Where clause

I'm using Microsoft Access to develop a database app. An important feature the user would need is to automatically send an email update to all relevant stakeholders.
The problem is that I'm getting
Run-time error '3075' Syntax error in query expression.
Here it is below:
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT StakeholderRegister.[StakeholderID], StakeholderRegister.[ProjectID], StakeholderRegister.[FirstName], StakeholderRegister.[LastName], StakeholderRegister.[EmailAddress] " & _
" FROM StakeholderRegister " & _
" WHERE (((StakeholderRegister.[ProjectID]=[Forms]![ChangeLog]![cboProjectID.Value])) ;")
Funny thing is that I created a query table on Access to create the relevant recordset and the turned on SQL view to copy the exact sql string that's above. That query works however it opens an Input Parameter box, whereas this code should be using the value typed into a forms text box as a matching criteria.
To use a variable as a parameter, do not include it within the quotes:
" WHERE StakeholderRegister.[ProjectID]=" & [Forms]![ChangeLog]![cboProjectID].[Value]
or just
" WHERE StakeholderRegister.ProjectID=" & Forms!ChangeLog!cboProjectID.Value
Note: You really only need the square brackets when there is something like a space in the name, which is not the best practice anyway.
I also took the liberty to remove the parentheses, as they are not needed in such a simple WHERE clause, and can cause more trouble than they are worth.
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT StakeholderRegister.[StakeholderID], StakeholderRegister.[ProjectID], StakeholderRegister.[FirstName], StakeholderRegister.[LastName], StakeholderRegister.[EmailAddress] " & _
" FROM StakeholderRegister " & _
" WHERE StakeholderRegister.[ProjectID]=" & [Forms]![ChangeLog]![cboProjectID].Value & " ;"
Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
if [ProjectID] field type is text then
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT StakeholderRegister.[StakeholderID], StakeholderRegister.[ProjectID], StakeholderRegister.[FirstName], StakeholderRegister.[LastName], StakeholderRegister.[EmailAddress] " & _
" FROM StakeholderRegister " & _
" WHERE StakeholderRegister.[ProjectID]='" & [Forms]![ChangeLog]![cboProjectID].Value & "' ;"
Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Opening a report with multiple criteria

Can someone please guide me on this? When I use:
If Not IsNull(Me.filterLocation) And Not IsNull(Me.filterArea) Then
If Application.CurrentProject.AllReports("rptFiltered").IsLoaded =
False Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptFiltered", acViewPreview, , (("ColumnLocation =
'" & Me.filterLocation.Value & "'") And ("ColunmArea = '" &
Me.filterArea.Value & "'"))
Exit Sub
End If
I get a syntax error with the code above. It works if I remove:
And ("ColunmArea = '" & Me.filterArea.Value & "'"))
But I also need records with this column values to also show on the report.
There are a few issues with your code:
If a single expression traverses onto a new line, you will need to suffix the preceding line with a line continuation symbol, which, in VBA, is the underscore character (_) e.g.:
DoCmd.OpenReport "YourReport", _
The and should be included in the where condition:
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptFiltered", acViewPreview, , _
"ColumnLocation = '" & Me.filterLocation.Value & "' AND ColumnArea = '" & Me.filterArea.Value & "'"
You can use the syntax highlighting of any code editor to help you to determine the elements of the code which form a string, and which lie outside of the string.
You have a typo in the name of one of your fields:
' ^---------- I'm guessing this should be ColumnArea
Finally, the parentheses surrounding the where condition argument are not recommended (except when you want to force an argument to be passed by value).

Access VBA - FindFirst can't find a code that really exists

The first one is supposed to be able to find all the codes that have at least the string written in the control, but it does not work at all.
The second one works fine, but only search for the specific string and that's all.
I think this is just a problem of misspelling and thats all but I cant find the way after several hours. Any help?
lentes.FindFirst "codigo = '" & "*" & Me!LenD & "*" & "' and active = true and tipo = 'montes'"
lentes.FindFirst "codigo = '" & Me!LenD & "'" & " and active = true" & " and tipo = 'montes'"
This line:
lentes.FindFirst "codigo = '*" & Me!LenD & "*' and active = true and tipo = 'montes'"
Should probably be something like this:
lentes.FindFirst "codigo LIKE '*" & Me!LenD & "*' and active = true and tipo = 'montes'"
Otherwise you're looking for a value that literally has an asterix at the beginning and end. Using LIKE means that it'll search for a pattern, not a literal value.
When you use wildcards (first expression) you are not checking equality: therefore instead of = you need to use LIKE.

New ODBC issue Access 2007

I have an MS Access 2007 front end to a MS SQL Server 2008R2 back end.
I've got a query that's part of a loop, and it's suddenly started generating Run-time error '3146': ODBC--call failed. errors on one query as the loop itterates. Oddly, it's not the first iteration. EDIT: When I say suddenly, it's been running like this just fine for several months (probably since March).
Set db = CurrentDb
db.QueryTimeout = 480 'thought there was a timeout issue, so set this very high
Set SupvRS = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT tblProcessors.Supervisor, tblProcessors.SupervisorEmail " & _
" FROM tblProcessors INNER JOIN (tblAuditPr INNER JOIN tblAuditPr_A ON tblAuditPr.PrAudit_ID = tblAuditPr_A.PrAudit_ID)" & _
" ON tblProcessors.Processor = tblAuditPr_A.Processor" & _
" WHERE tblProcessors.Supervisor IS NOT NULL " & _
" AND tblAuditPr.EndDate BETWEEN " & GetSQLDate(Me.txtFrom) & " AND " & GetSQLDate(Me.txtTo) & _
" AND tblProcessors.Processor<>'Default Processor' " & _
" AND tblAuditPr_A.Answer Not In ('NA','NF')" & _
" AND tblAuditPr.Status = 'Submitted'")
Do While Not SupvRS.EOF
'Send Supervisor Email
Attachment = PARG.GenerateAuditReport(SupvRS.Fields("Supervisor"), parSupervisor, Me.txtFrom, Me.txtTo)
Set EmailRS = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblProcessors WHERE Supervisor = " & GetSQLString(SupvRS.Fields("Supervisor")))
If EmailRS.EOF Then
Err.Raise -234923, Description:="Cannot find tblProcessors record for " & SupvRS.Fields("Supervisor") & "."
End If
If IsNull(EmailRS.Fields("SupervisorEmail")) Then
MailTo = <redacted>
MailTo = EmailRS.Fields("SupervisorEmail")
End If
Set EmailRS = Nothing
Mailer.AddMailDocument MailTo:=MailTo, _
Subject:=Subject, _
Body:=Body, _
Attachments:=Attachment, _
'Iterate processor emails if requested.
If Me.chkProcessor Then
'ERROR occurs here, but only after several supervisors have successfully passed through
Set ProcRS = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT tblProcessors.Processor, tblProcessors.ProcessorEmail FROM tblAuditPr" & _
" INNER JOIN (tblProcessors INNER JOIN tblAuditPr_A ON tblProcessors.Processor = tblAuditPr_A.Processor) " & _
" ON tblAuditPr.PrAudit_ID = tblAuditPr_A.PrAudit_ID" & _
" WHERE tblProcessors.Supervisor = " & GetSQLString(SupvRS.Fields("Supervisor")) & _
" AND tblAuditPr.EndDate BETWEEN " & GetSQLDate(Me.txtFrom) & " AND " & GetSQLDate(Me.txtTo))
Do While Not ProcRS.EOF
If Not IsNull(ProcRS.Fields("ProcessorEmail")) Then
On Error Resume Next
Attachment = PARG.GenerateAuditReport(ProcRS.Fields("Processor"), parProcessor, Me.txtFrom, Me.txtTo)
If Attachment <> "" Then
MailTo = ProcRS.Fields("ProcessorEmail")
Mailer.AddMailDocument MailTo:=MailTo, _
Subject:=Subject, _
Body:=Body, _
Attachments:=Attachment, _
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Set ProcRS = Nothing
End If
As noted in the code, the error occurs on an inner loop that successfully executes for other supervisors. It does consistantly break on one particular individual. Using the GetSQLString and GetSQLDate functions (returns ' delimited, double '' when necessary, pretty strings, and # delimited dates, respectivly, for passing Access queries through to SQL Server) in break mode, I duplicated the exact query that was giving me problems in an Access query. It returned a timeout error, but changing the database default timeout (and closing/opening the db) didn't resolve the issue. I pasted the exact same query into SSMS (replacing the # date delimiters with ') and it executed just fine there (taking about 1:30-2:00 to execute each try).
Taking a pause in typing up this post, I put some error trapping in to see if I could get the actual error message SQL Server was returning, when it ran without error. To me, that indicates that it is likely a time out issue. Anyone have a more educated guess as to what it actually is, or a suggestion on how to make the query more efficient so it doesn't time out?

VB piping STDOUT from cmd.exe output to to write to textbox

I'm trying to adapt a VBscript that runs the QWINSTA command against a text file I've defined as an array and displays the results in a text file.
after looking at numerous examples on Stack and other sites this is my latest iteration, that displays everything except the STDOUT, which is really what I'm after, not sure if it's an issue with how I'm calling the command piping the output or what. I'm also passing two variables as arguments to complicate matters :)
The Text file that stdout is piped to is empty after the FOR Loop completes
I may be going the long way about this, most of my past experience with this is in BATCH
For Each server In RemotePC
'The Query is launched
Dim Query As New ProcessStartInfo
Query.WorkingDirectory = "c:\"
Query.Arguments = server & " " & profile & " >C:\Windows\Temp\SFOUT.txt"
Query.FileName = "QWINSTA"
Query.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
'Call Shell("QWINSTA /SERVER:" & server & " " & profile & " >C:\Windows\Temp\SFOUT.txt", vbHidden, Timeout:=5000)
Dim SFOUT As New IO.StreamReader("C:\windows\temp\SFOUT.txt")
'Results are Echoed to TextboxResults
TextBoxResults.Text &= "__________________________________________________________" & ControlChars.CrLf
TextBoxResults.Text &= server & ControlChars.CrLf
TextBoxResults.Text &= SFOUT.ReadToEnd & ControlChars.CrLf
Here is what the working code in VBscript looks like
For Each server In RemotePC
Dim WshShell, oExec
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set StrDir = "QWINSTA /SERVER:" & server & " " & profile
'The Query is launched
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec(StrDir)
'We wait for the end of process
Do While oExec.Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 500
'We scan and only display the command output of commands without NULL output
Do While oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream <> True
Results.WriteLine oExec.StdOut.ReadLine
Any help is appreciated
this is what I get back
console Matt 1 Active
I've built something similar to this using QWINSTA and piping the output in batch and it works flawlessly, just having issues adapting this.
here's the last thing I tried I tried to simplify things by calling something as basic as notepad.exe, and even trying to define the environment variable thinking it's not reading %PATH%, in reply to #Nilpo
Dim Query As New Process
Query.StartInfo.FileName = "notepad.exe"
'Query.StartInfo.Arguments = server & " " & profile & " >C:\Windows\Temp\SFOUT.txt"
Query.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
Query.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
Query.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "%PATH%;" & "C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe")
You should have a space after the output redirection.
Query.Arguments = server & " " & profile & " >C:\Windows\Temp\SFOUT.txt"
Should be
Query.Arguments = server & " " & profile & " > C:\Windows\Temp\SFOUT.txt"
That being said, the only thing I can see that may not work is here.
Query.WorkingDirectory = "c:\"
Query.Arguments = server & " " & profile & " >C:\Windows\Temp\SFOUT.txt"
Query.FileName = "QWINSTA"
Query.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
I'm not sure that you can use arguments in this fashion. Your output redirection is being read as a literal argument when it's really not. In a command line environment it's interpreted as a separate command, not an argument to the first command. It's very similar to piping in that manner. Supplying this as an argument in your code probably won't work as expected. You may want to go back to the Call Shell method. That will execute the command as if it were on the command line.
I was correct. Here is the proper way to do this using your method.
Query.WorkingDirectory = "c:\"
Query.Arguments = server & " " & profile & " >C:\Windows\Temp\SFOUT.txt"
Query.FileName = "QWINSTA"
Query.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
'Redirect output
Query.UseShellExecute = False
Query.RedirectStandardOutput = True
'Read the output
Dim output As String = Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd
' wait for the process to terminate