How to do that blur at the end of horizontal flatlist? - react-native

I'm building weather app and want to do this blur at the end of View of hour forecast, I've tried to use linear gradient, but I wasn't able to figure out, how to do that.
Thanks in advice :)
There is showed that blur, that I want to achieve.
I've tried react-native-linear-gradient, but I didn't figure out, making that with this library.

I'm using react-native-svg to create such effect in my app.
Just use the LinearGradient to create a view with gradient fill of your blue with different stopOpacity values


Flickering material in Blender

I have some problems with a material on a large plane.
It is a simple plane with a texture on it. When I add a simple image texture, the material looks fine. But if I then make the camera move in an animation, the material is flickering and acting wierd in the horizon. I figure that it is because the image texture is getting very small when it's far away, so it renders it a little different on each frame. I can also see that if I disconnect the displacement it stops. So it's maybe a displacement problem and not and image problem.. I don't know :) But is there a way to make this stop. Maybe a way to make it render with less detail when it's far away? Or a way to make the image texture only appear when it's close to the camera? Or something else?

How to make an interactive ImageMap in React Native?

I am trying to create some sort of map, which is actually a large image, that needs to have specific spots where you can touch to see more info. So far I've found react-native-image-mapper which seems to work for the image map but I haven't been able to figure out how to make the pan effect to drag and move around the image inside the View.
Can anyone please help me out or point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance!

Draw Lines, circles and points in the react native like animation

const array_data = [{x:12,y:13,duration:1,type:"point"},{x:14,y:16,duration:3,type:"point"},{x:20,y:20,duration:3,type:"point"},{x:55,y:55,duration:1,type:"point"},{x:55,y:55,duration:1,type:"circle"}]
I want to draw these points like animation. So that as it will start start draw from
array_data[0] and draw till last length of the array. Also signify what it has to draw like point, line ,circle, eclipse. I tried with redraw library and animated view library but not able to get how can i achieve this animation.
Let me know if anybody have a good idea to get this in react native. Thanks for your time and give some good suggestions.

Gradient slider in React Native?

Is it possible to implement slider with static gradient track in React Native using any 3rd party library or what-soever?
Illustrative image from Google:
Right now I'm using sldier from #react-native-community/slider, but it doesn't seem to support gradient slider track? I can customize minimumTrackTintColor and maximumTrackTintColor, but I would like to have static gradient track independent of the indicator position. I have looked into other 3rd party slider libraries as well, but encountered the same problem.
So, is there any way in any library to achieve this in React Native?
I dont think any package upfront gives this functionality, but you can always use linear-gradient. this library, make a view with. gradient like that, and on top of that, by using position:'relative' make a cursor and slide it by using rn-draggable . You will need to work out on that, but you can create a new functionality , and maybe publish it so that it can be used by others in future.
Hopeit helps.feel free for doubts
Inspired from what #Gaurav_Roy answered above, in the end, I achieved what I wanted with react-native-gesture-responder . I positioned my custom gradient slider track and slider dot as images and used createResponder from the library to capture user interactions with the slider dot. Then calculated the distance between dot position and track edges to get the value.

React Native Circular Slider?

I've tried to look through several libraries of React Native circular sliders, however none of them work as intended. All of them suffer the same bug where they randomly change values as you slide. A example would be:
What I am looking for, is a circular slider with it's value in the middle of the slider, very much so like this:
Thank you in advance
Edit: I've added a test repo if you want to play around with it. I've tried my best, but this is the best I could do
The code was taken from here:
I haven't worked with circle slider yet. But I tried to search and there are 2 repos. Maybe that is what you need.
Good luck!