Odoo stays in the loading screen after report is generated - ssl

When i click on print report, it generates the report correctly with no issues but then the page stays in the loading screen.It keeps on saying 'loading' and won't load until we refresh the browser tab manually.
i'm using odoo 11 community edition.
I tried setting web.base.url ,report.url,web.base.url.freeze and wkhtmltopdf(current version - version upgrading.But none of it worked.


SSRS 2012 report rendering on IE11

I developed reports in SSRS 2012. Users view reports using IE11 (version 11.0.9600.18537). I set the report columns visible(Column headers) while scrolling. It works fine in the reportviewer but when I deploy it to the report manager header(report column headers) does not scroll anymore. On the IE 11 I tried to change the document mode to 10 and it works fine. But upon refresh it goes away. Now fixing the browser is hard as we may have to make a policy change across the company which is no go.
Please suggest a SSRS server side fix.
Already tried the server side fix. But failed to work.
As a matter of fact I don't even have the suggested meta tag in the "reportviewer.aspx" but I tried to add it anyway with no success of working.
I expect column headers to be visible while scrolling on IE11 on SSRS 2012 report manager. Since we own SSRS 2012 report manager and I have admin access I can try to make changes in that server.
Found the fix, under "ReportManager\Pages\Report.aspx" there is the tag which I modified from content="IE=Edge" to content="IE=5"

IE 11 Long running script. How to debug which script is produce this?

I'm getting a popup in IE 11 browser 'long running script' and page stocks. How can I find what script is producing it?
The way I used to find the problem script.
1) View page source on the browser without issue.
2) Save source to HTML file.
3) Place file to the same domain so it can load domain related files.
4) One by one remove javascript from HTML code and checking if an issue has gone on IE browser.
Press F12 to open the "Developer Tools Interface". Change to the Network-Tab and refresh your page. It should show you what is using how much time to load.

Robot Test not selecting new window

the application under test is an internal site. i am not able to select the new window when i run the test in IE. this is the part of my test that is having the error
Run report
input text txtSearchKey TestProduct
click element searchButton
click element xpath=//*[#id='tblProductSelect']/tbody/tr[1]/td
wait until element is not visible loadingDiv
click button id=btnRunReport
wait until element is not visible loadingDiv
get window identifiers
get window names
select window Product Report
when btnRunReport is clicked, the application opens in a new tab and shows the report. this is whats happening when a user goes to the application and generates a report in chrome or in IE.
when i run this test, it works fine in Chrome. the report opens in a new tab and i can select that tab. in IE, it opens in new window, which is expected behavior (reference: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/5108).
i have no problem with it opening in new window but i am not able to select that new window. im getting this error - ValueError: Unable to locate window with handle or name or title or URL 'Product Report'
the "get window identifiers" and "get window names" only gets 1 browser. it doesnt seem to recognize the second one. also, on the Suite Teardown, the second window doesnt get closed.
thanks. i hope someone can help me.
Here are my system specs:
OS - Windows 7
Browser - IE11
Robot Framework Version - 3.0.2
IEDriverServer version - 3.4
Selenium2Library version - 1.8.0

Visual Studio Report Viewer 2010 with Internet Explorer 9

My company has a system running in asp.net using the report viewer to display some reports. After upgrading to Internet Explorer 9, the reports are not displayed correctly when using different zoom from 100%. The problem not occurs when the compatibility mode is seted on IE.
The problem is easy to be reproduced and i upload some screenshots at https://picasaweb.google.com/102746433851783529556/ReportViewerScreenCaps#
In the test, I used the examples available in http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/reportviewer
When viewing with zoom in "Page Width", the top of the report is cut.
When you view with the zoom in "200%", a track is added on top of the blank report. The problem occurs whith the versions 9 and 10 from rv control.
Is there a hotfix or workaround for this?
Thank you.

WebBrowser Control is Running into Javascript Error that IE doesn't

If I use IE I can visit the website I want and click the 'Next' button and life is good. If I open that same website using the webBrowser control and click the 'Next button I get a javascript error message.
I'm not doing anything in the code to manipulate the website. My goal, eventually, is to have some level of automation; but at this point, I get the javascript error and a pop-up and it screws everything else.
I can hide the JS error from popping up; by setting 'WebBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = True' but the page isn't working because of the error.
The client script might be assuming a full browser is present and trying to access part of the browser outside the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page. For example, maybe the client script is trying to display something on the browser's status bar, or trying to modify a toolbar which isn't available in the WebBrowserControl. There could be numerous similar reasons.
If you do not have write-access to the web page in question to try fixing it, then play with WebBrowser Control properties such as ScriptErrorsSuppressed and ObjectForScripting
Try setting WebBrowser1 Silent property to true.
Actually, you are receiving this problem because when you run your site in IE8 or IE9 on your normal internet explorer desktop app, you are getting either IE8 or IE( rendering, depending on which you have installed. However, with the webbrowser control, unless you take the effort to change soem settings in the registry, the default rendering engine used by the webbrowser control is IE7 (if u have 7, 8 or 9 installed) and IE4 (if you have 4, 5 or 6 installed).
This is why you are having the problem, if you want help changing the rendering engine version for your webbrowser control, do a google search as there are many examples on SO, and i have provided this answer in some of my previous posts on this tag/topic. feel free to search or ask me.
Let me know how you go.