Transform a column of type string to an array/record i.e. nesting a column - sql

I am trying to get calculate and retrieve some indicators from mutiple tables I have in my dataset on bigquery. I am want to invoke nesting on sfam which is a column of strings which I can't do for now i.e. it could have values or be null. So the goal is to transform that column into an array/record...that's the idea that came to mind and I have no idea how to go about doing it.
The product and cart are grouped by key_web, dat_log, univ, suniv, fam and sfam.
The data is broken down into universe refered to as univ which is composed of sub-universe refered to as suniv. Sub-universes contain families refered to as 'fam' which may or may not have sub-families refered to as sfam. I want to invoke nesting on prd.sfam to reduce the resulting columns.
The data is collected from Google Analytics for insight into website trafic and users activities.
I am trying to get information and indicators about each visitor, the amount of time he/she spent on particular pages, actions taken and so on. The resulting table gives me the sum of time spent on those pages, sum of total number of visits for a single day and a breakdown to which category it belongs, thus the univ, suniv, fam and sfam colummns which are of type string (the sfam could be null since some sub-universes suniv only have families famand don't go down to a sub-family level sfam.
dat_log: refers to the date
nrb_fp: number of views for a product page
tps_fp: total time spent on said page
I tried different methods that I found online but none worked, so I post my code and problem in hope of finding guidance and a solution !
A simpler query would be:
, dat_log
, prd.nrb_fp
, prd.tps_fp
, prd.univ
, prd.suniv
, prd.fam
, prd.sfam
from product as prd
left join cart as cart
on prd.key_web = cart.key_web
and prd.dat_log = cart.dat_log
and prd.univ = cart.univ
and prd.suniv = cart.suniv
and prd.fam = cart.fam
and prd.sfam = cart.sfam
And this is a sample result of the query for the last 6 columns in text and images:
Again, I want to get a column of array as sfam where I have all the string values of sfam even nulls.
I limited the output to only only the last 6 columns, the first 3 are the row, key_web and dat_log. Each fam is composed of several sfam or none (null), I want to be able to do nesting on either the fam or sfam.

I want to get a column of array as sfam where I have all the string values of sfam even nulls.
This is not possible in BigQuery. As the documentation explains:
Currently, BigQuery has two following limitations with respect to NULLs and ARRAYs:
BigQuery raises an error if query result has ARRAYs which contain NULL elements, although such ARRAYs can be used inside the query.
That is, your result set cannot contain an array with NULL elements.

Obviously, in BigQuery you cannot output array which holds NULL, but if for some reason you need to preserve them somehow - the workaround is to create array of structs as opposed to arrays of single elements
For example (BigQuery Standard SQL) if you try to execute below
SELECT ['a', 'b', NULL] arr1, ['x', NULL, NULL] arr2
you will get error: Array cannot have a null element; error in writing field arr1
While if you will try below
SELECT ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(val1, val2)) arr
you get result
Row arr.val1 arr.val2
1 a x
b null
null null
As you can see - approaching this way - you can have have even both elements as NULL


How to sort null columns distribution by value from lowest to highest

I am working with a dataframe and am trying to find the counts of null values and the percentage of those counts for the column. Here is my code:
for x in df.columns[df.isnull().any()]:
print('Column Name:', x)
What do I had to the code so that if the values are integers, both the counts and the percentages are sorted with 0.0 (the null values) first? Would it just be my code below the for loop with if/else statements? Is there a way to sort object data types so that null values are sorted to the top as well, or is that more difficult because of Boolean values?
if dtype==int:
some type of sorting code???
then my print statements?
Or would the print statements come after? Thanks in advance.
Just wanted to show what the output of this would be as an example:
'Some stuff here:', 1400.00
This essentially a printout of null value percentages for each dimension in my data frame. I am using this information to determine whether to drop a column of keep it through my data cleaning process. Thanks.

How to Select value By SuiteQL That I can filter Multiple Select Field

I had one simple table ItemMapping, 2 Field, one Field is single Item List Field SingleSelectField With value "A",
Other for Multiple Item List Field MultiSelectField with Value ("B", "C", "D").
I Wanna get This mapping relationship By "B", I tried to set up one dataset, And try some single SuiteQL like before, But I always get empty results returned.
FROM ItemMapping
WHERE ItemMapping.MultiSelectField IN ('B')
Any tips may Help me.
Thank you in advance.
As was pointed out, Marty Zigman's article describes how Boban D. located an undocumented "feature" of SuiteQL which can be used.
I will leave most of the explaining to the article but to summarize, NetSuite automatically creates a relationship table named map_sourcTableId_fieldId which contain two columns: mapone and maptwo. mapone is the record id from the source table and maptwo is record id for the joined table.
This method seems to work well and maybe the most straight forward if you are accustomed to working in SQL.
As an alternative, I constructed a native SuiteScript Query object with a condition on a multiple select field. Then I used the toSuiteQL() method to convert it into SuiteQL to see how NetSuite natively deals with this. What I found was another undocumented "feature". The resulting query used a BUILTIN.MNFILTER function. So for example if you've got a custom transaction body field, custbody_link_type, that is a multiple select field and want to get transactions where one of te values in custbody_link_type is 4 then here is the generated SuiteQL:
SELECT T.tranid, T.custbody_link_types
FROM "transaction" as T
WHERE BUILTIN.MNFILTER(T.custbody_link_types , 'MN_INCLUDE', '', 'FALSE', NULL, 4) = 'T'
And if you want transactions where the custbody_link_types does not contain all of the following: 1, 2, 3 ...
SELECT T.tranid, T.custbody_link_types
FROM "transaction" as T
WHERE BUILTIN.MNFILTER(T.custbody_link_types , 'MN_EXCLUDE_ALL', '', 'FALSE', NULL, 1, 2, 3) = 'T'
OR T.custbody_link_types IS NULL
To wrap it up, the undocumented BUILTIN.MNFILTER function is used by NetSuite's query module to filter multiple select fields. It accepts the multiple select column, the internal string value of the query.Operator enum, some other stuff I don't know anything about, and finally one or more the values to compare. It appears to return a string of either 'T' for when the condition is met otherwise 'F'.
Ultimately, I'm not sure whether this is a "better" way to address the need but I thought it was worth documenting.

function to sum all first value of Results SQL

I have a table with "Number", "Name" and "Result" Column. Result is a 2D text Array and I need to create a Column with the name "Average" that sum all first values of Result Array and divide by 2, can somebody help me Pls, I must use the create function for this. Its look like this:
Average = ((2.0+3.0)/2) = 2.5
= ((1.0+4.0+5.0)/2) = 5.0
First of all: You should always avoid storing arrays in the table (or generate them in a subquery if not extremely necessary). Normalize it, it makes life much easier in nearly every single use case.
Second: You should avoid more-dimensional arrays. The are very hard to handle. See Unnest array by one level
However, in your special case you could do something like this:
SUM(value) FILTER (WHERE idx % 2 = 1) / 2 -- 2
FROM mytable,
unnest(avg_result) WITH ORDINALITY as elements(value, idx) -- 1
GROUP BY number, name
unnest() expands the array elements into one element per record. But this is not an one-level expand: It expand ALL elements in depth. To keep track of your elements, you could add an index using WITH ORDINALITY.
Because you have nested two-elemented arrays, the unnested data can be used as follows: You want to sum all first of two elements, which is every second (the odd ones) element. Using the FILTER clause in the aggregation helps you to aggregate only exact these elements.
However: If that's was a result of a subquery, you should think about doing the operation BEFORE array aggregation (if this is really necessary). This makes things easier.
number column is Primary key.
result column is text or varchar type
Here are the steps for your requirements:
Add the column in your table using following query (you can skip this step if column is already added)
alter table table1 add column average decimal;
Update the calculated value by using below query:
update table1 t1
set average = t2.value_
sum(t::decimal)/2 as value_
from table1
cross join lateral unnest((result::text[][])[1:999][1]) as t
group by 1
) t2
where t1.number=t2.number
Explanation: Here unnest((result::text[][])[1:999][1]) will return the first value of each child array (considering you can have up to 999 child arrays in your 2D array. You can increase or decrease it as per your requirement)
Now you can create your function as per your requirement with above query.

How can I assign pre-determined codes (1,2,3, etc,) to a JSON-type column in PostgreSQL?

I'm extracting a table of 2000+ rows which are park details. One of the columns is JSON type. Image of the table
We have about 15 attributes like this and we also have a documentation of pre-determined codes assigned to each attribute.
Each row in the extracted table has a different set of attributes that you can see in the image. Right now, I have cast( AS text) AS "details" to get all the attributes for a particular park or extract just one of them using the code below:
WHEN cast( AS text) LIKE '%uncovered%' THEN '2'
WHEN cast( AS text) LIKE '%{covered%' THEN '1' END AS "details"
This time around, I need to extract these attributes by assigning them the codes. As an example, let's just say
Park 1 - {covered, handicap_access, elevator} to be {1,3,7}
Park 2 - {uncovered, always_open, handicap_access} to be {2,5,3}
I have thought of using subquery to pre-assign the codes, but I cannot wrap my head around JSON operators - in fact, I don't know how to extract them on 2000+ rows.
It would be helpful if someone could guide me in this topic. Thanks a lot!
You should really think about normalizing your tables. Don't store arrays. You should add a mapping table to map the parks and the attribute codes. This makes everything much easier and more performant.
step-by-step demo:db<>fiddle
array_agg(c.code ORDER BY elems.index) as codes -- 3
FROM mytable t,
unnest(attributes) WITH ORDINALITY as elems(value, index) -- 1
JOIN codes c ON = elems.value -- 2
Extract the array elements into one record per element. Add the WITH ORDINALITY to save the original order.
Join your codes on the elements
Create code arrays. To ensure the correct order, you can use the index values created by the WITH ORDINALITY clause.

Create and define functions to apply to different segments/filters that exist (Instead of doing one very long SQL query)

I am trying to come up with some arithmetic calculations for some survey data. I want to do these calculations for a number of segments and want to figure out how to do it without writing numerous SELECT statements.
This is what I have so far:
FACT table. This tables holds survey data at a respondent level - for example, if a survey had 10 questions, this table will have 11 columns: a column to identify the respondent_ID and 10 other columns to identify the responses to those questions.
DIMENSION table. This table segments we want to view the survey data by at a respondent level - for example, if we want to view survey responses by membership_status and age_bracket, this table will have 3 columns: a column to identify the respondent_ID, and two columns to identify membership_status and age_bracket.
I want to get aggregate calculations to summarizes the responses to the survey overall and to each question. I also want to be able to get this information for all possible segments that exist in the DIMENSIONS table.
I can do the query below, however I'll need to do this for every segment:
The calculation above gives us something called a top 3 box. That is just one calculation, I will need to do many of them. Additionally, ever calculation will need to be done for each segment. In order to get a calculation for nonactive members, I would need to run another query and set d.MEMBERSHIP_STATUS = 'INACTIVE' and I would need to run another query with no filter, to get the overall calculation.
Is there a way I could store all my arithmetic calculations needed in my output as a function (maybe in a temp table or something) - my thought is that it'll be better to set the functions somewhere, and then when I need to calculate the output, I would some how call the function to do all the calculations I need, and give me all the calculations for every segment I have?
I can't fully envision how to get there, or if this is even a good solution, so guidance and detailed SQL code would be extremely helpful.Examples please!