ReceiveBufferSize - Download from Server with High Latency -

I have a very basic file download that is connecting from the UK to US. The file is about 10MB and the connection is fast, but the latency is 80ms.
Since we have high latency, is there any way to reduce the acknowledgement window at the TCP layer to reduce the chattiness that occurs?
' Download a Large PDF
Using client As New System.Net.WebClient()
Dim url As String = "doc url"
Dim beginTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now
client.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
client.DownloadFile(url, "TMP.ZIP")
logWriter.WriteLine("6 MB ZIP File" & "," & (DateTime.Now - beginTime).TotalMilliseconds)
End Using

is there any way to reduce the acknowledgement window at the TCP layer to reduce the chattiness that occurs?
On application level you don't have much control over what happens in the network layers of the communication, this is all handled by lower level API's. The .NET framework only provides you with some types that are built on top of these API's to ease the implementation process.
That being said, acknowledgements are what make TCP reliable, these acknowledgements can guarantee that all the data was send to the other side of the connection. You could switch to using UDP, which doesn't use acknowledgements, meaning you could never verify if the data was received successfully, which is great for real-time communication (to balance between speed and quality), but not for sending files, as we want the file to be fully transferred, and not just 96% of the total file. The only way to verify that we received the full file, is to have the receiver notify us that it actually received the packets.
For me this sound like an infrastructure/network architecture related issue. Therefor I personally would not attempt to try and fix this on application level. Using the WebClient class, and thus TCP, feels like the right protocol for your use-case. So in my eyes, you've did your job and implemented the file download correctly.
If you have the possibility, I would try to put a content delivery network (CDN) in between the server and client so that the CDN can offload the down- and upload to an edge server that is close to your physical location.
If this isn't possible you get be creative and, for example, have a second server in the UK that synchronizes itself with the files located on the server in the US. For time/money reasons I wouldn't do this and just take the latency as-is; 80ms is acceptable for me.


Limit total size of inflight iot message

I am using IoTHub device client SDK on an embedded device. The application will send telemetry message to iot hub periodically. The iot device connect to a wireless router and wireless connect to internet via WAN port.
When the wireless router lost internet connection, iot device will not get notified immediately about the disconnection. It takes about 60s to get notified, before that iot device will continue to send telemetry message with IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SendEventAsync(), all those message get queued in SDK layer and eat memory. Since it's on embedded device with limited resource, memory get eaten up and cause program been killed by a lower memory killer app.
Is there way to specified total size of iot message can be queued in sdk layer? If exceed this quota, IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SendEventAsync() will failed immediately.
Actually this is also needed for normal scenario too. When iot device send message, seems message been queued in low layer and get flushed out at certain time. I don't see any API that can control the flush. That create another problem, even when there is internet connection, from application level, there is no control of how many message been queued and how long it been queued, in turn, app has no control of how much memory been used by process. On my device, there is system monitor that will kill process use too much memory.
The question is what do you do even in that case if the message failure occurs in the case that the queue is full? Do you lose the information then because of lack of storage capacity? From the IoT perspective, I would recommend in this case to consider if your device is reliable IoT device to handle these edge cases as well. And also knowing the limits of the devices, and knowing how long it can be without the internet connection helps to mitigate these risks from your application, not SDK.
From the GitHub, default sendMessageAsync method throws timeout exception in case your message sending fails, unless you have some kind of retry policies implemented(according to the documentation C SDK does not allow custom retry policies
According to the documentation in case of connection failure based on the retry policy(if you have set it), SDK will try to initiate connection this way or that way and queue the messages created in the meantime:
So, an expectation here is that SDK does not take responsibility for the memory limits. This is up to the application to deal. Since your device has some limitations, I would recommend implementing your own queuing mechanism(maybe set no-retry as a policy and that way avoid queuing). That way you have under the control what will happen in the case that there is no internet connection and have under the control memory limitations. Maybe your business case accepts that you calculate an average value and instead of 50 you store 1 message over the time etc..
If this something you do not like, the documentation says also that you set the timeout for the queue - maybe not the memory limit but timeout yes, so maybe you can try to investigate this a bit deeper:
"There are two timeout controls in this system. An original one in the iothub_client_ll layer - which controls the "waiting to send" queue - and a modern one in the protocol transport layer - that applies to the "in progress" list. However, since IoTHubClient_LL_DoWork causes the Telemetry messages to be immediately* processed, sent and moved to the "in progress" list, the first timeout control is virtually non-applicable.
Both can be fine-tuned by users through IoTHubClient_LL_SetOption, and because of that removing the original control could cause a break for existing customers. For that reason it has been kept as is, but it will be re-designed when we move to the next major version of the product."

WebRTC lowest possible latency

I have a simple UDP streaming protocol that takes RAW H264 video frames and sends them instantly from server side to the client side.
Using this protocol I can get near network RTT latency (no packet resending and I don't care about packet loss), so if I have 20 ms latency from server to the client I can make a video frame to be ready from encoder output to the client side (ready to be decoded) in... let's say 30 ms.
My question is:
Is WebRTC (over UDP) capable of going down to this kind of latencies?
Not taking into account encoding and decoding times, what is the
lowest latency possible I can get with WebRTC for the protocol layer?
I don't know if this kind of latencies will require my own protocol to be more deeply developed or I may go to something more generic like WebRTC for my video server development in order to instantly be supported by every web browser.
WebRTC can have the same low latency as regular SIP/RTP stacks.
WebRTC stack vendors does their best to reduce delay.
For recording and sending out there is no any delay. The stack will send the packets immediately once received from the recorder device and compressed with the selected codec. Some codec's (and some codec settings) might introduce some delay here to enable some features such as FEC.
Regarding the receiver side:
In optimal circumstances the stack should not delay the playback of the packets, so they can be display as soon as they arrive.
However in sub-optimal circumstances (with network delays or packet loss) the stack will introduce a jitter buffer. The lower is the network quality, the higher will be the jitter buffer length.
So, to achieve the lowest delay, you might have to do the followings:
choose a codec with the smallest processing time
remove FEC and disable any other settings which might cause additional delays
remove the jitter buffer (most WebRTC stacks doesn't have a setting for this so you might have to modify the code yourself, but it is an easy modification, because you just need to deactivate a part of the code)
WebRTC uses RTP as the underlying media transport which has only a small additional header at the beginning of the payload compared to plain UDP. This means it should be on par with what you achieve with plain UDP. RTP is heavily used in latency critical environments like real time audio and video (its the media transport in SIP, H.323, XMPP) and thus you can expect the latency to be sufficient for this purpose.

Async WCF and Protocol Behaviors

FYI: This will be my first real foray into Async/Await; for too long I've been settling for the familiar territory of BackgroundWorker. It's time to move on.
I wish to build a WCF service, self-hosted in a Windows service running on a remote machine in the same LAN, that does this:
Accepts a request for a single .ZIP archive
Creates the archive and packages several files
Returns the archive as its response to the request
I have to support archives as large as 10GB. Needless to say, this scenario isn't covered by basic WCF designs; we must take additional steps to meet the requirement. We must eliminate timeouts while the archive is building and memory errors while it's being sent. Both of these occur under basic WCF designs, depending on the size of the file returned.
My plan is to proceed using task-based asynchronous WCF calls and streaming mode.
I have two concerns:
Is this the proper approach to the problem?
Microsoft has done a nice job at abstracting all of this, but what of the underlying protocols? What goes on 'under the hood?' Does the server keep the connection alive while the archive is building (could be several minutes) or instead does it close the connection and initiate a new one once the operation is complete, thereby requiring me to properly route the request through the client machine firewall?
For #2, clearly I'm hoping for the former (keep-alive). But after some searching I'm not easily finding an answer. Perhaps you know.
You need streaming for big payloads. That is the right approach. This has nothing at all to do with asynchronous IO. The two are independent. The client cannot even tell that the server is async internally.
I'll add my standard answers for whether to use async IO or not: Why does the EF 6 tutorial use asychronous calls? Should we switch to use async I/O by default?
Each request runs over a single connection that is kept alive. This goes for both streaming big amounts of data as well as big initial delays. Not sure why you are concerned about routing. Does your router kill such connections? That's a problem.
Regarding keep alive, there is nothing going over the wire to do that. TCP sessions can stay open indefinitely without any kind of wire traffic.

MQTT long polling over GPRS/HSDPA

I'd like to use MQTT to send control information to a device, but I'm concerned that leaving the MQTT client and cell data connection up (basically in long-polling mode) is somehow bad. Either from a data charges, network usage, battery life, or some other aspect?
Another approach might be to send an SMS to the device when it has a message to pick up - but that seems to defeat the purpose of MQTT and also introduces a long delay while dialing and setting up the GPRS connection.
Is there any reason I should be concerned on this approach?
I think this approach is quite valid - think of it this way: Your App's long polling transfers a very small volume of data, as long as it just polls, so
the data usage should be miniscule
the battery is impacted only for the data sent in addition to the keepalive, which is at least an order of magnitude higher than the long polling
as a reference: ActiveSync, which runs all the time, is nothing else than a fancy form of long polling
You may want to look at MQTT-SN, which is designed to run over UDP, and therefore does not need an active connection. Real Small Message Broker is an implementation of a MQTT-SN broker, and will bridge to Mosquitto.
The other approach is to use the retain flag on messages, that way a control app can send the message and the device will get it as soon as it reconnects, regards less of if the app is still online. In all cases, the user experience on the app side should differentiate between the request being sent and it being honored, or refused, so you will need tri-state controls (on, off, pending).

Do I really need reliable sessions for my services? (description inside)

Our company leases a music service to it's clients. The product consists of an automated mp3 player and daily renewals/updates of the costumers music library (mp3 songs) downloaded to their machines. So far we use an ugly solution for the mp3 updates, by synchronizing server and client folders using GBridge. This is obviously a disadvantage, as we force our clients to download our whole music library (currently 25.000 songs) while most of them will never play songs from all of our music categories (pop, rock etc). Most important we can only offer one subscription packet (our whole music library) while our competitors offer packets by categories with lower prices. For those reasons we decided to turn to WCF.
The service uses PerCall instancing mode and implements two operations, invoked from a winform client application with the classic request-reply pattern.
The first operation retrieves from a database the categories a client is allowed to download from (request) and sends back to the client a list of these categories (reply).
The second operation is used for downloading. The client first downloads an xml version of the server's database. A similar xml lies on the client side. The client app checks which songs, in each of the categories returned from the first operation, are missing in it's own xml compared to the server's xml file. If there are any files (elements on the xml) missing, it downloads them one file at a time. After each download, the client updates his xml and does the same comparison again until all files (elements) match in the 2 xml.
Long story short, considering that the instancing mode on the service is PerCall for throughput reasons and keeping memory consumption low and that both my operations use the request-reply pattern which means that the acknowledgement messages will be send back to the client with each response from the service, so if something goes wrong in the connection or if the client can't reach the service I can catch the CommunicationObjectFaultedException on the client, reconstruct the proxy and retry do you think theres a need for reliable sessions on my service implementation? What problems could arise if I don't have reliable sessions in the operations just described?
What problems could arise if I don't have reliable sessions in the
operations just described?
I am aware of only few problems being solved by reliable sessions while it puts a lot of stress on the server.
I would personally go for BasicHttpBinding (for better interoperability) without reliable session.
In order to understand Reliable Sessions, have a read of this and this.
If you are a bank, it makes sense to use Reliable Sessions, if you are sending money to and from other banks. This will ensure the message is received by the final party involved. But in most cases, you would not need it.