Tensorflow object detection API - Setting specific color to bounding boxes - tensorflow

I am trying to detect 3 different classes of objects in images using Tensorflow Object Detection. I would like to set the bounding box color for each class to a custom color of my choice in order to suit my application.
For example,
Class 1: Red
Class 2: Blue
Class 3: Green
Unfortunately, Tensorflow object detection automatically sets this colors and I do not know how to change them.
I would be very gratefull for any suggestions and help.

You can achieve this by passing a track_ids to function visualize_boxes_and_labels_on_image_array.
Notice that when detection is performed, this plot function is called to visualize the bounding boxes on images.
Here is how to get the variable track_ids. First you should look at the STANDARD_COLORS list and get the index of the color you want to draw boxes with. For example, 'Red' color's index is 98. Then you should loop through the variable output_dict['detection_classes'] (this variable is also passed to the plot function), and when encounter class 1, track_ids is appended with 98. By doing this you will create a list of indexes of colors as track_ids, then transform this to a numpy array and pass it together into the plot function, then you should have all classes plotted as the color you assigned.


Get the location of object to crop by providing pixel label in tensorflow

I have a data-set of images(every image is in rgb format) and corresponding label image(which contains label of every pixel in the image).
I need to extract the objects(pixels) of a particular class from original images.
first i have to find location of object using label image(by providing label of given object)(it is doable by using explicit for loops but, i don't want to use explicit for loops)
Now my questions-
If there is any in-build function in tensorflow that gives me the location(Rectangles are fine) of given object(if i provide the labels of that object)?
After that i can use the tf.image.crop_and_resize to crop the image. but i am not able to find any function that will give me location of objects.

Background images in one class object detection

When training a single class object detector in Tensorflow, I am trying to pass instances of images where no signal object exists, such that the model doesn't learn that every image contains at least one instance of that class. E.g. if my signal were cats, id want to pass pictures of other animals/landscapes as background -this could also reduce false positives.
I can see that a class id is reserved in the object detection API (0) for background, but I am unsure how to code this into the TFrecords for my background images - class could be 0 but what would be the bounding box coords? Or do i need a simpler classifier on top of this model to detect if there is a signal in the image or not, prior to detecting position?
Later approach of simple classifier, makes sense. I don't think there is a way to do the first part. You can use check on confidence score as well apart from checking the object is present.
It is good practice to create a dataset with not objects of interest, for the same you need to use the same tools (like - label img) that you have used for adding the boxes, image with no BB wil have xml files with no details of BB but only details of the image. The script create tf record will create the tf record from the xml files, look at the below links for more inforamtion -
Create tf record example -
Using your own dataset-

YOLO object detection model?

Currently, I am reading the Yolo9000 model "https://arxiv.org/pdf/1612.08242.pdf" and I am very confused about how the model can predict the bounding box for object detection, I did many examples with Tensorflow, and in most of them we give to the model "Images and Label of images".
My questions are:
1- How we can pass the bounding box instead of labels to the model?
2- How can the the model learn that many boxes belong to one images?
In YOLO, we divide the image into 7X7 grid. For each of the grid location, the network predicts three things -
Probability of an object being present in that grid
If an object lies in this grid, what would be the co-ordinates of the
bounding box?
If an object lies in this grid, which class does it
belong to?
If we apply regression for all the above variables for all 49 grid locations, we will be able tell which grid locations have objects(using first parameter). For the grid locations that have objects, we can tell the bounding box co-ordinates and correct class using the second and third parameters.
Once we have designed a network that can output all the information we need, prepare the training data in this format i.e. find these parameters for every 7X7 grid location in every image in your dataset. Next you simply train the deep neural network to regress for these parameters.
To pass bounding boxes of an image we need to create it first. You can create bounding boxes for any image using specific tools. Here, you have to create boundaries that bound an object within it and then label that bounding box/rectangle. You to do this for every object in the image you want your model to train/recognize.
There is one very useful project in this link, you should check that out if you need to understand about bounding boxes.
I have just started learning object detection with tensorflow. So as and when I get proper info on providing bounding boxes to the object detection model I'll also update that here. Also if you have solved this problem by now, you can also provide the details to help out others facing same kind of problems.
1- How we can pass the bounding box instead of labels to the model?
If we want to train a model that performs object detection (not object classification), we have to pass the truth labels as .xml files, for example. An xml file contains information about objects that exist in an image. Each information about object is composed of 5 values:
class name of this object, such as car or human...
xmin: x coordinate of the box's top left point
ymin: y coordinate of the box's top left point
xmax: x coordinate of the box's bottom right point
ymax: y coordinate of the box'x bottom right point
One bounding box within an image is specified as a set of 5 values like above. If there are 3 objects in an image, the xml file will contain 3 sets of this values.
2- How can the the model learn that many boxes belong to one images?
As you know, the output of YOLOv2 or YOLO9000 has shape (13, 13, D), where D depends on how many class of object you're going to detect. You can see that there are 13x13 = 169 cells (grid cells) and each cell as D values (depth).
Among 169 grid cells, there are some grid cells that are responsible to predict bounding boxes. If the center of a true bounding box falls on a grid cell, this grid cell is responsible to predict that bounding box, when it is given the same image.
I think there must be a function that reads the xml annotation files and determines which grid cells are responsible to detect bounding boxes.
To make the model learn the box positions and shapes not only the classes, we have to build an appropriate loss function. The loss function used in YOLOv puts cost also on the box shapes and positions. So the loss is calculated as the weighted sum of the following individual loss values:
Loss on the class name
Loss on the box position (x-y coordinates)
Loss on the box shape (box width and height)
Actually, one grid cell can detect up to B boxes, where B depends on
implementations of YOLOv2. I used darkflow to train YOLOv2 on my
custom training data, in which B was 5. So the model can detect 169*B
boxes in total, and loss is the sum of 169*B small losses.
D = B*(5+C), where C is the number of classes you want to detect.
Before passed to the model, the box shapes and positions are
converted into relative values to the image size.

Selecting a single color from a matplotlib colormap in Juila

I'm constructing a graph plot in Julia and need to color each edge of the graph differently, based on some weighting factor. I can't find a way to get a specific RGB (or HSV, it doesn't matter) value from a colormap. Let's say I'd like to get the RGB value on 'jet' that would correspond to a data value of n on imshow plot.
In python, I would just use jet(n), where n is the value along the colormap in which I am interested. PyPlot in Julia doesn't seem to have wrapped this functionality. I've also already tried indexing into the cmap object returned from get_cmap(). Any advice?
I'm stumped, so even an approximate solution would help. Thanks!
Maybe you can look at the Colors.jl package (https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/Colors.jl):
using Colors
palette = colormap("Oranges", 100)
Then you can access each color with palette[n]. Or are you using PyCall? A code describing what you're trying to do would help.

Programmatically set drawCircle on a per value basis on LineChart

Is there a way to toggle drawCircle on individual data points? From the documentation it appears you can only enable this at the dataset level. I'm trying to draw circles for the min/max of a dataset.
If there isn't a way to draw circles on individual data points another workaround I've tried implementing has been to create a second dataset and only plot the corresponding X index and min/max Y value; every other value is set small enough that it is not visible in the viewport. The only problem here is I can't seem to plot both datasets without overwriting the first dataset's background fill.