Is Sylius PayumBundle handling payment details incorrectly? - sylius

I am testing Bitbag/PayUPlugin and I was stopped by gateway API with error "Required data missing".
After some debugging, I realised that Sylius Payment entity, specifically "details" property, is not fulfilled with data.
After change condition on line 53:
if ($status->isNew() || $status->isUnknown()) {
payment gateway seems to work correctly.
Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong ?
Sylius/Sylius v1.4.6
Bitbag/PayUPlugin v1.8.0

Unlikely there is an error in PayumBundle/CapturePaymentAction (because more people used PayumBundle than PayUPlugin, so probability of bug is less), conceptually payment object status at the beginning should be "new" instead of "unknown", so the condition should work.
So you should find out class, why it doesn't reach markNew() line.

I guess the BitBagCommerce/SyliusPayUPlugin is dead as this issue hasn't been addressed yet, since July.
In order to fix this I had to decorate the StatusAction class:
namespace App\Payment\PayU;
use BitBag\SyliusPayUPlugin\Action\StatusAction;
use BitBag\SyliusPayUPlugin\Bridge\OpenPayUBridgeInterface;
use Payum\Core\Action\ActionInterface;
use Payum\Core\Bridge\Spl\ArrayObject;
use Payum\Core\Exception\RequestNotSupportedException;
use Payum\Core\Request\GetStatusInterface;
final class StatusActionDecorator implements ActionInterface
private $action;
public function __construct(StatusAction $action)
$this->action = $action;
public function setApi($api): void
public function execute($request): void
/** #var $request GetStatusInterface */
RequestNotSupportedException::assertSupports($this, $request);
$model = ArrayObject::ensureArrayObject($request->getModel());
$status = $model['statusPayU'] ?? null;
if (empty($status) || OpenPayUBridgeInterface::NEW_API_STATUS === $status) {
if (OpenPayUBridgeInterface::PENDING_API_STATUS === $status) {
if (OpenPayUBridgeInterface::CANCELED_API_STATUS === $status) {
if (OpenPayUBridgeInterface::WAITING_FOR_CONFIRMATION_PAYMENT_STATUS === $status) {
if (OpenPayUBridgeInterface::COMPLETED_API_STATUS === $status) {
public function supports($request): bool
return $this->action->supports($request);
then in the services.yaml:
decorates: bitbag.payu_plugin.action.status
arguments: ['#App\Payment\PayU\StatusActionDecorator.inner']


Exclude specific products from Product Indexer in Shopware 6

We have four specific products with a massive amount of variants. When running the Product Indexer we run out of memory because of these products.
So we want to exclude these specific products from the Product Indexer Job.
My first approach was to use the ProductIndexerEvent, but the event is dispatched at the end of the handle() method :
which is probably too late.
What is the best approach to implement that behaviour?
I would advise against excluding products from being indexed. There's business logic relying on the data being indexed.
If you're confident in what you're doing and know about the consequences, you could decorate the ProductIndexer service.
<service id="Foo\MyPlugin\ProductIndexerDecorator" decorates="Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\ProductIndexer">
<argument type="service" id="Foo\MyPlugin\ProductIndexerDecorator.inner"/>
In the decorator you would have to deconstruct the original event, filter the WriteResult instances by excluded IDs and then pass the reconstructed event to the decorated service.
class ProductIndexerDecorator extends EntityIndexer
const FILTERED_IDS = ['9b180c61ddef4dad89e9f3b9fa13f3be'];
private EntityIndexer $decorated;
public function __construct(EntityIndexer $decorated)
$this->decorated = $decorated;
public function getDecorated(): EntityIndexer
return $this->decorated;
public function getName(): string
return $this->getDecorated()->getName();
public function iterate($offset): ?EntityIndexingMessage
return $this->getDecorated()->iterate($offset);
public function update(EntityWrittenContainerEvent $event): ?EntityIndexingMessage
$originalEvents = clone $event->getEvents();
if (!$originalEvents) {
return $this->getDecorated()->update($event);
/** #var EntityWrittenEvent $writtenEvent */
foreach ($originalEvents as $writtenEvent) {
if ($writtenEvent->getEntityName() !== 'product') {
$results = [];
foreach ($writtenEvent->getWriteResults() as $result) {
if (\in_array($result->getPrimaryKey(), self::FILTERED_IDS, true)) {
$results[] = $result;
$event->getEvents()->add(new EntityWrittenEvent('product', $results, $event->getContext()));
return $this->getDecorated()->update($event);
public function handle(EntityIndexingMessage $message): void
$data = array_diff($message->getData(), self::FILTERED_IDS);
$newMessage = new ProductIndexingMessage($data, $message->getOffset(), $message->getContext(), $message->forceQueue());
public function getTotal(): int
return $this->getDecorated()->getTotal();
public function getOptions(): array
return $this->getDecorated()->getOptions();

Request.IsAjaxRequest() alternative in MVC6

I am trying to run this example Rendering Partial Views using ajax, but i got the following compilation error:
'HttpRequest' does not contain a definition for 'IsAjaxRequest' and no extension method 'IsAjaxRequest' accepting a first argument of type 'HttpRequest' could be found.
public ActionResult ItemsList(string ID)
Item item = Service.GetItemById(ID);
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView("viewPath", item);
return View("viewPath", item);
Check the user agent, as this:
var isAjax = Request.Headers["X-Requested-With"] == "XMLHttpRequest";
Ricardo Peres's answer works for ajax requests but misses the new Fetch types. This works for me:
internal static class RequestHelpers
internal static bool IsAjaxRequest(this HttpRequest request)
return string.Equals(request.Query["X-Requested-With"], "XMLHttpRequest", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
string.Equals(request.Headers["X-Requested-With"], "XMLHttpRequest", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
string.Equals(request.Headers["X-Requested-With"], "Fetch", StringComparison.Ordinal);

Why is my User Login no longer working after upgrading to Symfony3

I came along a strange Problem with Symfony 3.
Under Symfony 2 everyhting worked out of the Box (Login).
But under Symfony 3 it doesn't validate at all.
The Doctrine Layer is not Loading my User Object nor the Repository.
Whats going on?
UserProviderInterface was changed to UserLoaderInterface in 2.8 (see doc)
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository implements
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository
implements UserLoaderInterface
This wil fix the problem, you can also delete these functions:
public function refreshUser(UserInterface $user)
public function supportsClass($class)
Ok, short update.
I was able to fix this and would like to share what happened.
After Debuging the complete Login Prozess I stumbled accross the main cause for not beeing able to login.
// src/AppBundle/Entity/UserRepository.php
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UnsupportedUserException;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository implements UserProviderInterface
public function loadUserByUsername($username)
$user = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
->where('u.username = :username OR = :email')
->setParameter('username', $username)
->setParameter('email', $username)
if (null === $user) {
$message = sprintf(
'Unable to find an active admin AppBundle:User object identified by "%s".',
throw new UsernameNotFoundException($message);
return $user;
public function refreshUser(UserInterface $user)
$class = get_class($user);
if (!$this->supportsClass($class)) {
throw new UnsupportedUserException(
'Instances of "%s" are not supported.',
return $this->find($user->getId());
public function supportsClass($class)
return $this->getEntityName() === $class
|| is_subclass_of($class, $this->getEntityName());
this Repository Query Class is actually the reason why it is not working.
After Debuging and Testing I came Along this Code Block in the Class:
* {#inheritdoc}
public function loadUserByUsername($username)
if (null !== $this->property) {
$user = $this->repository->findOneBy(array($this->property => $username));
} else {
if (!$this->repository instanceof UserLoaderInterface) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The Doctrine repository "%s" must implement Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Security\User\UserLoaderInterface.', get_class($this->repository)));
$user = $this->repository->loadUserByUsername($username);
if (null === $user) {
throw new UsernameNotFoundException(sprintf('User "%s" not found.', $username));
return $user;
It states that the Repository Class must be an instance of UserLoaderInterface.
But the Documentation from
states it is an Instance of UserProviderInterface.
so the Login fails as it is not the right Interface implemented.
The Documentation (Cookbook) has an old Information in it, or the Symfony Team just simply forgot about it. ^^(can happen)
Hope this helps someone ^^
For me the issue was that the isEqualTo method of the EquatableInterface (on my User entity) was returning false when it should have been returning true.

Yii: Catching all exceptions for a specific controller

I am working on a project which includes a REST API component. I have a controller dedicated to handling all of the REST API calls.
Is there any way to catch all exceptions for that specific controller so that I can take a different action for those exceptions than the rest of the application's controllers?
IE: I'd like to respond with either an XML/JSON formatted API response that contains the exception message, rather than the default system view/stack trace (which isn't really useful in an API context). Would prefer not having to wrap every method call in the controller in its own try/catch.
Thanks for any advice in advance.
You can completely bypass Yii's default error displaying mechanism by registering onError and onException event listeners.
class ApiController extends CController
public function init()
public function handleError(CEvent $event)
if ($event instanceof CExceptionEvent)
// handle exception
// ...
elseif($event instanceof CErrorEvent)
// handle error
// ...
$event->handled = TRUE;
// ...
I wasn't able to attach events in controller, and I did it by redefinition CWebApplication class:
class WebApplication extends CWebApplication
protected function init()
Yii::app()->attachEventHandler('onError',array($this, 'handleApiError'));
Yii::app()->attachEventHandler('onException',array($this, 'handleApiError'));
* Error handler
* #param CEvent $event
public function handleApiError(CEvent $event)
$statusCode = 500;
if($event instanceof CExceptionEvent)
$statusCode = $event->exception->statusCode;
$body = array(
'code' => $event->exception->getCode(),
'message' => $event->exception->getMessage(),
'file' => YII_DEBUG ? $event->exception->getFile() : '*',
'line' => YII_DEBUG ? $event->exception->getLine() : '*'
$body = array(
'code' => $event->code,
'message' => $event->message,
'file' => YII_DEBUG ? $event->file : '*',
'line' => YII_DEBUG ? $event->line : '*'
$event->handled = true;
ApiHelper::instance()->sendResponse($statusCode, $body);
In index.php:
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/protected/components/WebApplication.php');
Yii::createApplication('WebApplication', $config)->run();
You can write your own actionError() function per controller. There are several ways of doing that described here
I'm using the following Base controller for an API, it's not stateless API, mind you, but it can serve just aswell.
class BaseJSONController extends CController{
public $data = array();
public $layout;
public function filters()
return array('mainLoop');
* it all starts here
* #param unknown_type $filterChain
public function filterMainLoop($filterChain){
$this->data['Success'] = true;
$this->data['ReturnMessage'] = "";
$this->data['ReturnCode'] = 0;
}catch (Exception $e){
$this->data['Success'] = false;
$this->data['ReturnMessage'] = $e->getMessage();
$this->data['ReturnCode'] = $e->getCode();
echo json_encode($this->data);
You could also catch dbException and email those, as they're somewhat critical and can show underlying problem in the code/db design.
Add this to your controller:

PHP static objects giving a fatal error

I have the following PHP code;
function component_customer_init()
$customer = Customer::getInstance();
function component_customer_go()
$customer = Customer::getInstance();
class Customer
public $id;
static $class = false;
static function getInstance()
if(self::$class == false)
self::$class = new Customer;
return self::$class;
public function set($id)
$this->id = $id;
public function get()
print $this->id;
I get the following error;
Fatal error: Call to a member function set() on a non-object in /.../classes/customer.php on line 9
Can anyone tell me why I get this error? I know this code might look strange, but it's based on a component system that I'm writing for a CMS. The aim is to be able to replace HTML tags in the template e.g.;
<!-- component:customer-login -->
<?php component_customer_login(); ?>
I also need to call pre-render methods of the "Customer" class to validate forms before output is made etc.
If anyone can think of a better way, please let me know but in the first instance, I'd like to know why I get the "Fatal error" mentioned above.
Well, I think your Customer::getInstance() method is flawed. It should look like this:
static function getInstance()
if(self::$class == false)
self::$class = new Customer;
return self::$class; // ADDED!!
return self::$class;
In the if(self::$class == false) branch you are creating the instance of the class, but you dont return it.
You could also rewrite it as such:
static function getInstance()
if(self::$class == false)
self::$class = new Customer;
return self::$class;
To make it a bit shorter.
DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself
static function getInstance()
if(self::$class == false)
self::$class = new Customer;
return self::$class;
And for Sinlgetons it is also important to prevent __clone() from being used. Making it private should solve that problem:
private function __clone() {}