How to use selenium with autoit for file upload in a Headless chrome browser? - file-upload

I'm trying to automate a webpage in selenium on a chrome browser which is integrated into a TeamCity server.
The code is working perfectly in my local machine.
File upload is done with Autoit scripts but when running through TeamCity on chrome browser ,typically as a headless chrome browser ,the script fails as it fails to find the next element(The file uplod fails).

This is not possible...
Headless browser cannot interact with os components(open dialog box)
You can use sendkeys to input field(browse button),which will not trigger open dialog box, since the browser is headless and you can skip using Autoit for headless browsers, which needs a Gui.


Open Real Chrome with Selenium and run script

I'm working a project, and I would like to know/understand how can I open the real chrome with a selenium script in python, and run multiple instances.

Using tebeka selenium in GUI borwser mode

I am trying to automate a webpage testing using selenium with golang from here. When I run this example, I don't find the browser window opening. Looks like it is running in headless mode. How do I run it in GUI browser mode?

Downloading a file in headless ChromeDriver with SeleniumBasic

I am trying to download files by clicking a button. This works fine as long as my ChromeDriver is not in headless mode. Once I tested the macro with ChromeDriver in headless mode, I realized that nothing was being downloaded. I researched the issue and found out that it was a security measure. There are suggested work-arounds for Python, however I was not able to translate the code into VBA. I am using SeleniumBasic.
What I want is to be able to download files to the Environ("userprofile") & "\Downloads\" folder once I click a download button, just like I do when the browser is not in headless mode. Thank you all in advance.
I call the driver in headless mode using driver.AddArgument "--headless"
I could not provide the URL I am using as this is a long macro requiring login etc. but as far as I understand, the issue should be reproducible in any download scenario involving a headless ChromeDriver.
I am using the most recent SeleniumBasic v2.0.9.0 and the ChromeDriver version 75.0.3770.140

is possible run selenium with headless browser to handle functionalities?

My objective is running automation based selenium webdriver from Jenkins, but jenkins cannot open browser when build job. so I modified my code to run in headless mode. since implementing headless browser, having some big question
is possible to handle end to end business on headless browser? cause end to end need inspect element as the process
if headless browser cannot handle, do you have some suggestion?
thanks, I'm very low to integrate automation
You don't have to change the code to run a Selenium test with Jenkins in headless mode.
You can use a Jenkins plugin of a headless X server to run your tests on an installed browser. You will even get screenshots.

How to run the selenium code on linux using firefox without GUI?

I had redhat Linux server command line but there is no GUI for that and I need to run selenium code on this server with firefox. As I am new to selenium so I am not sure whether it will work or not.
For achieving this I had install Firefox on my Redhat linux machine successfully but not able to trigger that as it is showing no display found.
Is there any other way to achieve this for headless browsing, where virtually a firefox will be opened and selenium code can be executed without GUI. Is it possible to do??
You can use HtmlUnitDriver of selenium to use headless browsing but it will not open firefox and may be not loading all content to it's cache as same as firefox
Refer Below:-
Another thing you can use is Phantomjs with selenium Webdriver. This is most using pattern by industries for headless browsing
Refer below:-
Yes you can trigger selenium file using command line
Bash file is running fine in windows for testng but it is not working in linux/mac
Now if still your firefox is not opening then it is basically issue of some setting with your OS with firefox
Refer that too :-
May be you have problem with some permission in red hat
Hope it will help you :)