How to Optimally Shift Large Arrays n Number of Incidences - optimization

I am creating my own version of a music visualizer that responds to the frequency of music; a common project. I am using 2 strips of Neopixels, each with 300 LEDs making a total of 600 LEDs.
I have written functions, shown below, that create the desired affect of having a pulse of light travel down the strips independently. However, when running in real time with music, the updates per second is too slow to create a nice pulse; it looks choppy.
I believe the problem is the number of operations that must be preformed when the function is called. For each call to the function, a 300 value array per strip must be shifted 5 indices and 5 new values added.
Here is an illustration of how the function currently works:
-Arbitrary numbers are used to fill the array
-A shift of 2 indices shown
-X represents an index with no value assigned
-N represents the new value added by the function
Initial array: [1][3][7][2][9]
Shifted array: [X][X][1][3][7]
New array: [N][N][1][3][7]
Here if my code. Function declarations below loop(). I am using random() to trigger a pulse for testing purposes; no other functions were included for brevity.
#include <FastLED.h>
// ========================= Define setup parameters =========================
#define NUM_LEDS1 300 // Number of LEDS in strip 1
#define NUM_LEDS2 300 // Number of LEDS in strip 1
#define STRIP1_PIN 6 // Pin number for strip 1
#define STRIP2_PIN 10 // Pin number for strip 2
#define s1Band 1 // String 1 band index
#define s2Band 5 // String 2 band index
#define numUpdate 5 // Number of LEDs that will be used for a single pulse
// Colors for strip 1: Band 2 (Index 1)
#define s1R 255
#define s1G 0
#define s1B 0
// Colors for strip 2: Band 6 (Index 5)
#define s2R 0
#define s2G 0
#define s2B 255
// Create the arrays of LEDs
CRGB strip1[NUM_LEDS1];
CRGB strip2[NUM_LEDS2];
void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, STRIP1_PIN>(strip1, NUM_LEDS1);
FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, STRIP2_PIN>(strip2, NUM_LEDS2);
void loop() {
int num = random(0, 31);
// Pulse strip based on random number for testing
if (num == 5) {
// ======================= FUNCTION DECLARATIONS =======================
// Pulse a set of colored LEDs down the strip
void pulseDownStrip1() {
// Move all current LED states by n number of leds to be updated
for (int i = NUM_LEDS1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
strip1[i] = strip1[i - numUpdate];
// Add new LED values to the pulse
for (int j = 0; j < numUpdate; j++) {
strip1[j].setRGB(s1R, s1G, s1B);
// Pulse a set of black LEDs down the strip
void pulseBlack1(){
// Move all current LED states by n number of leds to be updated
for (int i = NUM_LEDS1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
strip1[i] = strip1[i - numUpdate];
// Add new LED values to the pulse
for (int j = 0; j < numUpdate; j++) {
strip1[j].setRGB(0, 0, 0);
I am looking for any suggestions regarding optimizing this operation. Through my research, copying the desired values to a new array rather than shifting the existing array seems to be a faster operation.
If you have any advice on optimizing this process, or alternate methods to produce the same animation, I would appreciate the help.

The secret is to not shift it. Shift where you start reading it instead. Keep track of a separate variable that keeps the start position and alter your reading through the array to start there, roll back over to zero when it gets to the array length, and stop one short of where it starts.
Google the term "circular buffer" Look at the Arduino HardwareSerial class for a decent implementation example.


Arduino - Reading Serial Data

I am trying to send information to an Arduino Mega 2560 using serial data in order to control both LED Pixel Strips and conventional christmas light strings. I am also using VIXEN lighting software.
I can control one strip of LED pixels from Vixen using this code in the Arduino loop() function;
Serial.readBytes((char*)leds, NUM_LEDS * 3);//buffer to store things in, length (number of bytes to read);//refresh the pixel LED's
I can also control a relay (or multiple relays) for the conventional lights using this code;
#define CHANNEL_01 7 //Pin #7 on the Arduino Mega board
void setup()
// Begin serial communication
int channels[] = {CHANNEL_01}
int incomingByte[16];
// Define baud rate. This figure must match that of your profile configuration in Vixen!
#define BAUD_RATE 9600
// Set up each channel as an output
for(int i = 0; i < CHANNEL_COUNT; i++)
pinMode(channels[i], OUTPUT);
void loop()
if (Serial.available() >= CHANNEL_COUNT)
// Read data from Vixen, store in array
for (int i = 0; i < CHANNEL_COUNT; i++)
incomingByte[i] =;
// Write data from array to a pin on Arduino
for (int i = 0; i < CHANNEL_COUNT; i++)
digitalWrite(channels[i], incomingByte[i]);
The problem is that I cannot do both of these things. I can either assign the 150 bytes of LED data to the LED strip and it works fine, OR, I can run the relays and they work fine. I have not been able to figure out how to chop up the bytes from the serial data and send it to the appropriate pin. For example, maybe I want to control a relay using pin 7 and a strip of LED pixels using pin 6.
The strip of pixel LED's consumes the first 150 bytes of data from the serial data. But how can I get the next one byte that controls a relay that turns on and off the conventional christmas light string? The byte that controls the light string would be the 151'st in the serial data. Is there a way to specify the 151'st byte? does nothing more than read the first byte (I think). How can a user iterate through the bytes of serial data and select only the ones they want?
When you do the Serial.readBytes((char*)leds, NUM_LEDS * 3); you read the first 150 bytes, assuming you have 50 LEDs. So the next byte pending in the serial buffer would be the 151'st byte, therefore if you call after Serial.readBytes((char*)leds, NUM_LEDS * 3); you would get that byte.
Note that you can use one byte to controle 8 relays if you want, one bit per relay, by using bitRead()
An example.
bool relayState[8];
Serial.readBytes((char*)leds, NUM_LEDS * 3);
byte relays =;
for(byte i=0;i<8;i++){
relayState[i] = bitRead(relays, i);
for(byte i=0;i<8;i++) {
digitalWrite(relay[i], relayState[i]);
Then a value of 1 would turn on relay 0, a value of 2 would turn on relay 1, a value of 3 would turn on relay 0 and relay 1, etc.
To solve this problem I bought an Arduino Uno to run the standard (non-LED) lights separate from the LED lights which run off an Arduino MEGA 2560. The non-LED lights are run on one controller in the Vixen Lights software. The controller has 4 outputs (channels), one for each of the non-LED light sets. Each channel will control one line on a solid state relay. The Arduino Uno runs the relays using this code;
#define PIN1 7 //Pin number seven
#define PIN2 6 //Pin number six
#define PIN3 5 //Pin number five
#define PIN4 4 //Pin number four
#define BAUD_RATE 9600 //just running 4 relay switches so we don't need much speed
#define CHANNEL_COUNT 4 //there are 4 channels coming from the Vixen controller
int bt[4]; //a variable we will use in the loop section of code
int x; //another variable we will use in the loop section of code
void setup() {
delay(1000); //a little delay to give Uno some time on startup
Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE); //set the baud rate of the serial stream
pinMode(PIN1, OUTPUT); //set the four pins on the Arduino Uno to output
pinMode(PIN2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PIN3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PIN4, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() >= CHANNEL_COUNT) {
for (X = 0; x < CHANNEL_COUNT; x++) { //for every channel...
bt[x] =; //we read a byte from the serial stream buffer and store it in an array for later use
digitalWrite(PIN1, bt[0]); //we tell the pins on the arduino what to do...
digitalWrite(PIN2, bt[1]); //using the array of integers that holds the byte values from the serial stream...
digitalWrite(PIN3, bt[2]);
digitalWrite(PIN4, bt[3]);
The LED's run off a second controller in the Vixen Lights software. I have two 12 volt, 50 pixel LED strips of type WS2811. The Arduino uses the FastLED library that can be downloaded for free from What I found was that there is one byte of garbage data that comes in the serial stream for the LED strips and I had to move past that byte of data in order for the LED's to receive the correct bytes of data to control their color, position etc. I use this code to run my LED's off the Arduino MEGA 2560;
#include <FastLED.h> //include the FastLED library in the Arduino project
#define LED_PIN1 7 //I am going to run one strip of 50 LEDs off of pin 7 on the MEGA
#define LED_PIN2 6 //I am going to run a second strip of 50 LEDs off of pin 6 on the MEGA
#define BAUD_RATE 115200
#define NUM_LEDS 50
//It took me some time to figure out that my two pixel strips are set
//to different color codes. Why? I don't know, but they are.
#define RGB_ORDER RGB //one of my pixel strips is set to use RGB color codes
#define BRG_ORDER BRG //the second strip came from the factory with BRG color codes
#define LED_TYPE WS2811 //what type of LEDs are they? Mine are WS2811, yours may be different.
//create an array to hold the FastLED CRBG code for each of the 50 pixels in the
//first strip.
//create another array to hold the FastLED CRBG codes for each of the 50 pixels in
//the second strip.
int g; //a variable we will use in the loop section
//LIGHTS SOFTWARE. So we create a variable we will use in the loop section of code.
void setup() {
pinMode(LED_PIN1, OUTPUT); //set our pins to output. PIN1 is pin 6 on the Arduino board.
pinMode(LED_PIN2, OUTPUT); //set our pins to output. PIN2 is pin 7 on the Arduino board.
//This line sets up the first pixel strip to run using FastLED
FastLED<LED_TYPE, LED_PIN1, RGB_ORDER>(leds1, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
//This line sets up the second pixel strip to run using FastLED
FastLED<LED_TYPE, LED_PIN2, BRG_ORDER>(leds2, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() >= 0) { //if there is data in the serial stream
//bufferGarbage is to capture the first byte of garbage that comes across.
//Without this the LED's are out of sync.
//In my case if I didn't capture this byte the first pixel on my
//second LED strip would match the color code that should be on the last
//pixel of the first strip. We don't do anything with this byte.
//but we need to read it from the serial stream so we can move to the
//next byte in the stream.
bufferGarbage[0] =;
//then we need to populate the leds1 array so FastLED can tell the pixels what to do.
//We have 50 pixels in the strip and each pixel has a CRGB property that uses
//a red, green, and blue attribute. So for each LED we need to capture 3
//bytes from the serial stream. 50 LEDs * 3 bytes each means we need to read
//150 bytes of data from the serial stream.
for (g = 0; g < NUM_LEDS; g++) {
Serial.readBytes( ( char*)(&leds1[g], 3);
for (g = 0; g < NUM_LEDS; g++) {//then we read the next 150 bytes for the second strip of LEDs
Serial.readBytes( ( char*)(&leds2[g], 3);
}; //then we tell FastLED to show the pixels!

Read RC PWM signal using ATMega2560 in Atmel AVR studio

I am trying to read several PWM signals from an RC receiver into an ATMega 2560. I am having trouble understanding how the ICRn pin functions as it appears to be used for all three compare registers.
The RC PWM signal has a period of 20ms with a HIGH pulse of 2ms being a valid upper value and 1ms being a valid lower value. So the value will sweep from 1000us to 2000us. The period should begin at the rising edge of the pulse.
I have prescaled the 16MHz clock by 8 to have a 2MHz timer an thus should be able to measure the signal to 0.5us accuracy which is sufficient for my requirements.
Please note that I am having not problems with PWM output and this question is specifically about PWM input.
My code thus far is attached below. I know that I will have to use ICR3 and an ISR to measure the PWM values but I am unsure as to the best procedure for doing this. I also do not know how to check if the value measured is from PE3, PE4, or PE5. Is this code right and how do I get the value that I am looking for?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
// Set pins as inputs
DDRE |= ( 0 << PE3 ) | ( 0 << PE4 ) | ( 0 << PE5 );
// Configure Timers for CTC mode
TCCR3A |= ( 1 << WGM31 ) | ( 1 << WGM30 ); // Set on compare match
TCCR3B |= ( 1 << WGM33 ) | ( 1 << WGM32 ) | ( 1 << CS31); // Set on compare match, prescale_clk/8
TCCR3B |= ( 1 << ICES5 ) // Use rising edge as trigger
// 16 bit register - set TOP value
OCR3A = 40000 - 1;
OCR3B = 40000 - 1;
OCR3C = 40000 - 1;
TIMSK3 |= ( 1 << ICIE3 );
I had forgotten to post my solution a few months ago so here it is...
I used a PPM receiver in the end so this code can easily edited to read a simple PWM.
In my header file I made a structure for a 6 channel receiver that I was using for my project. This can be changed as required for receivers with more or less channels.
#ifndef _PPM_H_
#define _PPM_H_
// Libraries included
#include <stdint.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
struct orangeRX_ppm {
uint16_t ch[6];
volatile unsigned char ch_index;
struct orangeRX_ppm ppm;
/* Functions */
void ppm_input_init(void); // Initialise the PPM Input to CTC mode
ISR( TIMER5_CAPT_vect ); // Use ISR to handle CTC interrupt and decode PPM
#endif /* _PPM_H_ */
I then had the following in my .c file.
// Libraries included
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "ppm.h"
* ---
* ICP5 Pin48 on Arduino Mega
void ppm_input_init(void)
DDRL |= ( 0 << PL1 ); // set ICP5 as an input
TCCR5A = 0x00; // none
TCCR5B = ( 1 << ICES5 ) | ( 1 << CS51); // use rising edge as trigger, prescale_clk/8
TIMSK5 = ( 1 << ICIE5 ); // allow input capture interrupts
// Clear timer 5
TCNT5H = 0x00;
TCNT5L = 0x00;
// Interrupt service routine for reading PPM values from the radio receiver.
// Count duration of the high pulse
uint16_t high_cnt;
high_cnt = (unsigned int)ICR5L;
high_cnt += (unsigned int)ICR5H * 256;
/* If the duration is greater than 5000 counts then this is the end of the PPM signal
* and the next signal being addressed will be Ch0
if ( high_cnt < 5000 )
// Added for security of the array
if ( ch_index > 5 )
ch_index = 5;
}[ch_index] = high_cnt; // Write channel value to array
ch_index++; // increment channel index
ch_index = 0; // reset channel index
// Reset counter
TCNT5H = 0;
TCNT5L = 0;
TIFR5 = ( 1 << ICF5 ); // clear input capture flag
This code will use an trigger an ISR every time ICP5 goes from low to high. In this ISR the 16bit ICR5 register "ICR5H<<8|ICR5L" holds the number of pre-scaled clock pulses that have elapsed since the last change from low to high. This count is typically less than 2000 us. I have said that if the count is greater than 2500us (5000 counts) then the input is invalid and the next input should be[0].
I have attached an image of PPM as seen on my oscilloscope.
This method of reading PPM is quite efficient as we do not need to keep polling pins to check their logic level.
Don't forget to enable interrupts using the sei() command. Otherwise the ISR will never run.
Let's say you want to do the following (I'm not saying this will allow you to accurately measure the PWM signals but it might serve as example on how to set the registers)
Three timers running, which reset every 20 ms. This can be done by setting them in CTC mode for OCRnA: wgm3..0 = 0b0100.
//timer 1
TCCR4A = 0;
TCCR1B = (1<<CS11) | (1<<WGM12);
OCR1A = 40000 - 1;
//timer 3 (there's no ICP2)
TCCR3A = 0;
TCCR3B = (1<<CS31) | (1<<WGM32);
OCR3A = 40000 - 1;
//timer 4
TCCR4A = 0;
TCCR4B = (1<<CS41) | (1<<WGM42);
OCR4A = 40000 - 1;
Now connect each of the three pwm signals to their own ICPn pin (where n = timer). Check the datasheet for the locations of the different ICPn pins (i'm pretty sure it's not PE3, 4, 5)
Assuming the pwm signals start high at t=0 and go low after their high-time for the remainder of the period. You want to measure the high-time so we trigger an interrupt for each when a falling edge occurs on the ICPn pin.
bit ICESn in the TCCRnB register set to 0 will select the falling edge (this is already done in the previous code block).
To trigger the interrupts, set the corresponding interrupt enable bits:
TIMSK1 |= (1<<ICIE1);
TIMSK3 |= (1<<ICIE3);
TIMSK4 |= (1<<ICIE4);
Now each time an interrupt is triggered for ICn you can grab the ICRn register to see the time (in clockperiods/8) at which the falling edge occurred.

How to overlap a buffer in Objective-C

I'm trying to do FFT on the iPhone, and I realised that I had not overlapped my input prior to windowing. I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on to how to properly overlap my input buffer.
I am wanting to overlap bufferSamples by a factor of 4, and I understand that it is to be done using memove functions, but I can't figure out how to get it to work in regard to overlapping.
frameSize = 2048,
overlap = 4,
range = 8192,
step = frameSize/overlap,
// For each sample in buffer...
for (int j = 0; j < audioBufferList.mNumberBuffers; j++)
// Declaring samples from audio buffer list
SInt16 *bufferSamples = (SInt16*)audioBufferList.mBuffers[j].mData;
// Overlapping here?
//// vDSP FUNCTIONS ////
// Creating Hann window function
for (int i = 0; i < frameSize; i++)
double window = 0.5 * (1.0 - cos((2.0 * M_PI * i) / (frameSize - 1)));
// Applying window to each sample
A.realp[i] = window * bufferSamples[i];
A.imagp[i] = 0;
// Further DSP...
To get an overlap factor of 4, you need to save the last 75% of the data that, before windowing, was input to the previous FFT. Then use that saved data as the first 75% of the current FFT, with only the last 25% from current or not yet used data. memmove can be used to copy data to and from the temporary save data buffers. Repeat as necessary to use up the data available.

Objective c, Scanf() string taking in the same value twice

Hi all I am having a strange issue, when i use scanf to input data it repeats strings and saves them as one i am not sure why.
Please Help
/* Assment Label loop - Loops through the assment labels and inputs the percentage and the name for it. */
i = 0;
j = 0;
while (i < totalGradedItems)
scanf("%s%d", assLabel[i], &assPercent[i]);
/* Print Statement */
i = 0;
while (i < totalGradedItems)
printf("%s", assLabel[i]);
Input Data
Prog1 20
Quiz 20
Prog2 20
Mdtm 15
Final 25
Output Via Console
Final diagnosis
You don't show your declarations...but you must be allocating just 5 characters for the strings:
When I adjust the enum MAX_ASSESSMENTLEN from 10 to 5 (see the code below) I get the output:
Prog1Quiz 20
Quiz 20
Prog2Mdtm 20
Mdtm 15
Final 25
You did not allow for the terminal null. And you didn't show us what was causing the bug! And the fact that you omitted newlines from the printout obscured the problem.
What's happening is that 'Prog1' is occupying all 5 bytes of the string you read in, and is writing a null at the 6th byte; then Quiz is being read in, starting at the sixth byte.
When printf() goes to read the string for 'Prog1', it stops at the first null, which is the one after the 'z' of 'Quiz', producing the output shown. Repeat for 'Prog2' and 'Mtdm'. If there was an entry after 'Final', it too would suffer. You are lucky that there are enough zero bytes around to prevent any monstrous overruns.
This is a basic buffer overflow (indeed, since the array is on the stack, it is a basic Stack Overflow); you are trying to squeeze 6 characters (Prog1 plus '\0') into a 5 byte space, and it simply does not work well.
Preliminary diagnosis
First, print newlines after your data.
Second, check that scanf() is not returning errors - it probably isn't, but neither you nor we can tell for sure.
Third, are you sure that the data file contains what you say? Plausibly, it contains a pair of 'Quiz' and a pair of 'Mtdm' lines.
Your variable j is unused, incidentally.
You would probably be better off having the input loop run until you are either out of space in the receiving arrays or you get a read failure. However, the code worked for me when dressed up slightly:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
char assLabel[10][10];
int assPercent[10];
int i = 0;
int totalGradedItems = 5;
while (i < totalGradedItems)
if (scanf("%9s%d", assLabel[i], &assPercent[i]) != 2)
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading\n");
/* Print Statement */
i = 0;
while (i < totalGradedItems)
printf("%-9s %3d\n", assLabel[i], assPercent[i]);
return 0;
For the quoted input data, the output results are:
Prog1 20
Quiz 20
Prog2 20
Mdtm 15
Final 25
I prefer this version, though:
#include <stdio.h>
enum { MAX_GRADES = 10 };
enum { MAX_ASSESSMENTLEN = 10 };
int main(void)
int assPercent[MAX_GRADES];
int i = 0;
int totalGradedItems;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_GRADES; i++)
if (scanf("%9s%d", assLabel[i], &assPercent[i]) != 2)
totalGradedItems = i;
for (i = 0; i < totalGradedItems; i++)
printf("%-9s %3d\n", assLabel[i], assPercent[i]);
return 0;
Of course, if I'd set up the scanf() format string 'properly' (meaning safely) so as to limit the length of the assessment names to fit into the space allocated, then the loop would stop reading on the second attempt:
char format[10];
snprintf(format, sizeof(format), "%%%ds%%d", MAX_ASSESSMENTLEN-1);
if (scanf(format, assLabel[i], &assPercent[i]) != 2)
With MAX_ASSESSMENTLEN at 5, the snprintf() generates the format string "%4s%d". The code compiled reads:
Prog 1
and stops. The '1' comes from the 5th character of 'Prog1'; the next assessment name is '20', and then the conversion of 'Quiz' into a number fails, causing the input loop to stop (because only one of two expected items was converted).
Despite the nuisance value, if you want to make your scanf() strings adjust to the size of the data variables it is reading into, you have to do something akin to what I did here - format the string using the correct size values.
i guess, you need to put a
scanf("%s%d", assLabel[i], &assPercent[i]);
space between %s and %d here.
And it is not saving as one. You need to put newline or atlease a space after %s on print to see difference.
when i tried
#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
char a[1][2];
for(int i =0;i<3;i++)
for(int i =0;i<3;i++)
return 0;
with inputs
output is:
that proves that, the size of string array need to be bigger then decleared there.

Non repeating random numbers in Objective-C

I'm using
for (int i = 1, i<100, i++)
int i = arc4random() % array count;
but I'm getting repeats every time. How can I fill out the chosen int value from the range, so that when the program loops I will not get any dupe?
It sounds like you want shuffling of a set rather than "true" randomness. Simply create an array where all the positions match the numbers and initialize a counter:
num[ 0] = 0
num[ 1] = 1
: :
num[99] = 99
numNums = 100
Then, whenever you want a random number, use the following method:
idx = rnd (numNums); // return value 0 through numNums-1
val = num[idx]; // get then number at that position.
num[idx] = val[numNums-1]; // remove it from pool by overwriting with highest
numNums--; // and removing the highest position from pool.
return val; // give it back to caller.
This will return a random value from an ever-decreasing pool, guaranteeing no repeats. You will have to beware of the pool running down to zero size of course, and intelligently re-initialize the pool.
This is a more deterministic solution than keeping a list of used numbers and continuing to loop until you find one not in that list. The performance of that sort of algorithm will degrade as the pool gets smaller.
A C function using static values something like this should do the trick. Call it with
int i = myRandom (200);
to set the pool up (with any number zero or greater specifying the size) or
int i = myRandom (-1);
to get the next number from the pool (any negative number will suffice). If the function can't allocate enough memory, it will return -2. If there's no numbers left in the pool, it will return -1 (at which point you could re-initialize the pool if you wish). Here's the function with a unit testing main for you to try out:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ERR_NO_NUM -1
#define ERR_NO_MEM -2
int myRandom (int size) {
int i, n;
static int numNums = 0;
static int *numArr = NULL;
// Initialize with a specific size.
if (size >= 0) {
if (numArr != NULL)
free (numArr);
if ((numArr = malloc (sizeof(int) * size)) == NULL)
return ERR_NO_MEM;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
numArr[i] = i;
numNums = size;
// Error if no numbers left in pool.
if (numNums == 0)
return ERR_NO_NUM;
// Get random number from pool and remove it (rnd in this
// case returns a number between 0 and numNums-1 inclusive).
n = rand() % numNums;
i = numArr[n];
numArr[n] = numArr[numNums-1];
if (numNums == 0) {
free (numArr);
numArr = 0;
return i;
int main (void) {
int i;
srand (time (NULL));
i = myRandom (20);
while (i >= 0) {
printf ("Number = %3d\n", i);
i = myRandom (-1);
printf ("Final = %3d\n", i);
return 0;
And here's the output from one run:
Number = 19
Number = 10
Number = 2
Number = 15
Number = 0
Number = 6
Number = 1
Number = 3
Number = 17
Number = 14
Number = 12
Number = 18
Number = 4
Number = 9
Number = 7
Number = 8
Number = 16
Number = 5
Number = 11
Number = 13
Final = -1
Keep in mind that, because it uses statics, it's not safe for calling from two different places if they want to maintain their own separate pools. If that were the case, the statics would be replaced with a buffer (holding count and pool) that would "belong" to the caller (a double-pointer could be passed in for this purpose).
And, if you're looking for the "multiple pool" version, I include it here for completeness.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ERR_NO_NUM -1
#define ERR_NO_MEM -2
int myRandom (int size, int *ppPool[]) {
int i, n;
// Initialize with a specific size.
if (size >= 0) {
if (*ppPool != NULL)
free (*ppPool);
if ((*ppPool = malloc (sizeof(int) * (size + 1))) == NULL)
return ERR_NO_MEM;
(*ppPool)[0] = size;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
(*ppPool)[i+1] = i;
// Error if no numbers left in pool.
if (*ppPool == NULL)
return ERR_NO_NUM;
// Get random number from pool and remove it (rnd in this
// case returns a number between 0 and numNums-1 inclusive).
n = rand() % (*ppPool)[0];
i = (*ppPool)[n+1];
(*ppPool)[n+1] = (*ppPool)[(*ppPool)[0]];
if ((*ppPool)[0] == 0) {
free (*ppPool);
*ppPool = NULL;
return i;
int main (void) {
int i;
int *pPool;
srand (time (NULL));
pPool = NULL;
i = myRandom (20, &pPool);
while (i >= 0) {
printf ("Number = %3d\n", i);
i = myRandom (-1, &pPool);
printf ("Final = %3d\n", i);
return 0;
As you can see from the modified main(), you need to first initialise an int pointer to NULL then pass its address to the myRandom() function. This allows each client (location in the code) to have their own pool which is automatically allocated and freed, although you could still share pools if you wish.
You could use Format-Preserving Encryption to encrypt a counter. Your counter just goes from 0 upwards, and the encryption uses a key of your choice to turn it into a seemingly random value of whatever radix and width you want.
Block ciphers normally have a fixed block size of e.g. 64 or 128 bits. But Format-Preserving Encryption allows you to take a standard cipher like AES and make a smaller-width cipher, of whatever radix and width you want (e.g. radix 2, width 16), with an algorithm which is still cryptographically robust.
It is guaranteed to never have collisions (because cryptographic algorithms create a 1:1 mapping). It is also reversible (a 2-way mapping), so you can take the resulting number and get back to the counter value you started with.
AES-FFX is one proposed standard method to achieve this. I've experimented with some basic Python code which is based on the AES-FFX idea, although not fully conformant--see Python code here. It can e.g. encrypt a counter to a random-looking 7-digit decimal number, or a 16-bit number.
You need to keep track of the numbers you have already used (for instance, in an array). Get a random number, and discard it if it has already been used.
Without relying on external stochastic processes, like radioactive decay or user input, computers will always generate pseudorandom numbers - that is numbers which have many of the statistical properties of random numbers, but repeat in sequences.
This explains the suggestions to randomise the computer's output by shuffling.
Discarding previously used numbers may lengthen the sequence artificially, but at a cost to the statistics which give the impression of randomness.
The best way to do this is create an array for numbers already used. After a random number has been created then add it to the array. Then when you go to create another random number, ensure that it is not in the array of used numbers.
In addition to using secondary array to store already generated random numbers, invoking random no. seeding function before every call of random no. generation function might help to generate different seq. of random numbers in every run.