Detached window navigation in IdeaVIM - intellij-idea

In a two-monitor setup, it is convenient to detach an editor tab and place it on a secondary monitor.
Using IdeaVIM, I can navigate between the editor splits using vi-standard ctrl+w w shortcut.
Why the same shortcut doesn't allow me to cycle between the main editor window and the detached editor window? How can this be achieved?

Unfortunately, IntelliJ IDEA platform doesn't provide an action to switch between windows. If there was such action, it could be mapped to the key sequence.
I think it's possible to leave a feature request on


Intellij manage tool windows and their shortcuts

Intellij provides "Switcher" which not only switches between recent files but also tool windows.
Some tool windows are not being assigned to a shortcut which forces you to open it every time going trough Switcher dialog instead of just doing a simple shortcut.
For example here gradle does not have a shortcut
Although it is shown as tool window under number 5
How do we manage these shortcuts?
Go to Settings -> Keymap -> Other and find Gradle, assign shortcut as you wish (i.e. Alt + 2). It will work. Note that a hint on button (in this example 2:Gradle) will appear after restarting.

is there a shortcut key for quick locate the file on navi bar in intellij

I can not find the intellij shortcut key for scroll from source ,which is to locate the file in navi bar?
There is no key directly for that action. It is not in the find action dialog nor in keymap.
There is a IntelliJ Idea Plugin Scroll From Source, which enables you to bind keyboard shortcut to that feature.
Alternatively, you can achieve similar behavior by pressing Alt+F1 and then pressing Enter.
Also note that you can enable automatic scroll to source feature.

Alt key command in Intellij for Windows

I've mapped some functions in IntelliJ IDEA to the Alt key.
Specifically Alt+W for closing an active tab.
When I mapped the key, it said that there were no conflicts with existing key binds, but whenever I try Alt+W to close an active tab, the "Window" navigation-tab in the editor is selected instead.
(see picture)
I'm thinking that this is a standard Windows functionality for the navigation tabs in applications which is overriding the Intellij Keymap, but I don't know how to disable this. Any ideas?

IntelliJ IDEA - detach editor window

I have recently removed tabs from my IntelliJ setup, because with all the features available to navigate between files, who needs them?
The issue is, the normal way of detaching an editor window would be to drag the tab onto another screen (or area). There doesn't appear to be anything in the key mappings for detaching an editor window. Is there a way of doing this via the keyboard?
The keyboard shortcut your are looking for is SHIFT+F4 (the action assigned to this shortcut is called Open Source in New Window. When you invoke this action the currently opened tab (file) will be opened in new editor window. However the file will remain opened in the main window too, but I believe that this is as close as you can get to the functionality you describe, at least for now.
Option 2
Open the "Open class" dialog using CTRL+N search for a class you want to open in detached window and hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. That will open the class in a new editor window.
Unfortunately this seems to work only for Java classes and not for other files (CTRL+SHIFT+N dialog). I created a bug report for the last problem, so if you think it might be useful, feel free to vote for it.

Eclipse Kepler: detached window and toolbar

In my Eclipse plug-in I have a custom editor which has its own toolbar. If I detach such an editor I still can use this toolbar. But only if there is no other editor (without this toolbar) active on the workbench. In this case the toolbar of the detached window disappears while activating the workbench so I can't use it anymore for the detached window. Is this a bug or a feature?
Is it somehow possible to attach the toolbar to the detached editor window to prevent such errors?
If your editor's toolbar is actually showing in the main window (the usual case) then what is happening is that when you click on the main window to use the tool the main window activates, changing the currently active part. This is a known issue for which no viable solution has been proposed...
See and related defects for the gory details.
The usual workaround is to use key-bindings for commands you want to execute in DW's.