How to ssh from k8s pod to other computers - ssh

Edit: Before you down vote, please comment why you down vote. so I can improve next time, thank you.
I tried to ssh from pod in kubernetes to another VM in GCE, mainly because I want to use rsync between these two. At the moment, I use gcloud compute scp to copy file to local computer then kubectl cp.
I used kubectl exec to access the pod, setting up ssh with ssh-keygen then copy to designated VM to /home/user/.ssh/, but when I try ssh -v user#ip it just said error connection timed out.
I tried setup gcloud inside pods and to be able to use gcloud compute ssh and I also tried gcloud compute config-ssh, the results are the same.
When I ssh with my own computer it works fine
I think firewall or network configuration is causing this problem but I'm not really sure how to fix it. Should I expose ssh port with k8s service LoadBalancer or should I edit my firewall rules in VPC network?

Beginning with Kubernetes version 1.9.x, automatic firewall rules have changed such that workloads in your Kubernetes Engine cluster cannot communicate with other Compute Engine VMs that are on the same network, but outside the cluster. This change was made for security reasons.
You can find the solution HERE
First, find your cluster's network:
gcloud container clusters describe [CLUSTER_NAME] --format=get"(network)"
Then get the cluster's IPv4 CIDR used for the containers:
gcloud container clusters describe [CLUSTER_NAME] --format=get"(clusterIpv4Cidr)"
Finally create a firewall rule for the network, with the CIDR as the source range, and allow all protocols:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "[CLUSTER_NAME]-to-all-vms-on-network" --network="[NETWORK]" --source-ranges="[CLUSTER_IPV4_CIDR]" --allow=tcp,udp,icmp,esp,ah,sctp


How to access eks cluster from local machine

I have created a EKS cluster and able to run the kubectl commands from my ec2 instance. I have then downloaded the config file from ~/.kube/config location to my local machine. I am not able to run the kubectl commands and getting authentication error.
What is the right way to access an EKS cluster from local machine.
Try look into users section in ~/.kube/config, check the user under the name of the cluster, make sure your local machine has the same working profile as the EC2 instance.
command: aws
value: <make sure this entry is valid on your local machine>
If this doesn't work, can you briefly describe how you configured kubeconfig on the EC2 instance in your question.

Why SSH is not working in kubernetes pods/container?

We have an application which uses SSH to copy artifact from one node to other. While creating the Docker image (Linux Centos 8 based), I have installed the Openssh server and client, when I run the image from Docker command and exec into it, I am successfully able to run the SSH command and I also see the port 22 enabled and listening ( $ lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN).
But if I start a POD/Container using the same image in the Kubernetes cluster, I do not see port 22 enabled and listening inside the container. Even if I try to start the sshd from inside the k8s container then it gives me below error:
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start sshd.service Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted.
Is there any way to start the K8s container with SSH enabled?
There are three things to consider:
Like David said in his comment:
I'd redesign your system to use a communication system that's easier
to set up, like with HTTP calls between pods.
If you put a service in front of your deployment, it is not going to relay any SSH connections. So you have to point to the pods directly, which might be pretty inconvenient.
In case you have missed that: you need to declare port 22 in your deployment template.
Please let me know if that helped.

How can I setup kubeapi server to allow kubectl from outside the cluster

I have a single master, multinode kubernetes going. It works great. However I want to allow kubectl commands to be run from outside the master server. How do I run kubectl get node from my laptop for example?
If I install kubectl on my laptop I get the following error:
error: client-key-data or client-key must be specified for kubernetes-admin to use the clientCert authentication method
How do I go about this. I have read through the kubernetes authorisation documentation but I must say it's a bit greek to me. I am running version 1.10.2.
Thank you.
To extend #sfgroups answer:
Configurations of all Kubernetes clusters you are managing
are stored in $HOME/.kube/config file. If you have that file on the master node,
the easy way is to copy it to $HOME/.kube/config file on a local machine.
You can choose other places, and then specify the location by environment value KUBECONFIG:
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/config
or use --kubeconfig command line parameter instead.
Cloud providers often give you a possibility to download config to local machine from the
web interface or by the cloud management command.
For GCP:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials NAME [--region=REGION | --zone=ZONE, -z ZONE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG …]
For Azure:
az login -u yourazureaccount -p yourpassword
az acs kubernetes get-credentials --resource-group=<cluster-resource-group> --name=<cluster-name>
If the cluster was created using Kops utility, you could get the config file by:
kops export kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}
From your master copy /root/.kube directory to your laptop C:\Users\.kube location.
kubectl will pickup the certificate from config file automatically.

Google DataProc Spark - getting "permission denied (publickey)" error when trying to SSH to a worker node

small cluster. 1 master, 2 workers. I can access all nodes (master+slave) just fine using gcloud SDK. However, once I access the master node and try to ssh to a slave node, I get "permission denied (publickey)" error. Note that I can ping the node successfully, but SSH does not work.
Dataproc does not install SSH keys between the master and worker nodes, so that is working as intended.
You may be able to use SSH agent forwarding. With something like:
# Add Compute Engine private key to SSH agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine
# Forward key to SSH agent of master
gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-A" [CLUSTER]-m
# SSH into worker
ssh [CLUSTER]-w-0
You could also configure SSH keys using an initialization action or use gcloud ssh from the master node (if you gave the cluster the scope).

RabbitMQ - AWS EC2 Clustering hell

Sorry, should be shot for having to even ask this, but wasted day on this - and feel like I've read everything there is.
I can't create a cluster on my EC2 instances (3) that are spread on three different regions. The hosts:
The initial state before trying to make the cluster:
ubuntu#ip-172-31-47-217:~$ sudo rabbitmqctl cluster_status
Cluster status of node 'rabbit#ip-172-31-47-217' ...
ubuntu#ip-172-31-36-111:~$ sudo rabbitmqctl cluster_status
Cluster status of node 'rabbit#ip-172-31-36-111' ...
ubuntu#ip-172-31-1-82:~$ sudo rabbitmqctl cluster_status
Cluster status of node 'rabbit#ip-172-31-1-82' ...
When I try to check status from one server for another:
sudo rabbitmqctl status -n rabbit#ip-172-31-1-82
Status of node 'rabbit#ip-172-31-1-82' ...
Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit#ip-172-31-1-82': nodedown
nodes in question: ['rabbit#ip-172-31-1-82']
hosts, their running nodes and ports:
- unable to connect to epmd on ip-172-31-1-82: timeout (timed out)
current node details:
- node name: 'rabbitmqctl3835#ip-172-31-36-111'
- home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
- cookie hash: 0tsf/OyQZI7zobmv1Ia97w==
All three servers have the same erlang cookie hash.
I can verify the host names are setup properly:
host ip-172-31-36-111 has address
I know the ports are open:
netstat -plten | grep beam
Because I opened all TCP and UDP at this point as a test, no change.
and finally if this would behave differently given those failures:
sudo rabbitmqctl join_cluster --ram rabbit#ip-172-31-1-82
Clustering node 'rabbit#ip-172-31-47-217' with 'rabbit#ip-172-31-1-82' ...
Error: {cannot_discover_cluster,"The nodes provided are either offline or not running"}
Please help, being driven insane by this.
The problem is that they are in different regions (presumably in EC2-classic - you didn't mention whether you were using a VPC). This means they cannot communicate via their private IPs (see e.g. Can EC2 instances in different regions communicate over their private IP addresses?)
will fail from one of the other servers, for example. Pinging using the hostname probably will probably even fail on the DNS lookup.
Your options are:
Put them in separate zones in a single region (in EC2 classic, they will be able to communicate). You could also use a VPC in this case, putting the in separate subnets but allowing interconnections via appropriately set up security groups.
Set up /etc/hosts on each server to point the relevant public IPs of the other servers (you could attach elastic IPs to each server to ensure stability across server restarts). You could also set the hostname of each server for clarity. Set you your security groups to allow access on the relevant ports that rabbitmq uses. There may be security implications of doing this, since the data will be travelling over the public internet.
Set up a VPN between each server in the cluster. Amazon VPC has a VPN facility, but there are ways of setting it up yourself I think.
I think only option 1 is simplest. Option 2 has major security implications (I believe there are ways of securing the connection between the cluster servers, but they aren't documented on the rabbitmq website as far as I can tell). Option 3 is complex but probably the best option if you need multiple regions.
Note that rabbitmq clusters aren't meant to be run over wide geographical areas, since they aren't too reliable in the face of network partitions. See here: