Proper way to Nest permissions in Firestore Rules - firebase-security

I have a series of collections
Users --> Portfolio (owner == userID) --> Accounts --> Items
I want to give Accounts and Items the same permissions as Portfolio. My permission for portfolio seems to work and is:
match /Portfolios/{portfolioID} {
allow read, write, update, delete: if == request.auth.uid;
allow create: if request.auth.uid != null;
Now what do I do with Accounts? and then Items?

This seems to work... I am just unsure how secure the nested documents are:
match /Portfolios/{document} {
allow read, update, write, create, delete: if == request.auth.uid;
allow create: if request.auth.uid != null;
match /{document=**} {
allow read, update, write, create, delete: if request.auth.uid != null;
allow create: if request.auth.uid != null;
Any improvements would be welcomed


How do perform a graph query and join?

I apologize for the title, I don't exactly know how to word it. But essentially, this is a graph-type query but I know RavenDB's graph functionality will be going away so this probably needs to be solved with Javascript.
Here is the scenario:
I have a bunch of documents of different types, call them A, B, C, D. Each of these particular types of documents have some common properties. The one that I'm interested in right now is "Owner". The owner field is an ID which points to one of two other document types; it can be a Group or a User.
The Group document has a 'Members' field which contains an ID which either points to a User or another Group. Something like this
It's worth noting that the documents in play have custom IDs that begin with their entity type. For example Users and Groups begin with user: and group: respectively. Example IDs look like this: or group:the-nights-watch. This comes into play later.
What I want to be able to do is the following type of query:
"Given that I have either a group id or a user id, return all documents of type a, b, or c where the group/user id is equal to or is a descendant of the document's owner."
In other words, I need to be able to return all documents that are owned by a particular user or group either explicitly or implicitly through a hierarchy.
I've considered solving this a couple different ways with no luck. Here are the two approaches I've tried:
Using a function within a query
With Dejan's help in an email thread, I was able to devise a function that would walk it's way down the ownership graph. What this attempted to do was build a flat array of IDs which represented explicit and implicit owners (i.e. root + descendants):
declare function hierarchy(doc, owners){
owners = owners || [];
while(doc != null) {
let ownerId = id(doc)
if(ownerId.startsWith('user:')) {
} else if(ownerId.startsWith('group:')) {
doc.Members.forEach(m => {
let owner = load(m, 'Users') || load(m, 'Groups');
owners = hierarchy(owner, owners);
return owners;
I had two issues with this. 1. I don't actually know how to use this in a query lol. I tried to use it as part of the where clause but apparently that's not allowed:
from #all_docs as d
where hierarchy(d) = 'group:my-group-d'
// error: method hierarchy not allowed
Or if I tried anything in the select statement, I got an error that I have exceeded the number of allowed statements.
As a custom index
I tried the same idea through a custom index. Essentially, I tried to create an index that would produce an array of IDs using roughly the same function above, so that I could just query where my id was in that array
map('#all_docs', function(doc) {
function hierarchy(n, graph) {
while(n != null) {
let ownerId = id(n);
if(ownerId.startsWith('user:')) {
return graph;
} else if(ownerId.startsWith('group:')){
n.Members.forEach(g => {
let owner = load(g, 'Groups') || load(g, 'Users');
hierarchy(owner, graph);
return graph;
function distinct(value, index, self){ return self.indexOf(value) === index; }
let ownerGraph = []
if(doc.Owner) {
let owner = load(doc.Owner, 'Groups') || load(doc.Owner, 'Users');
ownerGraph = hierarchy(owner, ownerGraph).filter(distinct);
return { Owners: ownerGraph };
// error: recursion is not allowed by the javascript host
The problem with this is that I'm getting an error that recursion is not allowed.
So I'm stumped now. Am I going about this wrong? I feel like this could be a subquery of sorts or a filter by function, but I'm not sure how to do that either. Am I going to have to do this in two separate queries (i.e. two round-trips), one to get the IDs and the other to get the docs?
Update 1
I've revised my attempt at the index to the following and I'm not getting the recursion error anymore, but assuming my queries are correct, it's not returning anything
// Entity/ByOwnerGraph
map('#all_docs', function(doc) {
function walkGraph(ownerId) {
let owners = []
let idsToProcess = [ownerId]
while(idsToProcess.length > 0) {
let current = idsToProcess.shift();
} else if(current.startsWith('group:')) {
let group = load(current, 'Groups')
if(!group) { continue; }
return owners;
let owners = [];
if(doc.Owner) {
return { Owners: owners };
// query (no results)
from index Entity/ByOwnerGraph as x
where x.Owners = "group:my-group-id"
// alternate query (no results)
from index Entity/ByOwnerGraph as x
where x.Owners ALL IN ("group:my-group-id")
I still can't use this approach in a query either as I get the same error that there are too many statements.

How to delete related models of a relation in Gorm?

So basically I have 3 models: User, Profile, and Post.
They are related like so: User has one Profile. Profile has many Post
They look like this:
type User struct {
Base // holds this object's uuid, createdAt, updatedAt
Role string `json:"role"`
Username string `json:"username" gorm:"unique"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Profile Profile `gorm:"constraint:OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
type Profile struct {
Base // holds this object's uuid, createdAt, updatedAt
UserId string `json:"user_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Bio string `json:"bio"`
Age uint8 `json:"age"`
Posts []Post `gorm:"constraint:OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
type Post struct {
Base // holds this object's uuid, createdAt, updatedAt
ProfileId string `json:"profile_id"`
Caption string `json:"caption"`
Likes uint32 `json:"num_likes" gorm:"default:0"`
What I want to happen is when I delete the user, I want the profile to be deleted and all the posts that are related to it. My only other experience with relational databases are Django where this is automatic.
What actually happens is when I delete the user, the profile gets deleted but the posts remain in the database.
This is how I am deleting the user:
base := models.Base{Id: id}
if err := configs.Database.Select(clause.Associations).Delete(&models.User{Base: base}).Error; err != nil {
return c.Status(400).JSON(err.Error())
I've already looked at this but its not very helpful. How could I accomplish this?
Thank you!
Based on the issue link you posted, and other related issues, it might not be possible to use clause.Associations for relations nested deeper than one level. In your case, the Profile related to your User is deleted, but not the Posts related to the Profile.
One way to delete all wanted associations is to use a delete hook. Either BeforeDelete or AfterDelete, depending on your setup and how strong your relationships are. For example:
func (u *User) BeforeDelete(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
if err := tx.Joins("profiles p ON = posts.profile_id").Joins("users u ON = p.user_id").Where(" = ?", u.Base.Id).Delete(&Post{}).Error; err != nil {
return err
return tx.Joins("users u ON = profiles.user_id").Where(" = ?", u.Base.Id).Delete(&Profile{}).Error
This way, when you execute configs.Database.Delete(&models.User{Base: base}), it will execute the hook first, then this query.
Another way would be to execute all the queries from the hook function separately:
base := models.Base{Id: id}
if err := configs.Database.Joins("profiles p ON = posts.profile_id").Joins("users u ON = p.user_id").Where(" = ?", base.Id).Delete(&Post{}).Error; err != nil {
return c.Status(400).JSON(err.Error())
if err := configs.Database.Joins("users u ON = profiles.user_id").Where(" = ?", base.Id).Delete(&Profile{}).Error; err != nil {
return c.Status(400).JSON(err.Error())
if err := configs.Database.Delete(&models.User{Base: base}).Error; err != nil {
return c.Status(400).JSON(err.Error())

How To Restrict Updates On Specific Fields

I am trying to write a security rules that allows all updates/writes for authenticated users, except if they are trying to update "votes" field for any document it must be greater than 0. Please help fix this:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow update: if > 0 && < 3000;
allow read;
allow write: if request.auth.uid != null;

Gorm add multiple slices in inserting in a many to many

I'm new using go and gorm. I'm trying to insert many values in one SQL query.
I wrote this query to add multiple conversations to a user:
relationUserConversation := make([][]uint, len(users))
for i, v := range users {
relationUserConversation[i] = []uint{conversation.ID, v}
result = r.db.Debug().Exec(
"INSERT INTO `user_has_conversations` (`user_has_conversations`.`conversation_id`, `user_has_conversations`.`user_id`) VALUES ?",
relationUserConversation, // If i do this it works relationUserConversation[0], relationUserConversation[1]
// The issue is because the query has this value "VALUES ((35,1),(35,2))", but should be to work (35,1),(35,2)
I also tried to add it directly with the conversation that would be what I would like to do, but I'm having issue trying to add the relation with the many to many because instead of creating the relation between the user and the conversation it tries to add the user.
My conversation model:
type Conversation struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
Users []*User `gorm:"many2many:user_has_conversations;"`
Messages []ConversationMessage
Would be great if i could create a new conversation with the related users in one query instead of creating first the conversation and after the relation to the users.
Below is a minimum working example using the Gorm Appends method (see documentation here) to create a many to many association between two (or more) models. Hopefully you can adapt this to your use case.
package main
import (
type User struct {
Name string
Conversations []Conversation `gorm:"many2many:user_conversations;"`
type Conversation struct {
Name string
Users []*User `gorm:"many2many:user_conversations;"`
func main() {
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("many2many.db"), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
panic("failed to connect database")
// Migrate the schema
err = db.AutoMigrate(&User{}, &Conversation{})
if err != nil {
userOne := User{
Name: "User One",
userTwo := User{
Name: "User Two",
// Create users
conversation := Conversation{
Name: "Conversation One",
// Create conversation
// Append users
err = db.Model(&conversation).Association("Users").Append([]User{userOne, userTwo})
if err != nil {
for _, convUser := range conversation.Users {
fmt.Println("Hello I am in the conversation: " + convUser.Name)
// Clean up database
Number of queries
If you enable Debug() on Gorm:
err = db.Debug().Model(&conversation).Association("Users").Append([]User{userOne, userTwo})
It shows this:
[0.144ms] [rows:2] INSERT INTO `user_conversations`
(`conversation_id`,`user_id`) VALUES (8,15),(8,16) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
The Values part is correct (what you were trying to do manually) and achieved using the ORM.

How to make it so a certain role is required in order to execute a command

I would like require a certain role on the user in order for them to use/execute specific commands.
Is there an easy way to do this for individual commands?
This is using Discord.Net 1.0
var User = Context.User as SocketGuildUser;
var role = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "ROLENAME");
if (User.Roles.Contains(role))
// do stuff