Access Unable to Count all Selected Listbox Items - vba

I am using Multiselect (Extended) to select items in a list box. With the focus on the listbox, after I use the Shift+DownArrowKey to select more than one item, a count of items selected never includes the last one in the selected list.
I am using the On Key Up and Down triggers for the arrow keys to perform the count (For Each ItemIndex In Me.List40.ItemsSelected).
While the focus is on the listbox, this procedure does not seem to update the list to include the last selection. Is there a way to get around this?

If you're only looking to obtain the count of selected items, you can use the Count property of the ItemsSelected collection:


Set combobox SelectedIndex by value

I am working on a tool that saves data into a database to later retrieve it and display in the same form
I save data into the database using integer id's
In order to set combobox values I have tried the following
frm.statusComboBox.SelectedValue = initiativeDataGridView.SelectedRows(0).Cells(initiativeDataGridView.Columns("initiativeStatus_Id").Index()).Value
I understand that I am in the wrong, since I need to set the combobox selectedIndex and not the selectedValue. So I guess my main question is how do I identify the combobox index for a particular value member?
Try using ComboBox.SelectedItem instead, but you should add the item as well, so it appears in the dropdownlist. Working with Indexes of ComboBox isn't the best idea, because they can change as you sort your ComboBox, delete or add items.

How to create auto-update dependent dropdown list?

I have a great task with creating auto-updating dependent dropdown list. I have a long list of fruits and long list of vegetables, which again may keep adding. So the reference dropdown would be selecting fruits or vegetables.The dependent dropdown should have the list of the previous selection. The problem here is the list gets updated so often, so I cannot give any fixed reference of the list. Also the list of fruits need not be the length of the list of vegetables, which when including a fixed reference column leads to the display of zeros in the drop-down taking into account the empty cells.
Please help me through this issue. Thanks in advance. Get Number of datagridview rows that are selected

I wanted to get the number of rows in the datagridview that have been selected, so that i can make sure that only one row has been selected by the user, but i cant find a solution anywhere.
You can use the SelectedRows property of the DataGridView.
Gets the collection of rows selected by the user.
However if your purpose is to enforce single select, then #LarsTech's comment to set MultiSelect = false is better.

How to perform multiple selections in a Qlikview Straight Table?

How would I go about making multiple selections in a QlikView straight table?
For example, how would I select the 1st and 5th rows at the same time?
There is a section about multiple selections in the QlikView 11 - Reference Manual :
14.5 Multiple Selection Within a Field
Multiple selections within a field (from one lisstrong textt box) can be made in a number of ways:
Position the cursor in the list box, then drag it over a number of field values while pressing the
mouse button.
Click the first field value to be selected, then CTRL-click each additional selection.
Click the top item to be selected, then SHIFT-click the bottom item to be selected. This way all the
items in between will be selected. However, if the sort mechanism is on, the first selection may cause
the order to change, which makes it difficult to make a correct second selection.
Confirm a text search (see below) by hitting the ENTER key. This will result in all matching field
values being selected. By keeping the CTRL key depressed while pressing ENTER the selections
from the text search will be added to previous selections.
To deselect a previously made additional selection, CTRL-click it.
If a multiple selection is made in one list box, and make a new selection from the available optional values
in another list box, some of the selected values in the first list box may get excluded. However, when the
selection in the second list box is canceled, the previous selections will, by default, be recovered.
A multiple selection can be interpreted in two different ways, either as a logical or or as a logical and.
Default is logical or, i.e. QlikView will find a solution that is associated to one or more of the selected field
For straight tables, you can only select items next to each other. Ctrl-Select only works for listboxes

Single Selection in Html.ListBox()

I have a Scenerio to Select single value from the list box, it is possible to disable multiple selection
Html.ListBox("Employees",ViewData["Employees"] as SelectList)
2ndly how to show the results back on edit???????
I have a Scenerio to Select single value from the list box, it is
possible to disable multiple selection
Use a DropDownList instead of ListBox if you want single selection.