How to pass Today's Date as default value createFragmentContainer in argumentDefinitions - relay

I am using Relay Modern (V 1.7.0). We have requirement where we need to send today's date to our GraphQL API
export default createFragmentContainer(
Viewer: graphql`
fragment UpcomingCampaigns_Viewer on Viewer #argumentDefinitions(
today: {type: "string", defaultValue:{field: "End_Date", value:"Need today's date here"}}
So how do i pass today's date in value field ? doing ${new date()} don't work and giving error like Error: Parse error: Error: FindGraphQLTags: Substitutions are not allowed in graphql tags
Thanks in advance

i think you can pass variable as a string
export default createFragmentContainer(
Viewer: graphql`
fragment UpcomingCampaigns_Viewer on Viewer #argumentDefinitions(
today: {type: "string", defaultValue:{field: "End_Date", value:"String"}}
value: `${new date()}`


GraphQL: Cannot return null for non-nullable field

I'd created gql fragment as below without photo part at first.
And then later I added photo {id} part on this fragment.
export const COMMENT_FRAGMENT = gql`
fragment CommentFragment on Comment {
user {
photo {
But it shows error message:
"message": "Cannot return null for non-nullable field",
"path": Array [
Strange thing is I checked several times that there's no null or empty field of of comments.
As you can see, Comment field has photo[] and photo has 'id', which means my fragment has no error.
When I searched about it people say it is not my query problem, but something about migration?
Can you help me? :(

VueJS bind input to Date value

I have data with Date fields startDate and stopDate:
data: {
error: '',
config: {rate: 0.00, surcharge: 0.00, startDate: new Date(), stopDate: null, enabled: true},
configurations: []
Also I have input field:
<input id="startDate" type="date" v-model="config.startDate">
So while page creation I see warning in console:
vue.js:7629 The specified value "Tue Sep 17 2019 15:52:44 GMT+0700
\u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F)" does not conform to the required
format, "yyyy-MM-dd".
Also, input field has no date value just after page has loaded. Seems like initial Date value has not bound to input field.
What is the natural way to bind date value to input field?
thanks for your answers and best regards.
This is a working jsfiddle. I don't receive any error in console.log
<div id="date">
New Date: <input id="startDate" type="date" v-
var box = new Vue({
config: {rate: 0.00, surcharge: 0.00, startDate: new Date(),
stopDate: null, enabled: true}}
According VueJS documentation, v-model="config.startDate" is equals to v-bind:value="config.startDate" v-on:input="config.startDate = $".
So, I have two ways:
Store in config variable of data value as String instead of Date and edit it by the input field. By the way, input field returns string value of date in yyyy-mm-dd format.
Use value as Date, filter (or function) to convert Date into String and function to convert String into Date.
So, the way I used is
for inpuut field:
<input id="startDate" type="date"
v-bind:value="config.startDate | inputDateFilter"
v-on:input="config.startDate = getDate($">
and for Vue instance:
filters: {
inputDateFilter: function (date) {
if (!date) {
return '';
date = new Date(date);
return date.getFullYear() + '-' + ('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + date.getDate()).slice(-2);
// . . .
methods: {
getDate(value) {
if (!value) {
return null;
return new Date(value);
// . . .
This is does what I want.

Kafka Connect S3 sink - how to use the timestamp from the message itself [timestamp extractor]

I've been struggling with a problem using kafka connect and the S3 sink.
First the structure:
Partition: number
Offset: number
Key: string
Message: json string
Timestamp: timestamp
Normally when posting to Kafka, the timestamp should be set by the producer. Unfortunately there seems to be cases where this didn't happen. This means that the Timestamp might sometimes be null
To extract this timestamp the connector was set to the following value:
Now it is always certain that the Message field itself always contains a timestamp as well.
timestamp: "2019-04-02T06:27:02.667Z"
metadata: {
creationTimestamp: "1554186422667"
The question however is that now, I would like to use that field for the timestamp.extractor
I was thinking that this would suffice, but this doesn't seem to work:
This results in a NullPointer as well.
Any ideas as to how to use the timestamp from the kafka message payload itself, instead of the default timestamp field that is set for kafka v0.10+
Full config:
{ "name": "<name>",
"config": {
"":"<bucket name>",
"s3.region": "<region>",
"s3.part.size":"<partition size>",
"key.converter": "",
"value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"key.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
"value.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
"": "3600000",
"path.format": "'year'=YYYY/'month'=MM/'day'=dd",
"": "600000",
"": "610000",
"": "6000",
"": "20000",
Kafka message payload structure:
"reference": "",
"clientId": "",
"gid": "",
"timestamp": "2019-03-19T15:27:55.526Z",
"transforms": "convert_op_creationDateTime",
"transforms.convert_op_creationDateTime.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampConverter$Value",
"": "Timestamp",
"transforms.convert_op_creationDateTime.field": "timestamp",
"transforms.convert_op_creationDateTime.format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"
So I tried doing a transform on the object, but it seems like I've been stuck again on this thing. The pattern seems to be invalid. Looking around the internet it does seem like this is a valid SimpleDatePattern. It seems to be complaining about the 'T'. Updated the message schema as well.
Based on the schema you've shared, you should be setting:
i.e. no message prefix to the timestamp field name.
If the data is a string, then Connect will try to parse as milliseconds - source code here.
In any case, message.timestamp assumes the data looks like { "message" : { "timestamp": ... } }, so just timestamp would be correct. And having nested fields didn't use to be possible anyway, so you might want to clarify which version of Connect you have.
I'm not entirely sure how you would get instanceof Date to evalutate to true when using JSON Converter, and even if you had set schema.enable = true, then also in the code, you can see there is only conditions for schema types of numbers and strings, but still assumes that it is milliseconds.
You can try using the TimestampConverter transformation to convert your date string.

Vue-good-table Invalid Date when date is null using

I'm using a table component for Vuejs called vue-good-table.
It allows you to format your columns with different formats like string, number and date.
My issue today is related to the date formatting. I'm being able to format the column properly, however, some of the values that come from the database are null, and then it appears a label Invalid Date for those rows that have null dates.
Is there a way to configure those columns as nullable or format them in a way that I prevent this message to be shown? I'd rather leave the table cell empty instead of displaying that label.
The following example shows the scenario that I'm describing
export default {
name: 'Table',
computed: {
columns() {
return [{
inputFormat: 'YYYY/MM/DD',
outputFormat: 'YYYY/MM/DD'
rows() {
return [{
fieldA: 1,
fieldB: null
fieldA: 1,
fieldB: '2017/01/04'
In that case, I would have one field with the date formatted correctly, and another field with a label Invalid Date
This problem was fixed in most recent versions.
Edit: I have just realized the formatFn function overrides the input and output format options, since it will only use the function to format the data. Not sure if it's the best aproach, but instead you should probably format the data yourself on the function (or format the data before passing to the table). Here's an example using moment:
label: 'Date/Time',
field: 'date',
type: 'date',
formatFn: function (value) {
return value != null ? moment(value, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss').format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss') : null
I had the same issue and I was able to format the data using the formatFn function (
label: 'Date/Time',
field: 'date',
type: 'date',
dateInputFormat: 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss',
dateOutputFormat: 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss',
formatFn: function (value) {
return value != null ? value : null
Hope this helps

Eventbrite giving response " wrong datetime format" on hitting event/ endpoint

I am writing a script in python to create an event.Newbie at this.Below is the entire script code for reference.
import requests,json
from datetime import datetime
print("Enter the following:\ntitle of event")
event['description']['html']=input("Event description:\n")
startdate=datetime.strptime(input("start datetime eg :Jun 1 2005 1:33PM :\n"),'%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')
#Turning datetime in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
event['start']['timezone']=input("timezone eg Asia/kolkata\n")
enddate=datetime.strptime(input("end datetime eg :Jun 1 2005 1:33PM\n"),'%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')
event['currency']=input("3 letter code")
response ="",
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer NC.....",
"Content-Type" : "application/json"
verify = True, # Verify SSL certificate
Strictly followed the docs
According to docs datatype of event.start.utc and event.start.end data shall be datetime i.e "2010-01-31T13:00:00Z"
We can see in the comments I also tried with isoformat function.
On printing event object I found the same format as specified in the docs.
But receiving response.content as event.start invalid argument or event.start.utc as datetime wrong format use instead "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ" !!
I ran into date issues with Eventbrite too; after debugging found this to work for events:
{ event:
{ name: { html: 'Postman API Event!' },
{ html: 'My fav event is The Winter Formal.' },
start: { timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles', utc: '2018-09-06T00:19:53Z' },
currency: 'USD',
listed: false,
end: { timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles', utc: '2018-09-06T00:20:53Z' } } }
and of course, different date formats in another part of API ;-)
Regarding discounts / cross event discount, where the docs specify a
Naive Local ISO8601 date and time format
First I've heard of the 'Naive' format? Why no example Eventbrite? Here's what worked: