What happens when two clients send UDP packets to a Socket - udp

Lets assume Host X has a UDP Socket running on Port 1337.
Now Host Y and Z both send a UDP Packet to port 1337 of Host X.
Are the packets going to be de-muxed?

UDP is a transfer protocol with no guarantees of delivery and doesn't have much of an implementation.
When both host Y an Z send a UDP packet to port 1337, and assuming both packets arrive, the application listening on port 1337 decides what happens with those packages. The application can choose which packet to demux, to demux both or to demux neither.
Hope this clears things up


When receiving on UDP socket listening on ANY/ address, to which local IP was the packet sent?

On my system I have multiple IP addressed. A UDP socket is listening to them all by binding to
Call recvfrom to wait for data.
In the response a sockaddr is filled with the address of the remote sender.
But how do I get to know which of my local IP the packet was sent to?
Is the a way to know?
Or do I need to explicitly open a socket for each IP address on the system?

Convert UDP to TCP - Ngrok TCP => UDP

I'm in a hurry at the moment.
My Question is, is there a way to forward UDP to TCP port?
I need this for hosting a game server for my friends, I want to
host Counter-Strike server for example, but it uses UDP (User Datagram Protocol) for server port, but NGROK only supports TCP (Transmission Control Protocl) & HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol).
I tried this while ago..
ngrok tcp
and as usually it will start :
ngrok by #inconshreveable (Ctrl+C to quit)
Session Status online
Account Soricy Infinitive (Plan: Free)
Version 2.2.8
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding tcp://0.tcp.ngrok.io:18833 ->
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
But fails to connect to 0.tcp.ngrok.io:18833 in the game, and displays that there is no UDP configured on the server side.
Is there any way I could do this differently? UDP=>TCP?
Checkout DatagramTunnneler (on github). It is an open-source c++ program which simply listens to UDP traffic and forwards it to a TCP endpoint of your choice. On that TCP endpoint another instance of the DatagramTunneler publishes the UDP data back onto a UDP channel.
Disclaimer: I wrote that tool.
One way is to copy the "raw" udp Payload and create a new TCP packet with the raw payload. But you need to set the same data of the other layer except the udp layer. Also: You need a clean configuration of the tcp layer.

Sniff remote IP port for outgoing data VB

I am trying to monitor a remote IP port for outgoing data.
At the minute I have a TCP port connected which is stuck in a deliberate (almost) infinite loop.
This works, until the tcp connection is broken for any reason.
It just feels better to monitor the remote port for outgoing data, but all the classes/functions I find are for receiving data on a particular port.
Any ideas?

tunneling using SSH

I'm tunneling all of my internet traffic through a remote computer hosting Debian using sshd. But my internet connection becomes so slow (something around 5 to 10 kbps!). Can be anything wrong with the default configuration to cause this problem?
Thanks in advance,
Tunneling TCP within another TCP stream can sometimes work -- but when things go wrong, they go wrong very quickly.
Consider what happens when the "real world" loses one of your TCP packets: after a certain amount of not getting an ACK packet back in response to new data packets, the sending side realizes a packet has gone missing and re-sends the data.
If that packet happens to be a TCP packet whose payload is another TCP packet, then you have two TCP stacks that are upset about their missing packet. The tunneled TCP layer will re-send packets and the outer TCP layer will also resend packets. This causes a giant pileup of duplicate packets that will eventually be delivered and must be dropped on the floor -- because the outer TCP reliably delivered the packet, eventually.
I believe you would be much better served by a more dedicated tunneling method such as GRE tunnels or IPSec.
Yes, tunelling traffic over tcp connection is not a good idea. See http://sites.inka.de/bigred/devel/tcp-tcp.html

how can i do NAT tunnel UDP hole punching in java?

how can i do NAT tunnel UDP hole punching in java?
because of this, the A and B computer behind the different NAT can not receice the UDP packs which they send to each other.....
how can i solve this?
You need a server S with a public IP address. A and B should open a connection to S. This will open an UDP hole in the NAT. Then S can read the NAT translated address/port for A and B. Then S can send back this information to A and B who can start communicating directly on each other's open TCP port.