Anypoint CLI VS ARM REST Services (which one is preferred for Automated Deployment?) Using Cloud Console on-premis Deployment - anypoint-studio

I wanted to Automate the Cloud Console on-premis Deployment process. I see two options to deploy the services using anypoint-cli or Rest API. Can some one please let me know what are the differences between them and which one should i choose(In terms of long term support) ?

Anypoint cli is a command line tool to interact with the REST API. It might not provide access to every endpoint of the API.
Using the API directly requires that you make the API requests in some programming or scripting language.
You should choose the one that makes more sense to you, and your use case. That can not be determined here.


Mule Anypoint Studio - Test Connection Failed - Unknown Error while doing connectivity testing - Custom API

I am new to Mule and learning. I downloaded Anypoint Studio and successfully developed and deployed 3 stand alone system APIs to cloud hub. They work via Postman.
Now I want to create a 4th API which is a Process API which will call these 3 system APIs in order. My understanding of API-Led Connectivity is like APIs calling APIs for re-usability.
So I went to the palette and downloaded my 3 published APIs from the Exchange. I dragged and dropped the first one. It asked me to configure. When I provide the values it's failing. That API works fine when I test it via Postman. What mistake am I doing here?
it looks like the answer is very easy. I should have used upper case letters as HTTP instead of http

Automated Testing of Nifi flows using Jenkins

Is there any way to automatically run regression/functional tests on Nifi flows using Jenkins pipeline ?
Searched for it, without any success.
Thanks for your help.
With the recent release of NiFI-1.5.0 and NiFi-Registry-0.1.0, the community has come together to produce a number of SDLC/CICD integration tools to make using things like Jenkins Pipeline easier.
There is both Python (NiPyAPI), and Java (NiFi-Toolkit-CLI) API wrappers being produced by a team of collaborators to allow scripted manipulation of NiFi Flows across different environments.
Common functions include interaction with integrated version control, import/export of flows as JSON documents, deployment between environments, start/stop of flows, etc.
So, we are working quickly towards supporting things like an integrated wrapper for declarative Jenkins Pipelines, and I would add it is being done fully in public codebase under the Apache license, so we (I am the lead NiPy author) would welcome your collaboration.

Integration between HP ALM and Appium

Is it possible to establish a connection between HP ALM and Appium to automate the test execution in ALM?
Yes, it is possible. You will have to use a different API for ALM. You've got 2 ways to achieve this:
Using HP-ALM OTA API (OTA API Reference: Click here)
a.) OTA API is a huge C# API with enormous variety of functionalities which can be used.
b.) Object Based API. Most programmers can work easily use it.
a.) Platform dependent. Need to register the OTA COM Client .dll in your local system (Windows) to use it.
b.) HP might migrate entirely to REST API in future and stop support/updates for COM API.
Using HP-ALM REST API (REST API Reference: Click here)
a.) Platform independent. Does not require any client-side software to be installed/registered. Post HTML requests to a server and process the XML-formatted results.
b.) API of the future. HP might migrate entirely to REST API in future.
a.) It primarily focuses only on simple CRUD operations of core entities in the client (CRUD = create, read, update, delete).
b.) Not all ALM functionalities exposed through this API.
You can also have a look at my git repo: myGitRepo. Have got 2 projects implemented using OTA COM API. Both have got a UI with functionalities to achieve several day to day manual tasks performed in ALM. There are several enhancements I am currently working on.
Have a look at Agiletestware Bumblebee. It provides integration with Appium and Selenium on a source code level with a set of Java annotations.
See the detailed guide here.
Disclaimer: I'm developer of Bumblebee

Openstack create volume via Nova API

I'm trying to build a small webapp that will handle our development environments located on an openstack infrastructure (version 2012.2.2-dev, bundled in ubuntu 12.04) and I need to create some volumes using the API (i decided to use openstack rest api). I'm able to start machines and do some other operations (everything is built based on this: If I send the request to create a volume as explained on the api reference, i get a 404. I tried different api versions (v1), but still no success.
Thank you in advance.
What language are you coding in? You could just use an SDK for this and skip trying to talk to the API directly. See
In newer releases of OpenStack it is preferable to make use of the Cinder API rather than Nova API.
In folsom, Cinder uses IDENTICAL API refs to Nova volume related API sets. This is because this was the first release to separate out volume management to cinder as a stand alone project. While volume API references remain in folsom it is not the default and it is not the preferred method for accessing volumes REST queries.
Check out.

Can Azure be inter-operable with Amazon?

I have a question about whether cloud vendors have an inter-operable mechanism. For example, I am developing a WCF service and hosting in Azure successfully. After a pro-long time using Azure, can I use the same code for deploying it in AWS? Will it be possible? Does the API of both matches the same for deploying? If not, what are all the extra care needed for hosting the same service when switching over other Cloud Vendors like, OpenStack, etc.,
In general, you can't just take what you develop for one Cloud platform and put it on another: they have different functionality sets and expose different APIs. However, the more low-level you make your code, the more likely it is that you'll find another vendor with a very similar API, since virtualizing infrastructure is simpler (and closer to standardized) than virtualizing a CMS application.
If you're using just IaaS, you can probably port fairly rapidly but you have to do more work to make your application. If you're using PaaS (or SaaS!) then you're more locked-in but you get more support for developing rapidly: it's that support platform which is both the value-add and the lock-in, and you won't get one without the other.
If you're using an Azure web role for hosting your WCF service then from deployment point of view you will not have many problems with AWS. You'll simply use facilities offered by AWS SDK for .NET (aka Publish to AWS CloudFormation). For sure you'll have to change the logging part if you've used Azure Diagnostic and alla Azure services with related AWS services. We did this multiple times in the last year and it works.
For worker role it's not so simple because in Azure they are easily deployed like web role, but in AWS you haven't direct deployment from Visual Studio so you have to do some manual work using Windows Services or something else