Error: (1) unstable-cluster in Aerospike how to resolve this issue - aerospike

I’m trying to setup aerospike DB clustering with 2 nodes using mesh concept, If 1 node is down, other node throwing unstable-cluster error.
How to solve this issue ?
select *from bar;
Error: (1) unstable-cluster

If the second node is constantly going in and out, the cluster is in a state of migration and you see this error because you are running essentially a scan job with select * . Once cluster state is stable, it will be back to giving you results. See AQL code sets fail_on_cluster_change to true in its configuration.
You can test by setting this false, results are not reliable then.
FAIL_ON_CLUSTER_CHANGE = true <-- default
FAIL_ON_CLUSTER_CHANGE = false <-- set it so and retest. You may see node connection error then on the node that is dropping in and out.


Spark - Failed to load collect frame - "RetryingBlockFetcher - Exception while beginning fetch"

We have a Scala Spark application, that reads something like 70K records from the DB to a data frame, each record has 2 fields.
After reading the data from the DB, we make minor mapping and load this as a broadcast for later usage.
Now, in local environment, there is an exception, timeout from the RetryingBlockFetcher while running the following code:"id", "mapping_id") => row.getString(0) -> row.getLong(1))
The exception is:
2022-06-06 10:08:13.077 task-result-getter-2 ERROR Exception while
beginning fetch of 1 outstanding blocks Failed to connect to /
In the local environment, I simply create the spark session with local "spark.master"
When I limit the max of records to 20K, it works well.
Can you please help? maybe I need to configure something in my local environment in order that the original code will work properly?
I tried to change a lot of Spark-related configurations in my local environment, both memory, a number of executors, timeout-related settings, and more, but nothing helped! I just got the timeout after more time...
I realized that the data frame that I'm reading from the DB has 1 partition of 62K records, while trying to repartition with 2 or more partitions the process worked correctly and I managed to map and collect as needed.
Any idea why this solves the issue? Is there a configuration in the spark that can solve this instead of repartition?

Cache partition not replicated

I have 2 nodes with the persistence enabled. I create a cache like so
// all the queues across the frontier instances
CacheConfiguration cacheCfg2 = new CacheConfiguration("queues");
globalQueueCache = ignite.getOrCreateCache(cacheCfg2);
where backups is a value > 1
When one of the nodes dies, I get
Exception in thread "Thread-2" javax.cache.CacheException: class org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheInvalidStateException: Failed to execute query because cache partition has been lostParts [cacheName=queues, part=2]
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.query.GridCacheQueryAdapter.executeScanQuery(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.IgniteCacheProxyImpl$1.applyx(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.IgniteCacheProxyImpl$1.applyx(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.IgniteOutClosureX.apply(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.GridQueryProcessor.executeQuery(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.IgniteCacheProxyImpl.query(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.IgniteCacheProxyImpl.query(
at org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GatewayProtectedCacheProxy.query(
at crawlercommons.urlfrontier.service.ignite.IgniteService$
Caused by: class org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheInvalidStateException: Failed to execute query because cache partition has been lostParts [cacheName=queues, part=2]
... 9 more
I expected the content to have been replicated onto the other node. Why isn't that the case?
Most likely there is a misconfiguration somewhere. Check the following:
you are not working with an existing cache (replace getOrCreateCache to createCache)
you are not having more server nodes than the backup factor is
inspect the logs for "Detected lost partitions" message and what happened prior

Apache Ignite sql query returns only cache contents, not complete results from database

My Ignite nodes (2 server nodes - let's call them A and B) are configured as follows:
Node A is started first, from command line as follows:
apache-ignite-fabric-2.2.0-bin>bin/ignite.bat config/default-config.xml
Node B is started from java code by running
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(ServerConfigurationFactory.createConfiguration());
(jar containing ServerConfigurationFactory is put in the apache-ignite-fabric-2.2.0-bin\libs directory so Node A and B are on the same cluster..otherwise there is an error)
I have a query that is supposed to return 9061 results from the database. After the cache loading process in Node B, I went to the Web Console and ran a simple count SQL statement against the caches. There is a button "Execute on selected node" that allows you to choose a specific cache to query. I queried Node A and got a count of 2341, and on Node B I get a count of 2064. If I just use the "Execute" button I get 4405 which is just the total of node A and B. Obviously they are missing 4656 records (9061 total records in db - 4405 in nodes A and B). I also ran the same count query in Java code using SqlFieldsQuery and I also get 4405.
Since readThrough is set to true I expected Ignite to also return results that are not in memory. But this is not the case because it just returns whatever is on the cache. Am I doing something wrong here? Thank you.
Read though works only for key-value APIs, so SQL engine assumes that all required data is preloaded from database prior to running a query.
If your data set doesn't fit in memory and you can't preload all the data, you can use native Ignite persistence storage:

Reducers failing

We are using 3 cluster machine and mapreduce.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum property is set to 9. When I set no of reducer is equal to or less than 9 job is getting succeeded but if I set greater than 9 then it is failing with the exception "Task attempt_201701270751_0001_r_000000_0 failed to ping TT for 60 seconds. Killing!". Can any one guide me what will be the problem
There seem to be some bug in hadoop -0.20. (for reference ).
Can you please try to increase the task timeout ?
(mapreduce.task.timeout to a higher value ) ( 0 will disable the timeout )

Voldemort replication and failover details

I'm evaluating Voldemort and encountered some confusing stuff related to replication and failover. I tried to make a simple 2 nodes cluster configuration where each node is a backup for another one. So data written to node 1 should be replicated to node 2 and vice versa. In case of node 1 failover the second node should serve client requests. After node 1 recovery data should be transfered back to node 1. I think it's very common and clear case. So I made the following configuration.
<partitions>0, 1, 2, 3</partitions>
<partitions>4, 5, 6, 7</partitions>
<description>Performance Test store</description>
I perform the following test:
Start both nodes;
Connect cluster via shell using 'bin/ perftest tcp://';
Put the key-value "1" "a";
Perform 'preflist "1"' which returns me 'Node 1' 'Node 0' so I assume that 'get' request will be sent to Node 1 first;
Crash Node 1;
Get key "1". I see some errors related to loss of connectivity but finally it returns me correct value;
Start Node 1;
Get key "1". It says that Node 1 is available but returns me 'null' instead of the value. So I assume the Node 1 didn't get the data from Node 0 and since my required-reads = 1 it doesn't ask for Node 0 and returns me null.
Crash Node 0;
Key "1" is lost forever because it wasn't replicated to Node 1.
I'm more than sure that I misunderstand something in configuration or cluster replication details. Could you clarify why the data doesn't replicate back from Node 0 to Node 1 after recovery? And am I right that replication is a client responsibility, not server? If so how should the data be replicated after Node recovery?
Thanks in advance.
I don't known if you've already solved the problem, but take a look to:
Remember that the memory store is only for testing (junit) purposes, you should use the readonly or bdb stores.