entrypoint size limit: code splitting to limit the size of entrypoints in vue cli 3.x - vue.js

I get the following warning after building my project with vue cli 3:
After some look up I found out that there is no need to create a webpack.config.js as it is written here (or here):
The initial project doesn't require the file to exist because you just created a project with fresh "default" settings that don't require any config.
The Vue CLI documentation offers a vue.config.js which is optional and will be automatically loaded if it's present in the project root. Also it seems possible to work with webpack in the vue.config.js like this.
I'm totally new to webpack and couldn't figure out how to limit the size of my entrypoints with the code splitting that is provided in the message of the warning abouve. Can somebody please give me a hint how to solve this using the vue.config.js file?

We can also split each route's component into separate chunks and only load them when the route is visited.
In your router.js file:
// replace
// import UserDetails from './views/UserDetails'
// with
const UserDetails = () => import('./views/UserDetails')
const router = createRouter({
// ...
routes: [{ path: '/users/:id', component: UserDetails }],
For further information read the official documentation.

Try to load your components asynchronously.
Also prefer local component registration over global.


Catch-all route for production build of Vue Router/Vite-based SPA

I have a Vue3-based SPA using Vue Router and Vite as dev server. The app has three valid URL paths:
For production, it will be deployed on Apache under a prefix, i.e. the production URL paths will be:
What I want to achieve is that clients should be redirected to a valid URL path (e.g. /prefix) of the application even when they initially request an invalid URL path, such as /prefix/invalid.
For this purpose, I've defined the following router.js:
import { createWebHistory, createRouter } from "vue-router";
const routes = [
path: "/first",
component: () => import("./components/First.vue")
path: "/second",
component: () => import("./components/Second.vue")
path: "/:anything+",
redirect: "/"
const router = createRouter({history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL), routes});
export default router;
The third route entry defines a catch-all route that will match whenever clients request an invalid URL path. This works fine in development on Vite, i.e. when serving the app via npm run dev -- --base='/prefix/'. Even when the browser initially requests /prefix/invalid, the app's /prefix route is loaded and displayed.
When deploying with npm run build -- --base='/prefix/' for production, however, the catch-all route starts working only after clients have initially requested /prefix or /prefix/index.html and the SPA has been loaded. When they initially request /prefix/invalid or even /prefix/first or /prefix/second, Apache responds with 404 Not Found. This is of course because the whole routing is implemented client-side in JavaScript, so my catch-all route and everything else routing-related will only work once the SPA itself has been loaded and its JavaScript is executing in the browser.
My question is: is there a way to make initial requests for invalid URL paths work in production on Apache like in dev on Vite? I tried adding a file public/.htaccess like this:
ErrorDocument 404 import.meta.env.BASE_URL
But the expression import.meta.env.BASE_URL, which Vite statically replaces with the base config option value in router.js, is not replaced in this file - which is consistent with the documentation of the public directory. Hence this approach doesn't work.
Not sure whether I'm following the right path with .htaccess or whether my business problem has any better -possibly simpler- solution?
The problem can be solved by generating .htaccess dynamically using a simple Vite plugin, which I define inline in vite.config.js for simplicity.
// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '#vitejs/plugin-vue'
// A private Vite plugin for generating .htaccess dynamically
function generateHtaccess () {
// Resolved Vite configuration, including "base" option
let viteConfig;
return {
name: 'generate-htaccess',
// Rollup Plugin API output generation hook
// See https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#generatebundle
generateBundle() {
type: 'asset',
fileName: '.htaccess',
source: `ErrorDocument 404 ${viteConfig.base}\n`
// Vite Plugin API specific hook
// See https://vitejs.dev/guide/api-plugin.html#configresolved
configResolved(resolvedConfig) {
viteConfig = resolvedConfig;
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue(), generateHtaccess()],
A non-prefixed production build, such as npx vite build, will hence generate dist/.htaccess with the following content:
ErrorDocument 404 /
while specifying a prefix, e.g. npx vite build --base='/~user/' will generate:
ErrorDocument 404 /~user/
With this .htaccess, clients initially requesting any invalid URL path in production on Apache will be properly redirected to the same catch-all route -the app's root directory- as defined in router.js. This behavior will work consistently for any --base value supplied at build time.

vue and webpack doesn't do lazy loading in components?

The lazy component in vue/webpack seem to be wrong or I miss confuse about the terms.
To do lazy loading of component I use the keyword import and webpack should split this component to sepeate bundle, and when I need to load this component webpack should take care of it and load the component.
but in fact, webpack does make sperate file, but it loaded anyway when the application is running. which is unexpected.
For example I just create a simple vue application (using the cli) and browse to localhost:8080/ and the about page should be loaded (by default) using the import keyword.
const routes = [
path: '/',
name: 'Home',
component: Home
path: '/about',
name: 'About',
// route level code-splitting
// this generates a separate chunk (about.[hash].js) for this route
// which is lazy-loaded when the route is visited.
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "about" */ '../views/About.vue')
So This is by design? I load every time the file I do not need right now (the page about). and if I have 200 pages, when I'll fetch 200 files I dont need. how that ends up? that did I save here by using the import key?
In vuetify for example they uses import key, but the files are loaded anyway and not by demand.
You can also avoid component prefetch using one of the webpack "magic" comments (https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/#prefetchingpreloading-modules), eg.
components: {
MyComponent: () => import(/* webpackPrefetch: false */ './MyComponent.vue')
Feel free to read more about this Vue optimization below:
If you're referring to the default app template from Vue CLI, then you're actually observing the prefetch of the About page, intended to reduce load times for pages the user will likely visit.
If you want to avoid this performance optimization, use this Vue config:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
For troubleshooting reference, Chrome's Network panel includes an Initiator column, which provides a clickable link to the source file that triggered the network call. In this case of the about.js, the source file looks like this:
try using vue-lazyload maybe it can help and for <script> tags you can try async defer it helps in website speed optimizations

Vue local config file per App installation

I am new the Vue.js and I am trying first steps with an app. So for understanding the basics, I want a local config file per App installation to customise some needed variables in the code.
So in my main.js I tried the following:
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
let config;
try {
config = require('../config.json');
} catch (e) {
config = require('../public/config.json');
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
Vue.prototype.$localConfig = config;
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
This is working, until I build the production version with the dist folder. If I open the config.json in the root of the dist and change a property value, I see always the first defined values from the development env. So is webpack making there some caching? Is this at all the right way of handling such a local config file per App installation?
Maybe someone could give me some tips on this.
Doing config = require('../config.json'); is the same as import config from "../config.json" in a way that it takes the content of your json file at build time, transform it into JS object and make's it part of your app bundle.
You can do what you propose in a comment (include the file in a script tag in your index.html) but that means your app is doing additional request to the server to load the config and by doing so increasing "time to render" (time user have to wait until the page is fully rendered)
Most common way to handle app configuration in Vue/Webpack world is by using Environment Variables - those also "work" at build time tho so you need to build your app separately for each environment
let config
const configPromise =
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
? import('../config.json')
: import('../public/config.json')
configPromise.then(res => {
config = res.default

how do i set dynamic base url in vuejs app?

I want develop an app with vuejs and php. That can be installed in many directory, like
I don't want to compile vuejs app for each sub path. I have search a lot, but I can't find any solution on this.
How do I set vue js public path dynamically in vuejs 2?
I am using #vue/cli 4.0.5 version.
I have also tried using
<base href="mybase path"/> // it works for my angular app
Please advice me how could do this dynamically?
Please help
I got my answer, just need to put a public path to .
//in vue.config.js file
module.exports = {
publicPath:process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'? '.': '/'
thank you all
in your app.js file, write like this:
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: '/base_url_name'

VueJs 2: Unable to render view when using history mode and route params

I am trying to set up SPA routes using history mode as follows:
mode: 'history',
routes: [
path: '/',
component: Home
path: '/articles',
component: ArticleList,
children: [
path: ':title',
component: ArticleView
As I am using the history mode routing on vue and on express application I've set up "express-history-api-fallback" as the last middleware in the pipeline:
const app = express();
const root = path.join(__dirname, '../client/dist');
/* other middlewares */
app.use(fallback('index.html', {root: root}));
At the moment of a page reload, everything works fine. I.e. loading a url http://application/articles, opens correctly the view, BUT when I try to access the view that takes in a parameter, no matter what, the view does not get loaded and two requests are made to the express.
I.E. a request to http://application/articles/test will resolve into two requests. One to http://application/articles/test and another one to http://application/articles/app.[calculated-hash].js
As far as I understand, the first request fetches the index.html the other request fetches the bundled js script.
Also, on the express app, all routes to api start with 'api' prefix.
What is wrong with my setup/code using history mode and route params because no routes with parameters are loaded when trying to access them when entering url manually or hitting refresh?
Using connect-history-api-fallback produces the same results
The problem was with the script tag the webpack injects into the index.html
<script type="text/javascript" src="app.06503cbc260646a996d9.js"></script>
The src attribute value was missing a '/' prefix thus the resolution of files failed.
So to make it work, I've linked the src file like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app.06503cbc260646a996d9.js"></script>
As I am using the webpack to bundle js files, on the webpack config I've added output.publicPath '/'
More info: connect-history-api-fallback bugtracker