More efficiently writing partitioned parquet when partitioning column is skewed - sql

I'm working on writing a large table (approximately 1.2b rows) in partitioned parquet, I'm using state (like US state) as the partitioning key. The issue is that there is a large number of null state values. This table is often queried by state, so having a large partition with the null states is not an issue, but I'm having trouble more efficiently generating the table.
I've tried creating the table with the non-null states, then inserting the null, but from what I can tell all the null values still just get put in one big partition and therefore sent to one worker.
It would be great if there was a way to insert into a specific partition. Like for my example, write the non-null states, then insert remaining records into the state=null or hive_default_partition in a way that would still parallelize across the cluster.

Try writing the non-null data using automatic partitioning, then repartition the null data and write it separately, e.g.:
Using the SQL API, you can use a repartitioning hint (introduced in Spark 2.4) to accomplish the same:
spark-sql> describe skew_test;
id bigint NULL
dt date NULL
state string NULL
# Partition Information
# col_name data_type comment
state string NULL
Time taken: 0.035 seconds, Fetched 6 row(s)
spark-sql> CREATE TABLE `skew_test2` (`id` BIGINT, `dt` DATE, `state` STRING)
> USING parquet
> `serialization.format` '1'
> )
Time taken: 0.06 seconds
spark-sql> insert into table skew_test2 select * from skew_test where state is not null;
Time taken: 1.208 seconds
spark-sql> insert into table skew_test2 select /*+ REPARTITION(100) */ * from skew_test where state is null;
Time taken: 1.39 seconds
You should see 100 tasks created by Spark for the final statement, and your state=__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__ directory should contain 100 parquet files. For more information on Spark-SQL hints, check out


ClickHouse - SELECT row of data is too slow

The following problem occurred in our project, which we cannot solve.
We have a huge data of our logs, and we go to ClickHouse from MongoDB.
Our table is created like this:
raw String,
ts DateTime64(6) MATERIALIZED toDateTime64(JSONExtractString(raw, 'date_time'), 6),
device_id String MATERIALIZED JSONExtractString(raw, 'device_id'),
level Int8 MATERIALIZED JSONExtractInt(raw, 'level'),
context String MATERIALIZED JSONExtractString(raw, 'context'),
event String MATERIALIZED JSONExtractString(raw, 'event'),
event_code String MATERIALIZED JSONExtractInt(raw, 'event_code'),
data String MATERIALIZED JSONExtractRaw(raw, 'data'),
date Date DEFAULT toDate(ts),
week Date DEFAULT toMonday(ts)
ENGINE ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree()
ORDER BY (device_id, ts)
and I'm running a query like so
SELECT device_id,toDateTime(ts),context,level,event,data
FROM logs
WHERE device_id = 'some_uuid'
this is the result 10 rows in set. Elapsed: 6.23 sec.
And second without order, limit and offset:
SELECT device_id,toDateTime(ts),context,level,event,data
FROM logs
WHERE device_id = 'some_uuid'
this is the result Elapsed: 7.994 sec. for each 500 rows of 130000+
Is too slow.
Seems that CH process all the rows in the table. What is wrong and what need to improve the speed of CH?
The same implementation on MongoDB takes 200-500ms max
Egor! When you mentioned, "we go to ClickHouse from MongoDB", did you mean you switched from MongoDB to ClickHouse to store your data? Or you somehow connect to ClickHouse from MongoDB to run queries you're referring to?
I'm not sure how do you ingest your data, but let's focus on the reading part.
For MergeTree family ClickHouse writes data in parts. Therefore, it is vital to have a timestamp as a part of your where clause, so ClickHouse can determine which parts you want to read and skip most of the data you don't need. Otherwise, it will scan all the data.
I would imagine these queries will do the scan faster:
SELECT device_id,toDateTime(ts),context,level,event,data
FROM logs
WHERE device_id = 'some_uuid' AND week = '2021-07-05'
SELECT device_id,toDateTime(ts),context,level,event,data
FROM logs
WHERE device_id = 'some_uuid' AND week = '2021-07-05';
AFAIK, unless you specified the exact partition format, CH will use partitioning by month (ie toYYYYMM()) for your CREATE TABLE statement. You can check that by looking at table:
WHERE table = 'logs'
So, if you want to store data in weekly parts, I would imagine partitioning could be like
ORDER BY (device_id, ts)
PARTITION BY toMonday(week)
This is also a good piece of information: Using Partitions and Primary keys in queries

Calculating per second peak values after summing up individual values in clickhouse

I am currently using Clickhouse cluster (2 shards, 2 replicas) to read transaction logs from my server. The log contains fields like timestamp, bytes delivered, ttms, etc. The structure of my table is as below:
CREATE TABLE db.log_data_local ON CLUSTER '{cluster}' (
timestamp DateTime,
bytes UInt64,
/*lots of other fields */
) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{cluster}/db/tables/logs/{shard}','{replica}')
ORDER BY timestamp
TTL timestamp + INTERVAL 1 MONTH;
CREATE TABLE db.log_data ON CLUSTER '{cluster}'
AS cdn_data.http_access_data_local
ENGINE = Distributed('{cluster}','db','log_data_local',rand());
I am ingesting data from Kafka and using materialized view to populate this table. Now I need to calculate the peak throughput per second from this table. So basically I need to sum up the bytes field per second and then find the max value for a 5 minute period.
I tried using ReplicatedAggregatingMergeTree with aggregate functions for the throughput, but the peak value I get is much less compared to the value I get when I directly query the raw table.
The problem is, while creating the material view to populate the peak values, querying the distributed table directly is not giving any results but if I query the local table then only partial data set is considered. I tried using an intermediary table to compute the per-second total and then to create the materialized but I faced the same issue.
This is the schema for my peaks table and the materialized view I am trying to create:
CREATE TABLE db.peak_metrics_5m_local ON CLUSTER '{cluster}'
timestamp DateTime,
peak_throughput AggregateFunction(max,UInt64),
ORDER BY (timestamp)
TTL timestamp + toIntervalDay(90);
CREATE TABLE db.peak_metrics_5m ON CLUSTER '{cluster}'
AS cdn_data.peak_metrics_5m_local
ENGINE = Distributed('{cluster}','db','peak_metrics_5m_local',rand());
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW db.peak_metrics_5m_mv ON CLUSTER '{cluster}'
TO db.peak_metrics_5m_local
toStartOfFiveMinute(timestamp) as timestamp,
maxState(bytes) as peak_throughput,
sum(bytes) as bytes,
FROM db.log_data_local
GROUP BY timestamp
GROUP BY timestamp;
Please help me out with a solution to this.
It's impossible to implement with MV. MV is an insert trigger.
sum(bytes) as bytes, ... GROUP BY timestamp works against inserted buffer and does not read data from log_data_local table.

why it is too slow when insert hdfs hive partitioned table?

I ve created table like this: (non partioned)
create external table `ersin_db`.`DW_ETL`
stored as parquet
LOCATION '/user/ers/ersyn61/'
when I try insert it is fast.
but when I create partitioned table like this:
create external table `ersin_db`.`DW_ETL`
partitioned by(partition_etldate_string string )
stored as parquet
LOCATION '/user/ers/ersyn61/'
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true;
the insert is slow?
How can I it faster?
thanks in advance
I think i can answer to this.
Your second table is a dynamic partitioned table. While inserting into a dynamically partitioned table, hive sort the final data and write into each partition one by one(default behaviour). Since, you partitioned on partition_etldate_string it takes a lot of time to insert into each partition one by one. here is a typical SQL summary when it tries to insert into a dynamically partitioned table on year,month. Notice, how SORT operation is taking 17min while data processing is taking only 1min.
Operator #Hosts Avg Time Max Time #Rows Est. #Rows Peak Mem Est. Peak Mem Detail
02:SORT 2 17m16s 30m50s 55.05M -1 25.60 GB 12.00 MB
01:EXCHANGE 2 9s493ms 12s822ms 55.05M -1 26.98 MB 2.90 MB HASH(CAST(extract(ts, 'year') AS SMALLINT),CAST(extract(ts, 'month') AS TINYINT))
00:SCAN HDFS 2 51s958ms 1m10s 55.05M -1 76.06 MB 704.00 MB default.my_table
Your first table is not partitioned so hive wont sort the data and write one partition at a time but it will write all data together.
Depending on volume of data, dynamic partition can take a lot of time to load. This is a default behavior and i am not sure how to put a workaround this. You can use static partition but it will be difficult to handle partitions based on date.

My data can’t be date partitioned, how do I use clustering?

Currently I using following query:
where ID = 100077113 
and Key='06019'
My data has 100 million rows:
ID - unique
Key - can have ~10,000 keys
If I know the key looking for ID can be done on ~10,000 rows and work much faster and process much less data.
How can I use the new clustering capabilites in BigQuery to partition on the field Key?
(I'm going to summarize and expand on what Mikhail, Pentium10, and Pavan said)
I have a table with 12M rows and 76 GB of data. This table has no timestamp column.
This is how to cluster said table - while creating a fake date column for fake partitioning:
CREATE TABLE `fh-bigquery.public_dump.github_java_clustered`
(id STRING, size INT64, content STRING, binary BOOL
, copies INT64, sample_repo_name STRING, sample_path STRING
, fake_date DATE)
PARTITION BY fake_date
SELECT *, DATE('1980-01-01') fake_date
FROM `fh-bigquery.github_extracts.contents_java`
Did it work?
# original table
FROM `fh-bigquery.github_extracts.contents_java`
WHERE id='be26cfc2bd3e21821e4a27ec7796316e8d7fb0f3'
(3.3s elapsed, 72.1 GB processed)
# clustered table
FROM `fh-bigquery.public_dump.github_java_clustered2`
WHERE id='be26cfc2bd3e21821e4a27ec7796316e8d7fb0f3'
(2.4s elapsed, 232 MB processed)
What I learned here:
Clustering can work with unique ids, even for tables without a date to partition by.
Prefer using a fake date instead of a null date (but only for now - this should be improved).
Clustering made my query 99.6% cheaper when looking for rows by id!
Read more:
you can have one filed of type DATE with NULL value, so you will be able partition by that field and since the table partitioned you will be able to enjoy clustering
You need to recreate your table with an additional date column with all rows having NULL values. And then you set partition to the date column. This way your table is partitioned.
After you've done with this, you will add clustering, based on the columns you identified in your query. Clustering will improve processing time and query costs will be reduced.
Now you can partition table on an integer column so this might be a good solution, remember there is a limit of 4,000 partitions for each table. So because you have ~10,000 keys I will suggest to create a sort of group_key that bundles ids together or maybe you have another column that you can leverage as integer with a cardinality < 4,000.
Recently BigQuery introduced support for clustering table even if they are not partitioned. So you can simply cluster on your integer field and don't use partitioning all together. Although, this solution will not be most effective for data scan optimisation.

Most efficient way to query cassandra in small time-based chunks

My Cassandra-based application needs to read the rows changed since last read.
For this purpose, we are planning to have a table changed_rows that will contain two columns -
ID - The ID of the changed row and
Updated_Time - The timestamp when it was changed.
What is the best way to read such a table such that it reads small group of rows ordered by time.
Example: if the table is:
ID Updated_Time
foo 1000
bar 1200
abc 2000
pqr 2500
zyx 2900
xyz 901000
I have shown IDs to be simple 3-letter keys, in reality they are UUIDs.
Also, time shown above is shown as an integer for the sake of simplicity, but its an actual Cassandra timestamp (Or Java Date). The Updated_Time column is a monotonically increasing one.
If I query this data with:
SELECT * FROM changed_rows WHERE Updated_Time < toTimestamp(now())
I get the following error:
Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and
thus may have unpredictable performance... Use Allow Filtering
But I think Allow Filtering in this case would kill the performance.
The Cassandra index page warns to avoid indexes for high cardinality columns and the Updated_Time above sure seems like high cardinality.
I do not know the ID column before-hand because the purpose of the query is to know the IDs updated between given time intervals.
What is the best way to query Cassandra in this case then?
Can I change my table somehow to run the time-chunk query more efficiently?
Note: This should sound somewhat similar to Cassandra-CDC feature but we cannot use the same because our solution should work for all the Cassandra versions
Assuming you know the time intervals you want to query, you need to create another table like the following:
CREATE TABLE modified_records (
timeslot timestamp,
updatedtime timestamp,
recordid timeuuid,
PRIMARY KEY (timeslot, updatedtime)
Now you can split your "updated record log" into time slices, eg 1 hour, and fill the table like this:
INSERT INTO modified_records (timeslot, updatedtime, recordid) VALUES ( '2017-02-27 09:00:00', '2017-02-27 09:36:00', 123);
INSERT INTO modified_records (timeslot, updatedtime, recordid) VALUES ( '2017-02-27 09:00:00', '2017-02-27 09:56:00', 456);
INSERT INTO modified_records (timeslot, updatedtime, recordid) VALUES ( '2017-02-27 10:00:00', '2017-02-27 10:00:13', 789);
where you use a part of your updatedtime timestamp as a partition key, eg in this case you round to the integral hour. You then query by specifying the time slot only, eg:
SELECT * FROM modified_records WHERE timeslot = '2017-02-27 09:00:00';
SELECT * FROM modified_records WHERE timeslot = '2017-02-27 10:00:00';
Depending on how often your records get updated, you can go with smaller or bigger time slices, eg every 6 hours, or 1 day, or every 15 minutes. This structure is very flexible. You only need to know the timeslot you want to query. If you need to span multiple timeslots you'll need to perform multiple queries.