I'm not familiar with using python as a ML tool and wanted to train the MNIST data set. I have downloaded the MNIST library using
pip install python-mnist but do not know what my next step should be. What would an import statement look like? Should I also import TensorFlow and or Keras to train the data?
I know the MNIST dataset is available in TensorFlow and Keras, however, importing via pip a necessary solution for my use case. Both TensorFlow and Keras have tutorials using the MNIST data set, but I was wondering if it is possible to use the data set without using their pre-downloaded library.
The import statement should look like this
from mnist import MNIST
mndata = MNIST('./dir_with_mnist_data_files')
images, labels = mndata.load_training()
then you can work directly with the arrays of raw images and labels.
I am using tf.data.Dataset to create my dataset and training a CNN with keras. I need to apply masks on the images, and the mask depends on the shape of the image, there are no predefined pixel coordinates.
When looking for an answer on the internet, I found that there are 2 ways of accessing shapes of images in TensorFlow (in training time):
Using eager execution (which is not enabled by default in my case, I'm using tf v 12.0)
Using a session
I do not want to use eager execution because it slows down training, and cannot use a session because I train and test the CNN using Keras (I feed the data to model.train() using iterators of tf.data.Dataset).
As a consequence, I have no way of knowing the shapes of images, and thus cannot access specific pixels for data augmentation.
I wrote a function using OpenCV (cv2) that applies the masks. Is there a way to integrate it with the TensorFlow data pipeline?
EDIT : I found a solution. I used tf.py_func to wrap the python functions
You can use map to transform elements of your dataset. You can then use tf.py_function to wrap your cv2 function into a tf op that executes eagerly. In tensorflow 1.x, you may use tf.py_func but the behavior is a bit different. See tf.py_function documentation for more info.
So, in TF-2.x it will look something like:
def cv2_func(image, label):
# your code goes here
def tf_cv2_func(image, label):
[image, label] = tf.py_function(cv2_func, [image, label], [tf.float32, tf.float64])
return image, label
train_ds = train_ds.shuffle(BUFFER_SIZE).map(tf_cv2_func).batch(BATCH_SIZE)
NOTE: Since you need image augmentation, I thought of supplying with some information on various image-augmentation libraries. This does not show you how to add OpenCV function into your tfdata-pipeline. But, if your requirements are standard enough, you may be able to use one of these:
Data Augmentation in Python
Package: albumentations
library: external
url: Python albumentations library
Package: imaug :star:
library: external
url: Python imaug library
Package: tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator
library: external
url: Pyhon - TensorFlow ImageDataGenerator library
Example(s)/use of albumentations.
url: Example use-cases of Albumentations
Example(s)/use of imaug.
url: Data Augmentation for Deep Learning
:star::page_facing_up::heavy_check_mark: Fantastic Article
url: Data Augmentation techniques in python
Example(s)/use of tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator.
url: Official Example use-case of tf.keras - ImageDataGenerator
url: Building powerful image classification models using very little data
I need to run my model in NVIDIA JETSON T2, So I converted my working yoloV3 model into tensorRT(.trt format)(https://towardsdatascience.com/have-you-optimized-your-deep-learning-model-before-deployment-cdc3aa7f413d)This link mentioned helped me to convert the Yolo model into .trt .But after converting the model to .trt model I needed to test if it works fine (i.e) If the detection is good enough. I couldn't find any sample code for loading and testing .trt model. If anybody can help me , please pull up a sample code in the answer section or any link for reference.
You can load and perform the inference of your TRT Model using this snippet of code.
This is executed in Tensorflow 2.1.0 and Google Colab Environment.
from tensorflow.python.compiler.tensorrt import trt_convert as trt
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import tag_constants
saved_model_loaded = tf.saved_model.load(output_saved_model_dir, tags=[tag_constants.SERVING])
signature_keys = list(saved_model_loaded.signatures.keys())
print(signature_keys) # Outputs : ['serving_default']
graph_func = saved_model_loaded.signatures[signature_keys[0]]
graph_func(x_test) # Use this to perform inference
output_saved_model_dir is the location of your TensorRT Optimized model in SavedModel format.
From here, you can add your testing methods to determine the performance of your pre and post-processed model.
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.compiler.tensorrt import trt_convert as trt
import numpy as np
conversion_params = trt.DEFAULT_TRT_CONVERSION_PARAMS
conversion_params = conversion_params._replace(max_workspace_size_bytes=(1<<32))
conversion_params = conversion_params._replace(precision_mode="FP16")
conversion_params = conversion_params._replace(maximum_cached_engines=100)
converter = trt.TrtGraphConverterV2(
Here are the codes used for Converting and Saving the Tensorflow RT Optimized model.
My question is composed by:
A context in which I present my project, my working environment and my workflow
The detailed problem
The concerned parts of my code
The solutions I tried to solve my problem
The question reminder
I've written a Python Keras implementation of a downgraded version of the original Super-Resolution GAN. Now I want to test it using Google Firebase Machine Learning Kit, by hosting it in the Google servers. That's why I have to convert my Keras program to a TensorFlow Lite one.
Environment and workflow (with the problem)
I'm training my program on Google Colab working environment: there, I've installed TF 2.0.0-beta1 (this choice is motivated by this uncorrect answer: https://datascience.stackexchange.com/a/57408/78409).
Workflow (and problem):
I write locally my Python Keras program, keeping in mind that it will run on TF 2. So I use TF 2 imports, for example: from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam and also from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D, BatchNormalization
I send my code to my Drive
I run without any problem my Google Colab Notebook: TF 2 is used.
I get the output model in my Drive, and I download it.
I try to convert this model to the TFLite format by executing the following CLI: tflite_convert --output_file=srgan.tflite --keras_model_file=srgan.h5: here the problem appears.
The problem
Instead of outputing the TF Lite converted model from the TF (Keras) model, the previous CLI outputs this error:
ValueError: Unknown loss function:build_vgg19_loss_network
The function build_vgg19_loss_network is a custom loss function that I've implemented and that must be used by the GAN.
Parts of code that rise this problem
Presenting the custom loss function
The custom loss function is implemented like that:
def build_vgg19_loss_network(ground_truth_image, predicted_image):
loss_model = Vgg19Loss.define_loss_model(high_resolution_shape)
return mean(square(loss_model(ground_truth_image) - loss_model(predicted_image)))
Compiling the generator network with my custom loss function
generator_model.compile(optimizer=the_optimizer, loss=build_vgg19_loss_network)
What I've tried to do in order to solve the problem
As I read it on StackOverflow (link at the beginning of this question), TF 2 was thought to be sufficient to output a Keras model which would be correctly processed by my tflite_convert CLI. But it's not, obviously.
As I read it on GitHub, I tried to manually set my custom loss function among Keras' loss functions, by adding these lines: import tensorflow.keras.losses
tensorflow.keras.losses.build_vgg19_loss_network = build_vgg19_loss_network. It didn't work.
I read on GitHub I could use custom objects with load_model Keras function: but I only want to use compile Keras function. Not load_model.
My final question
I want to do only minor changes to my code, since it works fine. So I don't want, for example, to replace compile with load_model. With this constraint, could you help me, please, to make my CLI tflite_convert works with my custom loss function?
Since you are claiming that TFLite conversion is failing due to a custom loss function, you can save the model file without keep the optimizer details. To do that, set include_optimizer parameter to False as shown below:
model.save('model.h5', include_optimizer=False)
Now, if all the layers inside your model are convertible, they should get converted into TFLite file.
You can then convert the h5 file like this:
import tensorflow as tf
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('model.h5') # srgan.h5 for you
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
tflite_model = converter.convert()
open("converted_model.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_model)
Usual practice to overcome the unsupported operators in TFLite conversion is documented here.
I had the same error. I recommend changing the loss to "mse" since you already have a well-trained model and you don't need to train with the .tflite file.
one can use:
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST/", one_hot=True)
But I don't want to download dataset everytime. What is the best way to download the dataset ONLY in case if it is not in MNIST/?
I tried: if not os.path.isdir("MNIST/"): but this way the mnist is not initialised. I want to use this input_data but only its reading ability without the download.
If you don't want to download data-set everytime, you can initialize the first parameter with absolute path, just like this:
input_data.read_data_sets("/your/absolute/path/", one_hot=True)
The function will not download the file if the file is detected. You can debug the function, and you will know. Also, you could modify the code in your way, using the part which you really need.
For running without downloading MNIST data, do following (it worked for me)
I'm new in machine learning and I am following tensorflow's tutorial to create some simple Neural Networks which learn the MNIST data.
i wanna run a code that do the recognition hand writing digits using the MNIST data but i don't know how to run it ... should i dowload the data on my machine and extracted and put it on a file and then set the path on the code or did tensorflow contain the data ...but when i do import input_data i get
No module named 'input_data' also when i do
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data ==> No module named 'tensorflow.examples'
ps:when i do import tensorflow as tf i get no erreur so it's fine with tensorflow i think
could u help me plz for example i wanna run the code below what should i do
If you cannot import tensorflow.examples I'm guessing something went wrong with the installation. Try reinstalling tensorflow with the latest version.
You don't need to download the data on your own, tensorflow will put it in the path you provide. But first, try these steps:
I'm currently using tf 1.2.0 and I'm not getting that error.
If you want to know which version you have installed:
import tensorflow as tf
After everything is installed try:
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
input_data.read_data_sets("./data/", one_hot=True)
That should copy the data to a "data" folder inside your working folder (the "data" folder will be created and all the files will be available there).
If the above lines of code run with no errors, you should be able to run the example.