split string for a range of columns Pandas - pandas

How can I split the string to list for each column for the following Pandas dataframe with many columns?
col1 col2
0/1:9,12:21:99 0/1:9,12:22:99
0/1:9,12:23:99 0/1:9,15:24:99
Desired output:
col1 col2
[0/1,[9,12],21,99] [0/1,[9,12],22,99]
[0/1,[9,12],23,99] [0/1,[9,15],24,99]
I could do:
df['col1'].str.split(":", n = -1, expand = True)
df['col2'].str.split(":", n = -1, expand = True)
but I have many columns, I was wondering if I could do it in a more automated way?
I would then like to calculate the mean of the 2nd element of each list for every row, that is for the first row, get the mean of 21 and 22 and for the second row, get the mean of 23 and 24.

If the data is like your sample, you can make use of stack:
new_df = (df.iloc[:,0:2]
Then new_df is double indexed:
0 1 2 3
0 col1 0/1 9,12 21 99
col2 0/1 9,12 22 99
1 col1 0/1 9,12 23 99
col2 0/1 9,15 24 99
And say if you want the mean of 2nd numbers:
0 21.5
1 23.5
dtype: float64


Fix the length of some columns using Pandas

I am trying to add some columns to a pandas dataFrame, but I cannot set the character length of the columns.
I want to add the new fields as a string with a value of null and a length of two characters as the length of the field.
Any idea is welcome.
import pandas as pd
df[["Assess", "Operator","x", "y","z", "g"]]=None
If need fix length of columns in new DataFrame use:
from itertools import product
import string
#length of one character
letters = string.ascii_letters
#print(len(letters)) #52
#if need length of two characters
#print(len(letters)) #2704
#letters = [''.join(x) for x in product(letters,letters)]
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[4,5], 'col':[8,2]})
N = 5
#get new columns names by difference with original columns length
#min is used if possible negative number after subraction, then is set 0
cols = list(letters[:max(0, N- len(df.columns))])
#added new columns filled by None
#filter by threshold (if possible more columns in original like `N`)
df = df.assign(**dict.fromkeys(cols, None)).iloc[:, :N]
print (df)
col1 col a b c
0 4 8 None None None
1 5 2 None None None
Test if more columns like N threshold:
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[4,5], 'col2':[8,2],'col3':[4,5],
'col4':[8,2], 'col5':[7,3],'col6':[9,0], 'col7':[5,1]})
print (df)
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7
0 4 8 4 8 7 9 5
1 5 2 5 2 3 0 1
N = 5
cols = list(letters[:max(0, N - len(df.columns))])
df = df.assign(**dict.fromkeys(cols, None)).iloc[:, :N]
print (df)
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
0 4 8 4 8 7
1 5 2 5 2 3

Sorting df by column name of type timestamp

I have a dataframe df which consists of columns of countries and rows of dates. The index is of type "DateTime."
I would like to sort the df by the values of each country by the last element in the series (eg, the latest date) and the graph the "top N" countries by this latest value.
I thought if I sorted the transpose of the df and then slice it, I would have what I need. Hence, if N = 10, then I would select df[0:9].
However,when I attempt to select the last column, I get a 'keyerror' message, referencing the selected column:
KeyError: '2021-03-28 00:00:00'.
I'm stumped....
df_T = df.transpose()
column_name = str(df_T.columns[-1])
df_T.sort_values(by = column_name, axis = 'columns', inplace = True)
#select the top 10 countries by latest value, eg
# plot df_T[0:9]
What I'm trying to do, example df:
A B C .... X Y Z
2021-03-29 10 20 5 .... 50 100 7
2021-03-28 9 19 4 .... 45 90 6
2021-03-27 8 15 2 .... 40 80 4
2021-01-03 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0
I want to select series representing by the greatest N values as of the latest index value (eg, latest date).

Pandas new column that is sum of last N columns

Using Python 3.7 & Pandas, how can I create a new column that is the sum of the last N columns?
There are several questions with this title (example here), but they all seem to be referring to rolling thru last N rows which is not what I am after
col1 = [0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1]
col2 = [1,5,9,2,4,2,5,6,1]
col3 = [25,14,2,15,18,98,65,4,77]
col4 = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(col1, col2, col3, col4)), columns =['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'])
Desired Result
Let us try
c = df.columns
df['last_2'] = df.loc[:,c[-2:]].sum(1)
#df['last_3'] = df.loc[:,c[-3:]].sum(1)
0 26
1 15
2 3
3 16
4 19
5 99
6 66
7 5
8 78
dtype: int64

Pandas pivot table or groupby absolute maximum of column

I have a dataframe df as:
Col1 Col2
A -5
A 3
B -2
B 15
I need to get the following:
Col1 Col2
A -5
B 15
Where the decision was made for each group in Col1 by selecting the absolute maximum from Col2. I am not sure how to proceed with this.
Use DataFrameGroupBy.idxmax with pass absolute values for indices and then select by DataFrame.loc:
df = df.loc[df['Col2'].abs().groupby(df['Col1']).idxmax()]
#alternative with reassign column
df = df.loc[df.assign(Col2 = df['Col2'].abs()).groupby('Col1')['Col2'].idxmax()]
print (df)
Col1 Col2
0 A -5
3 B 15

Drop all group rows when met a condition?

I have pandas data frame have two-level group based on 'col10' and 'col1'.All I want to do is, drop all group rows if a specified value in another column repeated or this value did not existed in the group (keep the group which the specified value existed once only) for example:
The original data frame:
df = pd.DataFrame( {'col0':['A','A','A','A','A','B','B','B','B','B','B','B','c'],'col1':[1,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,1], 'col2':[1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,2,2,2,1]})
I need to keep the the rows for the group for example (['A',1],['A',2],['B',2]) in this original DF
The desired dataframe:
I tried this step:
df.groupby(['col0','col1']).apply(lambda x: (x['col2']==1).sum()==1)
where the result is
col0 col1
A 1 True
2 True
B 1 False
2 True
c 1 False
dtype: bool
How to create the desired Df based on this bool?
You can do this as below:
transform(lambda x: np.where((x.eq(1)).sum()==1,x,np.nan)).dropna().index)
df[df.groupby(['col0','col1'])['col2'].transform(lambda x: x.eq(1).sum()==1)]
col0 col1 col2
0 A 1 1
1 A 1 2
2 A 2 1
3 A 2 2
4 A 2 3
12 c 1 1