Change home directory for opening projects in IntelliJ - intellij-idea

I've been searching around and confused with the results here as the others here in stackoverflow are saying its not possible or is via the vmoptions file. But all I wanted was just simply change the projects home directory showing when I'm opening my projects as I have to navigate too many folders just to get to my directory where all my projects are. Hence I'm posting this question.

To do so, after opening IntelliJ with any existing project,
Go to File > Settings / Ctrl + Alt + S
On the left pane, navigate to Appearance & Behavior . System Settings
Find the Project Opening section, and then click the folder icon to find the directory to set the new home directory for opening projects.
Click Apply
Then you'd now be able to automatically navigate to this directory whenever trying to open your projects folder.


How to move project directory in IntelliJ IDEA EduTools?

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA EduTools and chose a project from JetBrains Academy. The plugin decided to create the project directory at some arbitrary location. I tried moving it by choosing Refactor -> Move at project root but a message box pops up saying "This move operation can break the course". I tried deleting the project directory and re-open the project from JB Academy, but EduTools seems to remember the decision and created the project directory at the very same location.
So my question is, how do I move the project directory to somewhere else?
Thank you for reporting this.
You can move the project directory anywhere using your File Explorer and import it back to your IDE using Open or Import on the Welcome Screen.
You'll see the project with the previous location marked as unavailable on the left of the Welcome Screen. Please click ⨉ to remove this project.

View file in project view Intellij

I have started using Intellij and I am trying to find a feature that was in eclipse. I often navigate to a file either through the code or through a CTRL-N search. When I have the file I found open, I want to see which project and which folder of the project the file is in. I found a way to open the file in Windows Explorer which tells me what I want but I would rather stay in intellij and see the folders on the left expanded to the location of the file. Does this exist in intellij?
On the heading of Project Explorer panel their will be a circle with 4 lines inside it.
Press that it will take you to the place where you file is inside the project
Image upload not working thats why explaination

Why go to file in WebStorm IDE is not working properly?

WebStorm is unable to locate a file. I hit Ctrl + Shift + N and start typing file name, but no files found:
I have tried to invalidate and restart, also I have checked that folder is not marked as excluded, but no success - still can not navigate to case-request. I have checked that everything working. Tha only problem with folder at App/case the folder itself and everything under it is not searchable, however I still can open it manually from the source tree and edit. The app is a root for angularjs application.
Does anyone know what can be wrong? The same project opened in Visual Studio locates the file:
Please try invalidating caches (File | Invalidate caches, Invalidate and restart).
If the issue persists, make sure that the folder file resides in is not excluded from project (marked Excluded)
I have no idea what wrong. Finally I have tried to app/case as separate content root, seems it is working.
Steps I followed:
Press ctrl + alt + s
Select directories if it is not selected at left pane
Exclude Case from project (right click on the case folder and select excluded)
Press "Add Content Root" at right pane
Select the case as content root
Remove excluded flag from case folder (right click on the case folder and select excluded)
After this the case folder became searchable. I have tried to remove content root but as result case again became not searchable.
I don't know if it can lead to any issues in future.

How do you move projects around in IntelliJ/Webstorm?

I have a webstorm project which i have in a certain directory. I want to move this project to another directory.
If I move the .idea folder, then nothing works at all. It seems like all the links in the project are absolute, not relative.
The links in a WebStorm project are relative (using $PROJECT_DIR$), not absolute.
To move a WebStorm project:
Close all open projects in WebStorm.
Close WebStorm.
Use a file manager to move (i.e. cut and paste) the project folder to its new location. For example, use Windows Explorer to move C:/dirA/MyProject to C:/dirB/MyProject
Start WebStorm. The "Welcome to WebStorm" screen should be displayed.
If the old project you just moved is in the "Recent Projects" list then select it, then press Delete to remove it from the list.
Select "Open Directory" from the Quick Start list, then select the project folder you just created. Your relocated project will open in WebStorm. That's it.
This approach works under Windows 7 using the latest version of WebStorm (8.0.4).
It looks tempting to select the project within WebStorm, then select Refactor > Move..., but don't go there. That is not relocating the entire project. From the documentation: "The Move refactorings allow you to move files and directories within a project".
You should simply move the entire project folder, that contains the .idea. This works fine for me in every situation I try. The links are relative to the folder containing the .idea, not the .idea folder itself. It's not like git where you can move just the .git folder, and nothing else.
For IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.4, I encountered an issue because my imported modules' .iml files weren't found after I moved the folder in Windows Explorer.
This is because the paths to the imported modules are relative to the project directory. To fix this, you have to go to:
<Project Directory>/.idea/modules.xml
and modify all of the fileurl and filepath attributes to match the new relative location.

intellij usability question - how to add a button that opens working folder

There's a small feature I have been yearning about in intellij idea and I will give it a try in this forum, maybe it is already possible.
In brief: I want a button that opens the working folder of the project I am working on.
Since this is the folder I put my settings files I am doing the following operation dozens of times a day -
open the run/debug configuration.
go to my activbe project tab.
copy the working directory.
open run (win+r).
paste the folder path and press enter.
X dozens of times.
Is there a way to add a button somewhere that opens my working folder?
BTW: I know that in the project settings - External tools - I can add actions. but there is no workingFolder in the macros. is there a way to add the working folder? (eventhough a button would be better)
Thanks a lot.
If you need to manage files, why not do it right from IntelliJ? If you have to go to explorer, right click any file or folder in the project panel, and there's a "Show in Explorer" option in Windows (no default key mapping). There's also "Show Path" (ctrl+alt+F12), which lets you open Explorer to any parent directory of the selected file all the way up to the drive. Finally, "Copy Path" (ctrl+shift+C) will copy the absolute path to the clipboard. (This is in IDEA 10.5, but I know Copy Path has been there a long time.)