How to implement Auth0 server-side with Nuxtjs? - authentication

I have a Nuxt app with authentication already running in universal mode.
I'm trying to convert the authentication service to Auth0. I'm following the Vue quickstart, but I discovered that auth0-js is a client side library since it uses a lot of 'window'-stuff that is not available on the server-side of Nuxt.
However, I got it kind of working by making it a client-side plugin and wrap all functions (that is calling the authservice in the lifecycle hooks) in a process.client check. It works "kind of" because when going to the protected page whilst not logged in, it flashes the page before being redirected to login page (since its rendered on the server-side as well, but the check only happens once it's delivered on the client side I presume).
My question now is: What can I do in order to add the check to server-side as well? (or at least make sure that the protected pages isn't flashed before being redirected).
What I've tried so far:
Saving the payload and the logged-in state in the store and check in some custom middleware, but that didn't do the trick.
Also, it seems to me that #nuxt/auth is outdated or something and the nuxt auth0 example as well. It uses auth0-lock while I'm using the new auth0 universal.
Anyone have suggestions on how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance!

not sure if this will be any help and have only answered a few questions (other account long time ago).
Update.. I read my answer then the question title (I think my answer does cover some of your context), but in regards to the title you could also look at using auth as a plugin. You can then handle stuff there before the page is hit.
I am not sure how your code is implemented, but this may help (hopefully).
If you are not using Vuex, I strong recommend it. Nuxt Vuex Store Guide
// index/store.js
// At least have the store initialized, but its most likely going to be used..
// page.vue
<div v-else-if="!$auth.loggedIn">
{{ test }}
data() {
if (!this.$auth.loggedIn) {
const test = 'Only this will load, no flash'
return { test }
$auth.loggedIn is built in, I read it ..somewhere.. in the docs
This will solve the no flash issue, you can also take advantage of a loader screen and asyncData to check the state before rendering the view to avoid a flash and populate data if it hangs.
You could also try using Vuex Actions, I am currently playing with these 2 in the process of where I am now. Learning about nuxtServerInit()
// store/index.js
import axios from 'axios'
export const actions = {
nuxtServerInit ({commit}, {request}) {
// This is good if you have the user in your request or other server side stuff
if (request.user) commit('SET_USER', request.user)
async GET_USER({ commit }, username) {
const user = await axios.get(`/user/${username}`)
if (user) commit('SET_USER', user)
export const mutations = {
SET_USER(state, user) {
// simple set for now
state.auth.user = user || null
The second one is combined using the fetch() method on the page itself.
// page.vue
async fetch({ $auth, store }) {
await store.dispatch('GET_USER', $auth.$state.user)
Now you can call $auth.user in your code as needed.
$auth.user is another built in I read ..somewhere..
You can also call $auth.user with the $auth.loggedIn to check if user exists on top of being logged in $auth.user && $auth.loggedIn.
It may be this.$auth.<value> depending on where you are trying to reference it.
I learned the asyncData() gets call first and logs in my server, then data() logs values in the server console as well (false, null), but in my Brave console they're undefined, i'd like an answer to that lol
I have been struggling with trying to get Auth0 to work how I wanted with JWTs, but as I kept crawling I found useful bits along the way (even in old demos such as the one you mentioned, just nothing with the lock stuff...). Also in terms of express and my API in general... Anyways, hope this helped (someone).


Reevaluate Nuxt.js middleware without a route change

I'm wondering if it's possible to essentially "reevaluate" the middleware conditions without actually changing the current route.
The middleware's purpose is to prevent non-logged-in users from accessing the "dashboard".
My issue is, a user could become logged in or logged out without necessarily changing route but they wouldn't be redirected until they try and change pages.
I have a VueX action that triggers when the user's auth state changes but this (from what I can see), can't access the redirect or route variables.
// /mixins/auth.js
const reevaluateAuthStatus = (store, redirect, route) => {
const redirectPolicy = => {
if (meta.auth && typeof meta.auth.redirectPolicy !== 'undefined') { return meta.auth.redirectPolicy[0] }
return []
const user = store.getters['auth/getUser']
if (redirectPolicy.includes('LOGGEDOUT')) {
if (user) {
return redirect('/dashboard')
} else if (redirectPolicy.includes('LOGGEDIN')) {
if (!user) {
return redirect('/login')
module.exports = {
// /middleware/auth.js
import { reevaluateAuthStatus } from '../mixins/auth'
export default function ({ store, redirect, route }) {
reevaluateAuthStatus(store, redirect, route)
Appreciate any help on this :)
You cannot re-evaluate a middleware AFAIK because it's mainly this (as stated in the documentation)
middlewares will be called [...] on the client-side when navigating to further routes
2 clean ways you can still achieve this IMO:
use some websockets, either with or something similar like Apollo Subscriptions, to have your UI taking into account the new changes
export your middleware logic to some kind of call, that you could trigger again by calling the $fetch hook again or any other data-related fetching hook in Nuxt
Some more ugly solutions would probably be:
making an internal setInterval and check if the actual state is still valid every 5s or so
move to the same page you are actually on with something like this.$router.go(0) as somehow explained in the Vue router documentation
Still, most of the cases I don't think that this one may be a big issue if the user is logged out, because he will just be redirected once he tries something.
As if the user becomes logged-in, I'm not even sure on which case this one can happen if he is not doing something pro-active on your SPA.
I don't know if it's relevant or not, but I solved a similar problem this way:
I have a global middleware to check the auth status. It's a function that receives Context as a parameter.
I have a plugin that injects itself into context (e.g. $middleware).
The middleware function is imported here.
In this plugin I define a method that calls this middleware passing the context (since the Plugin has Context as parameter as well): ctx.$middleware.triggerMiddleware = () => middleware(ctx);
Now the middleware triggers on every route change as intended, but I can also call this.$middleware.triggerMiddleware() everywhere I want.

Recommended way of waiting on an Apollo query before rendering the next page?

When using the Apollo module in a Nuxt app, the default behavior when changing routes is to render the new page immediately, before data has been fetched via Apollo.
This results in some pretty janky rendering experiences where the page does a partial render and very soon after completes rendering with data from the server, making everything on the page shift due to the changing size of components that now have data. This looks pretty bad because the data actually comes back fairly quickly, so it would be fine to wait for the data to return before rendering the new route.
What's the recommended way of waiting on the Apollo queries on a page (and its subcomponents) to complete before rendering the page?
(There's a related question that's not specific to Nuxt, but I'm not sure how to translate the recommendation to a Nuxt app.)
I'd love to see a code example of using beforeRouteEnter to fetch data via Apollo and only entering the route once the data is fetched.
Haven't used this module before, but it should be like any other async action you want to perform before page rendering in Nuxt.
It only depends if you want to pre-fill the store:
or only one page:
You can use async/await or promises if you have more than one request before page should be rendered.
When async actions are finished, Nuxt starts rendering the page. This works for SSR and if you navigate to pages on the client (nuxtServerInit will only fire once when real request is made, not when navigating on client side).
Side note: beforeRouteEnter is usually used, to validate params and check if the route is allowed.
did you try disabling the prefetch?
prefetch: false
The best approach is to use the loading attribute:
<div v-if="!this.$apollo.loading">
Your product: {{product}}
export default {
name: "Product",
apollo: {
product: {
query: productQuery,
variables() {
return {
productId: this.productId
I'm unfamiliar with Apollo, but I think this is what you are looking for:
// Router.js
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next)
executeSomeApolloPromise().then((data) => {
// The promise has now been complete; continue to the component.
next((vm) => {
// You have access here to the component instance via `vm`.
// Note that `beforeRouteEnter` is the only guard that has this.
vm.someApolloData = data;

How to prevent user to leave page using middleware in Nuxt?

I got a Nuxt application, and in some special route, I want to prevent user from leaving the page by showing plain confirm javascript dialog.
I did some beforeRouteLeave <- this kinda thingy introduced in the Vue official documentation, but none of them seemed work in Nuxt.
And Nuxt recommends users to use middleware for doing this 'beforeRoute' things. Here's my code.
export default function (context) {
if (process.client &&
context.from.path.includes("board/write") && !== "board-articleId") {
if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to leave the page?")) {
As you can see, I'm checking if my current route is certain page (context.from.path...), ask user if user wants to leave the page. And if they canceled, which makes confirm as false, do
and it works fine as it makes the user stay on the page.
But the problem is, the loading bar of the browser still loads even if the page doesn't change. And it looks like the route is still changing anyway despite the actual page doesn't change.
How can I prevent this to happen?
To make sure the address bar query (?bla=bla) not touched I recommend doing this:
export default function ({ from }) {
I could have used
instead of
For the sake of information,
the incoming argument 'context' has some properties like below:
from, route, next, redirect...

Aurelia store connectTo never sets target property

I set the aurelia-store up as per the docs; in the main.ts at the bottom of all the plugins (from the skeleton app with dotnet core) I have as the last plugin defined:
.plugin(PLATFORM.moduleName('aurelia-store'), { initialState })
Then my app needs to login the user and save their bearer token.
await aurelia.start();
await aurelia.setRoot(PLATFORM.moduleName("modules/login/login.vm"));
In the login class I am trying to use the #connectTo decorator. However it never sets the dependency property. So I am stuck on this simple part at the very start of the app and my work already suggested not to use Aurelia but I said I wanted to for fast POC.
I've copied the docs exactly and still have the issue. Notably, I had to turn off strictNullCheck in the tsconfig to make the doc code parse.
target: 'state',
selector: {
userToken: (store) => store.state.pipe(pluck('userToken')),
loginRedirected: (store) => store.state.pipe(pluck('loginRedirected'))
export class Login {
static inject = [Aurelia, Store]
public state: State;
app: Aurelia;
constructor(Aurelia, private store: Store<State>) { = Aurelia
store.registerAction('ChangeUserToken', this.changeUserToken)
store.registerAction('LoginRedirected', this.loginRedirect)
activate() {
... this.state is always undefined.
if (!this.state.loginRedirected) { //error
I expect the this.state property to have a state object populated from the global state store with the initialState values.
{ userToken: "", loginRedirected: false }
I just need to set the userToken in login and retrieve it in app.js. This is not possible; what could be missing to make this basic function actually work?
ConnectTo is a helper decorator to avoid manual state subscriptions since the Stream of states is a vanilla rxjs observable. If you take a closer look at the official plugin documentation you will notice that it sets up the subscription in a different lifecycle hook.
That said connectTo cant solve everything and with manual subscription you have the most flexibility.
Dont give up with your quest you just had bad luck of falling into a more complicated scenario of startup timing right at the begin which easy enough might bite you with lots of other Frameworks/Libraries as well. Also make sure to visit the official forum and post back solutions to SO.

Nuxt Vuex Store Cookies Issue

Good time of the day!
After a few weeks of development of my project, i've decided to migrate from plain Vue to Nuxt.
Mainly because i need SSR, although i know that Google can execute JS presented on the page and therefore generate appropriate content for their search bot.
Another reason is a general workflow of the project development. I like idea with automatic instantiation of routes, store, etc.
I've faced, however, a pretty strange behavior of the application when it is running in the mode: universal instead of mode: spa. And i don't want to switch to mode: spa since then i lose the SSR i was migrating for in the first place.
I' have an account module in the store - account.js which is responsible for handling any operations related to the account management, such as login/logout, get profile of authenticated user, store the token obtained from the login request as well as the logic for handling the 2FA TOTP procedure.
In my legacy application, i was able to get the token from the cookies by just using the following bit of the code
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
export const state = {
user: null,
token: Cookies.get('token')
And save token after the successful authentication by executing the following mutation:
[types.ACCOUNT_SAVE_TOKEN] (state, { token, remember }) {
state.token = token;
Cookies.set('token', token, {
expires: 365,
httpOnly: true
But after migration to Nuxt.js, every time im loggin in, the token value in the state is getting populated, but no cookie is set, and after navigating to the other page inside the project (it is pwa, so no reloading, etc) token is reset back to null.
This issue however is gone if application is switched to the mode: spa from mode: universal and everything is working just fine.
I've read many issues on the github as well as done pretty big portion of crawling throught the websites which are trying to solve the same issue, though none of the suggestions are working for me.
I've even installed the cookie-universal-nuxt package from NPM which claims to be working with the SSR, but yet every time I'm trying to access this.$cookies.get('token') in the state, or anywhere else (mutations for example), I'm just getting error about using the method (get/set/remove) on null.
Does anyone know or have an idea on how to overcome this issue, at least if it is possible without going back to the mode: spa?
P.S. Running npm run build|generate yields same files as for the normal vue (without the content, just the structure until the target element is readched) while in mode: spa.
Okay, after around 12 hours trying to wrap my head around this issue, i've decided to go the 'dirty' way and create middleware which is doing, in my opinion, way to much processing on each request.
import CookieParser from 'cookieparser';
export default async function ({ store, req }) {
if (!store.getters['account/check']) {
if (!store.state.account.token) {
if (process.server) {
let requestCookies = CookieParser.parse(req.headers.cookie);
if (requestCookies.hasOwnProperty('token')) {
store.dispatch('account/saveToken', {
token: requestCookies.token,
remember: true
if (store.state.account.token) {
if (!store.state.account.user) {
try {
await store.dispatch('account/fetchUser');
} catch (error) { }
return Promise.resolve();
Seems like useCookie has been created for this use case