How to remove specific edges without redrawing the graph using cytoscape.js? - cytoscape.js

Given a node in cytoscape.js, I'm trying to remove the node and all directed (in and out) edges of that node. I've wrote some quick and dirty filters to do so, but calling cy.remove(edges); prints a 'no such method exists' error message to the console. Removing a node through the same approach works fine, but removes all nodes connected to the removed node, which in my case, is the whole graph (most of the times). So I've tried removing the edges and the node from my data source and then re-drawing the graph, but this is not the correct approach since it re-draws the graph, and changes the layout( i.e. refreshes the canvas).
How can I solve this?
//data is the id of the node I want to remove
var filteredEdges = this.elements.edges.filter((x, idx, arr) =>
return x.source != data && != data ;
var removedEdges = this.elements.edges.filter((x, idx, arr) =>
return x.source == data || == data ;
//; this fails
this.elements.edges = filteredEdges;
var filteredNodes = this.elements.nodes.filter((x, idx, arr) =>
return != data;
this.elements.nodes = filteredNodes;
this.render(); // this re-draws the whole graph, not a useable approach

Solved it using selectors. The documentation for cytoscape.js is very lacking. For anyone encountering this issue sometime in the future, here's how I did it:'edge[source=\'' + nodeId + '\']');'edge[target=\'' + nodeId + '\']');'#' + nodeId);


How to quit finding of element given under locator strategies of #findbyall when first match gets found?

On a page I'm my element has any one of three different identifiers. Having given all three under findByAll, I wish to quit the search for find element as soon as any one of it gets found. Looking for short circuit search for the element, no more search should happen once the element is found.
iOSXCUITFindByAllSet(value = { #iOSXCUITFindAll(value = {
#iOSXCUITBy(iOSNsPredicate = "type == 'XCUIElementTypeStaticText' && name == 'Acc_label_Header' && visible ==1"),
#iOSXCUITBy(iOSNsPredicate = "type == 'XCUIElementTypeStaticText' && name == 'ET NOW - Live Radio' && visible ==1"),
#iOSXCUITBy(iOSNsPredicate = "type == 'XCUIElementTypeStaticText' && name == 'ET NOW - Live Tv' && visible ==1") }) })
Don't want the request for find element to be going as soon as one of the element gets found, as this step of finding element by all locator is taking a lot of time.
I do not know what language you are using to control selenium. I wrote a bit of code in Javascript which waits for either one of several elements to be visible on the page:
// define what we are looking for
let xpathParts = [];
xpathParts.push("//h4[contains(#class,'search-title') and text()='Title 1']");
xpathParts.push("//h3[text()='Title 2']");
xpathParts.push("//h3[text()='Title 3']");
// try to get one of it
let elements = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 50 && elements.length == 0; i++) {
elements = driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpathParts.join("|")));
await new Promise(s => setTimeout(s, 100));
// throw an error if we did not find it within the time
if (elements.lenght == 0) {
throw "Could not find one of the elements";

Entity Framework, update multiple fields more efficiently

Using Entity Framework, I am updating about 300 rows, and 9 columns about every 30 seconds. Below is how I am currently doing it. My question is, how can I make the code more efficient?
Every once in a while, I feel my database gets hit with the impact and I just want to make it as efficient as possible.
var original = db.MarketDatas.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BBSymbol == targetBBsymbol);
if (original != null)
//if (original.BBSymbol.ToUpper() == "NOH7 INDEX")
// var x1 = 1;
original.last_price = marketDataItem.last_price; =;
original.ask = marketDataItem.ask;
if (marketDataItem.px_settle_last_dt_rt != null)
original.px_settle_last_dt_rt = marketDataItem.px_settle_last_dt_rt;
if (marketDataItem.px_settle_actual_rt != 0)
original.px_settle_actual_rt = marketDataItem.px_settle_actual_rt;
original.chg_on_day = marketDataItem.chg_on_day;
if (marketDataItem.prev_close_value_realtime != 0)
original.prev_close_value_realtime = marketDataItem.prev_close_value_realtime;
if (marketDataItem.px_settle_last_dt_rt != null)
DateTime d2 = (DateTime)marketDataItem.px_settle_last_dt_rt;
if (d1.Day == d2.Day)
//market has settled
original.settled = "yes";
//market has NOT settled
original.settled = "no";
if (marketDataItem.updateTime.Year != 1)
original.updateTime = marketDataItem.updateTime;
Watching what is being hit in the debugger...
[Extent1].[MarketDataID] AS [MarketDataID],
[Extent1].[BBSymbol] AS [BBSymbol],
[Extent1].[Name] AS [Name],
[Extent1].[fut_Val_Pt] AS [fut_Val_Pt],
[Extent1].[crncy] AS [crncy],
[Extent1].[fut_tick_size] AS [fut_tick_size],
[Extent1].[fut_tick_val] AS [fut_tick_val],
[Extent1].[fut_init_spec_ml] AS [fut_init_spec_ml],
[Extent1].[last_price] AS [last_price],
[Extent1].[bid] AS [bid],
[Extent1].[ask] AS [ask],
[Extent1].[px_settle_last_dt_rt] AS [px_settle_last_dt_rt],
[Extent1].[px_settle_actual_rt] AS [px_settle_actual_rt],
[Extent1].[settled] AS [settled],
[Extent1].[chg_on_day] AS [chg_on_day],
[Extent1].[prev_close_value_realtime] AS [prev_close_value_realtime],
[Extent1].[last_tradeable_dt] AS [last_tradeable_dt],
[Extent1].[fut_notice_first] AS [fut_notice_first],
[Extent1].[updateTime] AS [updateTime]
FROM [dbo].[MarketDatas] AS [Extent1]
WHERE ([Extent1].[BBSymbol] = #p__linq__0) OR (([Extent1].[BBSymbol] IS NULL) AND (#p__linq__0 IS NULL))
It seems it updates the same thing multiple times, if I am understanding it correctly.
UPDATE [dbo].[MarketDatas]
SET [last_price] = #0, [chg_on_day] = #1, [updateTime] = #2
WHERE ([MarketDataID] = #3)
UPDATE [dbo].[MarketDatas]
SET [last_price] = #0, [chg_on_day] = #1, [updateTime] = #2
WHERE ([MarketDataID] = #3)
You can reduce this to 2 round trips.
Don't call SaveChanges() in side the loop. Move it outside and call it after you are done processing everything.
Write the select in such a way that it retrieves all the originals in one go and pushes them to a memory collection, then retrieve from that for each item you are updating/inserting.
// use this as your source
// to retrieve an item later use TryGetValue
var originals = db.MarketDatas
.Where(x => arrayOftargetBBsymbol.Contains(x.BBSymbol));
.ToDictionary(x => x.BBSymbol, y => y);
// iterate over changes you want to make
foreach(var change in changes){
MarketData original = null;
// is there an existing entity
if(originals.TryGetValue(change.targetBBsymbol, out original)){
// update your original
// save changes all at once
You could only execute "db.SaveChanges" after your foreach loop. It think it you would do exactly what your are asking for.
It seems it updates the same thing multiple times, if I am
understanding it correctly.
Entity Framework performs a database round-trip for every entity to update.
Just check the parameter value, they will be different.
how can I make the code more efficient
The major problem is your current solution is not scalable.
It works well when you only have a few entities to update but will become worse and worse are the number of items to update in a batch will increase.
It's often better to make this kind of logic all in the database, but perhaps you cannot do it.
Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Entity Framework Extensions
This library can make your code more efficient by allowing you to save multiples entities at once. All bulk operations are supported:
// Easy to use
// Easy to customize
context.BulkSaveChanges(bulk => bulk.BatchSize = 100);
// Perform Bulk Operations
// Customize Primary Key
context.BulkMerge(customers, operation => {
operation.ColumnPrimaryKeyExpression =
customer => customer.Code;

Vue Object isn't returning updated value despite seeing the value updated

I'm writing tests for Vue.js and I'm trying to write the test to ensure that when some props are changed for pagination, the resulting values within the component are updated properly.
So when I console.log the component, I see the correctly updated values, but then when I try to literally grab that attribute it gives me the old and outdated value. Look at rangeList in the following screenshot to see what I mean:
Here is my code so that you see how what is generating this output.
pagComp.$refs.component.limit = 10;
pagComp.$refs.component.pages = 145;
console.log('RangList: ' + pagComp.$refs.component.rangeList.length);
Here is the code that modifies rangeList:
createListOfRanges() {
let range = [];
for(let i = 0; i < this.pages; i++) {
this.rangeList = [];
while(range.length > 0) {
this.rangeList.push(range.splice(0, this.rangeLength));
Finally, there are two places this function is called: when the component is being created, and when the pages attribute changes. Here is the watcher:
watch: {
pages(val) {
I see some issues with this part of your code:
while(range.length > 0) {
this.rangeList.push(range.splice(0, this.rangeLength));
range.splice(..) returns an array, which is getting pushed into this.rangeList
Forget about that for a minute. Look at the following example:
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
x.splice(0, 2) // result: [1, 2]
As you can see above, splice returns an array, not an element. Now, in the same example above:
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [10, 11]
y.push(x.splice(0, 2))
Check the value of y. It will be [10, 11, [1, 2] ]. It is an array within another array. It does not look very meaningful here. You can do the above x and y experiments directly in your developer console.
In your case, your x happens to be the local range array within createListOfRanges method, and your y is this.rangeList that belongs to your Vue component.
Can you check your app logic at around that area, and see if that is really what you want to do?
For debugging Vue.js apps, you also need Vue devtools: - it is much better than console.log()
While #Mani is right on the line of code giving you issues is your push to rangeList.
createListOfRanges() {
let range = [];
for(let i = 0; i < this.pages; i++) {
this.rangeList = [];
while(range.length > 0) {
this.rangeList.push(range.splice(0, this.rangeLength));
pushing the result of the splice just makes a single element with all the elements of range in it.
try changing it to
Though your function could be simplified by pushing the for(let i = 0; i < this.pages; i++) { i value directly to rangeList unless that's a simplification.
This JSFiddle shows what I'm talking about.
I appreciate the answers above, however they aren't what the issue was.
The problem was with Vue's lifecycle. I'm not 100% sure why, but when the page and limit variables are changed it takes another moment for the page watcher (shown above) to get executed and update the component. So thus it wouldn't show up in my tests. So what I did was use nextTick like so, which fixed the problem.
pagVue.limit = 10; // limit and pages change together every time automatically
pagVue.pages = 145;
Vue.nextTick(() => {

KnockoutJS throttle input

I'm trying to implement something like a typesafe ViewModel using KnockoutJS. It works pretty well until I start to update observables via HTML input tags.
I have implemented type extender which returns computed observable:
return ko.computed({
read: target,
write: fixer
Where fixer is something like:
function (newValue) {
var current = target(),
valueToWrite = (newValue == null ? null : fixNumber(newValue, 0));
if (valueToWrite !== current) target(valueToWrite);
else if (newValue !== current) target.notifySubscribers(valueToWrite);
And fixNumber is
function fixNumber(value, precision) {
if (value == null || value === '') return null;
var newValue = (value || '').toString().replace(/^[^\,\.\d\-]*([\.\,\-]?\d*)([\,\.]?\d*).*$/, '$1$2').replace(/\,/, '.'),
valueToWrite = Number(newValue);
return !!(valueToWrite % 1) ? round(valueToWrite, precision) : valueToWrite;
It looks not so straightforward, but I have to consider possible use of comma as a decimal separator.
Often I need to update my observables as soon as user presses key to reflect this change immediately:
<input type="text" data-bind="value: nonThrottled, valueUpdate: 'afterkeyup'"></input>
And here comes a lot of problems, because, for example, I can't input decimal values less than 1 (0.1, 0.2, etc) there.
When I try to throttle an observable it mostly works. But sometimes user input and type fixer go out of sync, so it looks like some input gets lost occasionally.
Full example is there I would really appreciate any hints, since I have spent days trying to fix these problems.
UPDATE 11/04/2013
I solved my problem providing custom value binding, so now throttled observables doesn't eat my input occasionally.
I've added additional valueThrottle option-binding to throttle updating of element's value:
var valueThrottle = allBindingsAccessor()["valueThrottle"];
var valueThrottleTimeoutInstance = null;
/* ... */
if (valueThrottle) {
valueThrottleTimeoutInstance = setTimeout(function () {
ko.selectExtensions.writeValue( element, ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()) );
}, valueThrottle);
} else applyValueAction();
Also I've noticed that inability to enter values like 0.2 in my case comes from that statement in original value binding:
if ((newValue === 0) && (elementValue !== 0) && (elementValue !== "0"))
valueHasChanged = true;
I've rewritten it as
if ((newValue === 0) && (elementValue != 0))
valueHasChanged = true;
It works at least at Chrome, but I haven't tested it properly and even not sure that it's correct.
Example is to be added, for some reason jsFiddle does not accept my custom binding.
Any comments are really appreciated.

websql use select in to get rows from an array

in websql we can request a certain row like this:
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM tblSettings where id = ?', [id], function(tx, rs){
// do stuff with the resultset.
function errorHandler(tx, e){
// do something upon error.
console.warn('SQL Error: ', e);
however, I know regular SQL and figured i should be able to request
var arr = [1, 2, 3];
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM tblSettings where id in (?)', [arr], function(tx, rs){
// do stuff with the resultset.
function errorHandler(tx, e){
// do something upon error.
console.warn('SQL Error: ', e);
but that gives us no results, the result is always empty. if i would remove the [arr] into arr, then the sql would get a variable amount of parameters, so i figured it should be [arr]. otherwise it would require us to add a dynamic amount of question marks (as many as there are id's in the array).
so can anyone see what i'm doing wrong?
aparently, there is no other solution, than to manually add a question mark for every item in your array.
this is actually in the specs on
var q = "";
for each (var i in labels)
q += (q == "" ? "" : ", ") + "?";
// later to be used as such:
t.executeSql('SELECT id FROM docs WHERE label IN (' + q + ')', labels, function (t, d) {
// do stuff with result...
more info here: (at the end of the introduction)
however, at the moment i created a helper function that creates such a string for me
might be better than the above, might not, i haven't done any performance testing.
this is what i use now
var createParamString = function(arr){
return _(arr).map(function(){ return "?"; }).join(',');
// when called like this:
createparamString([1,2,3,4,5]); // >> returns ?,?,?,?,?
this however makes use of the underscore.js library we have in our project.
Good answer. It was interesting to read an explanation in the official documentation.
I see this question was answered in 2012. I tried it in Google 37 exactly as it is recommened and this is what I got.
Data on input: (I outlined them with the black pencil)
Chrome complains:
So it accepts as many question signs as many input parameters are given. (Let us pay attention that although array is passed it's treated as one parameter)
Eventually I came up to this solution:
var activeItemIds = [1,2,3];
var q = "";
for (var i=0; i< activeItemIds.length; i++) {
q += '"' + activeItemIds[i] + '", ';
q= q.substring(0, q.length - 2);
var query = 'SELECT "id" FROM "products" WHERE "id" IN (' + q + ')';
_db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql(query, [], function (tx, results1) {
}, function (a, b) {