Advice on removing records completely from a database - sql

I am looking for some advice on the best way to remove multiple records (approximatley over 3000) completly from a database. I have been assigned a job of removing old records from our database for GDPR reasons.
However this is a database i do not have much knowledge on and there is no documentation, ERD's etc on how the tables are joined together.
I managed to work out the tables which will need to have records removed to completely remove details from the database, there are about 24 tables which need to have records removed from.
I have a list of ID numbers which need to be removed so i was thinking of creating a temporary table with the list of IDs and then creating a stored procedure to loop through the temproary tables. Then for each of the 24 tables check to see if it contains records connected to the ID number and then if they do delete them.
Does anyone know if there is any better way of removing these records??

I would use a table variable and union all:
declare #ids table (id int primary key)
insert into #ids (id)
select 1 union all
select 2 union all
select 3000
delete from table_name where id in
(select id from #ids)
Obviously just change the numbers to the actual ids


one-to-one tables relationship, linked by the autonumber in the main table

I have a main table that contain the customers details, I built another table that contain for example a yes/no fields about if the customer paid his taxes, the two tables is linked with autonumber from the main table.
I want always to keep them both with the same amount of records (that means every customer has a record in the second table even if the second table has empty record with data only in the primary key field)
I need that cause with missing records I cannot run update query to auto fill the second table and i got an error of validation rule violation.
I use this sql:
update clients LEFT JOIN MonthlyTbl ON clients.SerialNo = MonthlyTbl.serialno
set sReport04='ready';
I have almost 700 records in the main table and only 80 records in the second, and when I run the sql it updates only 80!!!!
Thanks for Help
Please use below query,
update clients set sReport04='ready' where SerialNo in
(select serialno from MonthlyTbl);
here is the right answer
first run the sql:
INSERT INTO monthlytbl ( serialno )
SELECT clients.serialno FROM clients
WHERE (((clients.[serialno]) Not In (select serialno from monthlytbl)));
and then:
select sreport04 from monthlytbl
set sReport04='ready';

How to delete 3 billion rows from 2 related tables

I have a table with 5 billion rows (table1) another table with 3 billion rows in table 2. These 2 tables are related. I have to delete 3 billion rows from table 1 and its related rows from table 2. Table1 is child of table 2. I tried using the for all method from plsql it didn't help much. Then I thought of using oracle partition strategy. Since I am not a DBA I would like to know if partioning of a existing table is possible on primary key column for a selected number of id's? My primary key is 64 bit auto generated number.
It is hard to partition the objects online(it can be done using dbms_redefinition). And not necessary(with the details you gave).
Best ideea would be to recreate the objects without the undesired rows.
For example some simple code would be like:
create table undesired_data as (select undesired rows from table1);
Create table1_new as (select * from table1 where key not in (select key from undesired_data));
Create table2_new as (select * from table2 where key not in (select key from undesired_data));
rename table1 to table1_old;
rename table2 to table2_old;
rename table1_new to table1;
rename table2_new to table2;
recreate constraints;
check if everything is ok;
drop table1_old and table2_old;
This can be done offlining consumers, but would be very small downtime for them if scripts are ok(you should test them in a test environment).
Sounds very dubious.
If it is real use-case then you don't delete you create another table, well defined, including partitioned and you fill it using insert /*+ append */ into MyNewTable select ....
The most common practice is to define partitions on dates (record create date, event date etc.).
Again, if this is a real use-case I strongly recommend that you will reach for real help, not seek for advice on the internet and not doing it yourself.

How to delete all data then insert new data

I have a process that runs every 60 minutes. On one table I need to remove all data then insert records from a different table. The problem is it takes a long time to delete and reinsert the data. When the table has no data I am afraid the users will see this. Is there a way to refresh the data without users seeing this?
If you want to remove all data from the table then use the TRUNCATE
TABLE instead of delete - It'll do it faster.
As for the insert it is a bit hard to say because you did not give any details but what you can try is:
Option 1 - Using temp table
create table table_temp as select * from original_table where rownum < 1;
//insert into table_temp
drop table original_table;
Exec sp_rename 'table_temp' , 'original_table'
Option 2 - Use 2 tables "Active-Passive" -
Have 2 tables for the data and a view to select over them. The view will join with a third table that will specify from which of the tables to select. kind of an "active-passive" concept.
To demonstrate concept:
with active_table as ( select 'table1_active' active_table )
select 1 data
where 'table1_active' in (select * from active_table)
union all
select 2
where 'table2_active' in (select * from active_table)
//This returns only one record with the "1"
Are you truncating instead of deleting? A truncate (while logged) is much, much, faster then a delete.
If you cannot truncate try deleting 1000-10000 rows at a time (smaller log buildup and on deleting large amounts of rows great increase in speed.)
If you really want fast performance you can create a second table, fill it with data, and then drop the first table and rename the second table as the first table. You will lose all the permissions on the table when you do this so be sure to reapply the permissions to the renamed table.
If you are deleting all rows in a table, you can consider using a TRUNCATE statement against the table instead of a DELETE. It will speed up part of your process. Keep in mind that this will reset any identity seeds you may have on the table.
As suggested, you can wrap this process in a transaction and depending on how you set your transaction isolation level, you can control what your users will see if they query the data during the transaction.
Make it sequence based, your copied in records all have have a series number (all the same for all copied in records) and another file holds which sequence is active, and you always select on a join to this table - when you copy in new records they have a new sequence that is not yet active, when they are all copied in, then the sequence table is updated to the new sequence - the redundant sequence records are deleted at your leisure.
Let's suppose your table has field SeriesNo added and table ActiveSeries has field SeriesNo.
All queries of your table:
FROM YourTable Y
JOIN ActiveSeries A
ON A.SeriesNo = Y.SeriesNo
then updating SeriesNo in ActiveSeries makes new series of records available instantly.
I would follow below approach. While I troubleshoot why the delete and reinsert is taking time.
Create a new table ( t1 ) which has same data as oldtable ( maintable )
Now do your stuff on t1.
When your stuff is done, rename t1 to maintable.

Oracle SQL merge tables without specifying columns

I have a table people with less than 100,000 records and I have taken a backup of this table using the following:
create table people_backup as select * from people
I add some new records to my people table over time, but eventually I want to merge the records from my backup table into people. Unfortunately I cannot simply DROP my table as my new records will be lost!
So I want to update the records in my people table using the records from people_backup, based on their primary key id and I have found 2 ways to do this:
MERGE the tables together
use some sort of fancy correlated update
Great! However, both of these methods use SET and make me specify what columns I want to update. Unfortunately I am lazy and the structure of people may change over time and while my CTAS statement doesn't need to be updated, my update/merge script will need changes, which feels like unnecessary work for me.
Is there a way merge entire rows without having to specify columns? I see here that not specifying columns during an INSERT will direct SQL to insert values by order, can the same methodology be applied here, is this safe?
NB: The structure of the table will not change between backups
Given that your table is small, you could simply
FROM backup b
WHERE t.key = b.key );
FROM backup;
That is slow and not particularly elegant (particularly if most of the data from the backup hasn't changed) but assuming the columns in the two tables match, it does allow you to not list out the columns. Personally, I'd much prefer writing out the column names (presumably those don't change all that often) so that I could do an update.

Copy data between tables in different databases without PK's ( like synchronizing )

I have a table ( A ) in a database that doesn't have PK's it has about 300 k records.
I have a subset copy ( B ) of that table in other database, this has only 50k and contains a backup for a given time range ( july data ).
I want to copy from the table B the missing records into table A without duplicating existing records of course. ( I can create a database link to make things easier )
What strategy can I follow to succesfully insert into A the missing rows from B.
These are the table columns:
.. 40 extra varchar columns here ...
My biggest concern is the lack of PK. Can I create something like a hash or a PK using all the columns?
What could be a possible way to proceed in this case?
I'm using Oracle 9i in table A and Oracle XE ( 10 ) in B
The approximate number of elements to copy is 20,000
Thanks in advance.
If the data volumes are small enough, I'd go with the following
You say there are about 20,000 to copy, but not how many in the entire dataset.
The other option is to delete the current contents of the copy and insert the entire contents of the original table.
If the full datasets are large, you could go with a hash, but I suspect that it would still try to drag the entire dataset across the DB link to apply the hash in the local database.
As long as no duplicate rows should exist in the table, you could apply a Unique or Primary key to all columns. If the overhead of a key/index would be to much to maintain, you could also query the database in your application to see whether it exists, and only perform the insert if it is absent