Calculating datetime around weekends and evenings - sql

SSMS 2017
I'm attempting to calculate turnaround time between a file upload and file completion date, not including time after work or on weekends
I'm trying to do this with a case statement.
when datepart(dw,d.sduploadeddate) in (2, 3, 4, 5) and datepart(hh,d.sduploadeddate) > 16 then d.sduploadeddate+1
when datepart(dw,d.sduploadeddate) in (6) and datepart(hh,d.sduploadeddate) > 17 then d.sduploadeddate+3
when datepart(dw,d.sduploadeddate) in (7) then d.sduploadeddate+2
when datepart(dw,d.sduploadeddate) in (8) then d.sduploadeddate+1
else d.sduploadeddate
end [Uploadeddatetime2]
The above code is working without error, but its not solving the problem obviously - its just cutting down slightly on the turnaround time. I was just tinkering with a method to get a slightly more accurate turnaround time.
The working hours are 8 --> 1700, Monday -- Friday
Ideally I'd be able to say like if this date time is past 1700, then date+1 and hours = 800 (so Thursday at 1850, change it to Friday at 800). Similarly, Friday (or any weekday) before time 800 adjust to 800 of that same day.
For Friday and weekend days the same thing, but date +1,2 or 3 depending on the day and setting it up for 800 on Monday


Date_diff with specific condition time start and time end

is it possible to have date_diff with specific start and end time?
let say my store are open from 8AM - 10PM, which is 14 Hours.
and I have a lot of stuff to sell during that time. One of the SKU is out of stock from 2022-11-01 06.00 PM until tomorrow 2022-11-02 11.00 AM.
Instead of calculate 24 hours, I just want to calculate only from opening store until it closed or until its restock. Meaning from 6PM to 11AM is 8 Hours
my query
select date_diff('2022-11-02 11.00 AM', '2022-11-02 06.00 PM', hour) from table
with the result 17 hours instead of 8 hours
There isn't a way to configure DATE_DIFF to do this for you, but it's possible to do what you want, with some effort.
You should convert your dates to timestamps (TIMESTAMP(yourdate) or CAST(yourdate AS TIMESTAMP)) and use TIMESTAMP_DIFF instead.
This will allow you to work with smaller intervals than days.
For your calculation, you ultimately need to find the total time difference between the two timestamps and then subtract the out-of-hours timeframe.
However, calculating the latter is not as simple as taking the difference in days and multiplying by 8 hours (10pm-6am), because your out-of-hours calculation has to account for weekends and possibly holidays etc. Hence it can get quite complex, which is where the solution in my first link might come in.

Informix SQL to get date range that changes automatically

Please help me with an Informx SQL query to be run every Friday.
Period: 1st of the Month to the Thursday before the Friday that it is being run on. I can't just choose date ranges as it will be an auto report so the dates needs to update automatically. Is there a way to do this?
You've got two issues: the start of the month and the date of last Thursday. The simplest expression to identify the 1st day of the current month is:
The way to identify the most recent Thursday is via a CASE statement on WEEKDAY(TODAY). Something like:
WHEN WEEKDAY(TODAY) < 5 -- (Sunday (0) - Thursday (4))
THEN TODAY - WEEKDAY(TODAY) - 3 -- Calc last Sunday, back 3 days
ELSE TODAY - WEEKDAY(TODAY) + 4 -- Calc last Sunday, forward 4 days
Note, you will still run into issues where the 1st of current month is later than the most recent Thursday. But hopefully the examples above will point you in the right direction.
Of course, if you know this report is only ever going to be run on Fridays, then calculating the most recent Thursday is just TODAY -1.

Subtracting two dates (including hours and minutes) considering only working time vba or Excel

I need to subtract two dates (including hours and minutes), but I only need to consider working hours. That is, I need to omit lunch time (from 13 to 14 hrs), weekends and hours after 18 hrs and before 9 hrs of the following day, in a working day (from Mo to Fr). Any thoughts?
I don't mind if it's an Excel formula or a vba code.
I have this formula, but it doesn't omit lunch time:
Here's a possible solution. It assumes an 8 hour work days for all but the start and end date. Also that start date/time is 9:00 or after and end date/time is 18:00 or earlier and that both are on a weekday.
.58333 equates to 14:00. The formula:
multiplies networkdays * 8
+ hours from start date/time until 18:00 subtracting 1 hour if start time is before 14:00
+ hours from 9:00 until end date/time subtracting 1 hour if end time is after 14:00
Of course this doesn't take any holidays into account.

How to add working hours depending on weekday in sql

I want to create a basic case logging system and when somebody opens a new issue, the issue is assigned a Sr_number with a given number of hours. For example Sr_number 1 is 4 hours, 2 is 6 hours, 3 is 8 hours and 4 is 24 hours.
Now adding hours onto a time stamp is easy but the catch is I need to take into account working hours which are 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday.So if a case is given a 12 hour Sr_number and the deadline for this falls at 16:00 on a week day then the deadline is extended to the next working day. Basically the deadline is 12 working hours.And calculation should be 1 hour worked for the issue logged on same day and remaining 11 hours to next working day.
If in case it is sun, it should consider directly go to monday.
Case created on: 10/06/2015 12:04:39 PM- with Sr_number 1 (12 Hours) Deadline is now: 10/07/2015 12.05 PM
Make sense?
Another catch is I need to take into account hours On Hold and these two have to be only within working hours.
For some case,saturdays is working ,for some its holiday.
How should i proceed.
I tried performing datepart,dateadd and datediff functions.But i could find only weekday.
I am new at sql.Please guide for the same

DATEDIFF - How many days until Sunday

In SQL Server, trying to write a age-off report for inventory purposes. Each week, the inventory system marks thousands of rows for deletion. This takes place on Sundays # 06:00:00 as part of weekly SQL DB purge schedule.
Using (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:ms) format for closed_time, how can I calculate the numbers of days between that date, until next Sunday of the current week? And to be more elaborate, is there a way to narrow it down to the exact DD:HH:MM? The problem is the each client's Sunday DB schedule for purge varies. So that might be difficult to compute. Might be easier to just calculate whole days until Sunday 00:00:00. I tried using the DATEDIFF function with no success.
DATEDIFF(DAY, closed_time,DW) AS Days_Until_Purged
WHERE closed_time DESC
Thx in advance
If you choose any Sunday in the past (Such as 06:00 Sunday 2nd January 2000), you can calculate time that has GONE BY since then.
Then, if you take that and do modulo 7-days you get the time that has gone by since the most recent Sunday.
Then, if you do 7 - time_gone_by_since_last_sunday you get the time until the next sunday.
I'm going to do this in minutes to cope with a client that has a setting of 06:30.
#batch_processing_time SMALLDATETIME
#batch_processing_time = '2000-01-02 06:00'
(60*24*7) - DATEDIFF(minute, #batch_processing_time, closed_time) % (60*24*7)
That's the number of minutes from each record's closed_time until the next #batch_processing_time.
Divide by (24*60) to get it in days.
try this:
select 8-DATEpart(w, closed_time) AS Days_Until_Purged from DB1 ...
This should solve your problem