How to check for duplicate names, but avoid activating on itself - vba

I have form in which user have to enter company name, to avoid duplicates I wrote On_Exit event for data entry field. It checks all the records and if it finds duplicate it notifies user. Problem is that I use same form for entered data viewing and then doing it same On_Exit event shows duplicate warning despite entry not being duplicate. It happens because code check for all entries and since it is already in database it founds itself and raises false alarm, it is a code flaw, but I have no idea how to avoid. Can somebody offer clever way to avoid this problem without creating two identical forms (except one without duplicate checking)?
My code for duplicate checking:
Private Sub Pareisk_pav_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Par_pav As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim Counter As Long
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblPareiskejai")
Do Until rst.EOF
Par_pav = rst(1)
If rst(1) = Me.Pareisk_pav.Value Then
Me.WarningLB.Caption = "Entry with this name already exist"
Exit Do
Me.WarningLB.Caption = ""
End If
Exit Sub
I have tried to implement Counter in my code to ignore first match, but in this case it catches only second duplicate then entering new entry.
Counter solution (not working as intended) I have tried:
Do Until rst.EOF
Par_pav = rst(1)
If rst(1) = Me.Pareisk_pav.Value Then
Counter = Counter + 1
If Counter = 2 Then
Me.WarningLB.Caption = "Entry with this name already exist"
Exit Do
End If
Me.WarningLB.Caption = ""
End If

I suddenly come up with a solution myself. Since new entry gets new ID even before saved I thought I can use it in my advantage and added And rst(0) <> Me.ID.Value to my if clause. So far it works fine. Full edited code:
Private Sub Pareisk_pav_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Par_pav As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim marker As Boolean
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblPareiskejai")
Counter = 0
Do Until rst.EOF
Par_pav = rst(1)
If rst(1) = Me.Pareisk_pav.Value And rst(0) <> Me.ID.Value Then
Me.WarningLB.Caption = "Name already exist!"
Exit Do
Me.WarningLB.Caption = ""
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub


Why am I seeing Runtime error 3421 - access vba?

I have been using a vba code to make my work life easier but for some reason it stopped working as supposed to. What it does it gets a number from my DB and goes to website to find relevant certificate assigned to this number (company), then it reads the grade and expiry date which are to be recorded in same DB. The issue is now when it goes to
rs.fields("Expiry").Value = Split(sResult, "|")(1)
it throws a Runtime error 3421 which i believe is due to column being formatted as for date data type but it worked correctly for several months..? It work when changed data type to text however that will mess it up as later I use it in queries and reports and need it as a date.
Any ideas why it changed and how to fix it please?
Sub Get_BRCDirectory_Data()
Dim sCode, rs As DAO.Recordset, dic As Object, sResult As String, i As Long
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dic.CompareMode = 1
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Approved")
If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
sCode = rs.fields("SupplierCode").Value
If sCode <> "" Then
If Not dic.Exists(sCode) Then
sResult = GetGradeExpiryDate(CStr(sCode))
rs.fields("Grade").Value = Trim(Split(sResult, "|")(0))
rs.fields("Expiry").Value = Split(sResult, "|")(1)
dic(sCode) = Array(rs.fields("Grade").Value, rs.fields("Expiry").Value)
rs.fields("Grade").Value = dic(sCode)(0)
rs.fields("Expiry").Value = dic(sCode)(1)
End If
End If
Loop Until rs.EOF
End If
MsgBox "Done", 64

Expected end of statement error with FindFirst and findNext

The following code is meant to compare a field value PURE_QP1 of a recordset to another field value PURE_QP1 of another second set. But i am getting end of statement expected error. My knowledge of Access vba is admittedly low.
The code is meant to first check if the productcode is present in recordset rst.
if it is, then it checks if it is compliant by finding its PURE_QP1 (which coud be more than 1) in another table. the condition for compliance is such that all its QP1s must be found in the table.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim rst1 As Recordset
If Nz(Me!Combo_Product_number) <> "" Then
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Q_compliant_FCM_EU", dbOpenDynaset)
Set rst1 = db.OpenRecordset("T_DOSSIER_FPL", dbOpenDynaset)
Do While Not rst.EOF
If rst.Fields("PRODUCT_CODE") = Me!Combo_Product_number Then
rst1.FindFirst "[PURE_QP1] = '"rst.Fields("PURE_QP1")"'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox ("Product code is NOT compliant to FPL")
Exit Sub
End If
rst1.FindNext"[PURE_QP1] = '"rst.Fields("PURE_QP1")"'"
MsgBox ("Product code is compliant to FPL")
MsgBox ("Product is not available in FCM_EU")
End If
End If
End Sub
Expected end of staement error is showing in
rst1.FindFirst "[PURE_QP1] = '"rst.Fields("PURE_QP1")"'"
rst1.FindNext"[PURE_QP1] = '"rst.Fields("PURE_QP1")"'"
You have an extra End If just before End Sub. That End If should go above Loop command to close the If rst.Fields("PRODUCT_CODE") = Me!Combo_Product_number Then if block.
Also your code regarding rst1 is wrong.
rst1.FindFirst "[PURE_QP1] = '"rst.Fields("PURE_QP1")"'"
should be
rst1.FindFirst "[PURE_QP1] = '" & rst.Fields("PURE_QP1") & "'"
the & sign to join strings are missing in your code.
PS: Have no idea what your code supposed to do, because your find first and find next logic seems to be incorrect.

Ms-Access form data export to Word

I really some help! Here's a link to a google drive zip of the access database that I'm struggling with.
So, what I have is an access database made up of a few tables and a form and some sub forms. The database info gets inputted to the tables via a form that I've created. In the example, the form is called "Database". This form exports to a word document, fields on the database go to bookmarks on the word doc. This works great so far.
In the attachment there is a "template" folder with the original word document, when the code runs it saves the completed form to the "generated" folder - works like a charm. Its a very long form for applications for liquor licenses.
So you fill in the form in access, it saves to the tables and exports the data to the word template document.
The problem that I have is that there is a subform on tab8 of the form where "director details" are saved. There can be any number of directors per application. I've managed to access the data on the subform's table, but have no idea how to loop through the data in that table to get all the information that is applicable to that application only and not data related to other applications. There is a relationship between the director details table and the application details table(this is the main table) and I'm using an application identifier field that I've created called and "ACNumber" which is unique to each application. There is a combobox on the form that selects the application and the form and subforms bring up the correct data when you select it.
The other part of the problem is how do I output this to word? A bookmark won't work, because all the fields are being repeated. Is there a way that all the data entries can be outputted to a single bookmark mabe in a textbox with the labels?
This is how it looks on the word document form:
(First person)
Full name : generate from item 5.4(a) from database
Physical address : generate from item 5.4(b) from database
Postal code : generate from item 5.4(c) from database
Postal address : generate from item 5.4(d) from database
Postal code : generate from item 5.4(e) from database
Identity number : generate from item 5.4(f) from database
(More person’s to add if needed)
Ok, I hope that describes my problem accurately.
I've tried all sorts to get this working, but its beyond me, please help guys!!!
Below is the code that I'm using: (the loop for the subform doesn't work, but one entry from that table is exported to the bookmarks currently in place)
I've tried all sorts to get this working, but its beyond me, please help guys!!!
`Private Sub ExportToWord_Click()
'Print customer slip for current customer.
Dim appWord As Word.Application
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim drst As Recordset
Set drst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Name:="62 Other Interests", Type:=RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenDynaset)
'Avoid error 429, when Word isnt open.
On Error Resume Next
'Set appWord object variable to running instance of Word.
Set appWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'If Word isnt open, create a new instance of Word.
Set appWord = New Word.Application
End If
Set doc = appWord.Documents.Open("C:\forms\templates\Form 3 - Sec 36(1).docx", , True)
With doc
.Bookmarks("wAppTradingNames").Range.Text = Nz(Me!AppTradingName, "")
.Bookmarks("wAppTradingName").Range.Text = Nz(Me!AppTradingName, "")
.Bookmarks("wCompanyName").Range.Text = Nz(Me!CompanyName, "")
.Bookmarks("wCompanyNumber").Range.Text = Nz(Me!CompanyNumber, "")
.Bookmarks("wRAddress1").Range.Text = Nz(Me!RAddress1, "")
.Bookmarks("wPostalCode").Range.Text = Nz(Me!PostalCode, "")
.Bookmarks("wRPostalAddress1").Range.Text = Nz(Me!RPostalAddress1, "")
.Bookmarks("wRPostalCode").Range.Text = Nz(Me!RPostalCode, "")
.Bookmarks("wDomicilium1").Range.Text = Nz(Me!Domicilium1, "")
.Bookmarks("wDomiciliumCode").Range.Text = Nz(Me!DomiciliumCode, "")
.Bookmarks("wDomAfter1").Range.Text = Nz(Me!DomAfter1, "")
.Bookmarks("wDomAfterCode").Range.Text = Nz(Me!DomAfterCode, "")
.Bookmarks("wTelOffice").Range.Text = Nz(Me!TelOffice, "")
.Bookmarks("wTelCell").Range.Text = Nz(Me!TelCell, "")
.Bookmarks("wTelHome").Range.Text = Nz(Me!TelHome, "")
.Bookmarks("wFaxNumber").Range.Text = Nz(Me!FaxNumber, "")
.Bookmarks("wEmail").Range.Text = Nz(Me!Email, "")
.Bookmarks("wFIP").Range.Text = Nz(Me!FIP, "")
.Bookmarks("wAppLicCat").Range.Text = Nz(Me!AppLicCat, "")
.Bookmarks("wLiqourType").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LiqourType, "")
.Bookmarks("wAppTradingName").Range.Text = Nz(Me!AppTradingName, "")
.Bookmarks("wAppTradingName").Range.Text = Nz(Me!AppTradingName, "")
.Bookmarks("wLPAddress").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LPAddress, "")
.Bookmarks("wErfNumber").Range.Text = Nz(Me!ErfNumber, "")
.Bookmarks("wLPPostalCode").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LPPostalCode, "")
.Bookmarks("wLPOwnership").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LPOwnership, "")
.Bookmarks("wLPOwnersName").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpOwnersName, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpOwnerAddress").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpOwnerAddress, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpRightOccupation").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpRightOccupation, "")
.Bookmarks("wLPOccDuration").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LPOccDuration, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpPremNotErected").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpPremNotErected, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpPremAlterReq").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpPremAlterReq, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpPremAllGood").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpPremAllGood, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpBuildCommence").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpBuildCommence, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpBuildDuration").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpBuildDuration, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpTradingHours").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpTradingHours, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpRenewal").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpRenewal, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpJobsa").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpJobsa, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpJobsB").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpJobsB, "")
.Bookmarks("wLpJobsC").Range.Text = Nz(Me!LpJobsC, "")
.Bookmarks("wNNPRegName").Range.Text = Nz(Me!NNPRegName, "")
.Bookmarks("wNNPRegNumber").Range.Text = Nz(Me!NNPRegNumber, "")
.Bookmarks("wNNPRegDate").Range.Text = Nz(Me!NNPRegDate, "")
.Bookmarks("wOtherInterests").Range.Text = Nz(drst!OtherInterests, "")
.Visible = True
End With
Dim rst As Recordset: Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Name:="5 Director Details", Type:=RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenDynaset)
'Do While Not rst.EOF
With doc
.Bookmarks("wPersonLabel").Range.Text = Nz(rst!PersonLabel, "")
.Bookmarks("wFullName").Range.Text = Nz(rst!FullName, "")
.Bookmarks("wPhAddress").Range.Text = Nz(rst!PhAddress, "")
.Bookmarks("wPhCode").Range.Text = Nz(rst!PhCode, "")
.Bookmarks("wPAddress").Range.Text = Nz(rst!PAddress, "")
.Bookmarks("wPCode").Range.Text = Nz(rst!PCode, "")
.Bookmarks("wIdNumber").Range.Text = Nz(rst!IdNumber, "")
.Visible = True
End With
doc.SaveAs2 "C:\forms\generated\" & Me!ACNumber & "_Form 3 - Sec 36(1).docx"
Set doc = Nothing
Set appWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Sub
This will point you to the right direction. You need to make a couple of changes though to fit your needs e.g. insert all your bookmarks, update the SQL strings and recordset fields.
You also need to make a few changes to your Word document though:
1) Add a table to hold the manager data (loop). Hide the borders if needed.
2) Save the document as Word Template (.dotx)
Public Sub ExportToWord()
On Error GoTo ErrorTrap
Const TemplatePath As String = "C:\forms\templates\Form 3 - Sec 36(1).dotx"
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE [Criteria]", dbOpenSnapshot)
Dim name_ As String
name_ = "C:\forms\generated\" & rs![FieldName] & "_Form 3 - Sec 36(1).docx"
Dim oWord As Word.Application
Set oWord = New Word.Application
oWord.Visible = False
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(TemplatePath)
With oDoc
.Bookmarks("Bookmark_1").Range.Text = rs![FieldName_1]
.Bookmarks("Bookmark_2").Range.Text = rs![FieldName_2]
.Bookmarks("Bookmark_3").Range.Text = rs![FieldName_3]
End With
Set rs = Nothing
'Loop data
Set rs = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE [Criteria]", dbOpenSnapshot)
With rs
If Not .EOF Then
End If
End With
Dim idx As Integer
For idx = 1 To rs.RecordCount
With oDoc.Tables(1)
.Cell(idx, 1).Range.Text = rs![FieldName_1] '1st Column
.Cell(idx, 2).Range.Text = rs![FieldName_2] '2nd Column
.Cell(idx, 3).Range.Text = rs![FieldName_1] '3rd Column
'add extra rows if required
If rs.AbsolutePosition <> rs.RecordCount - 1 Then .Columns(1).Cells.Add
End With
Next idx
With oDoc
.SaveAs FileName:=name_, FileFormat:=Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatXMLDocument
.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
End With
On Error Resume Next
Set rs = Nothing
Set oWord = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "ExportToWord()"
Resume Leave
End Sub

Update MS Access Marquee text on each loop

I admit to being a bit of a novice, but have designed myself a very handy personal MS Access database. I have tried to find a solution to the following on the net, but have been unsuccessful so far, hence my post (the first time I've done this).
I have a marquee on a form in MS Access, which scrolls the count of "incomplete tasks" to do. A "Tasks COUNT Query" provides a number from zero upwards. After the form loads, the code below scrolls a message (right to left) on the marquee in the form "There are X tasks requiring action." X is the number provided from the "Tasks COUNT Query". I would like the text string on the marquee to update on each loop, so that when I mark a task as complete, the next pass on the marquee shows the number (X) as being the updated count.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim Number As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Tasks COUNT Query")
If Not (rst.EOF And rst.BOF) Then
Do While Not rst.EOF
Number = rst![Tasks]
strTxt = strTxt & "There are " & Number & " tasks requiring action."
End If
strTxt = Left(strTxt, Len(strTxt)) 'remove the coma at the end
strTxt = Space(30) & strTxt 'start position
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Me.TimerInterval = 180
End Sub
The following code runs on the form timer interval:
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Dim x
On Error GoTo Form_Timer_Err
x = Left(strTxt, 1)
strTxt = Right(strTxt, Len(strTxt) - 1)
strTxt = strTxt & x
lblMarqTask.Caption = Left(strTxt, 180)
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
Me.TimerInterval = 0
Exit Sub
End Sub
I would be grateful for any assistance :)
To answer you question: -
I would like the text string on the marquee to update on each loop
To do this you need to place your code that collects the string into its own procedure and then pick a time to call it. I.e.
Move the Form_Load() code into its own procedure
Private Sub GetString()
Dim db As DAO.Database
... [The remaining code] ...
Me.TimerInterval = 180
End Sub
Change Form_Load() to call the new procedure
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Have the timer call the new procedure every so often to update the marquee (also known as ticker tape).
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Dim x
Static LngTimes As Long
On Error GoTo Form_Timer_Err
LngTimes = LngTimes + 1
If LngTimes = 100 Then
LngTimes = 0
End If
x = Left(StrTxt, 1)
StrTxt = Right(StrTxt, Len(StrTxt) - 1)
StrTxt = StrTxt & x
lblMarqTask.Caption = Left(StrTxt, 180)
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
This will update it every 100 times the timer runs. I have tested this and it works, albeit causing a judder in marquee scrolling.
I would like to take the time to give you some extra support in your code that may help understand VBA and make things clearer/easier for you in any future development.
The changes I have supplied are minimal to give you the desired result within the code you have currently. However it does mean I carried some issue across with it. I would perform the same feature with the below: -
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private StrStatus As String
Private Sub GetStatus()
Dim Rs As DAO.Recordset
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT count([Task]) FROM [TblTasks] WHERE [Done] = 'No'")
StrStatus = "There are " & Rs(0) & " tasks requiring action."
Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.TimerInterval = 180
Me.lblMarqTask.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Static StrStatus_Lcl As String
If StrStatus_Lcl = "" Then
StrStatus_Lcl = StrStatus & Space(30)
If Me.lblMarqTask.Caption = "" Then Me.lblMarqTask.Caption = Space(Len(StrStatus_Lcl))
End If
Me.lblMarqTask.Caption = Right(Me.lblMarqTask.Caption, Len(Me.lblMarqTask.Caption) - 1) & Left(StrStatus_Lcl, 1)
StrStatus_Lcl = Right(StrStatus_Lcl, Len(StrStatus_Lcl) - 1)
End Sub
The result is the string scrolling will remain smooth the value get updates with each iteration.
To talk through what I have done here.
'Option Explicit' Is always good practice to have at the top of your modules/code, it forces you to declare your variables which can save you a headache in the future. This can be automatically added with new code object by enabling 'Require Variable Declaration' in 'Tools' > 'Options' of the VBA Developer environment (also known as the VBE).
Its not clear what the query was doing but to save on a loop I change it to return a single value that I could use. SELECT count([Task]) FROM [TblTasks] WHERE [Done] = 'No' will return a count of all items in TblTasks where the column Done equals No.
In format load I set the timer interval as this only needs setting once and I also ensured the marquee was empty before it run.
The timer keeps a local copy of the status that it remembers. Declaring with the word Static means the content of the variable is not lost between executions in the way a Dim declared variable would be.
If the local copy is empty (i.e. we have used it all up) then update what the status is (GetStatus) and get a new copy.
I hope this has been of help!

Write Conflict error in access even after a requery on the main form

I've done a ton of research on this topic. I've tried every plausible solution under the internet's sun. Maybe I'm not thinking about this logically since I've been trying to figure out a solution for this for a week. After an actual change to the data and a save from the user I get the write conflict error message "Save Change, Copy to Clipboard, Drop Changes" this random little nuisance is becoming a bigger headache than it's worth.
Just for refrence my main form is called frmCNSUpdates which on a button press opens the subform frmContactInfo
What happens is after a user changes data on this subform and clicks the save button, then closes the subform and returns to the main form then proceeds to move away from the record that has been changed in the subform, saves it from the mainform, add it from the mainform, or even close out of the form I get the write conflict error. I have tried refreshing the parent form and the subform, and do a sql injection update instead of a record set, I have even tried just suppressing the error but I fear I'm putting my solutions in the wrong place. Here is the code for the save button on the subform:
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSave_Click
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSave_Click
End Sub
Private Sub SaveRecord()
On Error GoTo Err_SaveRecord
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
DoCmd.Hourglass True
strSQL = "select * from tblConstructionUpdates where [ProjectNo] =" & Forms![frmCNSUpdates]!ProjectNo
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
'rst("ProjectNo") = Me.txtID
'rst("ContractNo") = Me.txtContractNo
rst("EstimatedCompletionDate") = Me.EstimatedCompletionDate
rst("PercentComplete") = Me.txtPercentComplete
rst("SupervisorFirstName") = Me.txtSupervisorFirstName
rst("SupervisorLastName") = Me.txtSupervisorLastName
rst("SupervisorOfficePhoneNumber") = Me.txtSupOfficePhone
rst("SupervisorMobilPhoneNumber") = Me.txtSupMobilPhone
rst("ResidentFirstName") = Me.txtResidentFirstName
rst("ResidentLastName") = Me.txtResidentLastName
rst("ResidentOfficePhoneNumber") = Me.txtResOffice
rst("TelephoneNo") = Me.txtResMobil
rst("ResidentHomePhoneNumber") = Me.txtResHome
rst("ConsultantFirstName") = Me.txtConsultantFirstName
rst("ConsultantLastName") = Me.txtConsultantLastName
rst("ConsultantOfficePhoneNumber") = Me.txtConOffice
rst("ConsultantMobilPhoneNumber") = Me.txtConMobil
rst("ConsultantHomePhoneNumber") = Me.txtConHome
rst("Contractor") = Me.txtGenContractor
rst("GeneralOfficePhoneNumber") = Me.txtGenOfficePhone
rst("GeneralMobilPhoneNumber") = Me.txtGenMobilPhone
rst("GeneralHomePhoneNumber") = Me.txtGenHomePhone
rst("ContractorRep1Name") = Me.cboRep1
rst("ContractorRep1OfficePhone") = Me.txtOffice
rst("ContractorRep1MobilPhone") = Me.txtMobil
rst("ContractorRep1HomePhone") = Me.txtHome
rst("ContractorRep2Name") = Me.cboRep2
rst("ContractorRep2OfficePhone") = Me.txtOffice2
rst("ContractorRep2MobilPhone") = Me.txtMobil2
rst("ContractorRep2HomePhone") = Me.txtHome2
rst("TrafficControlCompanyName") = Me.cboTrafficName
rst("TrafficControlContactName") = Me.txtContact
rst("TrafficControlPhoneNumber") = Me.txtTrafficPhone
rst("ElectricalContractor") = Me.txtContractor
rst("ElectricalPhoneNumber") = Me.txt24hrElecPhone
rst("StateRep") = Me.txtStateRep
rst("StateSen") = Me.txtStateSen
blnChangeMade = False
MsgBox "The record has been saved.", vbOKOnly, "Save Complete"
DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub
LogErrorDAO Err.Description, CStr(Err.Number), Application.CurrentObjectName, _
Resume Exit_SaveRecord
End Sub
Change all the rst("XXXX") to rst![XXXX] = me.etc , or do it like:
with rst
![XXX] = me.XXX
![AAA] = me.AAA
![something] = me.something
end with
That's a start. (Note that the [] are actually only needed in cases of spaces.)