Is there a display where we can see the exact time for a first crash and last crash? - google-fabric

Looking for a way via Fabric to know the exact start time of a crash, and the last time we had a type of crash.


BAPI_PPMSRVAPS_SAVEMULTI_30A runs without errors, but values are not updated

I am using the BAPI BAPI_PPMSRVAPS_SAVEMULTI_30A and after hitting this FM, there are no returned errors, but the MODES are not updated. Other tables that needs to be updated were updated, it is just the MODES that was not.
EDIT: After more observations, I think, the BAPI is not the problem. The database /SAPAPO/MODE is even updated. Here the issue in /SAPAPO/SCC03, the fix duration becomes zero whenever we run our custom program. It is weird because, it is reflecting zero in /SAPAPO/SCC03 only when the fix duration is manually updated or perhaps, modified by other enhancement. When PPM is created initially with the custom program, fix duration is good and reflecting the correct value in the /SAPAPO/SCC03.
I am thinking that there might be flagging that once ppm is altered manually or by any enhancement or by CIF or etc, then the fix duration's display will remain as zero, even though it updated the fix duration value in the database. Do you know spot which I could check regarding this related issue?

iOS app "Processing" in iTunes Connect

I uploaded my first iOS app today to iTunes Connect.
I uploaded it over xCode 7.2.1 and I see the app as "Processing" inside the "activity"-tab.
But under "AppStore"-tab for version 1.0 there is no app build visible. I only see the message that I should upload a build with xCode or Application Loader.
Is this normal or should I wait some time that the app is also showing up?
See the screenshots below:
Yes, this is perfectly normal. You just have to wait for it to finish processing (can take a few minutes or a few hours depending on Apple's traffic). Once it is done processing, it will appear in that builds section and you can select it as the version you want to submit. This is the same for TestFlight.
I recommend getting watchbuild and running it on your terminal so you can just get a notification on your computer when your build is done processing instead of having to keep checking App Store Connect.
It happened to me a couple of times. I just uploaded a new version (same code, just increased the version) and it was processed quite fast.
Just in case, the second time I kept the archiving dialog in the foreground.
This is normal. After uploading a build, iTunes Connect performs some processing to prepare it for TestFlight Distribution and App Store distribution.
The status of the build should go to ready after some time. Sometimes, this happens as fast as 15 minutes after uploading but can sometimes take 1 hour or longer. After the processing finishes, the build will become available to select for TestFlight betas and app submission.
Yes, this is perfectly normal. You just have to wait for it to finish processing (Can take a few minutes or a few hours depending on Apples traffic). Once it is done processing, it will appear in that builds section and you can select it as the version you want to submit. This is the same for testflight.
Additional from my personal experience (happened to me once and only once), if you submit the archive late at night on the last weekday or just before a public holiday, "sometimes" it might be processed on the next working day on the morning.
I'm at Indonesia (GMT +7), it is not uncommon for me to upload an archive around 7PM, and if it doesn't get processed in 15 minute, I usually just go home, and check it in the morning the next day. Because it happens a few time that if I upload too late, it get processed around 8AM the next morning.
I had this issue today, i tried all of the fixes suggested and found that you need to wait till the invitations are sent out. I think the servers were just very busy when i was trying to test my app.
It happened to me when I export Unity iOS build and upload it to AppStore there are more than 3 days waiting but still showing processing.
Finally, Many search things I found that Bitcode = NO here is the issue on my build I have Bitcode = YES once you change and set to NO and upload again your build it's not showing processing and it's working properly.

Core Data malfunctioning

This is a strange problem im getting every now and then.
Im parsing a JSON and storing it into CoreData using several Entities. I save the data from the JSON and then I pull it to show it on a screen.
The app works perfectly fine when it's launched from XCode, always. But when I open it any other time from the iPhone it sometimes, it only happens roughly once every 20 times, it doesnt show the data saved from the JSON, I beleive the problem is that the info saved in CoreData is corrupted some how, the dates specifically, sometimes I can get to see that the dates are null on screen.
Here's how I save the dates
[event setValue:[df dateFromString:(NSString *)[key objectForKey:#"startSaleDate"]] forKey:#"dateStartSale"];
[event setValue:[df dateFromString:(NSString *)[key objectForKey:#"finishSaleDate"]] forKey:#"dateEndSale"];
If I relauch the app, that is killing the app and launching it again, it all works perfectly again.
The JSON is always correct, apparently it does the funky thing after some hours being installed in the phone. Does that make sense?
I did some more testing. This is a difficult bug to catch because it only happens after several hours in the background.
Figure out that the only problem is actually storing NSDates. Not the rest of data. After some time in the background it fails to save the NSDate, even though the JSON has a valid Date it stores null. And everytime I refresh it keeps on storing null.
If I kill and launch the app it stores correctly the date.
I tried using models but it happens the same thing.
Any ideas? Im quite lost now.
I had such an issue once I believe. In my case it had something to do with the display mechanism.
--> Try reloading your data more frequently (or resetting your fetched results controller) to test this.
Sorry guys, It was all a silly mistake from my part.
I thought it was something related to the background because I wasnt able to reproduce it, and since it only happened every now and then.
Well the thing is that I if you went through the screens in a certain way a following a certain order a NSDateFormatter got badly initialised and that made that the dates weren't saved properly.
SO nothing to do with CoreData...

rufus scheduler exception

This is driving me a bit nuts, I have rufus doing some scheduling to call a rules engine (ruleby). So most work I have running is inside the running engine and then inside the scheduler. As a result when I have a error the information is a bit limited.
Fast forward, Im still working on my code but now I have this exception error:
'undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass'
It wasnt happening before, Im not sure exactly when it started and if it was what I was doing with the code or some events that came in that come in via http push. I comment out the code I think is causing it, stops happening, I put the code back in, still not happening, I leave it for a while, starts happening again. I try and run the engine manually outside the scheduler (so just once instead of every x many minutes), doesnt happen.
Put it back on the scheduler to run a few times, starts happening again. I would google the above error but google doesnt love the + in the search. Anyone have any ideas where to direct me to for this? Its clearly something happening when the rules engine is running but it was more than happily running for weeks before i got back to trying to finish it off. Best thought is that its during the rules engine running it passes events into it one at a time and something is missing that wasnt before.
Really want to know what the + method it refers to is/could be/suppose to be.

How to make a change in Back End Database When my computer turn off by any fault

i have one windows form application in v s 2010.
i want to maintain a FLAG in Which there is two values of FLAG
1) yes and 2) no
i want that when a form is load a Flag value is yes and The form is close the flag value is no in my back end Database
It is same like sing in person on any web site.....
But my Problem is that how can i maintain it any how the my computer is turn off .......
i store a database on single computer that is server.but i also want a code for on same computer,also
I would do it the opposite way: when your application exits gracefully, write a certain value to your database. When you start your application and do not find this value, you know that your application exited unexpected, e.g. by an apprupt power loss of your computer.
I think what you want is keep a record of whether your application are online.So when your app start,it switch the flag in database to yes,when app close,it switch the flag to no,right?
But if the application close abnormally,it may not have the change to switch the flag,this is what we need to handle.
I suggest you attach a timestamp field with the flag in database,and if your app is running,update the timestamp in a fix period,like send a heart beat to database.
Actually we can remove the flag,just use the time stamp field.It store the last heart beat the app sent to the database.
Then we check this last heart beat time,if it's longer than the heart beat interval,we know the client application is closed,disconnected,or down for some reason.
It's not 100% accurate in all time,but it works.