CloudWatchLogs line length limit - amazon-cloudwatch

I was wondering if CLoudWatchLogs has a limit on the length of 1 line of logging. I checked the CloudWatchLogs Limit documentation page, but they do not specify anything regarding line length limit.
They do mention the Event size limit (256 KB) , which is the maximum size of 1 event, but that does not tell me anything about the length of the line. A log event can contain more information than only the #message field.

Looking into this a bit (since I was curious about the same thing). The boto3 python client documentation refers to log lines as events. The event consists of the timestamp and the message. Within various AWS tools, the message can be broken into various fields, but I believe the timestamp and message are the only actual fields in the log event.
So this would suggest that about 256K is the maximum size for each line (minus the size of the timestamp and probably some overhead as well).
This is not to say that the AWS web console will handle lines that long well though.

The maximum event size is ~256kB, events longer than that will fail (they are not truncated). This size includes 26 bytes of metadata (10 bytes of timestamp and 16 of field names).
This can be verified with this boto3 script.

I tried to console.log a big file( around 800 KB), in cloudwatch I can see 4 console.log message first 3 with around 250 KB size, and rest in the last.
So from my experience line numbers do not matter only the total size of each event matters.


How to interpret query process GB in Bigquery?

I am using a free trial of Google bigquery. This is the query that I am using.
select * from `test`.events where subject_id = 124 and id = 256064 and time >= '2166-01-15T14:00:00' and time <='2166-01-15T14:15:00' and id_1 in (3655,223762,223761,678,211,220045,8368,8441,225310,8555,8440)
This query is expected to return at most 300 records and not more than that.
However I see a message like this as below
But the table on which this query operates is really huge. Does this indicate the table size? However, I ran this query multiple times a day
Due to this, it resulted in error below
Quota exceeded: Your project exceeded quota for free query bytes scanned. For more information, see
How long do I have to wait for this error to go-away? Is the daily limit 1TB? If yes, then I didn't not use close to 400 GB.
How to view my daily usage?
If I can edit quota, can you let me know which option should I be editing?
Can you help me with the above questions?
According to the official documentation
"BigQuery charges for queries by using one metric: the number of bytes processed (also referred to as bytes read)", regardless of how large the output size is. What this means is that if you do a count(*) on a 1TB table, you will supposedly be charged $5, even though the final output is very minimal.
Note that due to storage optimizations that BigQuery is doing internally, the bytes processed might not equal to the actual raw table size when you created it.
For the error you're seeing, browse the Google Console to "IAM & admin" then "Quotas", where you can then search for quotas specific to the BigQuery service.
Hope this helps!

BigQuery maximum row size

Recently we've started to get errors about "Row larger than the maximum allowed size".
Although documentation states that limitation in 2MB from JSON, we have successfully loaded 4MB (and larger) records also (see job job_Xr8vR3Fyp6rlH4zYaZFbZSyQsyI for an example of a 4.6MB record).
Has there been any change in the maximum allowed row size?
Erroneous job is job_qt_sCwokO2PWKNZsGNx6mK3cCWs. Unfortunately the error messages produced doesn't specify what record(s) is the problematic one.
There hasn't been a change in the maximum row size (I double checked and went back through change lists and didn't see anything that could affect this). The maximum is computed from the encoded row, rather than the raw row, which is why you sometimes can get larger rows than the specified maximum into the system.
From looking at your failed job in the logs, it looks like the error was on line 1. Did that information not get returned in the job errors? Or is that line not the offending one?
It did look like there was a repeated field with a lot of entries that looked like "Person..durable".
Please let me know if you think that you received this in error or what we can do to make the error messages better.

BigQuerty - “Row larger than the maximum allowed size” for a 10MB JSON

I'm getting an error "Row larger than the maximum allowed size" although the row size (JSON) is 9750629 bytes (less than 10MB).
Documentation states that the limit is 20MB for JSON.
Erroneous job is job_3QR3cLzoTDX5m_2T8OgdVHdvlBs
I checked with the engineering team, and the actual limit is 2MB. Thanks for reporting this - the documentation has been updated accordingly.
I'm still interested in having the actual limit being 20MB. Any additional information will help me make a better case. Thanks!

What is the maximum permitted response data size?

In the API Docs section Browsing Table Data, there is a reference to the "permitted response data size"; however, that link is dead. Experimentation revealed that requests with maxResults=50000 are usually successful, but as I near maxResults=100000 I begin to get errors from the BigQuery server.
This is happening while I page through a large table (or set of query results), so after each page is received, I request the next one; it thus doesn't matter to me what the page size is, but it does affect the communication with BigQuery.
What is the optimal value for this parameter?
Here is some explanations:
The maximum number of rows of data to return per page of results. Setting this flag to a small value such as 1000 and then paging through results might improve reliability when the query result set is large. In addition to this limit, responses are also limited to 10 MB. By default, there is no maximum row count, and only the byte limit applies.
To sum up: max size is 10MB, no row count limit.
You can choose value of maxResult parameter based on your usage of app.
If you want show data on the report, then you need to set low value for fast showing first page.
If you need to load data to other app, then you can use max possible value (record size * row count < 10MB).
As you say, you manually set maxResults = 100000 to page through result set, it will get errors from BigQuery server. What errors you will get? Could you paste the error message?

What is the maximum value size you can store in redis?

Does anyone know what the maximum value size you can store in redis? I want to use redis as a message queue with celery to store some small documents that need to be processed by a worker on another server, and I want to make sure the documents aren't going to be too big.
I found one page with a reference to 1GB, but when I followed the link on the page for where they got that answer the link wasn't valid anymore. Here is the link:
All string values are limited to 512 MiB. This is the size limit you probably care most about.
EDIT: Because keys in Redis are strings, the maximum key size is 512 MiB. The maximum number of keys is 2^32 - 1 = 4,294,967,295.
Values, on the other hand, can vary in size depending on their type. For aggregate data types (i.e. hash, list, set, and sorted set), the maximum value size is 512 MiB for each element, although the data structure itself can have up to 2^32 - 1 elements.
Article about Redis Memory Usage can help you to roughly determine how much memory your database would take.
It's in the order of the amount of RAM you have, at least, so unless you plan on puting multi-gigabyte objects in there I wouldn't worry. I've had sets that were hundreds of megabytes big without a problem, but I don't know the exact limits.
A String value can accommodate the size of max 512MB. But according to this link, the size can be increased.