Writing where query using pyspark on SQL table - sql

I'm querying sql table using pyspark.
If I have a sql table which has two column (value, isDelayed) where "value" is of double type and "isDelayed" has value 0 or 1. How to write a query using pyspark aggregation query which gives sum of "value" when "isDelayed" is 1.
I've already tried below code which is giving an error
def __main__(self, data):
delayedData = data.where(col('isDelayed').cast('int')==='1')
groupByIsDelayed = delayedData.agg(sum(total))
return groupByIsDelayed
I'm getting
"Syntax Error: invalid syntax"
on below line
delayedData = data.where(col('isDelayed').cast('int')==='1')

replace data.where(col('isDelayed').cast('int')==='1') with data.where(col('isDelayed').cast('int') == 1)
2 = only (equal operator in python is 2 = sign)
1 without quote (because you compare a int, not a string)


ProgrammingError: ('Expected 0 parameters, supplied 391', 'HY000') with 391 columns using dynamic approach

I have a dataframe that contains 391 columns and a number of rows. I am trying to push this to a database via pyodbc and using the following command:
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.fast_executemany = True
f"INSERT INTO db.tble({', '.join(df.columns.tolist())}) VALUES ({('?,' * len(df.columns))[:-1]})",
list(df.itertuples(index=False, name=None))
I would have thought this method would be dynamic for a dataframe of any size yet I get the following error:
ProgrammingError: ('Expected 0 parameters, supplied 391', 'HY000')
I am struggling to understand this as the syntax looks correct, ? has been used instead of %s like other answers. Can someone please help.
I once wrote a piece of code, where I wanted to create the insert statement dynamically based on number of columns in the data frame:
here is how the insert query would be passed to the database:
INSERT INTO dbo.Table (column1,columns2,column3) VALUES (?,?,?)
and again, the number of columns and values '?' would be required to be created dynamically at runtime based upon the number of columns the data frame had
I wrote the below piece to just write a string (of ?,?,?) and concatenate it with the insert query,
df is the dataframe,
symbol_counter would hold the number of columns in the dataframe,
sym_string would be the final string i.e. (?,?,?,?...n) based on the number of columns
symbol = ['?']
sym_string = ''
symbol_counter = int(df.shape[1])-1
word = 0
for word in range(symbol_counter):
# sym_string += str(symbol)
symbol.insert(word, "?")
sym_string = (','.join(symbol))
#and then use this variable and concatenate it with the rest of the query as shown below
query = Variable_holding_first_partofthequery + " VALUES (" +sym_string+")"
I know, it's the big way, but that's how I got it to work. Good Luck!

Databricks notebook - return all values from a table

For test purposes, I have an empty DB into which I populate a tiny amount of data, extracted and transformed from a json file.
I would like to create a notebook using scala, which gets all values from all columns from a given table, and exit the notebook returning this result as a string.
I've tried variations of the following:
val result = spark.sql("select * from table.DB").as[String];
However the first command fails with error:
AnalysisException: Try to map struct<Version:bigint,metadataInformation:struct<metadataID:string... etc ...> to Tuple1, but failed as the number of fields does not line up.;
However, something like the following works, to retrieve value of a specific field, from a column:
val result = spark.sql("select column.jsonfield from table.DB").as[String].first();
How can I return the content of all columns?
val result = spark.sql("SELECT x FROM y").collect().toList.flatMap(x => x.toSeq).mkString(",")

Pass date values from dataframe to query in Spark /Scala

I have a dataframe having a date column and has values as below.
|name| dob|
| Jon|2001-04-15|
| Ben|2002-03-01|
Now i need to query a table in hive which has "dob" from above dataframe (both 2001-04-15, 2002-03-01).So I need to pass the values under dob column as a parameter to my hive query.
I tried to collect the values to a variable like below which give me array of string.
val dobRead = df.select("updt_d").distinct().as[String].collect()
dobRead: Array[String] = Array(2001-04-15, 2002-03-01)
However when i try to pass to the query i see its not substituting properly and get error.
val tableRead = hive.executeQuery(s"select emp_name,emp_no,martial_status from <<table_name>> where dateOfBirth in ($dobRead)")
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: Failed to compile query: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseException: line 1:480 cannot recognize input near '(' '[' 'Ljava' in expression specification
Can you please help me how to pass date values to a query in spark.
You can collect the dates as follows (Row.getAs):
val rows: Array[Row] = df.select("updt_d").distinct().collect()
val dates: Array[String] = rows.map(_.getAs[String](0))
And then build the query:
val hql: String = s"select ... where dateOfBirth in (${
dates.map(d => s"'${d}'").mkString(", ")
Option 2
If the number of dates in first DataFrame is too big, you should use join operations instead of collecting them into the driver.
First, load every table as DataFrames (I'll call them dfEmp and dfDates). Then you can join on date fields to filter, either using a standard inner join plus filtering out null fields or using directly a left_semi join:
val dfEmp = hiveContext.table("EmpTable")
val dfEmpFiltered = dfEmp.join(dfDates,
col("dateOfBirth") === col("updt_d"), "left_semi")

AWS Athena: Error parsing field value and unexpected query results

I have the following table schema prepared by AWS glue
When I query the table using SELECT * FROM "vietnam-property-develop"."sell" limit 10;, it throws an error:
HIVE_BAD_DATA: Error parsing field value '{"area":"85
00:42:28.488576+00:00","address":"Quan Hoa - Cầu Giấy","price":"20
Tỷ","cat":"Bán nhà mặt
chủ cần bán nhà mặt phố nguyễn văn huyên Quan Hoa Cầu Giấy, 2 tầng, dt
85m2. LH 0903233723","lat":"21.0376771","room":"0"}' for field 4:
org.openx.data.jsonserde.json.JSONObject cannot be cast to
Then I tired to just query the title column by using SELECT title FROM "vietnam-property-develop"."sell" limit 10;
It returns result which I didn't expect. It seems that the query return the whole json files instead of just the title column. And the number of rows is 4 but not 10 no matter how I modify the query.

Cannot have map type columns in DataFrame which calls set operations

: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Cannot have map type columns in DataFrame which calls set operations(intersect, except, etc.), but the type of column map_col is map
I have a hive table with a column of type - MAP<Float, Float>. I get the above error when I try to do an insertion on this table in a spark context. Insertion works fine without the 'distinct'.
create table test_insert2(`test_col` string, `map_col` MAP<INT,INT>)
location 's3://mybucket/test_insert2';
insert into test_insert2
select distinct 'a' as test_col, map(0,0) as map_col
Try to convert dataframe to .rdd then apply .distinct function.
spark.sql("select 'a'test_col,map(0,0)map_col
union all
select 'a'test_col,map(0,0)map_col").rdd.distinct.collect
Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([a,Map(0 -> 0)])