Why do I get "the method exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied" when extending Result for failure types? - error-handling

I'm trying to add a more concise version of the failure crate's .with_context(|e| format!("foo: {}", e)) to my code. Like this playground:
use failure::{Context, Fail, ResultExt}; // 0.1.5
/// Extension methods for failure `Result`.
pub trait ResultContext<T, E> {
/// Wraps the error type in a context type generated by looking at the
/// error value. This is very similar to `with_context` but much more
/// concise.
fn ctx(self, s: &str) -> Result<T, Context<String>>;
impl<T, E> ResultContext<T, E> for Result<T, E>
E: Fail,
fn ctx(self, s: &str) -> Result<T, Context<String>> {
self.map_err(|failure| {
let context = format!("{}: {}", s, failure);
pub fn foo() -> Result<i32, failure::Error> {
pub fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
// This works.
let _ = foo().with_context(|_| "foo".to_string())?;
// This doesn't.
I get the following error:
error[E0599]: no method named `ctx` found for type `std::result::Result<i32, failure::error::Error>` in the current scope
--> src/main.rs:31:11
31 | foo().ctx("foo")?
| ^^^
= note: the method `ctx` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
`std::result::Result<i32, failure::error::Error> : ResultContext<_, _>`
= help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope
= note: the following trait defines an item `ctx`, perhaps you need to implement it:
candidate #1: `ResultContext`
I can't work out why. I more or less copied the existing with_context code.

As the compiler tells you, Result<i32, failure::error::Error> doesn't implement ResultContext<_, _>. You have added a bound to your implementation:
E: Fail,
But failure::Error doesn't implement failure::Fail:
use failure; // 0.1.5
fn is_fail<F: failure::Fail>() {}
pub fn main() {
error[E0277]: the trait bound `failure::error::Error: std::error::Error` is not satisfied
--> src/main.rs:6:5
6 | is_fail::<failure::Error>();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::error::Error` is not implemented for `failure::error::Error`
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `failure::Fail` for `failure::error::Error`
note: required by `is_fail`
--> src/main.rs:3:1
3 | fn is_fail<F: failure::Fail>() {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
You will need to alter your bounds or your type.


How can I bound an associated type to work with the `?` operator?

Given the following Rust:
struct E;
trait Fallible {
type Error: Into<E>;
fn e(&self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn test(f: &impl Fallible) -> Result<(), E> {
I am trying to express that the Fallible::Error type can be converted to an E and therefore should be usable with the ? operator. But, for some reason the ? is based on the From trait, which I'm not sure that it is possible to bound.
This currently fails with:
error[E0277]: `?` couldn't convert the error to `E`
--> src/lib.rs:9:13
9 | Ok(f.e()?)
| ^ the trait `std::convert::From<<impl Fallible as Fallible>::Error>` is not implemented for `E`
= note: the question mark operation (`?`) implicitly performs a conversion on the error value using the `From` trait
= note: required by `std::convert::From::from`
While you cannot bind at the trait level yet, you can do so on the function:
struct E;
trait Fallible {
type Error: Into<E>;
fn e(&self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn test<T>(f: &T) -> Result<(), E>
T: Faillible,
E: From<T::Error>,

Why does the ? operator report the error "the trait bound NoneError: Error is not satisfied"?

The ? operator at line 9 works OK, but if I use the same logic on the same type in line 19, it blows up.
use std::error::Error;
use walkdir::WalkDir;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let valid_entries = WalkDir::new("/tmp")
.flat_map(|e| e)
.flat_map(|e| {
let name = e.file_name().to_str()?; // <-- this works
if name.contains(".txt") {
} else {
for entry in valid_entries {
println!("This file matches: {:?}", entry);
let name_to_str = entry.file_name().to_str()?; // <-- this blows up
// ...
The errors are a little cryptic for me to interpret:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::option::NoneError: std::error::Error` is not satisfied
--> src/main.rs:19:53
26 | let name_to_str = entry.file_name().to_str()?;
| ^ the trait `std::error::Error` is not implemented for `std::option::NoneError`
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::convert::From<std::option::NoneError>` for `std::boxed::Box<dyn std::error::Error>`
= note: required by `std::convert::From::from`
Why is the ? operator blowing up while iterating valid_entries?
The ? can be used to check-and-return any type that implements the Try trait (still unstable). The only implementations in std of those are Option<T> and Result<T, E> (plus some Future-related impls that are not relevant to this discussion). This means that you can use the ? operator in any function that returns Result<T, E> or Option<T>.
But you cannot mix-n-match those. That is, if your function returns a Result<T, E> you cannot use the ? in a value of type Option<T>. Or vice versa.
The reason your first ? works is because you are inside a flat_map() that returns Option<String> and all goes well. The second one, however, is in a function that returns a Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> so you can't use ? with an Option<String>.
The solution is simply to deal with the None in your Option<String> in another way:
Doing a match / if let Some(x) to handle the error separately.
Converting into a Result<String, Error> and use ?, for example with .ok_or(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData)?;.
Similar to 2, but take advantage of the impl From<&str> for Box<dyn Error> and do .ok_or("invalid file name").
Giving a default value, with Option::unwrap_or() or similar.
Doing unwrap() and panicking if None.
Ok, but what does this error mean? The idea is that actually you are able to use ? with an Option<T> that returns a Result<T, E>, as long as your E implements From<std::option::NoneError>. Unfortunately, NoneError is still unstable, too, so you can't implement From<NoneError> in your code using the stable compiler. Nevertheless, the E in your code is Box<dyn Error>, and the compiler would be happy to do the boxing as long as NoneError implements Error, but...
error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::option::NoneError: std::error::Error` is not satisfied

Why isn't an error type implicitly converted when I return it?

The following code fails to compile
// winservice.rs
#[macro_use] extern crate err_derive;
extern crate windows_service;
use windows_service::service_manager::{ServiceManager, ServiceManagerAccess};
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum WinServiceError {
#[error(display = "could not query windows services api")]
impl From<windows_service::Error> for WinServiceError {
fn from(error: windows_service::Error) -> Self {
fn get_manager(request_access: ServiceManagerAccess) -> Result<ServiceManager, WinServiceError> {
ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, request_access)
pub fn main() {
// get_manager();
I am getting the error
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/winservice.rs:186:5
185 | fn get_manager(request_access: ServiceManagerAccess) -> Result<ServiceManager, Error> {
| ----------------------------- expected `std::result::Result<windows_service::service_manager::ServiceManager, winservice::Error>` because of return type
186 | ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, request_access)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected enum `winservice::Error`, found enum `windows_service::Error`
= note: expected type `std::result::Result<_, winservice::Error>`
found type `std::result::Result<_, windows_service::Error>`
Why isn't the Rust compiler auto converting the return type from windows_service::Error to winservice::Error?
Thanks to #Shepmaster's help, I was able resolve the error.
I did not realize that I was returning the result object directly. I had to unwrap the result object for the conversion to work.
The following code attempts to return a value of type Result<_, windows_services::Error> as Result<_, WinServiceError>.
fn get_manager(request_access: ServiceManagerAccess) -> Result<ServiceManager, WinServiceError> {
ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, request_access)
But the following code works, because we are now creating a new Result object of the correct signature, and rust compiler performs the conversion between the error types while creating the new object.
fn get_manager(request_access: ServiceManagerAccess) -> Result<ServiceManager, WinServiceError> {
Ok(ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, request_access)?)

How do I use the Option::ok_or() method correctly?

I'm trying to understand how to use the question mark operator for error handling in Rust. I have this code:
fn main() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let foo: i32 = Some("1")
.ok_or(Err("error 1"))?
.or(Err("error 2"))?;
This code can not be compiled for some reason:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `&str: std::convert::From<std::result::Result<_, &str>>` is not satisfied
--> src/main.rs:2:20
2 | let foo: i32 = Some("1")
| ____________________^
3 | | .ok_or(Err("error 1"))?
| |_______________________________^ the trait `std::convert::From<std::result::Result<_, &str>>` is not implemented for `&str`
= note: required by `std::convert::From::from`
The Rust book has an example usage of the question mark operator:
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
use std::fs::File;
fn read_username_from_file() -> Result<String, io::Error> {
let mut s = String::new();
File::open("hello.txt")?.read_to_string(&mut s)?;
In my opinion, it doesn't differ much from my example in sense of handling errors. I cannot see a reason for my code to be invalid. If the From trait should be implemented for all kinds of Result why does the code from the Rust book work fine?
Unlike or, ok_or takes an E, not a full Result<T, E> (because it wouldn't have anything to do if passed an Ok). Just pass the error string directly:
fn main() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let foo: i32 = Some("1")
.ok_or("error 1")?
.or(Err("error 2"))?;
The reason the error message mentions the From trait is because ? implicitly uses From to convert the expression's error type into the return value's error type. If it worked, .ok_or(Err("error 1")) would return a value of Result<&'static str, Result<_, &'static str>> (_ could be almost anything, since Err doesn't specify). The ? operator attempts to find an implementation of From that would convert Result<_, &'static str> (the expression's error type) into &'static str (the return value's error type). Since no such From implementation exists, the compiler emits an error.

fn foo() -> Result<()> throws "expected 2 type arguments"

Why isn't Result<()> allowed when compiling this bit of Rust code? Is it a breaking change between Rust editions?
fn run() -> Result<()> {
let (tx, rx) = channel();
thread::spawn(move || {
match exit_rx.recv() {
Ok(result) => if let Err(reason) = result {
return Err(reason);
Err(e) => {
return Err(e.into());
The compiler says:
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected 2, found 1
--> src/main.rs:1000:18
1000 | fn run_wifi() -> Result<()> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^ expected 2 type arguments
When I tweak the return type to Result<(), Err>, it says:
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected 2, found 0
--> src/main.rs:1000:29
1000 | fn run() -> Result<(), Err> {
| ^^^ expected 2 type arguments
This is from the wifi-connect project.
The definition of Result is, and has always been, the following:
pub enum Result<T, E> {
This definition is even presented in the Rust Programming language, to show how simple it is. As a generic sum type of an OK outcome and an error outcome, it always expects two type parameters, and the compiler will complain if it cannot infer them, or the list of type arguments does not have the expected length.
On the other hand, one may find many libraries and respective docs showing a Result with a single type argument, as in Result<()>. What gives?
It's still no magic. By convention, libraries create type aliases for result types at the level of a crate or module. This works pretty well because it is common for those to produce errors of the same, locally created type.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
Or alternatively, a definition which can still purport as the original result type.
pub type Result<T, E = Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
This pattern is so common that some error helper crates such as error-chain, will automatically create a result alias type for each error declared.
As such, if you are using a library that may or may not use error-chain, you are expected to assume that mentions of Result<T> are local type aliases to a domain-specific Result<T, Error>. In case of doubt, clicking on that type in the generated documentation pages will direct you to the concrete definition (in this case, the alias).
From The Rust Programming Language section The ? Operator Can Only Be Used in Functions That Return Result
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::File;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let f = File::open("hello.txt")?;
use std::io::Result;
Link to the type description
Long answer
I believe that the top-voted answer given by E_net4 the comment flagger is correct. But it doesn't work if applied blindly. In both cases
pub type Result<T> = Result<T, Error>;
and this
pub type Result<T, E = Error> = Result<T, E>;
will give the cycle dependency error
error[E0391]: cycle detected when expanding type alias `Result`
--> src\main.rs:149:33
149 | pub type Result<T, E = Error> = Result<T, E>;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: ...which immediately requires expanding type alias `Result` again
= note: type aliases cannot be recursive
= help: consider using a struct, enum, or union instead to break the cycle
= help: see <https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types.html#recursive-types> for more information
So as much as users of SO don't want to admit it, but Gabriel soft is very close to elegant solution, because that type alias
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
is straight from the standard library.
Here it is, our desired Result with 1 generic argument is defined in std::io (docs). To fix the problem I added
use std::io::Result;
fn some_func() -> Result<()> {
use std::io;
fn some_func() -> io::Result<()> {
rustc 1.62.1
i solved my own error by making a generic Result type to handle the error
As its says it require a generic of T and E, so to simplify things, i had to follow this way
pub type Result = result::Result<T, Error>;