How to simply add another source to MediatorLiveData in kotlin? - kotlin

I want to combine multiple data sources in a MediatorLiveData. Unfortunately, there are not many examples yet. So in my ViewModel I have
//all lists have been declared before
val playerList = MediatorLiveData<List<Player>>()
init {
playerList.addSource(footballPlayerList) { value ->
playerList.value = value
playerList.addSource(basketballPlayerList) { value ->
playerList.value = value
But apparently this will always override the current value of playerList. I mean I could build some hacky workarounds with helper variables like _playerList but maybe there is an easier solution?

Having done quite some research.. I found it out. Here is an example
fun blogpostBoilerplateExample(newUser: String): LiveData<UserDataResult> {
val liveData1 = userOnlineDataSource.getOnlineTime(newUser)
val liveData2 = userCheckinsDataSource.getCheckins(newUser)
val result = MediatorLiveData<UserDataResult>()
result.addSource(liveData1) { value ->
result.value = combineLatestData(liveData1, liveData2)
result.addSource(liveData2) { value ->
result.value = combineLatestData(liveData1, liveData2)
return result
The actual combination of data is done in a separate combineLatestData method like so
private fun combineLatestData(
onlineTimeResult: LiveData<Long>,
checkinsResult: LiveData<CheckinsResult>
): UserDataResult {
val onlineTime = onlineTimeResult.value
val checkins = checkinsResult.value
// Don't send a success until we have both results
if (onlineTime == null || checkins == null) {
return UserDataLoading()
// TODO: Check for errors and return UserDataError if any.
return UserDataSuccess(timeOnline = onlineTime, checkins = checkins)

Here is a simple example
class MergeMultipleLiveData : ViewModel() {
private val fictionMenu: MutableLiveData<Resource<RssMenu>> = MutableLiveData()
private val nonFictionMenu: MutableLiveData<Resource<RssMenu>> = MutableLiveData()
val allCategoryMenus: MediatorLiveData<Resource<RssMenu>> = MediatorLiveData()
init {
private fun getAllCategoryMenus() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
allCategoryMenus.addSource(fictionMenu) { value ->
allCategoryMenus.value = value
allCategoryMenus.addSource(nonFictionMenu) { value ->
allCategoryMenus.value = value
private fun getFictionMenus() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
fictionMenu.postValue( // todo )
private fun getNonFictionMenus() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
nonFictionMenu.postValue( // todo )
And in your fragment you can observer as;
viewModel.allCategoryMenus.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
// todo


My response data return " kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SafeFlow#1493a74"

I am trying to do dictionary app using kotlin language. I built the project with mvvm and clean architecture. I have been trying to pull vocabulary information from the internet using jsoap. I am using flow for data. I couldnt find where the issiue is. Normally, the words should appear on the screen or I should be able to see the data when I println on the console.But I can't see it on the screen or on the console, probably because the data coming from the internet is as follows.
I am sharing my codes below
data class ExtractedData(
var id :Int = 0,
var word:String = "",
var meaning :String = ""
I created ExtractedData class to represent vocabulary or word data from internet
class WordInfoRepositoryImpl #Inject constructor(
private val api:DictionaryApi
) : WordInfoRepository {
//get words with meanings on the internet using jsoap
override fun getEventsList(): Flow<Resource<MutableList<ExtractedData>>> = flow {
val listData = mutableListOf<ExtractedData>()
try {
val url = ""
val doc = withContext(Dispatchers.IO){
Jsoup.connect(url).get()//-->Here it gives the following warning even though I have it in withContext `Inappropriate blocking method call`
val table ="table")
val rows ="tr")
val eventsSize = rows.size
for (i in 1 until eventsSize) {
val row = rows[i]
val cols ="td")
val word = cols[0].text()
val meaning = cols[1].text()
catch (e: IOException) {
emit(Resource.Error("IO Exception"))
catch (e : HttpException) {
emit(Resource.Error("HTTP EXCEPTION"))
getEventsList is in my WordInfoRepositoryImpl class in my data layer here I am pulling data from internet using jsoap
interface WordInfoRepository {
fun getEventsList(): Flow<Resource<MutableList<ExtractedData>>>
this is the interface that I reference wordInforepositoryImpl in the data layer in my interface domain layer
class GetWordsAndMeaningsOnTheInternetUseCase#Inject constructor(
private val repository: WordInfoRepository
operator fun invoke() : Flow<Resource<MutableList<ExtractedData>>> {
return repository.getEventsList()
GetWordsAndMeaningsOnTheInternetUseCase is my usecase in my domain layer
class MostUsedWordScreenViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val getWordsAndMeaningsOnTheInternetUseCase: GetWordsAndMeaningsOnTheInternetUseCase
) : ViewModel() {
private var searchJob: Job? = null
private val _state = mutableStateOf(MostUsedWordState())
val state: State<MostUsedWordState> = _state
init {
private fun fetchData() {
searchJob = viewModelScope.launch(IO) {
getWordsAndMeaningsOnTheInternetUseCase().onEach { result ->
when (result) {
is Resource.Success -> {
_state.value = state.value.copy(
mostWordUsedItems = ?: mutableListOf(),
isLoading = false
is Resource.Error -> {
_state.value = state.value.copy(
mostWordUsedItems = ?: mutableListOf(),
isLoading = false
is Resource.Loading -> {
_state.value = state.value.copy(
mostWordUsedItems = ?: mutableListOf(),
isLoading = true
fun MostUsedWordScreen(viewModel: MostUsedWordScreenViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {
val state = viewModel.state.value
println("state --- >>> "+state.mostWordUsedItems)
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {
items(state.mostWordUsedItems.size) { i ->
val wordInfo = state.mostWordUsedItems[i]
if(i > 0) {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))
MostUsedWordItem(word = wordInfo)
if(i < state.mostWordUsedItems.size - 1) {
fun MostUsedWordItem(word : ExtractedData ) {
// println("this is MostUsedWordItem")
Column(modifier = Modifier
.fillMaxWidth()) {
Text(text = word.word,
modifier = Modifier.padding(3.dp),
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
fontSize = 18.sp,
It is included in the MostUsedWordScreenViewModel and MostUsedWordScreen presententation layer
Where I println("state --- >>> "+state.mostWordUsedItems) in MostUsedWordScreen, the state console shows as empty like this System.out: state --- >>> []
I tried to explain as detailed as I can, I hope you can understand.
A Flow doesn't do anything until you call a terminal operator on it. You called onEach, which is not a terminal operator. You should use collect. Or you can avoid the nesting inside a launch block by using onEach and launchIn, which does the same thing as launching a coroutine and calling collect() on the flow. You don't need to specify Dispatchers.IO here because nothing in your Flow is blocking. You correctly wrapped the blocking call in withContext(Dispatchers.IO), and the warning is a false positive. That's a well-known bug in their compiler inspection.
searchJob = getWordsAndMeaningsOnTheInternetUseCase().onEach { result ->
when (result) {
is Resource.Success -> {
_state.value = state.value.copy(
mostWordUsedItems = ?: mutableListOf(),
isLoading = false
is Resource.Error -> {
_state.value = state.value.copy(
mostWordUsedItems = ?: mutableListOf(),
isLoading = false
is Resource.Loading -> {
_state.value = state.value.copy(
mostWordUsedItems = ?: mutableListOf(),
isLoading = true
By the way, you need to move your emit(Success...) inside your try block. The way it is now, when there is an error, the error will immediately get replaced by a Success with empty list.
Side note, I recommend avoiding passing MutableLists around between classes. You have no need for them and it's a code smell. Sharing mutable state between classes is error-prone. I don't think there is any justification for using a Flow<MutableList> instead of a Flow<List>.
You rarely even need a MutableList locally in a function. For example, you could have done in your try block:
val listData = List(eventsSize - 1) {
val row = rows[it + 1]
val cols ="td")
val word = cols[0].text()
val meaning = cols[1].text()

How to parse two data list from one PagingData Source in Android Kotlin?

This is My ViewModle Class
class MainViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val movieRepository: MovieRepository,
private val favMovieRepository: FavMovieRepository
) : ViewModel() {
private var _movieState = mutableStateOf(false)
val movieState = _movieState
val nowPlayingMovies: Flow<PagingData<Movie>> = Pager(PagingConfig(pageSize = 10)) {
val popularMovies: Flow<PagingData<Movie>> = Pager(PagingConfig(pageSize = 10)) {
fun setListToPopular(){
_movieState.value = true
PagingSource file is here
class MoviePagingSource(
private val movieRepository: MovieRepository
) : PagingSource<Int , Movie>() {
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, Movie> {
return try {
val nextPage = params.key ?: 1
val nowPlayingMovieResponse = movieRepository.getNowPlayingMovies(nextPage)
val popularMovieResponse = movieRepository.getPopularMovies(nextPage)
data = nowPlayingMovieResponse.results,
prevKey = if (nextPage == 1) null else nextPage - 1,
nextKey =
data = popularMovieResponse.results,
prevKey = if (nextPage == 1) null else nextPage - 1,
nextKey =
} catch (e: Exception) {
Here I define two LoadResult one for NowPlaying other for popluar movies.
I want to get the follwing result as expected Below.
Here whenever i choose one result should be in my favour for that i have my Home screen.
fun MovieListView(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
val lazyMovieItems = viewModel.nowPlayingMovies.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
val lazyPopularMovieItems = viewModel.popularMovies.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
val movieItems = if (!viewModel.movieState.value) lazyMovieItems else lazyPopularMovieItems
LazyColumn {
item {
Row(... ) {
} }
items(movieItems) { item ->
MovieCard(movie = item!!) {
}else Log.d(TAG, "MovieListView: ${item.original_title} with id ${} It is Not favorite ")
movieItems.apply {
What should be the way for fetching data from PagingSource ? and please suggest better way for handling NowPlaying and popular movie.

While loop doesn't seem to work with .putFile when uploading multiple images to Firebase storage in Kotlin

I have been trying to upload multiple images to Firebase Storage. But, I am not able to do it successfully. I could successfully upload the image (single) to the storage and add the URL of the image to the Firestore, now that I revised my code to upload up to five images, it could be any number of images from 1 to 5. -> {
if (validateDetails()) {
The above code, calls the following function after validating the fields, which then calls the function uploadImageToCloudStorage. mSelectedImageFileUriList is private var mSelectedImageFileUriList: MutableList<Uri?>? = null. It all seems to work correctly.
private fun uploadImage() {
et_product_title.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' }
Following code is where I guess is a mistake.
fun uploadImageToCloudStorage(
activity: AddProductActivity,
imageFileURI: MutableList<Uri?>?,
imageType: String,
directoryName: String,
title: String
) {
var i = 0
val imageURLList = ArrayList<String>()
val itr = imageFileURI?.iterator()
if (itr != null) {
while (itr.hasNext()) {
val sRef: StorageReference = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference(
"/$directoryName/" + imageType + "." + Constants.getFileExtension(
.addOnSuccessListener { taskSnapshot ->
.addOnSuccessListener { uri ->
if (i < imageFileURI.size) {
i += 1
} else {
.addOnFailureListener { exception ->
} else {
"There is no images in the ArrayList of URI",
EDIT: After receiving the first answer.
I have created a QueueSyn.kt file and added the code in the Answer. The activity where the images and the button are changed to
class AddProductActivity : BaseActivity(), View.OnClickListener, QueueSyncCallback {
The following function is called when the button is hit.
private fun uploadProductImage() {
et_product_title.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' },
I have also implemented these two methods in the class AddProductActivity, but I don't know what should go inside this.
override fun completed(successList: MutableList<Uri>, failureList: MutableList<Uri>) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun getFileExtension(uri: Uri): String {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
This should work
import java.util.*
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
interface QueueSyncCallback {
fun completed(successList: MutableList<Uri>, failureList: MutableList<Uri>)
fun getFileExtension(uri: Uri): String
class QueueSync(
imageFileURI: MutableList<Uri?>?,
private val imageType: String,
private val directoryName: String,
private val title: String,
private val callback: QueueSyncCallback,
private val maxActive: Int = 5
) {
private val queue: LinkedList<Uri> = LinkedList()
private val runningQueue: MutableList<Uri> = Collections.synchronizedList(
object : ArrayList<Uri>() {
override fun remove(element: Uri): Boolean {
val removed = super.remove(element)
if (isEmpty() && queue.isEmpty()) {
callback.completed(successList, failureList)
} else if (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
return removed
private val successList: MutableList<Uri> = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList())
private val failureList: MutableList<Uri> = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList())
init {
if (imageFileURI != null)
for (uri in imageFileURI) {
if (uri != null)
private fun getLocation(uri: Uri) = "/$directoryName/$imageType.${callback.getFileExtension(uri)}"
fun startUploading() {
var i = 0
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
callback.completed(successList, failureList)
while (i < maxActive && queue.isNotEmpty()) {
private fun addToRunningQueue() {
val uri = queue.poll()!!
private fun uploadImageToCloudStorage(locationUri: Uri) {
val sRef: StorageReference = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference(getLocation(locationUri))
.addOnSuccessListener { taskSnapshot ->
.addOnSuccessListener { uri ->
.addOnFailureListener {
Since your need requires usage of threads so to prevent race conditions I had to use Collections.synchronizedList. To use this you need to implement QueueSyncCallback in your activity and pass it as a reference to QueueSync. Make sure that any piece of code written inside completed is wrapped inside runOnMainThread if it is going to access views in any way since completed will not run on main thread as far as I know. This should work however I am not able to test it since it is based on your current code.
Edit:- Answering after edit
override fun completed(successList: MutableList<Uri>, failureList: MutableList<Uri>) {
override fun getFileExtension(uri: Uri): String {
Constants.getFileExtension(this, imageFileURI[i])

Can't mock com.github.kittinunf.fuel.Fuel with mockk

I need your help in the following problem: I can not get mocked the Fuel.get call.
What I've tried:
This is the service class, where Fuel will be called.
class JiraService {
private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
fun checkIfUsersExistInJira(usernames: List<String>, jiraConfig: Configuration): Boolean {
var checkResultOk = true;
val encodedCredentials =
usernames.forEach {
.appendHeader("Authorization", "Basic ...")
.appendHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
failure = { throwable ->
"Can't check users in jira for user $it",
success = { userExists ->
checkResultOk = checkResultOk && userExists
return checkResultOk
The test:
class JiraServiceTest {
private val jiraConfig = createJiraConf()
private val fuelRequest = mockk<Request>()
private val fuelResponse = mockk<Response>()
private val fuelMock = mockk<Fuel>()
fun setUp() {
every {
.appendHeader(eq("Authorization"), any())
.appendHeader(eq("Content-Type"), eq("application/json"))
} returns ResponseResultOf(first = fuelRequest, second = fuelResponse, third = Result.success(false))
fun `will return FALSE for user not existing in jira`() {
// given
val usernames = listOf("", "", "")
// when
JiraService().checkIfUsersExistInJira(usernames, jiraConfig)
// then
And I always see the error:
Caused by:
Caused by:
So it always makes a real Fuel call ignoring fueMock.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for help!
If somebody need, following test works:
class JiraServiceTest {
private val jiraConfig = createJiraConf()
private val fuelRequest1 = mockk<DefaultRequest>()
private val fuelRequest3 = mockk<DefaultRequest>()
private val fuelRequest4 = mockk<DefaultRequest>()
private val fuelResponse = mockk<Response>()
fun setUp() {
every {
} returns fuelRequest1
every {
} returns fuelRequest3
every {
} returns fuelRequest4
every { fuelRequest1.appendHeader(any<String>(), any()) } returns fuelRequest1
every { fuelRequest3.appendHeader(any<String>(), any()) } returns fuelRequest3
every { fuelRequest4.appendHeader(any<String>(), any()) } returns fuelRequest4
every { fuelRequest1.responseObject(UserInfoDeserializer) } returns ResponseResultOf(
first = fuelRequest1,
second = fuelResponse,
third = Result.success(false)
every { fuelRequest3.responseObject(UserInfoDeserializer) } returns ResponseResultOf(
first = fuelRequest3,
second = fuelResponse,
third = Result.success(true)
every { fuelRequest4.responseObject(UserInfoDeserializer) } returns ResponseResultOf(
first = fuelRequest4,
second = fuelResponse,
third = Result.success(true)
fun `will return FALSE for user not existing in jira`() {
// given
val usernames = listOf("", "", "")
// when
val result = JiraService().checkIfUsersExistInJira(usernames, jiraConfig)
// then
assertThat(result, equalTo(false))
fun `will return TRUE for users existing in jira`() {
// given
val usernames = listOf("", "")
// when
val result = JiraService().checkIfUsersExistInJira(usernames, jiraConfig)
// then
assertThat(result, equalTo(true))

Kotlin poet filet not getting generated

I tried to create a class with annotation processor and Kotlin Poet. This is my code:
class TailProcessor : AbstractProcessor() {
override fun process(elementTypeSet: MutableSet<out TypeElement>?, roundEnvironment: RoundEnvironment?): Boolean {
roundEnvironment?.getElementsAnnotatedWith( {
if (it.javaClass.kotlin.isData) {
print("You are doing it right")
val className = it.simpleName.toString()
val pack = processingEnv.elementUtils.getPackageOf(it).toString()
val variables = ElementFilter.fieldsIn(elementTypeSet)
startClassGeneration(className, pack, variables)
} else {
return false
return false
override fun getSupportedSourceVersion(): SourceVersion = SourceVersion.latest()
override fun getSupportedAnnotationTypes(): MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(
private fun startClassGeneration(
className: String,
pack: String,
variables: MutableSet<VariableElement>
) {
val fileName = "Tail$className"
val stringToBePrinted = generateStringFromIncommingValues(variables)
val printFunction = FunSpec.builder("print").addCode("print($stringToBePrinted)").build()
val generatedClass = TypeSpec.objectBuilder(fileName).addFunction(printFunction).build()
val file = FileSpec.builder(pack, fileName).addType(generatedClass).build()
val kaptKotlinGeneratedDir = processingEnv.options[KOTLIN_DIRECTORY_NAME]
file.writeTo(File(kaptKotlinGeneratedDir, "$fileName.kt"))
private fun generateStringFromIncommingValues(variables: MutableSet<VariableElement>): Any {
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
variables.forEach {
if (it.constantValue == null) {
stringBuilder.append("null\n ")
} else {
return stringBuilder.toString()
companion object {
const val KOTLIN_DIRECTORY_NAME = "sxhardha.tail"
The problem, directory and file not generating. I tried to rebuild, invalidate cache + restart, clean but none of them works. The build goes successful without any errors but I see no changes. Can you check what is wrong?
I actually found the issue. I wasn't checking right if that class is a data class or not and the condition was never met.
Instead of:
Should have been:
it.kotlinMetadata as KotlinClassMetadata).data.classProto.isDataClass
But it can only be achieved by using this library here.