Set select field options conditionally based on prior select field value - keystonejs

I'm using this data as an example, but in Keystone is there a way to set the options of a select field depending on a prior select field?
For example, if I have a selected a state, in the next select after it where it asks for the city, it would populate the options with the cities depending on the chosen state.
Is there a way to write an if...else statment or some way to do this without creating a bunch of city fields (oregonCities, washingtonCities, idahoCities, etc etc for all 50 states)
something like this:
state: {
type: Types.Select,
options: 'Oregon, Washington'
city: {
type: Types.Select,
//if state selected is oregon use these options
dependsOn: { state: 'Oregon' },
options: 'Portland, Bend, Salem'
//if state selected is washington use these options
dependsOn: { state: 'Washington' },
options: 'Seattle, Olympia, Spokane'

Not Possible in current version, but you can add this as feature request for next version in alpha stage. github -


Get Empty Rows in TypeORM

I'm trying to write a typeORM query which includes multiple where clauses. I am able to achieve this via where option as follows:
const categories = [
{ name: 'master', categoryTypeId: 2, parentId: 1, locationId: null },
{ name: 'food', categoryTypeId: 3, parentId: null, locationId: null }];
const rows = await Repo.find({
where: => ({
categoryTypeId: category.categoryTypeId,
locationId: category.locationId
I would want to maintain the mapping b/w the input array and the rows returned. For example, I know that the second category doesn't exist in the DB. I would want to have an empty object in the rows variable so that I know which categories didn't yield any result.
Upon research I have found that we can do something with SQL as mentioned here. But, I'm not sure how do I translate into typeORM if I can.

FaunaDB: how to fetch a custom column

I'm just learning FaunaDB and FQL and having some trouble (mainly because I come from MySQL). I can successfully query a table (eg: users) and fetch a specific user. This user has a property users.expiry_date which is a faunadb Time() type.
What I would like to do is know if this date has expired by using the function LT(Now(), users.expiry_date), but I don't know how to create this query. Do I have to create an Index first?
So in short, just fetching one of the users documents gets me this:
id: 1,
username: 'test',
expiry_date: Time("2022-01-10T16:01:47.394Z")
But I would like to get this:
id: 1,
username: 'test',
expiry_date: Time("2022-01-10T16:01:47.394Z"),
has_expired: true,
I have this FQL query now (ignore oauthInfo):
oauthInfo: Select(['data'], Get(Ref(Collection('user_oauth_info'), refId))),
user: Select(['data'], Get(Select(['user_id'], Var('oauthInfo'))))
Merge({ oauthInfo: Var('oauthInfo') }, { user: Var('user') })
How would I do the equivalent of the mySQL query SELECT users.*, IF(users.expiry_date < NOW(), 1, 0) as is_expired FROM users in FQL?
Your use of Let and Merge show that you are thinking about FQL in a good way. These are functions that can go a long way to making your queries more organized and readable!
I will start with some notes, but they will be relevant to the final answer, so please stick with me.
The Query function
First, you should not need to wrap anything in the Query function, here. Query is necessary for defining functions in FQL that will be run later, for example, in the User-Defined Function body. You will always see it as Query(Lambda(...)).
Fauna IDs
Remember that Fauna assigns unique IDs for every Document for you. When I see fields named id, that is a bit of a red flag, so I want to highlight that. There are plenty of reasons that you might store some business-ID in a Document, but be sure that you need it.
Getting an ID
A Document in Fauna is shaped like:
ref: Ref(Collection("users"), "101"), // <-- "id" is 101
ts: 1641508095450000,
data: { /* ... */ }
In the JS driver you can use this id by using (other drivers can do this in similar ways)
You can access the ID directly in FQL as well. You use the Select function.
user: Get(Select(['user_id'], Var('oauthInfo')))
id: Select(["ref", "id"], Var("user"))
More about the Select function.
You are already using Select and that's the function you are looking for. It's what you use to grab any piece of an object or array.
Here's a contrived example that gets the zip code for the 3rd user in the Collection:
page: Paginate(Documents(Collection("user")),
Select(["data", 2, "data", "address", "zip"], Var("user"))
Bring it together
That said, your Let function is a great start. Let's break things down into smaller steps.
oauthInfo_ref: Ref(Collection('user_oauth_info'), refId)
oauthInfo_doc: Get(Var("oathInfoRef")),
// make sure that user_oath_info.user_id is a full Ref, not just a number
user_ref: Select(["data", "user_id"], Var("oauthInfo_doc"))
user_doc: Get(Var("user_ref")),
user_id: Select("id", Var("user_ref")),
// calculate expired
expiry_date: Select(["data", "expiry_date"], Var("user_doc")),
has_expired: LT(Now(), Var("expiry_date"))
// if the data does not overlap, Merge is not required.
// you can build plain objects in FQL
oauthInfo: Var("oauthInfo_doc"), // entire Document
user: Var("user_doc"), // entire Document
has_expired: Var("has_expired") // an extra field
Instead of returning the auth info and user as separate points if you do want to Merge them and/or add additional fields, then feel free to do that
// ...
Select("data", Var("user_doc")), // just the data
user_id: Var("user_id"), // added field
has_expired: Var("has_expired") // added field

How can I retrieve nested values in Keystone 5 for my list

I'm adding a list called 'tourlocation' to my Keystone 5 project. In my mongo database my tourlocations collection has an object called 'coordinates', with two values: 'lat' and 'long'. Example:
"coordinates" : {
"lat" : 53.343761,
"long" : -6.24953
In the previous version of keystone, I could define my tourlocation list coordinates object like this:
coordinates: {
lat: {
type: Number,
noedit: true
long: {
type: Number,
noedit: true
Now unfortunately, when I try to define the list this way it gives the error: The 'tourlocation.coordinates' field doesn't specify a valid type. (tourlocation.coordinates.type is undefined)'
Is there any way to represent objects in keystone 5?
#Alex Hughes I believe your error says "type" which you may need to add it like this
keystone.createList('User', {
fields: {
name: { type: Text }, // Look at the type "Text" even in the MongoDB you can choose the type but it will be better to choose it here from the beginning.
email: { type: Text },
Note that noedit: true is not supported in version 5 of KeystoneJS.
For more info look at this page

How to restrict the search of a place by the code of the country using GeoSearchControl, vuejs?

Good morning, I am currently working with this bookstore
I have applied the rules for the places finder in the following way:
geosearchOptions: {
provider: new OpenStreetMapProvider(),
searchLabel: '¿Que direccion buscas?',
showMarker: true,
showPopup: false,
maxMarkers: 1,
style: 'bar',
retainZoomLevel : true
But I want you to only show me the results of certain countries with your Country Code, since at the moment I am searching for all the places, for example:
I want to restrict only one country.
To restrict search by country for OpenStreetMapProvider specify countrycodes parameter.
Per documentation:
Limit search results to a specific country (or a list of countries).
<countrycode> should be the ISO 3166-1alpha2 code, e.g. gb for the
United Kingdom, de for Germany, etc.
geosearchOptions: {
provider: new OpenStreetMapProvider({
params: {
countrycodes: "gb"

set two different memory stores for one dojo widget (dijit/form/FilteringSelect) at the same time

I have two different JSON structures. One represent the individual users of the system and other represents groups made of these users. So, I created two memory stores with these (each has different idProperty - userId and groupId, respectively).
I have a filteringSelect dropdown and my requirement is to add both of these as the data store of the list, so that either a valid user or a valid group could be selected from the dropdown.
Two possible ways I could think of doing this :
1) by creating one common memory store of two JSONs - but idProperty is different so not sure how this is possible
2) by adding both the memory stores to the widget but again different idProperty so not sure.
I am very new to using Dojo so any help would be really appreaciated. Thanks in advance!
I think that, if you use a store to represent something (model data), it should be formed so that it can be used properly within a widget.
So in your case I would add both of them to a single store. If they have a different ID (for example when it's a result of a back-end service), then you could map both types of models into a single object structure. For example:
var groups = [{
groupId: 1,
groupName: "Group 1",
users: 10
}, {
groupId: 2,
groupName : "Group 2",
users: 13
}, {
groupId: 3,
groupName : "Group 3",
users: 2
var users = [{
userId: 1,
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"
}, {
userId: 2,
firstName: "Jane",
lastName: "Doe"
}, {
userId: 3,
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Smith"
require(["dojo/store/Memory", "dijit/form/FilteringSelect", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/domReady!"], function(Memory, FilteringSelect, array) {
var filterData =, function(group) {
return {
id: "GROUP" + group.groupId,
groupId: group.groupId,
name: group.groupName,
type: "group"
Array.prototype.push.apply(filterData,, function(user) {
return {
id: "USER" + user.userId,
userId: user.userId,
name: user.firstName + " " + user.lastName,
type: "user"
In this example, we have two arrays groups and users, and to merge them I used the map() function of dojo/_base/array and then I concatenated both results.
They still contain their original ID and a type, so you will still be able to reference the original object.
From my previous experiences, I learned that your model data should not represent pure business data, but data that is easily used in the view/user interface.
By giving both arrays a similar object structure, you can easily use them in a dijit/form/FilteringSelect, which you can see here: