How can obtain the last access by user list for each user on DB2? - sql

i want to get the last date of each user through an user list.
For example:
I have a column of users and other column with the date (in format '20190626').
I need to get only the last date of each user.
In the following code show all users and each date more times.
EDDDIC is a name of user column
EDUUS6 is a date column
EDUARC is a table of users

I think you just want aggregation:
Filtering out the NULL values is not necessary because MAX() ignores them.


Sql query to get bounce rate based on session id and datetime

We have table with 3 columns- Url of Page Visited, User Session ID and Datetime.
Based on this information we have generate result with 2 columns - Date (unique) and Bounce Rate.
It is very clear that we need to look for single occurrences of session id, if there are 2 entries for same session id it means the user hitted the another page and didn't bounced but one entry means it bounced.
I can not write a sql query for this. I tried grouping data by session id and date but couldn't get the result in required format.
Can anyone do this?
If you want the number of sessions with only one page per day, you can use aggregation:
select dte,
avg( (num_pages = 1)::int ) as bounce_rate
from (select sessionid, min(datetime)::date as dte, count(*) as num_pages
from t
group by sessionid
) t
group by dte;

Group by: calculated field to return respective date in bigquery

I need to do an user level analysis. As the data has a lot of different rows per user (related to different events), I need to group by user and create some calculated fields that represent the different rows. One of the fields is a calculation of the number of days since the last purchase of the user (today - last purchase date). I already tried a lot of different codes and also did a lot of research, but could not find the solution.
The codes that for me makes more sense but did not work are below:
Using case when statement
SELECT CASE WHEN LAST(tr_orderid <> "") THEN
DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE(),event_date) ELSE NULL END AS recency_lastbooking
GROUP BY domain_userid
Using IF statement
SELECT IF(LAST(tr_total > 0), DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE(),event_date), NULL)
AS recency_lastbooking
GROUP BY domain_userid
The error that I get is: Expression 'event_date' is not present in the GROUP BY list
I think if I use LAST(event_date) the query will return the last date in all the lines of the specific user, instead of return the last day the user had a purchase event.
P.S: I can use tr_total (total transaction) > 0 or tr_orderid (transaction order id) <> ""
Thank you!
I think you just want a window function:
MAX(tr_orderid) OVER (PARTITION BY domain_userid),
) AS recency_lastbooking
FROM df;

MS Access Query to get multiple counts from the same field

I'm querying imported data that has a date/time field that I can't format as date in the table.
Ticket Name Date
INC000101 User1 9/5/2016 10:00:34AM
INC000102 User2 9/5/2016 12:02:00PM
INC000103 User1 9/7/2016 3:34:00PM
INC000104 User2 10/1/2016 9:30:23AM
INC000105 User1 10/5/2016 10:20:00AM
INC000106 USer2 10/6/2016 4:56:00PM
I'm trying to get a count of how many tickets each user has per month. Because the Date field comes from the database as a text field, I can't seem to make that format as date/time so I use "left" to filter by month. This is what I've used to get a return on a single User item for the month of October.
WHERE [Name]='User1' AND left(Date,3) = '10/';
I would like to add counts for User2 through UserX per month so that I can get a count row or column for each the quantity of tickets for each user each month in one report. Everything I've tried won't save the query due to syntax errors in one form or another. I've tried variations of the following query help post as well without success.
SELECT a.distributor_id,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable WHERE level='personal' and distributor_id = a.distributor_id) as PersonalCount,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable WHERE level='exec' and distributor_id = a.distributor_id) as ExecCount,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable WHERE distributor_id = a.distributor_id) as TotalCount
FROM myTable a ;
I'm sure the answer is staring at me, just not sure what at the moment.
Thanks for reading
This is only an answer to your first question about how to deal with dates that are stored in text fields.
To get the count for all users for every month you can do:
SELECT [Name], Format([Date],'mmmm') AS Month, COUNT(*) as Count
GROUP BY [Name], Format([Date],'mmmm')
A text field containing a date that is always in the same format can be treated as a date with Format() so Format([Date],'mmmm') returns the full month name for each date.
you should just need conditional aggregation. I haven't looked at access in a while but probably just something like this:
,Format([Date],'mmmm') as Month
,SUM(IIF(level='personal',1,0)) as PersonalCount
,SUM(IIF(level='exec',1,0)) as ExecCount
,COUNT(*) as TotalCount
myTable a

Access: Compare current field value in subquery

I am trying to create a subquery in MS Access where the having clause compares a value on the current record. I created the queries separate, but am having a hard time trying to combine them.
I have the following query, which is a Purchase Order list (POsFullDetail), and should show the first occurrence of the date of a PO given the Stock number (Stockum):
SELECT POsFullDetail.PO, POsFullDetail.OrderDate, POsFullDetail.StockNum,
(SELECT First(POsFullDetail.OrderDate) AS FirstOfOrderDate
FROM POsFullDetail
GROUP BY POsFullDetail.StockNum
HAVING POsFullDetail.StockNum = POsFullDetail.StockNum.Value
ORDER BY First(POsFullDetail.OrderDate)
) AS First_Date
FROM POsFullDetail;
The statement that I am trying to work with is POsFullDetail.StockNum.Value
The way it is set up, it's asking for a value. When I created the subquery separate I entered the stock number directly.
The subquery gives you the first order date per stocknum.
When using it as a subquery, you are no longer interested in the first order date per stocknum, but in the first order date for the stocknum.
SELECT POsFullDetail.PO, POsFullDetail.OrderDate, POsFullDetail.StockNum,
SELECT First(SameStockNum.OrderDate) AS FirstOfOrderDate
FROM POsFullDetail AS SameStockNum
WHERE SameStockNum.StockNum = POsFullDetail.StockNum
) AS First_Date
FROM POsFullDetail;
As you see, you must use a table alias, so you can link the table to itself. Though working with the same table you call it one time POsFullDetail and one time SameStockNum which enables you to link by SameStockNum.StockNum = POsFullDetail.StockNum.

How do I all the registered users on a day report

I have a table called users where I have two columns: name and created_at. created_at column column is of type datetime and it stores the datetime when this user was created.
I need to know the number of users created for a given date range. Let's say I ask give me user report between 1-nov-2010 and 30-nov-2010 . I need something like this
1-nov-2010: 2
2-nov-2010: 5
The problem I am running into is that created_at data has value upto second. How do I check if a created_at date falls within a given date.
Any help in solving this problem is appreciated.
I am using mysql5.
select date_format(created_at, '%e-%b-%Y'), count(*)
from users
where created_at >= '2010-11-01' and created_at < '2010-12-01'
group by date(created_at);
MySQL lets you do lots of date-ish things even with datetimes.
An alternative if computing the day after the end day is troublesome:
where date(created_at) between '2010-11-01' and '2010-11-30'