sql repeat regex pattern unlimited times - sql

I need to select where column contains numbers only and ends with a hyphen
I'm running SQL Server Management Studio v17.9.1
I have tried:
select * from [table] where [column] like '[0-9]*-'
select * from [table] where [column] like '[0-9]{1,}-'
select * from [table] where [column] like '[0-9]{1,2}-'
none of these work. The expression ([0-9]*-) works in any regex tester I've run it against, SQL just doesn't like it, nor the other variations I've found searching.

You can filter where any but the last character are not numbers and the last is a dash. DATALENGTH/2 assumes NVARCHAR type. If you're using VARCHAR, just use DATALENGTH
[column] like '%-'
LEFT([column], (datalength([column])/2)-1) NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%'

SQL Server does not support regular expressions -- just very limited extensions to like functionality.
One method is:
where column like '%-' and
column not like '%[^0-9]%-'

You can use left() and right() functions as below :
with [table]([column]) as
select '1234-' union all
select '{123]' union all
select '1234' union all
select '/1234-' union all
select 'test-' union all
select '1test-' union all
select '700-'
select *
from [table]
where left([column],len([column])-1) not like '%[^0-9]%'
and right([column],1)='-';


BQ function to transform caron character from a string to character without caron

I am trying to get rid of a caron characters (č,ć,š,ž) and transform them to c,c,s,z :
with my_table as (
select 'abcčd sštuv' caron, 'abccd sstuv' no_caron union all
select 'uvzž', 'uvzz' union all
select 'ijkl cČd', 'ijkl cCd' union ALL
select 'Ćdef', 'Cdef'
FROM my_table
I was trying to get rid of them with
regexp_replace(caron, r'š', 's') as no_caron
FROM my_table
but I think this is inefficient. I know there is an option to write your on function as described
here, but I have no idea how to use it in my case.
Thanks in advance!
Use below
SELECT *, regexp_replace(normalize(caron, NFD), r"\pM", '') output
FROM my_table
if applied to sample data in your question - output is

Regex pattern inside REPLACE function

SELECT REPLACE('ABCTemplate1', 'Template\d+', '');
SELECT REPLACE('ABC_XYZTemplate21', 'Template\d+', '');
I am trying to remove the part Template followed by n digits from a string. The result should be
However REPLACE is not able to read regex. I am using SQLSERVER 2008. Am I doing something wrong here? Any suggestions?
SELECT SUBSTRING('ABCTemplate1', 1, CHARINDEX('Template','ABCTemplate1')-1)
SELECT SUBSTRING('ABC_XYZTemplate21',1,PATINDEX('%Template[0-9]%','ABC_XYZTemplate21')-1)
More generally,
SELECT SUBSTRING(column_name,1,PATINDEX('%Template[0-9]%',column_name)-1)
FROM sometable
WHERE PATINDEX('%Template[0-9]%',column_name) > 0
You can use substring with charindex or patindex if the pattern being looked for is fixed.
select SUBSTRING('ABCTemplate1',1, CHARINDEX ( 'Template' ,'ABCTemplate1')-1)
My answer expects that "Template" is enough to determine where to cut the string:
select LEFT('ABCTemplate1', CHARINDEX('Template', 'ABCTemplate1') - 1)
Using numbers table..
;with cte
(select 'ABCTemplate1' as string--this can simulate your table column
select * from cte c
cross apply
select replace('ABCTemplate1','template'+cast(n as varchar(2)),'') as rplcd
where n<=9
where c.string<>b.rplcd
Using Recursive CTE..
;with cte
select cast(replace('ABCTemplate21','template','') as varchar(100)) as string,0 as num
union all
select cast(replace(string,cast(num as varchar(2)),'') as varchar(100)),num+1
from cte
where num<=9
select top 1 string from cte
order by num desc

Oracle SQL - group by char cast

Using the a char-cast in a group-by clause results something unexpected:
select cast(col as char(2)) from (
select 'Abc' as col from dual
union all
select 'Abc' as col from dual
) group by cast(col as char(10));
The result is 'Abc ' (10 characters long).
Intuitively, I would have expected Oracle to return one of the following:
An error: 'not a group-by expression', as the group-by clause is another than the selection clause
A result of length 2 'Ab'.
Replacing cast(col as char(2)) with cast(col as char(3)), Oracle returns an error 'not a group-by expression'. This, again is a very strange behavior.
How can this be explained? What's the reason behind it?
I'm using Oracle SQL 11g.
As was mentioned above, I think there is a misunderstanding going on. o.O
I can't explain why it's doing this, but here's the pattern for the type of query you have:
If you generalize it a bit like this, where [A] and [B] are integers, and [STRING] is whatever text you want:
select cast(col as char([A])) from (
select '[STRING]' as col from dual
union all
select '[STRING]' as col from dual
) group by cast(col as char([B]));
it looks like this always fails if one of the two conditions below is true (there may be others):
Otherwise, it'll return a row.
But if you take your example that runs and use it in a CREATE TABLE statement, it's going to fail as it sets up the column width to be the 2 and can't fit the 3 character string coming in.
To add to the oddity, if you append something at the start and the end of the string like this:
select '\*'||cast(col as char([A]))||'\*' from (
select '[STRING]' as col from dual
union all
select '[STRING]' as col from dual
) group by cast(col as char([B]));
This will only work if [A] >= [B], otherwise it fails on ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long.

Like Operator for checking multiple words

I'm struggling for a like operator which works for below example
Words could be
MS004 -- GTER
MS006 -- ATLT
MS009 -- STRR
MS014 -- GTEE
MS015 -- ATLT
What would be the like operator in Sql Server for pulling data which will contain words like ms004 and ATLT or any other combination like above.
I tried using multiple like for example
where column like '%ms004 | atl%'
but it didn't work.
Result should be combination of both words only.
Seems you are looking for this.
`where column like '%ms004%' or column like '%atl%'`
or this
`where column like '%ms004%atl%'
;WITH LikeCond1 as (
, LikeCond2 as (
SELECT TableName.*
FROM LikeCond1
INNER JOIN TableName ON TableName.Column like '%' + LikeCond1.L1 + '%'
AND TableName.Column like '%' + LikeCond2.L2 + '%'
Try like this
select .....from table where columnname like '%ms004%' or columnname like '%atl%'

How select `Only String` and `Only Int`

I have some nvachar data in a my database.
aaaa , bb1b, c+cc , 1234 , dser , 5896
I need to two select for Only String and Only Int. This is mean :
Result of first select be : aaaa , dser
Result of second select be : 1234 , 5896
You can use LIKE to perform this comparison. By using a double-negative, you can perform the tests with a single expression each:
declare #t table (val varchar(10) not null)
insert into #t(val)
select 'aaaa' union all
select 'bb1b' union all
select 'c+cc' union all
select '1234' union all
select 'dser' union all
select '5896'
select * from #t where val not like '%[^A-Z]%'
select * from #t where val not like '%[^0-9]%'
The first select says "give me all strings that don't contain a non-alphabetic character". Similarly, the second says "give me all strings that don't contain a non-digit"
You need to check for a regular expression.
In your example the query would look like this:
SELECT * FROM example WHERE foo LIKE '%[0-9]%' AND foo NOT LIKE '%[A-Z]%'
SELECT * FROM example WHERE foo NOT LIKE '%[0-9]%' AND foo LIKE '%[A-Z]%'
Maybe you have to do UPPERCASE(foo) for case insensitive checks. And add other characters like +, - and so on to the NOT LIKE expression.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187489(SQL.90).aspx