IntelliJ - How to find all method names matching a string pattern? - intellij-idea

Trying to find any method name in my project matching a specific sub-string.
The example I'm currently looking for is "domain", so I'd want to see getDomain(), setDomain(), domainThing(), etc. in the results. Looking for static/instance methods of any visibility.
Find Symbol (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N) comes close, but there's too many classes and fields cluttering up the results. Is there a way to restrict Find Symbol to only methods? Or at least group the results by symbol type?
Structural Search might be the answer, but it's comically unusable interface and documentation have defeated me once again.

SSR is the way to go. There is an existing template for the methods of the class you can start with.
Click on $Method$, Edit filters, Add filter, Text.
Enter regex to match your methods, for example .*domain.*.
Uncheck the Match case checkbox.
The final result should look like this:


Is it possible to test if two types are of the same unknown inheritance in

Is it possible to dynamically identify the closest common hierarchy or inheritance of two or more unknown typed objects? In other words, I'd like to test if, say, Integer and String have a common hierarchy, without knowing the objects I'm testing are going to be an Integer and String due to user selection. I found a C++ question posted that seems similar to my issue here: Check if two types are of the same template
However, I'm not familiar with any equivalents of the answers posted there, and online translators simply provide an error when I attempt to translate them. So is this even possible in in the first place?
The closest to this action that I know of is the .IsAssignableFrom() function, but in my case I don't know what the parent class/interface/whatever is to test against in the first place. the above function is the only thing even remotely related to this issue that pops up on any search I do.
The context I need this is in the Revit API; I'm trying to see if user selected elements have a similar hierarchy/inheritance that is not the Object Type, and if so to allow an action, otherwise, give a warning dialog box.
EDIT: Due to the nature of the Revit API and the desired effects of my command, the users of my plugin could select anything in the model, and I'm not able to determine which of the MANY common ancestors I could be looking for to compare using IsAssignableFrom. I could test for the (I think universal) common ancestor of Element type, but I don't want to allow users to run the command if you select a wall and an element tag. I need to find the common ancestors of the user-selected elements and confirm that the closest common ancestor is below Element type in hierarchy.
For example, the room tag element in the API has a hierarchy sort of like this:
Object -> Element -> SpatialElementTag -> RoomTag
There may be more intermediate inheritances, but I'm not going to track them down in the API documentation. And then each element may have a slightly different ancestry. IsAssignableFrom would be great if I knew the base ancestry I wanted to test for.
TnTinMn's answer gives me the type of solution I'm looking for.
The Type.BaseType Property returns:
The Type from which the current Type directly inherits, or null if the current Type represents the Object class or an interface.
Using this information, it is possible to define an iterator to enumerate the inheritance tree.
Private Iterator Function SelfAndAncestors(srcType As Type) As IEnumerable(Of Type)
Do Until srcType Is Nothing
Yield srcType
srcType = srcType.BaseType
End Function
Now you can use the Enumerable.Intersect Method to find all common types in the inheritance between two ancestry enumerations and return the first common ancestry type.
Dim t1 As Type = GetType(Form)
Dim t2 As Type = GetType(UserControl)
Dim highestCommonAncestor As Type = Enumerable.Intersect(SelfAndAncestors(t1), SelfAndAncestors(t2)).First()
For this case, the highest common ancestor is ContainerControl.

can Intellij filter class implementation

For example , I use Ctrl+Alt+B(intellij IDEA 2018) to find java.util.Collection's implementations,but all dependencies's Collection implementations come out. Is there anyway to confine these to a scope or filter the result(something similar to 'find' using Ctrl +Shift +F)?
After selecting the interface method you are interested in, you can do that via: Menu Bar --> Edit --> Find --> Find Usages Settings (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F7)
There you can select "Overriding Methods" instead of "Usages" and define a scope.
For the method AbstractList.add(int index, E element) I defined MySpecialScope for only two packages (just as an example) without recursive include.
Then the result were only the 6 implementations of the method add() in java.util.*
Many others like e.g. the one in (from rt.jar) were not listed.

How to call remove_column on SALV table?

I want to execute the method remove_column on an instance of cl_salv_column_table but because of its visibility level, I am not able to do so.
I already tried inheriting from cl_salv_columns_list and then perform the call inside the remove-method:
remove IMPORTING iw_colname TYPE string.
But apparently my casting knowledge got rusty as I'm not able to figure out an appropriate solution.
This is my current hierarchy - the red arrows show the way I would have to take:
My approach looks like this:
DATA lo_column_list TYPE REF TO lcl_columns_list.
lo_column_list ?= CAST cl_salv_columns_list( lo_columns ).
But it fails with:
My task is to select all columns of 3 tables (which would be done like SELECT t1~*, t2~*, t3~* ...) as long as their names don't conflict (e.g. field MANDT should only be displayed once). This would require defining a very big structure and kick the size of the selection list to a maximum.
To avoid this, I wanted to make use of the type generated by my inline-declaration. Hiding the individual columns via set_visible( abap_false ) would still display them in the layout manager - which looks really ugly.
Is there any other way to accomplish my target?
Use set_technical( abap_true ) to hide the columns entirely. As for your approach - sorry, inheritance does not work that way - in no statically typed object oriented language that I know. You can't 'recast' an instantiated object to a different class. You would need to modify the framework extensively to support that.

structural search Intellij IDEA : Howto find occurrences of all classes extending another class

is there a way to search for all occurences of subclasses of a particular class ?
Say I have a class AbstractItem and I have got a lot of implementations of this AbstractItem class. Now I want to know where all subclasses are used.
Can I search for all occurences of all subclasses with a structural search pattern in Intellij IDEA ?
The easiest way is use the following:
Search template:
Set Expression type (regexp) to AbstractItem and check the Apply constraint within type hierarchy checkbox (under Edit Variables...).
This will find all expressions with type or subtype of AbstractItem.

NHibernate Component mapping (Creating Criteria)

Is there any way to create an “alias” for a component?
I have a “Criteria Builder” that takes strings in the format of “Address.City” (or “User.Address.City”, …) and creates an ICriteria (filters and sorts) based on it.
I am using components to map the “Address” class so it stays in the same table as “User”.
The exception I am getting is:
NHibernate.QueryExceptioncould not resolve property: City of: MyNamespace.User
If I attempt to do not create an “alias” for the Address Component, it works just fine.
However, as it is a criteria builder, is there a way to detect that “Address” is a component and avoid the call criteria.CreateAlias(“Address”)? Any work around?
This is the same question as mine, however the solution is not viable to me (I do not create criteria manually for each query).
Any help would be much appreciated!
You can't create an Alias for Address because Address is not a mapped entity. The only difference between CreateAlias and CreateCriteria is that the former returns the original Criteria, whereas the latter returns the new Subcriteria. So the only classes you can create Criteria for are classes that have been mapped. Since components are not mapped classes, you can't create a criteria around them.
The only suggestion I have is to have your Address class either to implement an empty descriptor interface like IComponent or mark it with a custom ComponentAttribute. Then your CriteriaBuilder can check whether or not the class it's creating a criteria for has this meta data and ignore it.