Formatting js-joda Duration instance - js-joda

I'd like to display a chrono of elapsed time since the beginning of an operation to a user. I create a Duration instance from a number of seconds, but then, I can't find a way to properly format it like 00:00:23. Do I have to manually get each time component (hours, minutes, seconds) and assemble them?
The Formatting section of the docs specifies that a DateTimeFormatter can only be passed to the format method of LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, or ZonedDateTime instance, and Duration does not have such method.


How to convert milliseconds to timestamp in kotlin programming

how to convert milliseconds to timestamp in kotlin.
time in milliseconds : 1575959745000 to format: dd/MM/yyyy HH:MM:ss
EDIT: now, there is the kotlinx-datetime library
There is no pure Kotlin support for dates at the moment, only durations.
You will have to rely on the target platform's facilities for date/time parsing and formatting.
Note that, whatever platform you're targeting, it doesn't really make sense to convert a millisecond epoch to a formatted date without defining the timezone.
If you're targeting the JVM, then you can use the java.time API this way:
// define once somewhere in order to reuse it
val formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
// JVM representation of a millisecond epoch absolute instant
val instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(1575959745000L)
// Adding the timezone information to be able to format it (change accordingly)
val date = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(instant, ZoneId.systemDefault())
println(formatter.format(date)) // 10/12/2019 06:35:45
If you're targeting JavaScript, things get trickier. You can do the following to use some sort of default time zone, and some close-enough format (defined by the locale "en-gb"):
val date = Date(1575959745000)
println(date.toLocaleString("en-gb")) // 10/12/2019, 07:35:45
You have ways to specify the timezone according the standard JS API for Date.toLocaleString(). But I haven't dug much into the details.
As for native, I have no idea.

VB.Net Convert time from UTC to Local

I am working on a news website and I am saving all dates in the database in UTC. Then, depending on the browser/machine location, I want to display the date/time correspondingly (Convert from UTC to the Local time of the machine/browser).
First of all, I would like to know if I am doing this the way it should be done or not (UTC dates in the database).
Second, I wonder why isn't it that straightforward to do so in VB.NET? Below are the approaches I tried but none worked as needed:
Approach 1:
This kept returning the server time and not the client/machine time.
Approach 2:
Dim TimeZone As TimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Middle East Standard Time")
Dim Dated As DateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtC(TempDate, TimeZone)
This worked but not as intended. This converted the UTC date/time in the database to the Middle East Time Zone but any user from any other place in the world will only see the date/time in Middle East Time Zone and not in the actual timezone of his place. Also, I am not sure if the conversion considers DayLightSaving or not.
Approach 3:
I tried to fix this using JavaScript. I created a cookie that saves the offset from UTC and tried handling the offset in VB.NET and do the conversion.
function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";
function getTimeOffset() {
var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
setCookie("_tz", offset);
JavaScripts returns the correct Offset and I am saving this offset in a cookie. Since JavaScript launches after Page_Load, I am calling the JavaScript function getTimeOffset() on Page_Init:
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, Page.GetType, "Script", "getTimeOffset();", True)
The cookie is being created before the page is rendered and the offset stored in the cookie is correct (This is what I actually want!). The problem here is on the first load. VB.NET reads the cookie value as empty string on the first load. On the second Page_Load onwards, VB.NET reads the cookie value and does the conversion correctly.
Approach 4
Tried to get the offset using all the examples in this fiddle but the offset is always 0 which is wrong.
I wonder if there is any function I missed in VB.NET to avoid all that hassle. Shouldn't it be an easy task to convert date/time from UTC to Local?
Please let me know if there is anything I am doing wrong or if there is a better alternative.
Your back-end code doesn't know anything about the time zone of the browser. It doesn't matter what language you are using, only the browser will know anything about the user's time zone.
When .Net code (regardless of VB or C#) refers to "local", it means the local time zone of where that code is running. In other words, in an ASP.Net web application, that's the local time zone of your server, not of the user. Generally speaking, the server's local time zone is usually irrelevant.
To achieve your goal, break the problem up into two parts.
Get the user's time zone in the browser, send it to the server.
Convert time on the server, using the time zone passed in.
For step 1, read this answer I posted to a different question. Note that the output will be an IANA time zone identifier. Do not pass a numeric offset, as it does not carry enough information to properly convert different points in time (consider daylight saving time, and other anomalies with time zones).
For step 2, you'll need to choose between one of these approaches:
You can use the IANA time zone identifier natively with TimeZoneInfo if you're running .NET Core on a non-Windows OS, or with the Noda Time library on any platform.
You can convert the IANA time zone identifier to a Windows time zone identifier using my TimeZoneConverter library, and then you can use the result with the TimeZoneInfo class on Windows.
One little thing: You used TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc, where I think you meant TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc. Be careful of the directionality of the conversions.
I'll also point out that there's an alternative approach, which is to pass the UTC timestamp all the way down to the browser, and just convert from UTC to local time in JavaScript. Then you don't need to do any time zone detection at all.

Parse Decimal Second by PostgreSQL

I would like parse a String
The function which I use is:
TO_TIMESTAMP('16:25:20.6598412Z', 'HH24:MI:SS.MSUS')
but the result is:
this have not the same time:
You cannot use MS and US both in one to_timezone call - microseconds are miliseconds also (and a little more) so how engine would know how to parse the string?
Instead you should use
TO_TIMESTAMP('16:25:20.6598412Z', 'HH24:MI:SS.US')
also notice that microseconds due to reference is value in range of (000000-999999) so you can pass 6 digits as US
TO_TIMESTAMP('16:25:20.659841Z', 'HH24:MI:SS.US')
To loose timezone simply add ::timestamp without time zone; at the end of to_timestamp call
TO_TIMESTAMP('16:25:20.6598412Z', 'HH24:MI:SS.MSUS')::timestamp without time zone;

Get time for friends recent checkin

I'm using /checkins/recent endpoint. I was trying to get the check-in time. I find a json object createdAt. is that related with time ?
So, my question is how can I get the time from recent check-ins.
The Foursquare API docs for checkin object clearly state that createdAt represents the unix epoch time when the object was generated(time of activity). So, you can get the UTC time from the epoch. Add in the time zone offset, it denotes the minutes you need to add in the time to get local time.For example, the example checkin object in your question is from Bangladesh, so it has a offset of 360.
You haven't mentioned the language but from your tag list, I am assuming you have used Ruby so a simple way to do this in ruby would be.
require 'date'
#For example from your created at value
#This will make a datetime object of value 2014-01-13T16:31:00+00:00
For getting local time you can use the value of timeZoneOffset.
#To get local time add in the timeZoneOffSet,1440)
#The 1440 value is the number of minutes in a day. Rational calculates
#the fraction of the day by using the two values and adds it to the datetime object.
#for example,,1440)
#This will make a datetime object of value 2014-01-13T22:31:00+00:00
You can format the object to the value you want by using formatting methods.

NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970 displays wrong timestamp to console

NSDate *createDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:1376460694.103];
NSLog(#"createDate %#",createDate);
I am using the above code to get the current date and time,when I put break point at createDate,It shows correct time stamp value,but NSLog(#"createDate %#",createDate) statement is printing the date as 2013-08-14 06:11:34 +0000.
How to get the correct result?
The date is correct. When printing to the console the description of the date is used and that uses your system locale so it applies your time zone to the date before printing.
When you want to display the time you need to use a date formatter to convert the date into a string. The important part is setting the locale / time zone that the formatter uses.
Take a read of this and this.