async-storage SyntaxError Unexpected identifier while transpiling with Babel7 - react-native

After using #react-native-community/async-storage and transpile it with the following npm command in my react-native environment.
"test": "NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --timeout 5000 --require #babel/register \"./src/shared/__tests__/**/*.spec.js\""
I did some research and in no vain. But I found it happens to Jest too.
jest test fails after installing react-native-async-storage
this is my babel.config.js
module.exports = {
env: {
production: {
test: {
presets: [
I'm only testing non-jsx code only so #babel/preset-env seems to be working alright.
import AsyncStorage from './AsyncStorage';
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

It seems like no one likes to answer jest newbie questions....
anyway, when starting to learn jest, I encountered some funny error messages that doesn't reflect the actual error. There are some possible situations a developer can consider.
You didn't to mock your module say A_module that is inside node_modules so one of the modules say B_modules inside A_modules uses a NativeModules from react so Jest cannot performa a test. Please look at stack trace or use a debugger to find out which one you prefer to mock.
Mock a module that uses NativeModules (similar to point 1, but more direct and concise )
You need to understand jest more thoroughly before you proceed. Reading documentation is good but jump to example when you think fit. especially check out the examples that you really need and read related ones. Many of the time, either your Babel setting or mocking methods is incorrect.
use jest.mock instead of jest.genMockFromModule. Why? there are some functions or init function that causes your test to crash at this statement. Because it calls NativeModules or something jest doesn't allow. use mock instead.
Solutions to this question: please refer to this most updated solution.


React Native Multiple versions of React (when using hooks)

I've gone through the 3 main causes of the infamous invalid hook call warning, and have determined that I have multiple versions of React in my app. I've confirmed this by this step:
// Add this in node_modules/react-dom/index.js
window.React1 = require('react');
// Add this in your component file
window.React2 = require('react');
console.log(window.React1 === window.React2);
Based on my research, I understand that it is probably a dependency I have that is listing react as a dependency instead of a peer dependency, and that there are a few ways to solve this problem. However, I don't know how to figure out which package it is that is causing the issue.
There are lots of solutions online that are relevant to react (such as adding a webpack alias), but unfortunately are not for react-native. I have (perhaps naively) tried to add an alias with module-resolver to babel.config.js, but that did not work:
plugins: [
alias: path.resolve('node_modules/react'),
Figured this out after a long while. The issue was having react-dom library listed as a dependency. I'd read somewhere to do this to support jest testing, but I suppose that advice was dated.
Nonetheless the error was an obvious red herring, so hoping this can help someone out in the future

How to run ui testing?

I get an error when I start testing the application:
Jest encountered an unexpected token
This usually means that you are trying to import a file which Jest cannot parse, e.g. it's not plain JavaScript.
By default, if Jest sees a Babel config, it will use that to transform your files, ignoring "node_modules".
Here's what you can do:
You'll find more details and examples of these config options in the docs:
({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,global,jest){export * from '#react-navigation/core';
How to solve this error?
You need to add moduleNameMapper in package.json
look at this link :

Is there a bug when extracting Vue with the "extract" method in laravel-mix webpack

I followed the laravel-mix documentation to reduce the size of my vue application by using the extract(['vue]) method, it works well, however when i try using async components it won't work properly.
i already added babel to enable the promise syntax
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js').version().extract(['vue'])
"presets": ["#babel/preset-env"],
"plugins": ["#babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import"]
i'm hoping there is something i am missing here and its not a actual bug that i will have to wait for a patch, has anyone seen this issue before?
I just red this:
Warning: you can’t currently combine mix.extract() and async components. According to Laravel Mix this will be fixed when Webpack 5 gets released.

Jest test __DEV__ is not defined

Basically my issue is that I get an error message, "__DEV__ is not defined" when I run jest. So I have read stackoverflow and other google posts on this. Some have suggested removing my .babelrc, but I actually need that file. Others have suggested adding
"globals": {
"__DEV__": true
To my package.json. I did that as well. I even deleted my node modules folder and re-installed. What should I do? Odd thing is that it was working before, but not now.
You can create a jest.config.json file in the root of your react-native project and add this globally as such
"jest": {
"globals": {
"__DEV__": true
Just add globals.DEV = true to your test file or set it in globals part of your jest settings
I got this when I was running Detox E2E tests inside of my react native app. Then use to work just fine but then I upgraded my mac OS and xcode and they started throwing Reference error DEV is not defined. Not sure why it was fine before and then broke after that.
My issue was fixed when I removed any code that was being imported from my react native app inside of the detox E2E tests. So the issue was importing any javascript from my app/ folder. I had a simple utility log function that wraps console.log which was the culprit. I did not need to modify any jest configs.
For anyone facing this issue I updated my jest by running in the terminal npm update jest this solved the issue for me.

Test platform specific extension code for React Native

Currently, React Native dynamically requires a file for the running platform with an specific file extension, *.ios.js or *.android.js. However, when running this code inside a test environment, we get a require error because the module require('./module') cannot be found in the file tree, which looks like:
How can we handle this issues in a test environment?
Adding platform specific extensions to moduleFileExtensions fixed the problem for me with jest.14.1. Credits to : github link
Here is a snippet from sample package.json which will run all files including scene.jest.js(x).
"jest": {
"verbose": true,
"preset": "jest-react-native",
"moduleFileExtensions": ["js", "android.js", "ios.js"],
"testRegex": "\\.scene\\.jest\\.jsx$"
As of Jest 17.0.0 you can use the defaultPlatform configuration for this - see the very bottom of the Jest React Native tutorial.
As it shows there, you would configure something like this:
"haste": {
"defaultPlatform": "ios",
"platforms": ["android", "ios"],
Naturally, this will mean your tests only load the iOS version of your component (or only Android, depending how you choose to configure it).
If you find it important to test both versions, you'll probably need to do something more like the solution mentioned in this issue, possibly manipulating Platform.OS and using require.requireActual directly.
(Might also want to track this issue, in case a less hacky solution is eventually found.)
It's kind of ugly and maybe there is a better solution but it seems that you can create a module.js file that will be used in tests but in platform environment it will still use the module.ios.js or
You need to create a custom compiler to resolve the platform specific dependencies in your tests. If you are using mocha, this will probably help you: