How can install code snippet plugin in CKEditor 5 vue.js I had google searched on it, but didn't get luck.
I think this is the one you are looking for:
You need to install the classic editor first
npm install --save #ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic
There is a code plugin as well in basic style plugin.
To install:
npm install --save #ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles
I want to install version 2 of vue.js to use vuetify. However, I don't know the command for that. Could someone pass the command to me please
If you are looking for a specific version of Vue2 you can run the following command with npm: npm install vue#2.x.x or if you want the latest, simply npm install vue.
For vue3 it is: npm install vue#next
Сreated a new Vue.js project using Vue CLI. Select during installation Vue2
vue create my-app
# navigate to new project directory
cd my-app
Add vuetify
vue add vuetify
npm install vue#2.x.x --save
It will update package.json as well.
so later on, if you need to install the project from git, by running
npm install
easily package can be installed
I am creating a stencil project which uses an npm package inside it, is there any options to add an npm package inside stencil project. Any suggestions I searching for a solution for quite a while.
This is how i use ck-editor in angular
<ck-editor name="editor" #myEditor [(ngModel)]="templateSetValue.template_content"
Is it possible to use the same is stencil project
Not sure if I understood the question correctly, but to add a package from npm in your Stencil.js project, you can just install it, like you would in any other node project:
npm install <some-package>
For example nprogress:
npm install nprogress #types/nprogress
and then import it in your code like
import nprogress from 'nprogress';
// ...
I installed vue using
npm install vue
But the terminal wasn't recognizing "vue" command (like vue --version), so I hitted:
npm install -g vue-cli#2.7.0
And now it says I have version 2.7.0 when I check the version, but it doens't respond neither shows any error when I try:
vue ui
It just doesn't run. Can anyone help?
That is no longer the name of the Vue CLI package. You will need to install from #vue/cli as detailed here:
Each time I run quasar dev this message appears.
The installation is pretty standard with pwa template.
These dependencies were not found:
quasar-extras/material-icons/material-icons.css in ./.quasar/client-entry.js
quasar-extras/roboto-font/roboto-font.css in ./.quasar/client-entry.js
quasar-framework/dist/ in ./.quasar/client-entry.js
To install them, you can run: npm install --save quasar-extras/material-icons/material-icons.css quasar-extras/roboto-font/roboto-font.css quasar-framework/dist/
if you are using quasar-cli, firstly delete it due to quasar-cli doesn't include quasar-extras built-in. You can see this with running quasar info. after deleting quasar-cli please install
npm i -g #quasar/cli
then run
quasar dev
with this way error should be gone.
I think the quasar-cli should be tagged deprecated already. To solve this problem I simply remove the global installation, used the vite setup and currently I am running the quasar commands using npx quasar
I'm trying to use the vuetify#2.0.0-alpha.17 rather than the 1.5.13 that it automatically starts with when I use vue add Vuetify. then I try this post Update Vuetify version method. I do
vue create my-app
cd my-app
vue add Vuetify
npm uninstall -S vuetify
npm install -S vuetify#2.0.0-alpha.17
and just get error
This dependency was not found:
* vuetify/src/stylus/app.styl in ./src/plugins/vuetify.js
To install it, you can run: npm install --save vuetify/src/stylus/app.styl
oh ok that's how install it. no that just gives an error too. Like I just want to start working with 2.0.0 so that when they release it- hopefully soon- I don't have to rebuild everything. Not sure why it's so hard like tell us in the docs how to do it not everybody is a wizard and googling the problem doesn't work
Comment out import 'vuetify/src/stylus/app.styl' in your src/plugins/vuetify.js file.
add import 'vuetify/src/styles/main.sass'
then npm install sass-loader
Vuetify v2 does not use the stylus. Remove import 'vuetify/src/stylus/app.styl' from src/plugins/vuetify.js. Or downgrade your vuetify plugin to 1.5.x (not recomended).