What is the difference between GDAL geometry Within() vs Contains() functions? - gdal

What is the differences in following functions available in org.gdal.ogr.Geometry.
Within() vs Contains()
Crosses() vs Intersect()

The within and contains functions are reciprocal functions. a contains b, if and only if, b is within a. The C++ source code, says the same:
Geometry::within(const Geometry* g) const
return g->contains(this);
The crosses() and intersects() function have different implementation.
According to this documentation page, intersects return true if disjoint returns false, and the disjoint predicate means that the two geometries have no point in common. We can conclude that intersects means that the two geometries have at least one point in common.
In the other hand, the crosses predicate means that the geometries have some but not all interior points in common. Which is more restrictive than the intersects predicate.

Ortomala Lokni is correct about crosses and intersects, Here is a visual explanation of how within and contains work.
Say that you have two geometries: The point A and the polygon B like shown on the image
Then A is within B, while B contains A.
The inverse is not true. A does not contains B and B is not within A.
the following two statements are true:
A.within(B) -> B.contains(A)
A.contains(B) -> B.within(A)


Determine if List of Strings contains substring of all Strings in other list

I have this situation:
val a = listOf("wwfooww", "qqbarooo", "ttbazi")
val b = listOf("foo", "bar")
I want to determine if all items of b are contained in substrings of a, so the desired function should return true in the situation above. The best I can come up with is this:
return a.any { it.contains("foo") } && a.any { it.contains("bar") }
But it iterates over a twice. a.containsAll(b) doesn't work either because it compares on string equality and not substrings.
Not sure if there is any way of doing that without iterating over a the same amount as b.size. Because if you only want 1 iteration of a, you will have to check all the elements on b and now you are iterating over b a.size times plus, in this scenario, you also need to keep track of which item in b already had a match, and not check them again, which might be worse than just iterating over a, since you can only do that by either removing them from the list (or a copy, which you use instead of b), or by using another list to keep track of the matches, then compare that to the original b.
So I think that you are on the right track with your code there, but there are some issues. For example you don't have any reference to b, just hardcoded strings, and doing it like that for all elements in b will result in quite a big function if you have more than 2, or better yet, if you don't already know the values.
This code will do the same thing as the one you put above, but it will actually use elements from b, and not hardcoded strings that match b. (it will iterate over b b.size times, and partially over a b.size times)
return b.all { bItem ->
a.any { it.contains(bItem) }
Alex's answer is by far the simplest approach, and is almost certainly the best one in most circumstances.
However, it has complexity A*B (where A and B are the sizes of the two lists) — which means that it doesn't scale: if both lists get big, it'll get very slow.
So for completeness, here's a way that's more involved, and slower for the small cases, but has complexity proportional to A+B and so can cope efficiently with much larger lists.
The idea is to preprocess the a list, to generate a set of all the possible substrings, and then scan through the b list just checking for inclusion in that set.  (The preprocessing step takes time proportional* to A.  Converting the substrings into a set means that it can check whether a string is present in constant time, using its hash code; so the rest then takes time proportional to B.)
I think this is clearest using a helper function:
* Generates a list of all possible substrings, including
* the string itself (but excluding the empty string).
fun String.substrings()
= indices.flatMap { start ->
((start + 1)..length).map { end ->
substring(start, end)
For example, "1234".substrings() gives [1, 12, 123, 1234, 2, 23, 234, 3, 34, 4].
Then we can generate the set of all substrings of items from a, and check that every item of b is in it:
return a.flatMap{ it.substrings() }
(* Actually, the complexity is also affected by the lengths of the strings in the a list.  Alex's version is directly proportional to the average length, while the preprocessing part of the algorithm above is proportional to its square (as indicated by the map nested in the flatMap).  That's not good, of course; but in practice while the lists are likely to get longer, the strings within them probably won't, so that's unlikely to be significant.  Worth knowing about, though.
And there are probably other, still more complex algorithms, that scale even better…)

How can I force two jupyter sliders to interact with one another (non-trivially)? Is "tag" available for handler?

I want to create two ipywidget sliders, say one with value x, the other with value 1-x. When I change one slider, the other one should be automatically changed acccordingly. I am trying to use observe for callback. I see that I might use owner and description to identify which slider was modified. But I don't think description supposed to be used for this purpose. After all, description should not need to be unique in the first place. I wonder if I am missing something here.
from ipywidgets import widgets
def on_value_change(change):
if str(change['owner']).split("'")[1]=='a':
Beginner with widgets, but I ran into the same question earlier and couldn't find a solution. I pieced together several sources and came up with something that seems to work.
Here's a model example of two sliders maintaining proportionality according to '100 = a + b', with two sliders representing a and b. :
caption = widgets.Label(value='If 100 = a + b :')
a, b = widgets.FloatSlider(description='a (=100-b)'),\
widgets.FloatSlider(description='b (= 100-a)')
def my_func1(a):
# b as function of a
return (100 - a)
def my_func2(b):
# a as function of b
return (100 - b)
l1 = widgets.dlink((a, 'value'), (b, 'value'),transform=my_func1)
l2 = widgets.dlink((b, 'value'), (a, 'value'),transform=my_func2)
display(caption, a, b)
To explain, as best as I understand... the key was to set up a directional link going each direction between the two sliders, and to provide a transform function for the math each direction across the sliders.
l1 = widgets.dlink((a, 'value'), (b, 'value'),transform=my_func1)
What that is saying is this: .dlink((a, 'value'), (b, 'value'),transform=my_func1) is like "the value of a is a variable (input) used to determine the value of b (output)" and that "the function describing b, as a function of a, is my_func1".
With the links described, you just need to define the aforementioned functions.
The function pertaining to direct link l1 is:
def my_func1(a): # defining b as function of a
return (100 - a)
Likewise (but in reverse), l2 is the 'vice versa' to l1, and my_func2 the 'vice versa' to my_func1.
I found this to work better for learning purposes, compared to the fairly common approach of utilizing a listener (a.observe or b.observe) to log details (e.g. values) about the states of the sliders into a dictionary-type parameter (change) which can be passed into the transform functions and indexing for variable assignments.
Good luck, hope that helps! More info at https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/Widget%20Events.html#Linking-Widgets

Product of Sum(POS) or Sum of Product(SOP) after Karnaugh map simplification

I am just curious on how do I determine whether a simplified boolean expression is in a SOP form or POS form.
for example this question:
the answer to this expression is : NOT B.D/ ⌝B.D
and this is in SOP form
Can anyone explain why?
I think this should be a 'philosophical' argument. ⌝B.D is the special case where the number of elements to be summed up becomes one.
You can think of ⌝B.D = ⌝B.D + ⌝B.B + ⌝D.D + 0.(anything) which makes it an SOP.
First the theory, you can further study on Wikipedia (DNF, CNF):
Sum of products = DNF (Disjunctive normal form) = disjunction (+) of conjunctions (·) ~ "the disjunction is not inside any bracket, but only
as the root operator(s)".
Product of sums = CNF (Conjunctive normal form) = conjuction of disjunctions ~ "the conjunction is not inside a bracket, but only
as the root operator(s)".
Full/Complete CNF/DNF = the terms (products/sums) contains all given variables in either direct or negated form; the terms are then maxterms/minterms.
Finding the right circles:
You can see, that the four circles in the Karnaugh map correspond to the four products in the original function in the same order (top to bottom, left to right).
Given function as a SOP:
The function is now in a form of sum of products, because you can literally see, that there are four products.
It is also in the form of sum of maxterms, because the four parts contain all variables in their direct or negated form.
f(a,b,c,d) = ¬a·¬b·¬c·d + ¬a·¬b·c·d + a·¬b·c·d + a·¬b·¬c·d
For example the first term: ¬a·¬b·¬c·d ~ if the variables a, b and c are logical zeros and only d is true, then the function's output is logical 1.
Minimized function as a SOP:
You can see, that the maxterms can be grouped and that creates the minimal sum of product: f(a,b,c,d) = ¬b·d, because all cells, where b is a logical 0 and d is a logical 1 are included.
The minimized function is indeed a SOP/DNF, because it certainly does contain only one product — the ¬b·d — and there is no + (disjunction) operator inside that product.
Minimized function as a POS:
The surprise might come when you realize, that circling and writing the function as a product of sums yields the same minimal form: f(a,b,c,d) = (¬b)·(d), because there are exactly two terms: ¬b (orange circle) and d (red circle).
Both are sums with only one operand. Because of that the minimized function is a product of sum.
The minimized function f(a,b,c,d) = ¬b·d is both a SOP and a POS. You can check the correct solution by using wolframalpha.com.

DFA minimization algorithm understanding

I'm trying to understand this algorithm the DFA minimization algorithm at http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/fall2009/cmsc330/lectures/discussion2.pdf where it says:
while until there is no change in the table contents:
For each pair of states (p,q) and each character a in the alphabet:
if Distinct(p,q) is empty and Distinct(δ(p,a), δ(q,a)) is not empty:
set distinct(p,q) to be x
The bit I don't understand is "Distinct(δ(p,a), δ(q,a))" I think I understand the transition function where δ(p,a) = whatever state is reached from p with input a. but with the following DFA:
resulting in this table:
shouldn't (c,b) also be marked as an x since distinct(δ(b,0), δ(c,0)) is not empty (d) ?
Distinct(δ(p,a), δ(q,a)) will only be non-empty if δ(p,a) and δ(q,a) are distinct. In your example, δ(b,0) and δ(c,0) are both d. Distinct(d, d) is empty since it doesn't make sense for d to be distinct with itself. Since Distinct(d, d) is empty, we don't mark Distinct(c, b).
In general, Distinct(p, p) where p is a state will always be empty. Better yet, we don't consider it because it doesn't make sense.

What is the language of this deterministic finite automata?

I have no idea what the accepted language is.
From looking at it you can get several end results:
1.) bb
2.) ab(a,b)
3.) bbab(a, b)
4.) bbaaa
How to write regular expression for a DFA
In any automata, the purpose of state is like memory element. A state stores some information in automate like ON-OFF fan switch.
A Deterministic-Finite-Automata(DFA) called finite automata because finite amount of memory present in the form of states. For any Regular Language(RL) a DFA is always possible.
Let's see what information stored in the DFA (refer my colorful figure).
(note: In my explanation any number means zero or more times and Λ is null symbol)
State-1: is START state and information stored in it is even number of a has been come. And ZERO b.
Regular Expression(RE) for this state is = (aa)*.
State-4: Odd number of a has been come. And ZERO b.
Regular Expression for this state is = (aa)*a.
Figure: a BLUE states = EVEN number of a, and RED states = ODD number of a has been come.
NOTICE: Once first b has been come, move can't back to state-1 and state-4.
State-5: comes after Yellow b. Yellow b means b after odd numbers of a.
Once you gets b after odd numbers of a(at state-5) every thing is acceptable because there is self a loop for (b,a) at state-5.
You can write for state-5 : Yellow-b followed-by any string of a, b that is = Yellow-b (a + b)*
State-6: Just to differentiate whether odd a or even.
State-2: comes after even a then b then any number of b. = (aa)* bb*
State-3: comes after state-2 then first a then there is a loop via state-6.
We can write for state-3 comes = state-2 a (aa)* = (aa)*bb* a (aa)*
Because in our DFA, we have three final states so language accepted by DFA is union (+ in RE) of three RL (or three RE).
So the language accepted by the DFA is corresponding to three accepting states-2,3,5, And we can write like:
State-2 + state-3 + state-5
(aa)*bb* + (aa)*bb* a (aa)* + Yellow-b (a + b)*
I forgot to explain how Yellow-b comes?
ANSWER: Yellow-b is a b after state-4 or state-3. And we can write like:
Yellow-b = ( state-4 + state-3 ) b = ( (aa)*a + (aa)*bb* a (aa)* ) b
(aa)*bb* + (aa)*bb* a (aa)* + ( (aa)*a + (aa)*bb* a (aa)* ) b (a + b)*
English Description of Language: DFA accepts union of three languages
English Description is complex but this the only way to describe the language. You can improve it by first convert given DFA into minimized DFA then write RE and description.
Also, there is a Derivative Method to find RE from a given Transition Graph using Arden's Theorem. I have explained here how to write a regular expression for a DFA using Arden's theorem. The transition graph must first be converted into a standard form without the null-move and single start state. But I prefer to learn Theory of computation by analysis instead of using the Mathematical derivation approach.
I guess this question isn't relevant anymore :) and it's probably better to guide you through it then just stating the answer, but I think I got a basic expression that covers it (it's probably minimizable), so i'll just write it down for future searchers
(aa)*b(b)* // for stoping at 2
(aa)*b(b)*a(aa)* // for stoping at 3
(aa)*b(b)*a(aa)*b((a)*(b)*)* // for stoping at 5 via 3
a(aa)*b((a)*(b)*)* // for stoping at 5 via 4
The examples (1 - 4) that you give there are not the language accepted by the DFA. They are merely strings that belong to the language that the DFA accepts. Therefore, they all fall in the same language.
If you want to figure out the regular expression that defines that DFA, you will need to do something called k-path induction, and you can read up on it here.