what is asterisk 13 configration for enabling WebRTC? - webrtc

I want to setup asterisk 13 that working on ubuntu 16.04 on local machine to enable WebRTC, I'am testing with https://www.doubango.org/sipml5/ on firefox
I had the sipml5 client connected successfully to asterisk but when imitating a call it's said Call in Progress,
http is enable and bound to port 8088
this is sip.conf :
and this is extension.conf :
exten => 100,1,Answer()
exten => n,Playback(hello-world)
exten => n,Hangup()

I have tested sipml5 on Ubuntu 18.04 on Asterisk 13 and it worked fine. I suggest to add to your rtp.conf file (/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf) an stun server by adding the following line:
Then, on the live demo, configure your ICE Servers on the expert mode section adding [{ url: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'}]
Anyway, I tried sipml5 and I had some problems integrating it with Asterisk (I have problems muting the call or pausing it), so I tried other libraries and finally I decided to use sip.js (https://sipjs.com/), which I recommend.
Hope it helps.
I edit to add the sipml5 client stack configuration that I used on my JS script:
sipStack = new SIPml.Stack({
realm: 'example.com',
impi: 'sip_user',
impu: 'sip:sip_user#example.com:port',
password: 'super_secret_password',
websocket_proxy_url: 'wss://example.com:port/ws',
outbound_proxy_url: null,
ice_servers: "[{ url: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'}]",
enable_rtcweb_breaker: true,
enable_early_ims: true,
enable_media_stream_cache: true,
sip_headers: [
{ name: 'enter code hereUser-Agent', value: 'IM-client/OMA1.0 sipML5-v1.2016.03.04' },
{ name: 'Organization', value: 'My_company' }
events_listener: { events: '*', listener: eventsListener }


NesJS RabbitMQ with #golevelup/nestjs-rabbitmq no connection when using new connectioninit

Using #golevelup/nestjs-rabbitmq I tried the connection manager to not wait for a connection. According to the readme it can handle reconnections and wait for a connection without crashing the app. However, when I use the connectionInitOptions as stated and set wait to false, I get a connection error. When I don't use it (default behavior setting wait to true) , it connects to the RabbitMQ server. Below are examples importing the RabbitMQModule in a NestJS module.
This works and connects to the RabbitMQ server
RabbitMQModule.forRoot(RabbitMQModule, {
exchanges: [{ type: 'topic', name: 'main' }],
uri: 'amqp://guest:guest#localhost:5672',
This doesn't work and won't connect
RabbitMQModule.forRoot(RabbitMQModule, {
exchanges: [{ type: 'topic', name: 'main' }],
uri: 'amqp://guest:guest#localhost:5672',
connectionInitOptions: {
wait: false,
With the second option I get the following error:
Error: AMQP connection is not available
at AmqpConnection.publish (/home/xxx/node_modules/#golevelup/nestjs-rabbitmq/src/amqp/connection.ts:424:13)
at BootstrapService.onApplicationBootstrap (/home/xxx/src/bootstrap/bootstrap.service.ts:20:25)
at MapIterator.iteratee (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/hooks/on-app-bootstrap.hook.js:22:43)
at MapIterator.next (/home/xxx/node_modules/iterare/src/map.ts:9:39)
at IteratorWithOperators.next (/home/xxx/node_modules/iterare/src/iterate.ts:19:28)
at Function.from (<anonymous>)
at IteratorWithOperators.toArray (/home/xxx/node_modules/iterare/src/iterate.ts:227:22)
at callOperator (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/hooks/on-app-bootstrap.hook.js:23:10)
at callModuleBootstrapHook (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/hooks/on-app-bootstrap.hook.js:43:23)
at NestApplication.callBootstrapHook (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/nest-application-context.js:199:55)
at NestApplication.init (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/nest-application.js:98:9)
at NestApplication.listen (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/nest-application.js:155:33)
at bootstrap (/home/xxx/src/main.ts:12:3)
The last line (main.ts:12:3) is the app.listen(3000) statement.
There are other options you can set with the connectionInitOptions (reject and timeout) and I've tried the combinations but still no connection.
RabbitMQ is running in a docker container on Linux but that should be no problem. I posted the same question on NestJS discord but got no reply, so hopefully someone on SO has an idea.
Any idea what could be the cause?
Found the problem, I was using the connection in a onApplicationBootstrap method and then the connection is apparently not present yet.
you can wait for connection asynchronously 'onApplicationBootstrap':
or on :
async onModuleInit() {
await this.amqpConnection.managedChannel.waitForConnect(async () => {
await this.assertQueueAndBindToExchange(

Simple peer different network calling Issue

I am using simple peer for my video call web application. when I call people in the same network video call is working perfectly. But in the different networks, it is not working. I also added ICE servers(stun/turn) to simple peer. Still, the same issue is happening can anyone please help me out. I am getting this issue in the console
Error: Connection failed. at h (index.js:17)at f.value (index.js:654) at RTCPeerConnection.t._pc.onconnectionstatechange (index.js:119)
const peer = new Peer({
initiator: true,
trickle: false,
config: {
iceServers: [
urls: "stun:numb.viagenie.ca",
username: "************",
credential: "************"
urls: "turn:numb.viagenie.ca",
username: "************",
credential: "************"
I had facing through the same issue.
I'm not sure if that has to do with those specific iceServers but I replace them with this ones on it works
iceServers: [
{ urls: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' },
{ urls: 'stun:stun1.l.google.com:19302' },
{ urls: 'stun:stun2.l.google.com:19302' },
{ urls: 'stun:stun3.l.google.com:19302' },
{ urls: 'stun:stun4.l.google.com:19302' },
url: 'turn:turn.bistri.com:80',
credential: 'homeo',
username: 'homeo',
url: 'turn:turn.anyfirewall.com:443?transport=tcp',
credential: 'webrtc',
username: 'webrtc',
Everything is working good but now my problem is that safari is not working just chrome with iOS
If someone knows how to handle this compatibility please contact me! :D
my issue here was with the stun/turn server.we can check the status of servers using
If you test a STUN server, it works if you can gather a candidate with type "srflx". If you test a TURN server, it works if you can gather a candidate with type "relay".
check you are getting this

React Native / Expo : Fetch throws “Network request failed”

I saw several posts on the subject but without result. I have on the one hand a form which collects information (name, first name etc) then saves it in database (mongodb). Everything works when I use postman to send my information via the route / signup, i can see my new user in mongodb. but when i'm starting the app on Expo he throw me "Network request failed".
Frontend fetch :
submitForm = () => {
var signupData = JSON.stringify({
first_name: this.state.firstName,
last_name: this.state.lastName,
email: this.state.email,
password: this.state.password
fetch(`https://localhost:3000/signup`, {
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: signupData
.then(response => {
return response.json();
.then(data => {
if (data.result) {
.catch(error => {
And Backend route :
router.post("/signup", function(req, res, next) {
var salt = uid2(32);
console.log("Signup is running...");
const newUser = new userModel({
first_name: req.body.first_name,
last_name: req.body.last_name,
email: req.body.email,
password: SHA256(req.body.password + salt).toString(encBase64),
token: uid2(32),
salt: salt
newUser.save(function(error, user) {
console.log("LOG: user", user);
res.json({ result: true, user });
module.exports = router;
And here is a screenshot of the error
Again when using Postman, the fetch is working good, my console log is printed and the user added to my data base.
Thanks for the help.
-- EDIT --
I launched the application in a web browser via Expo and everything works perfectly. My sign in / sign up pages and my account page. But on my phone it's not working (IOS), it's a network problem from my phone (maybe a certificate problem, wrong IP ?)
if you have an idea i'm interested, i've been stuck on it for 2 days
Had the same issue with React-native Expo and Python Django back-end.
The problem is about a conflict between an emulator localhost and server localhost.
Your back-end-server might be ruunning on, but an emulator can't find this.
In terminal find your Ipv4-Address with a command 'ipconfig'.
For ex., it will be
After this put it into your fetch (
And what is also important - run your back-end-server with the same host and port.
On python Django for example:
py manage.py runserver
On Django you will also need to add ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] in settings.py
Instead of 'localhost', while using expo, use your device's (computer's) IP address (http://192.168.x.x:3000/'signup'). This method worked for me. Make sure that your PC and mobile are connected to the same network. Type ipconfig/all in the command prompt to find IP address.
Seems like this was my problem coupled with my roommates hogging the wifi bandwidth. Slow internet connection may also be a problem. ATB with your problem.
I had the same issue with Expo: fetch error. For my backend. I use json-server to mock API data. In my case, the json-server runs on http://localhost:3000/playlist
Instead of fetch("http://localhost:3000/playlist"), I did fetch(, then it worked. Using the Android emulator, it could not find the server's address.
For the reason why using, check here. why do we use to connect to local web server instead of using computer ip address in android client
I had the same issue - what worked for me was to:
Run my local server on host
Go to network preferences and find my LAN IP address (e.g.
Replace the host in my url in the mobile app with the LAN IP (e.g.
Reload and test
For anyone using Serverless, I used this command to run on
ENV=local serverless offline -s local -o
I had a similar issue. Apparently, the emulator does not understand or see 'localhost' as host.
What I did:
run ipconfig on your cmd, copy the ipv4 address, then use that to replace 'localhost' for your server host.
you should check the URL
https://localhost:3000/signup (X)
http://localhost:3000/signup (O)
If anyone facing this issue with a hosted backend server this is for your knowledge.
Used react native expo cli
Backend(Spring Boot) hosted on a Azure server ( Eg URL : https://abcd-spring-app.azurewebsites.net). HTTPS used.
But still I faced the below issue.
Network request failed at node_modules\whatwg-fetch\dist\fetch.umd.js:535:17 in setTimeout$argument_0
at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Core\Timers\JSTimers.js:130:14 in _callTimer
at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Core\Timers\JSTimers.js:383:16 in callTimers
at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\BatchedBridge\MessageQueue.js:416:4 in __callFunction
at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\BatchedBridge\MessageQueue.js:109:6 in __guard$argument_0
at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\BatchedBridge\MessageQueue.js:364:10 in __guard
at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\BatchedBridge\MessageQueue.js:108:4 in callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue
After some research I found that this is because the slow response time of the server. The network request failed due to the timeout.
So Before testing your app with the backend server, send some requests from the web(or any other way) and up your server. Because some servers get inactive after some time. Make sure you have a good connection.

How to use SSL correctly in Meteor?

I am using peerjs-server with self-signed certificates as follow (in the server):
var base = process.env.PWD;
var fs = Npm.require('fs');
var PeerServer = require('peer').PeerServer;
var server = PeerServer({
port: 9000,
path: '/',
ssl: {
key: fs.readFileSync(base + '/certificates/key.pem', 'utf8'),
cert: fs.readFileSync(base + '/certificates/cert.pem', 'utf8')
And connecting to it as follow (in the client):
window.peer = new Peer({
host: 'localhost',
port: 9000,
path: '/',
config: {'iceServers': [
{ url: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' },
{ url: 'stun:stun1.l.google.com:19302' },
The above code (client) works when I don't use self-signed certificates.
The problem I am facing now is, how to link those self-signed certificates in the client when connecting to the server?
Non of the examples I found like this one are using Meteor and I am struggling to achieve the same with meteor.
I am not familiar with PeerJS and it seems like its not working fully anyhow.
I would rather use Galaxy, or a self hosted linux server like AWS, DigitalOcean and run meteor build to create a regular node app.
If you then set the environmnent variable of the URL to "https://myapp.com", and also add the force-ssl package.
This will get your Meteor app to always use a secure connection.

How to serve data for AJAX calls in a Vue.js-CLI project?

I have a Vue.js CLI project working.
It accesses data via AJAX from localhost port 8080 served by Apache.
After I build the project and copy it to a folder served by Apache, it works fine and can access data via AJAX on that server.
However, during development, since the Vue.js CLI website is being served by Node.js which is serving on a different port (8081), I get a cross-site scripting error) and want to avoid cross-site scripting in general.
What is a way that I could emulate the data being provided, e.g. some kind of server script within the Vue.js-CLI project that would serve mock data on port 8081 for the AJAX calls during the development process, and thus avoid all cross-site scripting issues?
In my config/index.js file, I added a proxyTable:
dev: {
env: require("./dev.env"),
port: 8081,
autoOpenBrowser: true,
assetsSubDirectory: "static",
assetsPublicPath: "/",
proxyTable: {
"/api": {
target: "http://localhost/data.php",
changeOrigin: true
And now I make my AJAX call like this:
method: 'post',
url: '/api',
data: {
smartTaskIdCode: 'activityReport',
yearMonth: '2017-09',
pathRewrite: {
"^/api": ""
But now I see in my JavaScript console:
Error: Request failed with status code 404
Addendum 2
Apparent axios has a problem with rerouting, so I tried it with vue-resource but this code is showing an error:
var data = {
smartTaskIdCode: 'pageActivityByMonth',
yearMonth: '2017-09'
this.$http.post('/api', data).then(response => {
this.pageStatus = 'displaying';
this.activity = response.data['activity'];
}, response => {
this.pageStatus = 'displaying';
console.log('there was an error');
The webpack template has its own documentation, and it has a chapter about API proxying during development:
If you use that, it means that you will request your data from the node server during development (and the node server will proxy< the request to your real backend), and the real backend directly in production, so you will have to use different hostnames in each environment.
For that, you can define an env variable in /config/dev.env.js & /config.prod.env.js